コード例 #1
ファイル: projection.py プロジェクト: ducha-aiki/kornia
def intrinsics_like(focal: float, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    r"""Return a 3x3 instrinsics matrix, with same size as the input.

    The center of projection will be based in the input image size.

        focal: the focal length for the camera matrix.
        input: image tensor that will determine the batch size and image height
          and width. It is assumed to be a tensor in the shape of :math:`(B, C, H, W)`.

        The camera matrix with the shape of :math:`(B, 3, 3)`.

    if len(input.shape) != 4:
        raise AssertionError(input.shape)
    if focal <= 0:
        raise AssertionError(focal)

    _, _, H, W = input.shape

    intrinsics = numeric.eye_like(3, input)
    intrinsics[..., 0, 0] *= focal
    intrinsics[..., 1, 1] *= focal
    intrinsics[..., 0, 2] += 1.0 * W / 2
    intrinsics[..., 1, 2] += 1.0 * H / 2
    return intrinsics
コード例 #2
def intrinsics_like(focal: float, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    r"""Returns a 3x3 instrinsics matrix, with same size as the input.

    The center of projection will be based in the input image size.

        focal (float): the focal length for tha camera matrix.
        input (torch.Tensor): image tensor that will determine the batch size and image height
          and width. It is assumed to be a tensor in the shape of :math:`(B, C, H, W)`.

        torch.Tensor: The camera matrix with the shape of :math:`(B, 3, 3)`.

    assert len(input.shape) == 4, input.shape
    assert focal > 0, focal

    B, _, H, W = input.shape

    intrinsics = numeric.eye_like(3, input)
    intrinsics[..., 0, 0] *= focal
    intrinsics[..., 1, 1] *= focal
    intrinsics[..., 0, 2] += 1. * W / 2
    intrinsics[..., 1, 2] += 1. * H / 2
    return intrinsics
コード例 #3
ファイル: projection.py プロジェクト: ducha-aiki/kornia
def projections_from_fundamental(F_mat: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    r"""Get the projection matrices from the Fundamental Matrix.

       F_mat: the fundamental matrix with the shape :math:`(B, 3, 3)`.

        The projection matrices with shape :math:`(B, 3, 4, 2)`.

    if len(F_mat.shape) != 3:
        raise AssertionError(F_mat.shape)
    if F_mat.shape[-2:] != (3, 3):
        raise AssertionError(F_mat.shape)

    R1 = numeric.eye_like(3, F_mat)  # Bx3x3
    t1 = numeric.vec_like(3, F_mat)  # Bx3

    Ft_mat = F_mat.transpose(-2, -1)

    _, e2 = _nullspace(Ft_mat)

    R2 = numeric.cross_product_matrix(e2) @ F_mat  # Bx3x3
    t2 = e2[..., :, None]  # Bx3x1

    P1 = torch.cat([R1, t1], dim=-1)  # Bx3x4
    P2 = torch.cat([R2, t2], dim=-1)  # Bx3x4

    return torch.stack([P1, P2], dim=-1)
コード例 #4
def motion_from_essential_choose_solution(
    E_mat: torch.Tensor,
    K1: torch.Tensor,
    K2: torch.Tensor,
    x1: torch.Tensor,
    x2: torch.Tensor,
    mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    r"""Recover the relative camera rotation and the translation from an estimated essential matrix.

    The method checks the corresponding points in two images and also returns the triangulated
    3d points. Internally uses :py:meth:`~kornia.geometry.epipolar.decompose_essential_matrix` and then chooses
    the best solution based on the combination that gives more 3d points in front of the camera plane from

        E_mat (torch.Tensor): The essential matrix in the form of :math:`(*, 3, 3)`.
        K1 (torch.Tensor): The camera matrix from first camera with shape :math:`(*, 3, 3)`.
        K2 (torch.Tensor): The camera matrix from second camera with shape :math:`(*, 3, 3)`.
        x1 (torch.Tensor): The set of points seen from the first camera frame in the camera plane
          coordinates with shape :math:`(*, N, 2)`.
        x2 (torch.Tensor): The set of points seen from the first camera frame in the camera plane
          coordinates with shape :math:`(*, N, 2)`.
        mask (torch.Tensor): A boolean mask which can be used to exclude some points from choosing
          the best solution. This is useful for using this function with sets of points of
          different cardinality (for instance after filtering with RANSAC) while keeping batch
          semantics. Mask is of shape :math:`(*, N)`.

        Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: The rotation and translation plus the
        3d triangulated points. The tuple is as following :math:`[(*, 3, 3), (*, 3, 1), (*, N, 3)]`.

    assert len(E_mat.shape) >= 2 and E_mat.shape[-2:], E_mat.shape
    assert len(K1.shape) >= 2 and K1.shape[-2:] == (3, 3), K1.shape
    assert len(K2.shape) >= 2 and K2.shape[-2:] == (3, 3), K2.shape
    assert len(x1.shape) >= 2 and x1.shape[-1] == 2, x1.shape
    assert len(x2.shape) >= 2 and x2.shape[-1] == 2, x2.shape
    assert len(E_mat.shape[:-2]) == len(K1.shape[:-2]) == len(K2.shape[:-2])
    if mask is not None:
        assert len(mask.shape) >= 1, mask.shape
        assert mask.shape == x1.shape[:-1], mask.shape

    unbatched = len(E_mat.shape) == 2

    if unbatched:
        # add a leading batch dimension. We will remove it at the end, before
        # returning the results
        E_mat = E_mat[None]
        K1 = K1[None]
        K2 = K2[None]
        x1 = x1[None]
        x2 = x2[None]
        if mask is not None:
            mask = mask[None]

    # compute four possible pose solutions
    Rs, ts = motion_from_essential(E_mat)

    # set reference view pose and compute projection matrix
    R1 = numeric.eye_like(3, E_mat)  # Bx3x3
    t1 = numeric.vec_like(3, E_mat)  # Bx3x1

    # compute the projection matrices for first camera
    R1 = R1[:, None].expand(-1, 4, -1, -1)
    t1 = t1[:, None].expand(-1, 4, -1, -1)
    K1 = K1[:, None].expand(-1, 4, -1, -1)
    P1 = projection.projection_from_KRt(K1, R1, t1)  # 1x4x4x4

    # compute the projection matrices for second camera
    R2 = Rs
    t2 = ts
    K2 = K2[:, None].expand(-1, 4, -1, -1)
    P2 = projection.projection_from_KRt(K2, R2, t2)  # Bx4x4x4

    # triangulate the points
    x1 = x1[:, None].expand(-1, 4, -1, -1)
    x2 = x2[:, None].expand(-1, 4, -1, -1)
    X = triangulation.triangulate_points(P1, P2, x1, x2)  # Bx4xNx3

    # project points and compute their depth values
    d1 = projection.depth(R1, t1, X)
    d2 = projection.depth(R2, t2, X)

    # verify the point values that have a postive depth value
    depth_mask = (d1 > 0.0) & (d2 > 0.0)
    if mask is not None:
        depth_mask &= mask.unsqueeze(1)

    mask_indices = torch.max(depth_mask.sum(-1), dim=-1, keepdim=True)[1]

    # get pose and points 3d and return
    R_out = Rs[:, mask_indices][:, 0, 0]
    t_out = ts[:, mask_indices][:, 0, 0]
    points3d_out = X[:, mask_indices][:, 0, 0]

    if unbatched:
        R_out = R_out[0]
        t_out = t_out[0]
        points3d_out = points3d_out[0]

    return R_out, t_out, points3d_out
コード例 #5
ファイル: essential.py プロジェクト: manyids2/kornia-1
def motion_from_essential_choose_solution(
        E_mat: torch.Tensor, K1: torch.Tensor, K2: torch.Tensor,
        x1: torch.Tensor,
        x2: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    r"""Recovers the relative camera rotation and the translation from an estimated essential matrix.

    The method check the corresponding points in two images and also returns the triangulated
    3d points. Internally uses :py:meth:`~kornia.geometry.epipolar.decompose_essential_matrix` and then chooses
    the best solution based on the combination that gives more 3d points in front of the camera plane from

        E_mat (torch.Tensor): The essential matrix in the form of :math:`(*, 3, 3)`.
        K1 (torch.Tensor): The camera matrix from first camera with shape :math:`(*, 3, 3)`.
        K2 (torch.Tensor): The camera matrix from second camera with shape :math:`(*, 3, 3)`.
        x1 (torch.Tensor): The set of points seen from the first camera frame in the camera plane
          coordinates with shape :math:`(*, N, 2)`.
        x2 (torch.Tensor): The set of points seen from the first camera frame in the camera plane
          coordinates with shape :math:`(*, N, 2)`.

        Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: The rotation and translation plus the
        3d triangulated points. The tuple is as following :math:`[(*, 3, 3), (*, 3, 1), (*, N, 3)]`.

    assert len(E_mat.shape) >= 2 and E_mat.shape[-2:], E_mat.shape
    assert len(K1.shape) >= 2 and K1.shape[-2:] == (3, 3), K1.shape
    assert len(K2.shape) >= 2 and K2.shape[-2:] == (3, 3), K2.shape
    assert len(x1.shape) >= 2 and x1.shape[-1] == 2, x1.shape
    assert len(x2.shape) >= 2 and x2.shape[-1] == 2, x2.shape
    assert len(E_mat.shape[:-2]) == len(K1.shape[:-2]) == len(K2.shape[:-2])

    # compute four possible pose solutions
    Rs, ts = motion_from_essential(E_mat)

    # set reference view pose and compute projection matrix
    R1 = numeric.eye_like(3, E_mat)  # Bx3x3
    t1 = numeric.vec_like(3, E_mat)  # Bx3x1

    # compute the projection matrices for first camera
    R1 = R1[:, None].expand(-1, 4, -1, -1)
    t1 = t1[:, None].expand(-1, 4, -1, -1)
    K1 = K1[:, None].expand(-1, 4, -1, -1)
    P1 = projection.projection_from_KRt(K1, R1, t1)  # 1x4x4x4

    # compute the projection matrices for second camera
    R2 = Rs
    t2 = ts
    K2 = K2[:, None].expand(-1, 4, -1, -1)
    P2 = projection.projection_from_KRt(K2, R2, t2)  # Bx4x4x4

    # triangulate the points
    x1 = x1[:, None].expand(-1, 4, -1, -1)
    x2 = x2[:, None].expand(-1, 4, -1, -1)
    X = triangulation.triangulate_points(P1, P2, x1, x2)  # Bx4xNx3

    # project points and compute their depth values
    d1 = projection.depth(R1, t1, X)
    d2 = projection.depth(R2, t2, X)

    # verify the point values that have a postive depth value
    mask = ((d1 > 0.) & (d2 > 0.))
    mask_indices = torch.max(mask.sum(-1), dim=-1, keepdim=True)[1]

    # get pose and points 3d and return
    R_out = Rs[:, mask_indices][:, 0, 0]
    t_out = ts[:, mask_indices][:, 0, 0]
    points3d_out = X[:, mask_indices][:, 0, 0]

    return R_out, t_out, points3d_out