コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, configuration=None, header_name=None, header_value=None, cookie=None):
        if configuration is None:
            configuration = Configuration()
        self.configuration = configuration

        self.pool = ThreadPool()
        self.rest_client = RESTClientObject(configuration)
        self.default_headers = {}
        if header_name is not None:
            self.default_headers[header_name] = header_value
        self.cookie = cookie
        # Set default User-Agent.
        self.user_agent = 'Swagger-Codegen/6.0.0/python'
コード例 #2
    def test_proxy(self):
        'Test that proxy is created when the config especifies it'
        config = ConfigurationObject()
        config.http_proxy_url = 'http://proxy.example.com'

        with patch.object(urllib3, 'proxy_from_url') as proxy:
コード例 #3
    def get_rest_client(self):
        configuration = Configuration()
        configuration.verify_ssl = False
        configuration.host = self.cluster.api
        configuration.api_key['authorization'] = self.cluster.token
        configuration.api_key_prefix['authorization'] = 'Bearer'
        rest_client = RESTClientObject(configuration)

        return rest_client
コード例 #4
 def test_poolmanager(self):
     'Test that a poolmanager is created for rest client'
     with patch.object(urllib3, 'PoolManager') as pool:
コード例 #5
class ApiClientTemp(object):
    Generic API client for Swagger client library builds.

    Swagger generic API client. This client handles the client-
    server communication, and is invariant across implementations. Specifics of
    the methods and models for each application are generated from the Swagger

    NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
    Ref: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen
    Do not edit the class manually.

    :param host: The base path for the server to call.
    :param header_name: a header to pass when making calls to the API.
    :param header_value: a header value to pass when making calls to the API.

    PRIMITIVE_TYPES = (float, bool, bytes, text_type) + integer_types
        'int': int,
        'long': int if PY3 else long,
        'float': float,
        'str': str,
        'bool': bool,
        'date': date,
        'datetime': datetime,
        'object': object,

    def __init__(self, configuration=None, header_name=None, header_value=None, cookie=None):
        if configuration is None:
            configuration = Configuration()
        self.configuration = configuration

        self.pool = ThreadPool()
        self.rest_client = RESTClientObject(configuration)
        self.default_headers = {}
        if header_name is not None:
            self.default_headers[header_name] = header_value
        self.cookie = cookie
        # Set default User-Agent.
        self.user_agent = 'Swagger-Codegen/6.0.0/python'

    def __del__(self):

    def user_agent(self):
        Gets user agent.
        return self.default_headers['User-Agent']

    def user_agent(self, value):
        Sets user agent.
        self.default_headers['User-Agent'] = value

    def set_default_header(self, header_name, header_value):
        self.default_headers[header_name] = header_value

    def __call_api(self, resource_path, method,
                   path_params=None, query_params=None, header_params=None,
                   body=None, post_params=None, files=None,
                   response_type=None, auth_settings=None,
                   _return_http_data_only=None, collection_formats=None, _preload_content=True,

        config = self.configuration

        # header parameters
        header_params = header_params or {}
        if self.cookie:
            header_params['Cookie'] = self.cookie
        if header_params:
            header_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(header_params)
            header_params = dict(self.parameters_to_tuples(header_params,

        # path parameters
        if path_params:
            path_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(path_params)
            path_params = self.parameters_to_tuples(path_params,
            for k, v in path_params:
                # specified safe chars, encode everything
                resource_path = resource_path.replace(
                    '{%s}' % k, quote(str(v), safe=config.safe_chars_for_path_param))

        # query parameters
        if query_params:
            query_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(query_params)
            query_params = self.parameters_to_tuples(query_params,

        # post parameters
        if post_params or files:
            post_params = self.prepare_post_parameters(post_params, files)
            post_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(post_params)
            post_params = self.parameters_to_tuples(post_params,

        # auth setting
        self.update_params_for_auth(header_params, query_params, auth_settings)

        # body
        if body:
            body = self.sanitize_for_serialization(body)

        # request url
        url = self.configuration.host + resource_path

        # perform request and return response
        response_data = self.request(method, url,
                                     post_params=post_params, body=body,

        self.last_response = response_data

        return_data = response_data
        if _preload_content:
            # deserialize response data
            if response_type:
                return_data = self.deserialize(response_data, response_type)
                return_data = None

        if _return_http_data_only:
            return (return_data)
            return (return_data, response_data.status, response_data.getheaders())

    def sanitize_for_serialization(self, obj):
        Builds a JSON POST object.

        If obj is None, return None.
        If obj is str, int, long, float, bool, return directly.
        If obj is datetime.datetime, datetime.date
            convert to string in iso8601 format.
        If obj is list, sanitize each element in the list.
        If obj is dict, return the dict.
        If obj is swagger model, return the properties dict.

        :param obj: The data to serialize.
        :return: The serialized form of data.
        if obj is None:
            return None
        elif isinstance(obj, self.PRIMITIVE_TYPES):
            return obj
        elif isinstance(obj, list):
            return [self.sanitize_for_serialization(sub_obj)
                    for sub_obj in obj]
        elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
            return tuple(self.sanitize_for_serialization(sub_obj)
                         for sub_obj in obj)
        elif isinstance(obj, (datetime, date)):
            return obj.isoformat()

        if isinstance(obj, dict):
            obj_dict = obj
            # Convert model obj to dict except
            # attributes `swagger_types`, `attribute_map`
            # and attributes which value is not None.
            # Convert attribute name to json key in
            # model definition for request.
            obj_dict = {obj.attribute_map[attr]: getattr(obj, attr)
                        for attr, _ in iteritems(obj.swagger_types)
                        if getattr(obj, attr) is not None}

        return {key: self.sanitize_for_serialization(val)
                for key, val in iteritems(obj_dict)}

    def deserialize(self, response, response_type):
        Deserializes response into an object.

        :param response: RESTResponse object to be deserialized.
        :param response_type: class literal for
            deserialized object, or string of class name.

        :return: deserialized object.
        # handle file downloading
        # save response body into a tmp file and return the instance
        if response_type == "file":
            return self.__deserialize_file(response)

        # fetch data from response object
            data = json.loads(response.data)
        except ValueError:
            data = response.data

        return data
        # return self.__deserialize(data, response_type)

    def __deserialize(self, data, klass):
        Deserializes dict, list, str into an object.

        :param data: dict, list or str.
        :param klass: class literal, or string of class name.

        :return: object.
        if data is None:
            return None

        if type(klass) == str:
            if klass.startswith('list['):
                sub_kls = re.match('list\[(.*)\]', klass).group(1)
                return [self.__deserialize(sub_data, sub_kls)
                        for sub_data in data]

            if klass.startswith('dict('):
                sub_kls = re.match('dict\(([^,]*), (.*)\)', klass).group(2)
                return {k: self.__deserialize(v, sub_kls)
                        for k, v in iteritems(data)}

            # convert str to class
            if klass in self.NATIVE_TYPES_MAPPING:
                klass = self.NATIVE_TYPES_MAPPING[klass]
                klass = getattr(models, klass)

        if klass in self.PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
            return self.__deserialize_primitive(data, klass)
        elif klass == object:
            return self.__deserialize_object(data)
        elif klass == date:
            return self.__deserialize_date(data)
        elif klass == datetime:
            return self.__deserialize_datatime(data)
            return self.__deserialize_model(data, klass)

    def call_api(self, resource_path, method,
                 path_params=None, query_params=None, header_params=None,
                 body=None, post_params=None, files=None,
                 response_type=None, auth_settings=None, async_req=None,
                 _return_http_data_only=None, collection_formats=None, _preload_content=True,
        Makes the HTTP request (synchronous) and return the deserialized data.
        To make an async_req request, set the async_req parameter.

        :param resource_path: Path to method endpoint.
        :param method: Method to call.
        :param path_params: Path parameters in the url.
        :param query_params: Query parameters in the url.
        :param header_params: Header parameters to be
            placed in the request header.
        :param body: Request body.
        :param post_params dict: Request post form parameters,
            for `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, `multipart/form-data`.
        :param auth_settings list: Auth Settings names for the request.
        :param response: Response data type.
        :param files dict: key -> filename, value -> filepath,
            for `multipart/form-data`.
        :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously
        :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code and headers
        :param collection_formats: dict of collection formats for path, query,
            header, and post parameters.
        :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will be returned without
                                 reading/decoding response data. Default is True.
        :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request
                                 timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts.
            If async_req parameter is True,
            the request will be called asynchronously.
            The method will return the request thread.
            If parameter async_req is False or missing,
            then the method will return the response directly.
        if not async_req:
            return self.__call_api(resource_path, method,
                                    path_params, query_params, header_params,
                                    body, post_params, files,
                                    response_type, auth_settings,
                                    _return_http_data_only, collection_formats, _preload_content, _request_timeout)
            thread = self.pool.apply_async(self.__call_api, (resource_path, method,
                                                             path_params, query_params,
                                                             header_params, body,
                                                             post_params, files,
                                                             response_type, auth_settings,
                                                             collection_formats, _preload_content, _request_timeout))
        return thread

    def request(self, method, url, query_params=None, headers=None,
                post_params=None, body=None, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None):
        Makes the HTTP request using RESTClient.
        if method == "GET":
            return self.rest_client.GET(url,
        elif method == "HEAD":
            return self.rest_client.HEAD(url,
        elif method == "OPTIONS":
            return self.rest_client.OPTIONS(url,
        elif method == "POST":
            return self.rest_client.POST(url,
        elif method == "PUT":
            return self.rest_client.PUT(url,
        elif method == "PATCH":
            return self.rest_client.PATCH(url,
        elif method == "DELETE":
            return self.rest_client.DELETE(url,
            raise ValueError(
                "http method must be `GET`, `HEAD`, `OPTIONS`,"
                " `POST`, `PATCH`, `PUT` or `DELETE`."

    def parameters_to_tuples(self, params, collection_formats):
        Get parameters as list of tuples, formatting collections.

        :param params: Parameters as dict or list of two-tuples
        :param dict collection_formats: Parameter collection formats
        :return: Parameters as list of tuples, collections formatted
        new_params = []
        if collection_formats is None:
            collection_formats = {}
        for k, v in iteritems(params) if isinstance(params, dict) else params:
            if k in collection_formats:
                collection_format = collection_formats[k]
                if collection_format == 'multi':
                    new_params.extend((k, value) for value in v)
                    if collection_format == 'ssv':
                        delimiter = ' '
                    elif collection_format == 'tsv':
                        delimiter = '\t'
                    elif collection_format == 'pipes':
                        delimiter = '|'
                    else:  # csv is the default
                        delimiter = ','
                        (k, delimiter.join(str(value) for value in v)))
                new_params.append((k, v))
        return new_params

    def prepare_post_parameters(self, post_params=None, files=None):
        Builds form parameters.

        :param post_params: Normal form parameters.
        :param files: File parameters.
        :return: Form parameters with files.
        params = []

        if post_params:
            params = post_params

        if files:
            for k, v in iteritems(files):
                if not v:
                file_names = v if type(v) is list else [v]
                for n in file_names:
                    with open(n, 'rb') as f:
                        filename = os.path.basename(f.name)
                        filedata = f.read()
                        mimetype = mimetypes. \
                                       guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream'
                        params.append(tuple([k, tuple([filename, filedata, mimetype])]))

        return params

    def select_header_accept(self, accepts):
        Returns `Accept` based on an array of accepts provided.

        :param accepts: List of headers.
        :return: Accept (e.g. application/json).
        if not accepts:

        accepts = [x.lower() for x in accepts]

        if 'application/json' in accepts:
            return 'application/json'
            return ', '.join(accepts)

    def select_header_content_type(self, content_types):
        Returns `Content-Type` based on an array of content_types provided.

        :param content_types: List of content-types.
        :return: Content-Type (e.g. application/json).
        if not content_types:
            return 'application/json'

        content_types = [x.lower() for x in content_types]

        if 'application/json' in content_types or '*/*' in content_types:
            return 'application/json'
            return content_types[0]

    def update_params_for_auth(self, headers, querys, auth_settings):
        Updates header and query params based on authentication setting.

        :param headers: Header parameters dict to be updated.
        :param querys: Query parameters tuple list to be updated.
        :param auth_settings: Authentication setting identifiers list.
        if not auth_settings:

        for auth in auth_settings:
            auth_setting = self.configuration.auth_settings().get(auth)
            if auth_setting:
                if not auth_setting['value']:
                elif auth_setting['in'] == 'header':
                    headers[auth_setting['key']] = auth_setting['value']
                elif auth_setting['in'] == 'query':
                    querys.append((auth_setting['key'], auth_setting['value']))
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Authentication token must be in `query` or `header`'

    def __deserialize_file(self, response):
        Saves response body into a file in a temporary folder,
        using the filename from the `Content-Disposition` header if provided.

        :param response:  RESTResponse.
        :return: file path.
        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.configuration.temp_folder_path)

        content_disposition = response.getheader("Content-Disposition")
        if content_disposition:
            filename = re. \
                search(r'filename=[\'"]?([^\'"\s]+)[\'"]?', content_disposition). \
            path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), filename)

        with open(path, "w") as f:

        return path

    def __deserialize_primitive(self, data, klass):
        Deserializes string to primitive type.

        :param data: str.
        :param klass: class literal.

        :return: int, long, float, str, bool.
            return klass(data)
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
            return unicode(data)
        except TypeError:
            return data

    def __deserialize_object(self, value):
        Return a original value.

        :return: object.
        return value

    def __deserialize_date(self, string):
        Deserializes string to date.

        :param string: str.
        :return: date.
            from dateutil.parser import parse
            return parse(string).date()
        except ImportError:
            return string
        except ValueError:
            raise ApiException(
                reason="Failed to parse `{0}` into a date object".format(string)

    def __deserialize_datatime(self, string):
        Deserializes string to datetime.

        The string should be in iso8601 datetime format.

        :param string: str.
        :return: datetime.
            from dateutil.parser import parse
            return parse(string)
        except ImportError:
            return string
        except ValueError:
            raise ApiException(
                    "Failed to parse `{0}` into a datetime object"

    def __deserialize_model(self, data, klass):
        Deserializes list or dict to model.

        :param data: dict, list.
        :param klass: class literal.
        :return: model object.

        if not klass.swagger_types and not hasattr(klass, 'get_real_child_model'):
            return data

        kwargs = {}
        if klass.swagger_types is not None:
            for attr, attr_type in iteritems(klass.swagger_types):
                if data is not None \
                        and klass.attribute_map[attr] in data \
                        and isinstance(data, (list, dict)):
                    value = data[klass.attribute_map[attr]]
                    kwargs[attr] = self.__deserialize(value, attr_type)

        instance = klass(**kwargs)

        if hasattr(instance, 'get_real_child_model'):
            klass_name = instance.get_real_child_model(data)
            if klass_name:
                instance = self.__deserialize(data, klass_name)
        return instance

    def list_cluster_role_binding(self):
        json_data =  self.__call_api(resource_path='/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterrolebindings', method='GET',
                   path_params={}, query_params=[],
                   header_params={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'},
                   body=None, post_params=[], files={},
                   response_type='V1ClusterRoleBindingList', auth_settings=['BearerToken'],
                   _return_http_data_only=None, collection_formats={}, _preload_content=True,
        cluster_role_bindings = []
        for i in json_data[0]['items']:

             metadata = V1ObjectMeta(name=i['metadata']['name'], creation_timestamp=self._ApiClientTemp__deserialize_datatime(i['metadata']['creationTimestamp']))
             role_ref = V1RoleRef(api_group=i['roleRef']['apiGroup'], name=i['roleRef']['name'], kind=i['roleRef']['kind'])
             subjects = []

             if 'subjects' in i and i['subjects'] is not None:
                 for s in i['subjects']:
                       namespace = None
                       if 'namespace' in s.keys():
                           namespace = s['namespace']
                       subjects.append(V1Subject(kind=s['kind'], name=s['name'], namespace=namespace))

             cluster_role_binding = V1ClusterRoleBinding(metadata=metadata, role_ref=role_ref, subjects=subjects)

        return cluster_role_bindings

    def list_cluster_role(self):
        json_data = self.__call_api('/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/clusterroles', 'GET',
                                        path_params={}, query_params=[],
                                        header_params={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'},
                                        body=None, post_params=[], files={},
                                        response_type='V1ClusterRoleList', auth_settings=['BearerToken'],
                                        _return_http_data_only=None, collection_formats={}, _preload_content=True,
        cluster_roles = []
        for i in json_data[0]['items']:
            metadata = V1ObjectMeta(name=i['metadata']['name'],

            rules = []
            if i['rules'] is not None:
                for rule in i['rules']:
                    resources = None
                    if 'resources' in rule.keys():
                        resources = rule['resources']
                    verbs = None
                    if 'verbs' in rule.keys():
                        verbs = rule['verbs']

                    rules.append(V1PolicyRule(resources=resources, verbs=verbs))

            cluster_role = V1ClusterRole(kind='ClusterRole', metadata=metadata, rules=rules)

        return V1ClusterRoleList(items=cluster_roles)
コード例 #6
 def init_poolmanager(self, connections, maxsize, block=None, **_):
     rest_client = RESTClientObject(self.k8s_api_client.configuration,
     self.poolmanager = rest_client.pool_manager