def test_groups_from_users(self): from kotti import DBSession from kotti.resources import get_root from kotti.resources import Node from import list_groups from import set_groups self.make_bob() root = get_root() child = root[u'child'] = Node() DBSession.flush() self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', root), ['group:bobsgroup']) set_groups('group:bobsgroup', root, ['role:editor']) set_groups('role:editor', child, ['group:foogroup']) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('bob', root)), set(['group:bobsgroup', 'role:editor']) ) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('bob', child)), set(['group:bobsgroup', 'role:editor', 'group:foogroup']) )
def test_apply(self, extra_principals, root): from import list_groups from import set_groups from kotti.views.users import share_node request = DummyRequest() request.params['apply'] = '' share_node(root, request) assert (request.session.pop_flash('info') == ['No changes were made.']) assert list_groups('bob', root) == [] set_groups('bob', root, ['role:special']) request.params['role::bob::role:owner'] = '1' request.params['role::bob::role:editor'] = '1' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:owner'] = '' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:editor'] = '' share_node(root, request) assert (request.session.pop_flash('success') == [ 'Your changes have been saved.' ]) assert (set(list_groups( 'bob', root)) == {'role:owner', 'role:editor', 'role:special'}) # We cannot set a role that's not displayed, even if we forged # the request: request.params['role::bob::role:admin'] = '1' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:admin'] = '' with raises(Forbidden): share_node(root, request) assert (set(list_groups( 'bob', root)) == {'role:owner', 'role:editor', 'role:special'})
def test_apply(self, extra_principals, root): from import get_principals from import list_groups from kotti.views.users import UsersManage request = DummyRequest() bob = get_principals()[u'bob'] request.params['apply'] = u'' UsersManage(root, request)() assert (request.session.pop_flash('info') == [u'No changes were made.']) assert list_groups('bob') == [] bob.groups = [u'role:special'] request.params['role::bob::role:owner'] = u'1' request.params['role::bob::role:editor'] = u'1' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:owner'] = u'' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:editor'] = u'' UsersManage(root, request)() assert (request.session.pop_flash('success') == [u'Your changes have been saved.']) assert ( set(list_groups('bob')) == {'role:owner', 'role:editor', 'role:special'} )
def test_apply(self): from kotti.resources import get_root from import list_groups from import set_groups from kotti.views.users import share_node root = get_root() request = DummyRequest() self.add_some_principals() request.params['apply'] = u'' share_node(root, request) self.assertEqual(request.session.pop_flash('info'), [u'No changes made.']) self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', root), []) set_groups('bob', root, ['role:special']) request.params['role::bob::role:owner'] = u'1' request.params['role::bob::role:editor'] = u'1' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:owner'] = u'' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:editor'] = u'' share_node(root, request) self.assertEqual(request.session.pop_flash('success'), [u'Your changes have been saved.']) self.assertEqual(set(list_groups('bob', root)), set(['role:owner', 'role:editor', 'role:special'])) # We cannot set a role that's not displayed, even if we forged # the request: request.params['role::bob::role:admin'] = u'1' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:admin'] = u'' self.assertRaises(Forbidden, share_node, root, request) self.assertEqual(set(list_groups('bob', root)), set(['role:owner', 'role:editor', 'role:special']))
def test_apply(self): from kotti.resources import get_root from import list_groups from import set_groups from kotti.views.users import share_node root = get_root() request = DummyRequest() self.add_some_principals() request.params["apply"] = u"" share_node(root, request) self.assertEqual(request.session.pop_flash("info"), [u"No changes made."]) self.assertEqual(list_groups("bob", root), []) set_groups("bob", root, ["role:special"]) request.params["role::bob::role:owner"] = u"1" request.params["role::bob::role:editor"] = u"1" request.params["orig-role::bob::role:owner"] = u"" request.params["orig-role::bob::role:editor"] = u"" share_node(root, request) self.assertEqual(request.session.pop_flash("success"), [u"Your changes have been saved."]) self.assertEqual(set(list_groups("bob", root)), set(["role:owner", "role:editor", "role:special"])) # We cannot set a role that's not displayed, even if we forged # the request: request.params["role::bob::role:admin"] = u"1" request.params["orig-role::bob::role:admin"] = u"" self.assertRaises(Forbidden, share_node, root, request) self.assertEqual(set(list_groups("bob", root)), set(["role:owner", "role:editor", "role:special"]))
def test_inherit(self): from kotti import DBSession from kotti.resources import get_root from kotti.resources import Node from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups root = get_root() child = root[u'child'] = Node() DBSession.flush() self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', child), []) set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', child), ['role:editor']) # Groups from the child are added: set_groups('bob', child, ['group:somegroup']) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('bob', child)), set(['group:somegroup', 'role:editor']) ) # We can ask to list only those groups that are defined locally: self.assertEqual( list_groups_raw(u'bob', child), set(['group:somegroup']))
def test_apply(self): from kotti.views.users import share_node root = get_root() request = DummyRequest() self.add_some_principals() request.params['apply'] = u'' share_node(root, request) self.assertEqual( request.session.pop_flash('notice'), [u'No changes made.']) self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', root), []) set_groups('bob', root, ['role:special']) request.params['role::bob::role:owner'] = u'1' request.params['role::bob::role:editor'] = u'1' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:owner'] = u'' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:editor'] = u'' share_node(root, request) self.assertEqual( request.session.pop_flash('success'), [u'Your changes have been saved.']) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('bob', root)), set(['role:owner', 'role:editor', 'role:special'])) # We cannot set a role that's not displayed, even if we forged # the request: request.params['role::bob::role:admin'] = u'1' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:admin'] = u'' self.assertRaises(Forbidden, share_node, root, request) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('bob', root)), set(['role:owner', 'role:editor', 'role:special']))
def test_apply(self): from kotti.resources import get_root from import get_principals from import list_groups from kotti.tests.test_node_views import TestNodeShare from kotti.views.users import users_manage root = get_root() request = DummyRequest() TestNodeShare.add_some_principals() bob = get_principals()[u'bob'] request.params['apply'] = u'' users_manage(root, request) self.assertEqual(request.session.pop_flash('info'), [u'No changes made.']) self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob'), []) bob.groups = [u'role:special'] request.params['role::bob::role:owner'] = u'1' request.params['role::bob::role:editor'] = u'1' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:owner'] = u'' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:editor'] = u'' users_manage(root, request) self.assertEqual(request.session.pop_flash('success'), [u'Your changes have been saved.']) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('bob')), set(['role:owner', 'role:editor', 'role:special']) )
def test_apply(self): from kotti.resources import get_root from import get_principals from import list_groups from kotti.tests.test_node_views import TestNodeShare from kotti.views.users import users_manage root = get_root() request = DummyRequest() TestNodeShare.add_some_principals() bob = get_principals()[u'bob'] request.params['apply'] = u'' users_manage(root, request) self.assertEqual(request.session.pop_flash('info'), [u'No changes made.']) self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob'), []) bob.groups = [u'role:special'] request.params['role::bob::role:owner'] = u'1' request.params['role::bob::role:editor'] = u'1' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:owner'] = u'' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:editor'] = u'' users_manage(root, request) self.assertEqual(request.session.pop_flash('success'), [u'Your changes have been saved.']) self.assertEqual(set(list_groups('bob')), set(['role:owner', 'role:editor', 'role:special']))
def test_apply(self, extra_principals, root): from import get_principals from import list_groups from kotti.views.users import UsersManage request = DummyRequest() bob = get_principals()['bob'] request.params['apply'] = '' UsersManage(root, request)() assert (request.session.pop_flash('info') == ['No changes were made.']) assert list_groups('bob') == [] bob.groups = ['role:special'] request.params['role::bob::role:owner'] = '1' request.params['role::bob::role:editor'] = '1' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:owner'] = '' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:editor'] = '' UsersManage(root, request)() assert (request.session.pop_flash('success') == [ 'Your changes have been saved.' ]) assert (set(list_groups('bob')) == { 'role:owner', 'role:editor', 'role:special' })
def test_apply(self, extra_principals): from kotti.resources import get_root from import get_principals from import list_groups from kotti.views.users import users_manage root = get_root() request = DummyRequest() bob = get_principals()[u'bob'] request.params['apply'] = u'' users_manage(root, request) assert (request.session.pop_flash('info') == [u'No changes made.']) assert list_groups('bob') == [] bob.groups = [u'role:special'] request.params['role::bob::role:owner'] = u'1' request.params['role::bob::role:editor'] = u'1' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:owner'] = u'' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:editor'] = u'' users_manage(root, request) assert (request.session.pop_flash('success') == [u'Your changes have been saved.']) assert ( set(list_groups('bob')) == set(['role:owner', 'role:editor', 'role:special']) )
def test_apply(self, extra_principals, root): from import list_groups from import set_groups from kotti.views.users import share_node request = DummyRequest() request.params['apply'] = u'' share_node(root, request) assert (request.session.pop_flash('info') == [ u'No changes were made.' ]) assert list_groups('bob', root) == [] set_groups('bob', root, ['role:special']) request.params['role::bob::role:owner'] = u'1' request.params['role::bob::role:editor'] = u'1' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:owner'] = u'' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:editor'] = u'' share_node(root, request) assert (request.session.pop_flash('success') == [ u'Your changes have been saved.' ]) assert (set(list_groups( 'bob', root)) == {'role:owner', 'role:editor', 'role:special'}) # We cannot set a role that's not displayed, even if we forged # the request: request.params['role::bob::role:admin'] = u'1' request.params['orig-role::bob::role:admin'] = u'' with raises(Forbidden): share_node(root, request) assert (set(list_groups( 'bob', root)) == {'role:owner', 'role:editor', 'role:special'})
def test_apply(self, extra_principals, root): from import get_principals from import list_groups from kotti.views.users import UsersManage request = DummyRequest() bob = get_principals()["bob"] request.params["apply"] = "" UsersManage(root, request)() assert request.session.pop_flash("info") == ["No changes were made."] assert list_groups("bob") == [] bob.groups = ["role:special"] request.params["role::bob::role:owner"] = "1" request.params["role::bob::role:editor"] = "1" request.params["orig-role::bob::role:owner"] = "" request.params["orig-role::bob::role:editor"] = "" UsersManage(root, request)() assert request.session.pop_flash("success") == [ "Your changes have been saved." ] assert set(list_groups("bob")) == { "role:owner", "role:editor", "role:special" }
def test_simple(self): root = get_root() set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) self.assertEqual( list_groups('bob', root), ['role:editor']) self.assertEqual( list_groups_raw('bob', root), ['role:editor'])
def test_owner(self): session = DBSession() self.config.testing_securitypolicy(userid=u'bob') root = get_root() child = root[u'child'] = Content() session.flush() self.assertEqual(child.owner, u'bob') self.assertEqual(list_groups(u'bob', child), [u'role:owner']) clear_request_cache() # The event listener does not set the role again for subitems: grandchild = child[u'grandchild'] = Content() session.flush() self.assertEqual(grandchild.owner, u'bob') self.assertEqual(list_groups(u'bob', grandchild), [u'role:owner']) self.assertEqual(len(list_groups_raw(u'bob', grandchild)), 0)
def test_overwrite_and_delete(self, db_session, root): from kotti.resources import get_root from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) assert list_groups('bob', root) == ['role:editor'] assert list_groups_raw(u'bob', root) == {'role:editor'} set_groups('bob', root, ['role:admin']) assert list_groups('bob', root) == ['role:admin'] assert list_groups_raw(u'bob', root) == {'role:admin'} set_groups('bob', root) assert list_groups('bob', root) == [] assert get_root() is root
def test_simple(self, db_session, root): from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) assert list_groups('bob', root) == ['role:editor'] assert list_groups_raw(u'bob', root) == set(['role:editor'])
def test_root_default(self): from kotti.resources import get_root from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw root = get_root() self.assertEqual(list_groups('admin', root), ['role:admin']) self.assertEqual(list_groups_raw(u'admin', root), set([]))
def test_root_default(self, db_session): from kotti.resources import get_root from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw root = get_root() assert list_groups('admin', root) == ['role:admin'] assert list_groups_raw(u'admin', root) == set([])
def test_overwrite_and_delete(self, db_session, root): from kotti.resources import get_root from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) assert list_groups('bob', root) == ['role:editor'] assert list_groups_raw(u'bob', root) == set(['role:editor']) set_groups('bob', root, ['role:admin']) assert list_groups('bob', root) == ['role:admin'] assert list_groups_raw(u'bob', root) == set(['role:admin']) set_groups('bob', root) assert list_groups('bob', root) == [] assert get_root() is root
def test_overwrite_and_delete(self, db_session, root): from kotti.resources import get_root from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups set_groups("bob", root, ["role:editor"]) assert list_groups("bob", root) == ["role:editor"] assert list_groups_raw("bob", root) == {"role:editor"} set_groups("bob", root, ["role:admin"]) assert list_groups("bob", root) == ["role:admin"] assert list_groups_raw("bob", root) == {"role:admin"} set_groups("bob", root) assert list_groups("bob", root) == [] assert get_root() is root
def test_simple(self, db_session, root): from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups set_groups("bob", root, ["role:editor"]) assert list_groups("bob", root) == ["role:editor"] assert list_groups_raw("bob", root) == {"role:editor"}
def test_simple(self, db_session, root): from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) assert list_groups('bob', root) == ['role:editor'] assert list_groups_raw(u'bob', root) == {'role:editor'}
def test_inherit(self): session = DBSession() root = get_root() child = root[u'child'] = Node() session.flush() self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', child), []) set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', child), ['role:editor']) # Groups from the child are added: set_groups('bob', child, ['group:somegroup']) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('bob', child)), set(['group:somegroup', 'role:editor'])) # We can ask to list only those groups that are defined locally: self.assertEqual(list_groups_raw('bob', child), ['group:somegroup'])
def test_overwrite_and_delete(self): from kotti.resources import get_root from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups root = get_root() set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', root), ['role:editor']) self.assertEqual(list_groups_raw(u'bob', root), set(['role:editor'])) set_groups('bob', root, ['role:admin']) self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', root), ['role:admin']) self.assertEqual(list_groups_raw(u'bob', root), set(['role:admin'])) set_groups('bob', root) self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', root), []) self.assertTrue(get_root() is root)
def test_groups_from_users(self, db_session, root): from kotti.resources import Node from import list_groups from import set_groups self.make_bob() child = root[u'child'] = Node() db_session.flush() assert list_groups('bob', root) == ['group:bobsgroup'] set_groups('group:bobsgroup', root, ['role:editor']) set_groups('role:editor', child, ['group:foogroup']) assert (set(list_groups('bob', root)) == set( ['group:bobsgroup', 'role:editor'])) assert (set(list_groups('bob', child)) == set( ['group:bobsgroup', 'role:editor', 'group:foogroup']))
def test_groups_from_users(self, db_session, root): from kotti.resources import Node from import list_groups from import set_groups self.make_bob() child = root[u'child'] = Node() db_session.flush() assert list_groups('bob', root) == ['group:bobsgroup'] set_groups('group:bobsgroup', root, ['role:editor']) set_groups('role:editor', child, ['group:foogroup']) assert (set(list_groups('bob', root)) == set(['group:bobsgroup', 'role:editor'])) assert (set(list_groups('bob', child)) == set(['group:bobsgroup', 'role:editor', 'group:foogroup']))
def test_simple(self, db_session): from kotti.resources import get_root from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups root = get_root() set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) assert list_groups('bob', root) == ['role:editor'] assert list_groups_raw(u'bob', root) == set(['role:editor'])
def test_simple(self): from kotti.resources import get_root from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups root = get_root() set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', root), ['role:editor']) self.assertEqual(list_groups_raw(u'bob', root), set(['role:editor']))
def test_groups_from_users(self): self.make_bob() session = DBSession() root = get_root() child = root[u'child'] = Node() session.flush() self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', root), ['group:bobsgroup']) set_groups('group:bobsgroup', root, ['role:editor']) set_groups('role:editor', child, ['group:foogroup']) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('bob', root)), set(['group:bobsgroup', 'role:editor'])) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('bob', child)), set(['group:bobsgroup', 'role:editor', 'group:foogroup']))
def test_inherit(self, db_session, root): from kotti.resources import Node from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups child = root["child"] = Node() db_session.flush() assert list_groups("bob", child) == [] set_groups("bob", root, ["role:editor"]) assert list_groups("bob", child) == ["role:editor"] # Groups from the child are added: set_groups("bob", child, ["group:somegroup"]) assert set(list_groups("bob", child)) == {"group:somegroup", "role:editor"} # We can ask to list only those groups that are defined locally: assert list_groups_raw("bob", child) == {"group:somegroup"}
def test_owner(self, root, db_session, events, dummy_request): from kotti.resources import Content from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from kotti.util import clear_cache child = root['child'] = Content() db_session.flush() assert child.owner == 'bob' assert list_groups('bob', child) == ['role:owner'] clear_cache() # The event listener does not set the role again for subitems: grandchild = child['grandchild'] = Content() db_session.flush() assert grandchild.owner == 'bob' assert list_groups('bob', grandchild) == ['role:owner'] assert len(list_groups_raw('bob', grandchild)) == 0
def test_owner(self, root, db_session, events, dummy_request): from kotti.resources import Content from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from kotti.util import clear_cache child = root[u'child'] = Content() db_session.flush() assert child.owner == u'bob' assert list_groups(u'bob', child) == [u'role:owner'] clear_cache() # The event listener does not set the role again for subitems: grandchild = child[u'grandchild'] = Content() db_session.flush() assert grandchild.owner == u'bob' assert list_groups(u'bob', grandchild) == [u'role:owner'] assert len(list_groups_raw(u'bob', grandchild)) == 0
def test_inherit(self, db_session, root): from kotti.resources import Node from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups child = root[u'child'] = Node() db_session.flush() assert list_groups('bob', child) == [] set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) assert list_groups('bob', child) == ['role:editor'] # Groups from the child are added: set_groups('bob', child, ['group:somegroup']) assert (set(list_groups('bob', child)) == {'group:somegroup', 'role:editor'}) # We can ask to list only those groups that are defined locally: assert list_groups_raw(u'bob', child) == {'group:somegroup'}
def test_groups_from_users(self, db_session, root): from kotti.resources import Node from import list_groups from import set_groups self.make_bob() child = root["child"] = Node() db_session.flush() assert list_groups("bob", root) == ["group:bobsgroup"] set_groups("group:bobsgroup", root, ["role:editor"]) set_groups("role:editor", child, ["group:foogroup"]) assert set(list_groups("bob", root)) == {"group:bobsgroup", "role:editor"} assert set(list_groups("bob", child)) == { "group:bobsgroup", "role:editor", "group:foogroup", }
def set_owner(event): obj, request = event.object, event.request if request is not None and isinstance(obj, Node) and obj.owner is None: userid = authenticated_userid(request) if userid is not None: # Set owner metadata: obj.owner = userid # Add owner role for userid if it's not inherited already: if u'role:owner' not in list_groups(userid, obj): groups = list_groups_raw(userid, obj) | set([u'role:owner']) set_groups(userid, obj, groups)
def test_owner(self, root, db_session, events, dummy_request): from kotti.resources import Content from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from kotti.util import clear_cache with patch('', return_value='bob'): child = root[u'child'] = Content() db_session.flush() assert child.owner == u'bob' assert list_groups(u'bob', child) == [u'role:owner'] clear_cache() # The event listener does not set the role again for subitems: with patch('', return_value='bob'): grandchild = child[u'grandchild'] = Content() db_session.flush() assert grandchild.owner == u'bob' assert list_groups(u'bob', grandchild) == [u'role:owner'] assert len(list_groups_raw(u'bob', grandchild)) == 0
def set_owner(event): obj, request = event.object, event.request if request is not None and isinstance(obj, Node) and obj.owner is None: userid = authenticated_userid(request) if userid is not None: userid = unicode(userid) # Set owner metadata: obj.owner = userid # Add owner role for userid if it's not inherited already: if u'role:owner' not in list_groups(userid, obj): groups = list_groups_raw(userid, obj) | set([u'role:owner']) set_groups(userid, obj, groups)
def test_simple(self): from kotti.resources import get_root from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups root = get_root() set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) self.assertEqual( list_groups('bob', root), ['role:editor']) self.assertEqual( list_groups_raw(u'bob', root), set(['role:editor']))
def test_inherit(self, db_session, root): from kotti.resources import Node from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups child = root[u'child'] = Node() db_session.flush() assert list_groups('bob', child) == [] set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) assert list_groups('bob', child) == ['role:editor'] # Groups from the child are added: set_groups('bob', child, ['group:somegroup']) assert ( set(list_groups('bob', child)) == set(['group:somegroup', 'role:editor']) ) # We can ask to list only those groups that are defined locally: assert list_groups_raw(u'bob', child) == set(['group:somegroup'])
def test_groups_from_users(self): from kotti import DBSession from kotti.resources import get_root from kotti.resources import Node from import list_groups from import set_groups self.make_bob() root = get_root() child = root[u'child'] = Node() DBSession.flush() self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', root), ['group:bobsgroup']) set_groups('group:bobsgroup', root, ['role:editor']) set_groups('role:editor', child, ['group:foogroup']) self.assertEqual(set(list_groups('bob', root)), set(['group:bobsgroup', 'role:editor'])) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('bob', child)), set(['group:bobsgroup', 'role:editor', 'group:foogroup']))
def test_apply(self, extra_principals, root): from import list_groups from import set_groups from kotti.views.users import share_node request = DummyRequest() request.params["apply"] = "" request.params["csrf_token"] = request.session.get_csrf_token() share_node(root, request) assert request.session.pop_flash("info") == ["No changes were made."] assert list_groups("bob", root) == [] set_groups("bob", root, ["role:special"]) request.params["role::bob::role:owner"] = "1" request.params["role::bob::role:editor"] = "1" request.params["orig-role::bob::role:owner"] = "" request.params["orig-role::bob::role:editor"] = "" share_node(root, request) assert request.session.pop_flash("success") == ["Your changes have been saved."] assert set(list_groups("bob", root)) == { "role:owner", "role:editor", "role:special", } # We cannot set a role that's not displayed, even if we forged # the request: request.params["role::bob::role:admin"] = "1" request.params["orig-role::bob::role:admin"] = "" with raises(Forbidden): share_node(root, request) assert set(list_groups("bob", root)) == { "role:owner", "role:editor", "role:special", }
def test_apply(self, extra_principals, root): from import get_principals from import list_groups from kotti.views.users import UsersManage request = DummyRequest() bob = get_principals()["bob"] request.params["apply"] = "" UsersManage(root, request)() assert request.session.pop_flash("info") == ["No changes were made."] assert list_groups("bob") == [] bob.groups = ["role:special"] request.params["role::bob::role:owner"] = "1" request.params["role::bob::role:editor"] = "1" request.params["orig-role::bob::role:owner"] = "" request.params["orig-role::bob::role:editor"] = "" UsersManage(root, request)() assert request.session.pop_flash("success") == ["Your changes have been saved."] assert set(list_groups("bob")) == {"role:owner", "role:editor", "role:special"}
def test_owner(self, get_current_request, authenticated_userid): from kotti import DBSession from kotti.resources import get_root from kotti.resources import Content from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from kotti.util import clear_cache get_current_request.return_value = not None authenticated_userid.return_value = 'bob' root = get_root() child = root[u'child'] = Content() DBSession.flush() self.assertEqual(child.owner, u'bob') self.assertEqual(list_groups(u'bob', child), [u'role:owner']) clear_cache() # The event listener does not set the role again for subitems: grandchild = child[u'grandchild'] = Content() DBSession.flush() self.assertEqual(grandchild.owner, u'bob') self.assertEqual(list_groups(u'bob', grandchild), [u'role:owner']) self.assertEqual(len(list_groups_raw(u'bob', grandchild)), 0)
def test_overwrite_and_delete(self): from kotti.resources import get_root from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups root = get_root() set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) self.assertEqual( list_groups('bob', root), ['role:editor']) self.assertEqual( list_groups_raw(u'bob', root), set(['role:editor'])) set_groups('bob', root, ['role:admin']) self.assertEqual( list_groups('bob', root), ['role:admin']) self.assertEqual( list_groups_raw(u'bob', root), set(['role:admin'])) set_groups('bob', root) self.assertEqual( list_groups('bob', root), []) self.assertTrue(get_root() is root)
def test_owner(self): from kotti import DBSession from kotti.resources import get_root from kotti.resources import Content from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from kotti.util import clear_cache session = DBSession() self.config.testing_securitypolicy(userid='bob') root = get_root() child = root[u'child'] = Content() session.flush() self.assertEqual(child.owner, u'bob') self.assertEqual(list_groups(u'bob', child), [u'role:owner']) clear_cache() # The event listener does not set the role again for subitems: grandchild = child[u'grandchild'] = Content() session.flush() self.assertEqual(grandchild.owner, u'bob') self.assertEqual(list_groups(u'bob', grandchild), [u'role:owner']) self.assertEqual(len(list_groups_raw(u'bob', grandchild)), 0)
def test_owner(self, db_session, events, dummy_request): from kotti import DBSession from kotti.resources import get_root from kotti.resources import Content from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from kotti.util import clear_cache root = get_root() with patch('', return_value='bob'): child = root[u'child'] = Content() DBSession.flush() assert child.owner == u'bob' assert list_groups(u'bob', child) == [u'role:owner'] clear_cache() # The event listener does not set the role again for subitems: with patch('', return_value='bob'): grandchild = child[u'grandchild'] = Content() DBSession.flush() assert grandchild.owner == u'bob' assert list_groups(u'bob', grandchild) == [u'role:owner'] assert len(list_groups_raw(u'bob', grandchild)) == 0
def test_nested_groups(self): from kotti.resources import get_root from import list_groups from import list_groups_ext self.add_some_groups() root = get_root() child = root[u'child'] grandchild = child[u'grandchild'] # Check bob's groups on every level: self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', root), ['group:bobsgroup']) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('bob', child)), set(['group:bobsgroup', 'group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('bob', grandchild)), set([ 'group:bobsgroup', 'group:franksgroup', 'role:editor', 'role:owner' ])) # Check group:franksgroup groups on every level: self.assertEqual(set(list_groups('frank', root)), set(['group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) self.assertEqual(set(list_groups('frank', child)), set(['group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('frank', grandchild)), set([ 'group:franksgroup', 'role:editor', 'role:owner', 'group:bobsgroup' ])) # Sometimes it's useful to know which of the groups were # inherited, that's what 'list_groups_ext' is for: groups, inherited = list_groups_ext('bob', root) self.assertEqual(groups, ['group:bobsgroup']) self.assertEqual(inherited, []) groups, inherited = list_groups_ext('bob', child) self.assertEqual( set(groups), set(['group:bobsgroup', 'group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) self.assertEqual( set(inherited), set(['group:bobsgroup', 'group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) groups, inherited = list_groups_ext('group:bobsgroup', child) self.assertEqual(set(groups), set(['group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) self.assertEqual(inherited, ['role:editor']) groups, inherited = list_groups_ext('group:franksgroup', grandchild) self.assertEqual(set(groups), set(['group:bobsgroup', 'role:owner', 'role:editor'])) self.assertEqual(inherited, ['role:editor'])
def test_inherit(self): from kotti import DBSession from kotti.resources import get_root from kotti.resources import Node from import list_groups from import list_groups_raw from import set_groups root = get_root() child = root[u'child'] = Node() DBSession.flush() self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', child), []) set_groups('bob', root, ['role:editor']) self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', child), ['role:editor']) # Groups from the child are added: set_groups('bob', child, ['group:somegroup']) self.assertEqual(set(list_groups('bob', child)), set(['group:somegroup', 'role:editor'])) # We can ask to list only those groups that are defined locally: self.assertEqual(list_groups_raw(u'bob', child), set(['group:somegroup']))
def test_nested_groups(self): self.add_some_groups() root = get_root() child = root[u'child'] grandchild = child[u'grandchild'] # Check bob's groups on every level: self.assertEqual(list_groups('bob', root), ['group:bobsgroup']) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('bob', child)), set(['group:bobsgroup', 'group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('bob', grandchild)), set([ 'group:bobsgroup', 'group:franksgroup', 'role:editor', 'role:owner' ])) # Check group:franksgroup groups on every level: self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('frank', root)), set(['group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('frank', child)), set(['group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) self.assertEqual( set(list_groups('frank', grandchild)), set([ 'group:franksgroup', 'role:editor', 'role:owner', 'group:bobsgroup' ])) # Sometimes it's useful to know which of the groups were # inherited, that's what 'list_groups_ext' is for: groups, inherited = list_groups_ext('bob', root) self.assertEqual(groups, ['group:bobsgroup']) self.assertEqual(inherited, []) groups, inherited = list_groups_ext('bob', child) self.assertEqual( set(groups), set(['group:bobsgroup', 'group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) self.assertEqual( set(inherited), set(['group:bobsgroup', 'group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) groups, inherited = list_groups_ext('group:bobsgroup', child) self.assertEqual( set(groups), set(['group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) self.assertEqual(inherited, ['role:editor']) groups, inherited = list_groups_ext('group:franksgroup', grandchild) self.assertEqual( set(groups), set(['group:bobsgroup', 'role:owner', 'role:editor'])) self.assertEqual(inherited, ['role:editor'])
def test_nested_groups(self, db_session, root): from import list_groups from import list_groups_ext self.add_some_groups(db_session, root) child = root["child"] grandchild = child["grandchild"] # Check bob's groups on every level: assert list_groups("bob", root) == ["group:bobsgroup"] assert set(list_groups("bob", child)) == { "group:bobsgroup", "group:franksgroup", "role:editor", } assert set(list_groups("bob", grandchild)) == { "group:bobsgroup", "group:franksgroup", "role:editor", "role:owner", } # Check group:franksgroup groups on every level: assert set(list_groups("frank", root)) == {"group:franksgroup", "role:editor"} assert set(list_groups("frank", child)) == {"group:franksgroup", "role:editor"} assert set(list_groups("frank", grandchild)) == { "group:franksgroup", "role:editor", "role:owner", "group:bobsgroup", } # Sometimes it's useful to know which of the groups were # inherited, that's what 'list_groups_ext' is for: groups, inherited = list_groups_ext("bob", root) assert groups == ["group:bobsgroup"] assert inherited == [] groups, inherited = list_groups_ext("bob", child) assert set(groups) == { "group:bobsgroup", "group:franksgroup", "role:editor" } assert set(inherited) == { "group:bobsgroup", "group:franksgroup", "role:editor" } groups, inherited = list_groups_ext("group:bobsgroup", child) assert set(groups) == {"group:franksgroup", "role:editor"} assert inherited == ["role:editor"] groups, inherited = list_groups_ext("group:franksgroup", grandchild) assert set(groups) == {"group:bobsgroup", "role:owner", "role:editor"} assert inherited == ["role:editor"]
def set_owner(event): """Set ``owner`` of the object that triggered the event. :param event: event that trigerred this handler. :type event: :class:`ObjectInsert` """ obj, request = event.object, event.request if request is not None and isinstance(obj, Node) and obj.owner is None: userid = request.authenticated_userid if userid is not None: userid = unicode(userid) # Set owner metadata: obj.owner = userid # Add owner role for userid if it's not inherited already: if u'role:owner' not in list_groups(userid, obj): groups = list_groups_raw(userid, obj) | set([u'role:owner']) set_groups(userid, obj, groups)
def test_nested_groups(self, db_session): from kotti.resources import get_root from import list_groups from import list_groups_ext self.add_some_groups() root = get_root() child = root[u'child'] grandchild = child[u'grandchild'] # Check bob's groups on every level: assert list_groups('bob', root) == ['group:bobsgroup'] assert (set(list_groups('bob', child)) == set(['group:bobsgroup', 'group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) assert (set(list_groups('bob', grandchild)) == set(['group:bobsgroup', 'group:franksgroup', 'role:editor', 'role:owner'])) # Check group:franksgroup groups on every level: assert (set(list_groups('frank', root)) == set(['group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) assert (set(list_groups('frank', child)) == set(['group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) assert (set(list_groups('frank', grandchild)) == set(['group:franksgroup', 'role:editor', 'role:owner', 'group:bobsgroup'])) # Sometimes it's useful to know which of the groups were # inherited, that's what 'list_groups_ext' is for: groups, inherited = list_groups_ext('bob', root) assert groups == ['group:bobsgroup'] assert inherited == [] groups, inherited = list_groups_ext('bob', child) assert (set(groups) == set(['group:bobsgroup', 'group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) assert (set(inherited) == set(['group:bobsgroup', 'group:franksgroup', 'role:editor'])) groups, inherited = list_groups_ext('group:bobsgroup', child) assert set(groups) == set(['group:franksgroup', 'role:editor']) assert inherited == ['role:editor'] groups, inherited = list_groups_ext('group:franksgroup', grandchild) assert (set(groups) == set(['group:bobsgroup', 'role:owner', 'role:editor'])) assert inherited == ['role:editor']