コード例 #1
ファイル: rhythmbox.py プロジェクト: CharString/kupfer
	def _get_thumb_rhythmbox(self):
		artist = self.object[0]["artist"]
		album = unicode(self)
		bs_artist_album = \
			" - ".join([us.encode("ascii", "ignore") for us in (artist, album)]) \
			+ ".jpg"
		return config.get_cache_file(("rhythmbox", "covers", bs_artist_album))
コード例 #2
 def _get_thumb_rhythmbox(self):
     artist = self.object[0]["artist"]
     album = unicode(self)
     bs_artist_album = \
      " - ".join([us.encode("ascii", "ignore") for us in (artist, album)]) \
      + ".jpg"
     return config.get_cache_file(("rhythmbox", "covers", bs_artist_album))
コード例 #3
ファイル: rhythmbox.py プロジェクト: nakamuray/kupfer
	def _get_thumb_mediaart(self):
		"""old thumb location"""
		ltitle = unicode(self).lower()
		# ignore the track artist -- use the space fallback
		# hash of ' ' as fallback
		hspace = "7215ee9c7d9dc229d2921a40e899ec5f"
		htitle = md5(_tostr(ltitle)).hexdigest()
		hartist = hspace
		cache_name = "album-%s-%s.jpeg" % (hartist, htitle)
		return config.get_cache_file(("media-art", cache_name))
コード例 #4
 def _get_thumb_mediaart(self):
     """old thumb location"""
     ltitle = str(self).lower()
     # ignore the track artist -- use the space fallback
     # hash of ' ' as fallback
     hspace = "7215ee9c7d9dc229d2921a40e899ec5f"
     htitle = md5(_toutf8_lossy(ltitle)).hexdigest()
     hartist = hspace
     cache_name = "album-%s-%s.jpeg" % (hartist, htitle)
     return config.get_cache_file(("media-art", cache_name))
コード例 #5
ファイル: rhythmbox.py プロジェクト: cjparsons74/kupfer
	def get_thumbnail(self, width, height):
		if not hasattr(self, "cover_file"):
			ltitle = unicode(self).lower()
			# ignore the track artist -- use the space fallback
			# hash of ' ' as fallback
			hspace = "7215ee9c7d9dc229d2921a40e899ec5f"
			htitle = md5(_tostr(ltitle)).hexdigest()
			hartist = hspace
			cache_name = "album-%s-%s.jpeg" % (hartist, htitle)
			cache_file = config.get_cache_file(("media-art", cache_name))
			# now try filesystem
			if not cache_file:
				uri = self.object[0]["location"]
				gfile = gio.File(uri)
				for cover_name in ("album.jpg", "cover.jpg"):
					cfile = gfile.resolve_relative_path("../" + cover_name)
					if cfile.query_exists():
						cache_file = cfile.get_path()
			self.cover_file = cache_file
		return icons.get_pixbuf_from_file(self.cover_file, width, height)
コード例 #6
ファイル: rhythmbox.py プロジェクト: nakamuray/kupfer
	def _get_thumb_rhythmbox(self):
		artist = self.object[0]["artist"]
		album = unicode(self)
		return config.get_cache_file(("rhythmbox", "covers",
		                              "%s - %s.jpg" % (artist, album)))