class TestHelmRegistryFunctions: helm_repo_name = "localhelm" helm_repo_url = os.environ.get("TEST_HELM_REGISTRY", "http://localhost:8080") def setup(self) -> None: self.helm = Helm() self.helm.add_repo(self.helm_repo_name, self.helm_repo_url) self.helm.setup_helm()
class Kubernetes: """ A wrapper class around various Kubernetes tools and functions The class works as a one-stop-shop for handling resources in Kubernetes. It does so by utilizing not only `kubectl` but also Kubernets own API through the `kubernetes` Python package and Helm through the Python `helm` package. """ ICON = "☸️" def __init__(self, track: str = settings.DEFAULT_TRACK) -> None: self.client = self.create_client(track=track) self.helm = Helm() def create_client(self, track: str) -> k8s_client.ApiClient: try: kubeconfig, method = settings.setup_kubeconfig(track) except NoClusterConfigError as exc: logger.error( icon=f"{self.ICON} 🔑", message= "Can't log in to Kubernetes cluster, all auth methods exhausted", error=exc, raise_exception=True, ) logger.success(icon=f"{self.ICON} 🔑", message=f"Using {method} for Kubernetes auth") config = k8s_client.Configuration() k8s_config.load_kube_config(client_configuration=config, config_file=kubeconfig) return k8s_client.ApiClient(configuration=config) @staticmethod def _is_client_error(status: Any) -> bool: """ Checks if a value is a client HTTP error Args: status: None or a integer castable value Returns: True of the value is a client error, else False """ return status is not None and 400 <= int(status) < 500 @staticmethod def labels_to_string(labels: Dict[str, str]) -> str: """ Creates a string representation of a dict that can be used when passing values to Kubernetes. Args: labels: Testing Returns: A comma separated string of style ``key=value,key2=value2`` """ return ",".join([f"{key}={value}" for (key, value) in labels.items()]) @staticmethod def _handle_api_error(error: ApiException, raise_client_exception: bool = False) -> Any: """ Handle a ApiException from the Kubernetes client Args: error: ApiException to handle raise_client_exception: Should the method raise an error on client errors Returns: The the stringified version of the errors JSON body Raises: ApiException: If the ``raise_client_exception`` argument is set to ``True`` """ error_body = loads_json(error.body) if not error_body: error_body = {"message": "An unknown error occurred"} if Kubernetes._is_client_error(error.status): reason = camel_case_split(str(error_body.get("reason", "Unknown"))) title=f"{cf.yellow}{cf.bold}{reason}{cf.reset}", message= f" ({error.status} {cf.italic}{error_body['message'].capitalize()}{cf.reset})", ) if raise_client_exception: raise error else: logger.error(error=error, raise_exception=True) return error_body @staticmethod def _encode_secret(data: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Base64 values of a dict Kubernetes requires base64 encoded values to be sent instead of plain text when creating secrets or config maps. This method takes care of base64 encoding values of a dict using UTF-8 encoding. Args: data: dict to be encoded Returns: Dict with base64 encoded values """ encoded_dict = {} for k, v in data.items(): encoded_dict[k] = b64encode(v.encode("UTF-8")).decode("UTF-8") return encoded_dict @staticmethod def _b64_encode_file(path: Path) -> str: with open(str(path), "rb") as file: encoded_file = b64encode("UTF-8") return encoded_file @staticmethod def get_helm_path() -> Path: application_path = Path(settings.PROJECT_DIR) helm_path = application_path / "helm" auto_helm_path = settings.devops_root_path / "helm" if not helm_path.exists() and auto_helm_path.exists(): shutil.copytree(auto_helm_path, helm_path) elif not helm_path.exists(): logger.error( message="Could not find Helm chart to use", error=OSError(), raise_exception=True, ) return helm_path def create_namespace(self, namespace: str = settings.K8S_NAMESPACE) -> str: """ Create a Kubernetes namespace Args: namespace: Name of the namespace to create Returns: On success, returns the name of the namespace Raises: ApiException: If the namespace creation fails by other means than a namespace conflict, something that happens if the namespace already exists. """ v1 = k8s_client.CoreV1Api(self.client)"{self.ICON} 🔨", title=f"Checking namespace {namespace}: ", end="") try: v1.read_namespace(name=namespace) except ApiException as e: self._handle_api_error(e) if e.status != 404: raise e else: logger.success() return namespace v1_metadata = k8s_client.V1ObjectMeta(name=namespace, labels={"app": "kubed"}) v1_namespace = k8s_client.V1Namespace(metadata=v1_metadata) try: v1.create_namespace(v1_namespace) except ApiException as e: self._handle_api_error(e) if e.status != 409: # Namespace exists raise e logger.success() return namespace def create_secret( self, data: Dict[str, str], namespace: str, track: str, project: Project, secret_name: str, encode: bool = True, ) -> None: deploy_name = get_deploy_name(track=track, v1 = k8s_client.CoreV1Api(self.client) v1_metadata = k8s_client.V1ObjectMeta(name=secret_name, namespace=namespace, labels={"release": deploy_name}) if encode: encoded_data = self._encode_secret(data) else: encoded_data = data body = k8s_client.V1Secret(data=encoded_data, metadata=v1_metadata, type="generic") icon=f"{self.ICON} 🔨", title= f"Creating secret '{secret_name}' for namespace '{namespace}': ", end="", ) try: v1.create_namespaced_secret(namespace=namespace, body=body) except ApiException: try: v1.replace_namespaced_secret(name=secret_name, namespace=namespace, body=body) except ApiException as e: self._handle_api_error(e, raise_client_exception=True) logger.success() def create_file_secrets_from_environment( self, namespace: str, track: str, project: Project, secret_name: str, ) -> Dict[str, str]: filesecrets = get_environment_vars_by_prefix( prefix=settings.K8S_FILE_SECRET_PREFIX) secrets, filename_mapping = self._parse_file_secrets(filesecrets) self.create_secret( data=secrets, encode=False, namespace=namespace, secret_name=secret_name, track=track, project=project, ) return filename_mapping def _parse_file_secrets( self, filesecrets: Dict[str, str]) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, str]]: if settings.active_ci: valid_prefixes = settings.active_ci.VALID_FILE_SECRET_PATH_PREFIXES else: raise ImproperlyConfigured("An active CI is needed") filecontents = {} mapping = {} for name, filename in filesecrets.items(): path = Path(filename) if not validate_file_secret_path(path, valid_prefixes): logger.warning(f'Not a valid file path: "{path}". Skipping.') continue try: filecontents[name] = self._b64_encode_file(path) mapping[name] = f"{settings.K8S_FILE_SECRET_MOUNTPATH}/{name}" except OSError as e: logger.error(f'Error while reading a file: "{path}"', error=e) return filecontents, mapping def setup_helm(self) -> None: self.helm.setup_helm() def _create_basic_auth_data( self, basic_auth_users: List[BasicAuthUser] = settings.K8S_INGRESS_BASIC_AUTH ) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Create secret data from list of `BasicAuthUser` The user credentials from the list of users will be encrypted and added to a temporary file using the `htpasswd` tool from Apache. The file is then read and base64 encoded (as required by Kubernetes secrets). Args: basic_auth_users: List of `BasicAuthUser`s Returns: A dict with the key `auth` and base64 content of a htpasswd file as value """"{self.ICON} 🔨", title="Generating basic auth data: ", end="") if not basic_auth_users: return {} with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: passwd_path = Path( for i, user in enumerate(basic_auth_users): os_command = ["htpasswd", "-b"] if i == 0: os_command.append("-c") os_command += [str(passwd_path), user.username, user.password] result = run_os_command(os_command) if result.return_code: logger.error( message= "The 'htpasswd' command failed to create an entry", raise_exception=True, ) encoded_file = self._b64_encode_file(passwd_path) logger.success() message= f"\t {len(settings.K8S_INGRESS_BASIC_AUTH)} users will be added to basic auth" ) return {"auth": encoded_file} def create_basic_auth_secret(self, namespace: str, track: str, project: Project) -> None: if not settings.K8S_INGRESS_BASIC_AUTH: return None secret_data = self._create_basic_auth_data() secret_name = f"{get_secret_name(track)}-basicauth" self.create_secret( data=secret_data, namespace=namespace, track=track, secret_name=secret_name, encode=False, project=project, ) def deploy_service(self, service: "Service", namespace: str, track: str) -> None: deploy_name = get_deploy_name(track=track, self.helm.upgrade_chart( chart=service.chart, chart_path=service.chart_path, name=deploy_name, namespace=namespace, values=service.values, values_files=service.values_files, version=service.chart_version, ) def create_application_deployment( self, project: Project, namespace: str, track: str, ) -> None: helm_path = self.get_helm_path() values: ApplicationDeploymentValues = { "application": { "initializeCommand": project.initialize_command, "migrateCommand": project.migrate_command, "probeFailureThreshold": project.probe_failure_threshold, "probeInitialDelay": project.probe_initial_delay, "probePeriod": project.probe_period, "livenessPath": project.liveness_path, "readinessPath": project.readiness_path, "secretName": project.secret_name, "track": track, }, "gitlab": { "app": settings.PROJECT_PATH_SLUG, "env": settings.ENVIRONMENT_SLUG, }, "image": project.image, "ingress": { "maxBodySize": settings.K8S_INGRESS_MAX_BODY_SIZE }, "namespace": namespace, "releaseOverride": f"{settings.ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}-{kuberenetes_safe_name(}", "replicaCount": project.replica_count, "service": { "targetPort": project.service_port, "url": project.url, "urls": [project.url, *project.additional_urls], }, "jobsOnly": settings.KOLGA_JOBS_ONLY, } if project.basic_auth_secret_name: values["ingress"][ "basicAuthSecret"] = project.basic_auth_secret_name if project.file_secret_name: values["application"]["fileSecretName"] = project.file_secret_name values["application"][ "fileSecretPath"] = settings.K8S_FILE_SECRET_MOUNTPATH if project.request_cpu: values["application"]["requestCpu"] = project.request_cpu if project.request_ram: values["application"]["requestRam"] = project.request_ram if project.temp_storage_path: values["application"][ "temporaryStoragePath"] = project.temp_storage_path cert_issuer = self.get_certification_issuer(track=track) if cert_issuer: values["ingress"]["clusterIssuer"] = cert_issuer if settings.K8S_CERTMANAGER_USE_OLD_API: values["ingress"][ "certManagerAnnotationPrefix"] = "" if settings.K8S_INGRESS_PREVENT_ROBOTS: values["ingress"]["preventRobots"] = True if settings.K8S_INGRESS_DISABLED: values["ingress"]["disabled"] = True if settings.K8S_LIVENESS_FILE: values["application"]["livenessFile"] = settings.K8S_LIVENESS_FILE if settings.K8S_READINESS_FILE: values["application"][ "readinessFile"] = settings.K8S_READINESS_FILE deployment_started_at = current_rfc3339_datetime() result = self.helm.upgrade_chart( chart_path=helm_path, name=project.deploy_name, namespace=namespace, values=values, raise_exception=False, ) if result.return_code: icon=f"{self.ICON} 🏷️", title="Deployment values (without environment vars):", ) for line in yaml.dump(values).split("\n"):"\t{line}") application_labels = {"release": project.deploy_name} status = self.status(namespace=namespace, labels=application_labels) self.logs( labels=application_labels, since_time=deployment_started_at, namespace=namespace, raise_exception=False, print_result=True, ) raise DeploymentFailed() icon=f"{self.ICON} 📄", title=f"Deployment can be accessed via {project.url}", ) def delete( self, resource: str, name: Optional[str] = None, labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, namespace: str = settings.K8S_NAMESPACE, ) -> None: os_command = [ "kubectl", "delete", resource, "--ignore-not-found", "--wait=true", f"--namespace={namespace}", ]"{self.ICON} 🗑️ ", title=f"Removing {resource}", end="") if labels: labels_str = self.labels_to_string(labels) os_command += ["-l", labels_str]" with labels {labels_str}", end="") if name: os_command += [name]" with name '{name}'", end="")": ", end="") result = run_os_command(os_command, shell=True) if not result.return_code: logger.success() else: logger.std(result, raise_exception=True) def delete_all( self, labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, namespace: str = settings.K8S_NAMESPACE, ) -> None: resource = ("all," "ingress," "storageClasses," "volumeattachments," "persistentvolumeclaims," "persistentvolumes," "configmaps," "rolebinding," "role," "secrets") self.delete(resource=resource, labels=labels, namespace=namespace) def delete_namespace(self, namespace: str = settings.K8S_NAMESPACE) -> None: self.delete(resource="namespace", name=namespace) def _resource_command( self, resource: str, name: Optional[str] = None, labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, namespace: str = settings.K8S_NAMESPACE, ) -> List[str]: command_args = [resource, f"--namespace={namespace}"] if labels: labels_str = self.labels_to_string(labels) command_args += ["-l", labels_str]" with labels {labels_str}", end="") if name: command_args += [name]" with name '{name}'", end="") return command_args def get_certification_issuer(self, track: str) -> Optional[str]:"{self.ICON} 🏵️️", title="Checking certification issuer", end="") raise_exception = False if settings.K8S_CLUSTER_ISSUER: cert_issuer: str = settings.K8S_CLUSTER_ISSUER" (settings): ", end="") raise_exception = True else: cert_issuer = f"certificate-letsencrypt-{track}"" (track): ", end="") os_command = ["kubectl", "get", "clusterissuer", cert_issuer] result = run_os_command(os_command, shell=True) if not result.return_code: logger.success(message=cert_issuer) return cert_issuer else: error_message = f'No issuer "{cert_issuer}" found, using cluster defaults' if raise_exception: logger.error(message=error_message, raise_exception=True) else: return None def get( self, resource: str, name: Optional[str] = None, labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, namespace: str = settings.K8S_NAMESPACE, raise_exception: bool = True, ) -> SubprocessResult: os_command = ["kubectl", "get"]"{self.ICON} ℹ️ ", title=f"Getting {resource}", end="") os_command += self._resource_command(resource=resource, name=name, labels=labels, namespace=namespace)": ", end="") result = run_os_command(os_command, shell=True) if not result.return_code: logger.success() else: logger.std(result, raise_exception=raise_exception) return result def logs( self, labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, since_time: Optional[str] = None, namespace: str = settings.K8S_NAMESPACE, print_result: bool = True, raise_exception: bool = True, ) -> SubprocessResult: os_command = [ "kubectl", "logs", f"--namespace={namespace}", "--prefix=true", "--timestamps=true", "--tail=100", ]"{self.ICON} 📋️️ ", title="Getting logs for resource: ", end="") if labels: labels_str = self.labels_to_string(labels) os_command += ["-l", labels_str]" with labels {labels_str}", end="") if since_time: os_command += [f"--since-time={since_time}"]" since {since_time}", end="") result = run_os_command(os_command, shell=True) if not result.return_code: logger.success() if print_result: logger.std(result) else: logger.std(result, raise_exception=raise_exception) return result def status( self, labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, namespace: str = settings.K8S_NAMESPACE, ) -> ReleaseStatus: deployment_status = self.get( resource="deployments", labels=labels, namespace=namespace, raise_exception=False, ) pods_status = self.get(resource="pods", labels=labels, namespace=namespace, raise_exception=False) return ReleaseStatus(deployment=deployment_status.out, pods=pods_status.out)