コード例 #1
ファイル: ts.py プロジェクト: carriercomm/kunai
 def push_key(self, k, v, ttl=0):
    T0 = time.time()
    STATS.incr('ts.graphite.push-key', 1)
    v64 = base64.b64encode(v)
    logger.debug("PUSH KEY", k, "and value", len(v64))
    #self.clust.put_key(k, v64, allow_udp=True, ttl=ttl)
    self.clust.stack_put_key(k, v64, ttl=ttl)
    STATS.timer('ts.graphite.push-key', (time.time() - T0)*1000)
コード例 #2
ファイル: ts.py プロジェクト: carriercomm/kunai
 def graphite_reaper(self):
    while True:
       graphite_queue = self.graphite_queue
       self.graphite_queue = []
       if len(graphite_queue) > 0:
          logger.info("Graphite queue", len(graphite_queue))
       for data in graphite_queue:
          T0 = time.time()
          STATS.timer('ts.graphite.grok-graphite-data', (time.time() - T0)*1000)
コード例 #3
ファイル: ts.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/kunai-1
    def add_value(self, t, key, v):
      # be sure to work with int time
      t = int(t)

      T0 = time.time()
      STATS.incr('ts-add-value', 1)

      # Try to get the minute memory element. If not available, create one and
      # set it's creation time so the ts-reaper thread can grok it and archive it if too old
      e = self.data.get('min::%s' % key, None)
      if e is None:
         now = NOW.now#int(time.time())
         e = {'cur_min':0, 'sum':0, 'min':None, 'max':None, 'values':[None] * 60, 'nb':0, 'ctime':now}
         self.data['min::%s' % key] = e

         # Maybe we did not know about it, maybe so, but whatever, we add it
      # Compute the minute start and the second idx inside the
      # minute (0-->59)
      _div = divmod(t, 60)
      t_minu = _div[0]*60
      t_second = _div[1]
      # If we just changed the second
      if t_minu != e['cur_min']:
         # we don't save the first def_e
         if e['cur_min'] != 0:
            self.archive_minute(e, key)
         now = NOW.now#int(time.time())
         e = {'cur_min':t_minu, 'sum':0, 'min':None, 'max':None, 'values':[None] * 60, 'nb':0, 'ctime':now}
         self.data['min::%s' % key] = e
      # We will insert the value at the t_second position, we are sure this place is
      # available as the structure is already filled when the dict is created
      e['values'][t_second] = v
      # Check if the new value change the min/max entry
      e_min  = e['min']
      e_max = e['max']
      if not e_min or v < e_min:
         e['min'] = v
      if not e_max or v > e_max:
         e['max'] = v

      # And sum up the result so we will be able to compute the
      # avg entry
      e['sum'] += v
      e['nb'] += 1
      STATS.timer('ts.add_value', (time.time() - T0)*1000)
コード例 #4
ファイル: ts.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/kunai-1
    def archive_minute(self, e, ID):
        STATS.incr('ts-archive-minute', 1)
        T0 = time.time()

        cur_min = e['cur_min']
        name = ID
        values = e['values']

        e['avg'] = None
        if e['nb'] != 0:
            e['avg'] = e['sum'] / float(e['nb'])

        # the main key we use to save the minute entry in the DB
        key = '%s::m%d' % (name, cur_min)

        # Serialize and put the value
        _t = time.time()
        ser = SERIALIZER.dumps(e,2)
        STATS.incr('serializer', time.time() - _t)
        # We keep minutes for 1 day
        _t = time.time()
        self.usender.push_key(key, ser, ttl=86400)
        STATS.incr('put-key', time.time() - _t)

        # Also insert the key in a time switching database
        # (one database by hour)
        #_t = time.time()
        #self.its.assume_key(key, cur_min)
        #STATS.incr('its-assume-key', time.time() - _t)

        ### Hour now
        # Now look at if we just switch hour
        hour = divmod(cur_min, 3600)[0]*3600
        key = '%s::h%d' % (name, hour)

        #CUR_H_KEY = ALL[ID]['CUR_H_KEY']
        hour_e = self.data.get('hour::%s' % name, None)
        if hour_e is None:
           hour_e = {'hour':0, 'sum':0, 'min':None, 'max':None, 'values':[None] * 60, 'nb':0}
           self.data['hour::%s' % name] = hour_e
        old_hour = hour_e['hour']
        # If we switch to a new hour and we are not the first def_hour value
        # we must save the hour entry in the database
        if hour != old_hour:
           if hour_e['hour'] != 0:
              _t = time.time()
              ser = SERIALIZER.dumps(hour_e)
              STATS.incr('serializer', time.time() - _t)

              # the main key we use to save the hour entry in the DB
              hkey = '%s::h%d' % (name, old_hour)

              # Keep hour thing for 1 month
              _t = time.time()
              self.usender.push_key(key, ser, ttl=86400*31)
              STATS.incr('put-hour', time.time() - _t)

           # Now new one with the good hour of t :)
           hour_e = {'hour':0, 'sum':0, 'min':None, 'max':None, 'values':[None] * 60, 'nb':0}
           hour_e['hour'] = hour
           self.data['hour::%s' % name] = hour_e

        _t = time.time()
        # Now compute the hour object update
        h_min = hour_e['min']
        h_max = hour_e['max']
        if h_min is None or e['min'] < h_min:
            hour_e['min'] = e['min']
        if h_max is None or e['max'] > h_max:
            hour_e['max'] = e['max']

        if e['avg'] is not None:
           hour_e['nb'] += 1
           hour_e['sum'] += e['avg']
           # We try to look at which minute we are in the hour object
           minute_hour_idx = (cur_min - hour) / 60
           hour_e['values'][minute_hour_idx] = e['avg']
           hour_e['avg'] = hour_e['sum'] / float(hour_e['nb'])
        STATS.incr('hour-compute', time.time() -_t)

        ### Day now
        # Now look at if we just switch day
        day = divmod(cur_min, 86400)[0]*86400
        hkey = '%s::d%d' % (name, day)

        # Get the in-memory entry, and if none a default one
        day_e = self.data.get('day::%s' % hkey, None)
        if day_e is None:
           day_e = {'day':0, 'sum':0, 'min':None, 'max':None, 'values':[None] * 1440, 'nb':0}
        old_day = day_e['day']
        # If we switch to a new day and we are not the first def_day value
        # we must save the day entry in the database
        if day != old_day and day_e['day'] != 0:
           _t = time.time()
           ser = SERIALIZER.dumps(day_e)
           STATS.incr('serializer', time.time() - _t)

           _t = time.time()
           # And keep day object for 1 year
           self.usender.push_key(hkey, ser, ttl=86400*366)
           STATS.incr('put-day', time.time() - _t)

           # Now new one :)
           day_e = {'day': day, 'sum':0, 'min':None, 'max':None, 'values':[None] * 1440, 'nb':0}
           self.data['day::%s' % key] = day_e

        _t = time.time()
        # Now compute the day object update
        h_min = day_e['min']
        h_max = day_e['max']
        if h_min is None or e['min'] < h_min:
            day_e['min'] = e['min']
        if h_max is None or e['max'] > h_max:
            day_e['max'] = e['max']
        if e['avg'] is not None:
           day_e['nb'] += 1
           day_e['sum'] += e['avg']
           # We try to look at which minute we are in the day object
           minute_day_idx = (cur_min - day) / 60
           day_e['values'][minute_day_idx] = e['avg']
           day_e['avg'] = day_e['sum'] / float(day_e['nb'])
        STATS.incr('day-compute', time.time() -_t)    

        STATS.timer('ts.archive-minute', (time.time() - T0)*1000)