def launch_application(app_info, files=(), uris=(), paths=(), track=True, activate=True, desktop_file=None, screen=None): """ Launch @app_rec correctly, using a startup notification you may pass in either a list of Gio.Files in @files, or a list of @uris or @paths if @track, it is a user-level application if @activate, activate rather than start a new version @app_rec is either an GAppInfo or (GAppInfo, desktop_file_path) tuple Raises SpawnError on failed program start. """ assert app_info if paths: files = [Gio.File.new_for_path(p) for p in paths] if uris: files = [Gio.File.new_for_uri(p) for p in uris] svc = GetApplicationsMatcherService() app_id = application_id(app_info, desktop_file) if activate and svc.application_is_running(app_id): svc.application_to_front(app_id) return True # An launch callback closure for the @app_id def application_launch_callback(argv, pid, notify_id, files, timestamp): is_terminal = terminal.is_known_terminal_executable(argv[0]) if not is_terminal: svc.launched_application(app_id, pid) if track: launch_callback = application_launch_callback else: launch_callback = None try: desktop_launch.launch_app_info(app_info, files, timestamp=uievents.current_event_time(), desktop_file=desktop_file, launch_cb=launch_callback, screen=screen) except SpawnError: raise return True
def application_to_front(self, app_id): application_windows = self.get_application_windows(app_id) if not application_windows: return False etime = uievents.current_event_time() # if True, focus app's all windows on the same workspace # if False, focus only one window (in cyclical manner) focus_all = True if focus_all: return self._to_front_application_style(application_windows, etime) else: return self._to_front_single(application_windows, etime)
def launch_application(app_info, files=(), uris=(), paths=(), track=True, activate=True, desktop_file=None, screen=None): """ Launch @app_rec correctly, using a startup notification you may pass in either a list of gio.Files in @files, or a list of @uris or @paths if @track, it is a user-level application if @activate, activate rather than start a new version @app_rec is either an GAppInfo or (GAppInfo, desktop_file_path) tuple Raises SpawnError on failed program start. """ assert app_info if paths: files = [gio.File(p) for p in paths] if uris: files = [gio.File(p) for p in uris] svc = GetApplicationsMatcherService() app_id = application_id(app_info, desktop_file) if activate and svc.application_is_running(app_id): svc.application_to_front(app_id) return True # An launch callback closure for the @app_id def application_launch_callback(argv, pid, notify_id, files, timestamp): is_terminal = terminal.is_known_terminal_executable(argv[0]) if not is_terminal: svc.launched_application(app_id, pid) if track: launch_callback = application_launch_callback else: launch_callback = None try: desktop_launch.launch_app_info(app_info, files, timestamp=uievents.current_event_time(), desktop_file=desktop_file, launch_cb=launch_callback, screen=screen) except SpawnError: raise return True
def show_text_result(text, title=None, ctx=None): """ Show @text in a result window. Use @title to set a window title """ class ResultWindowBehavior (object): def on_text_result_window_key_press_event(self, widget, event, names): return _window_destroy_on_escape(widget, event) def on_close_button_clicked(self, widget, names): names.text_result_window.window.destroy() return True def on_copy_button_clicked(self, widget, names): clip = gtk.clipboard_get(gtk.gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) textview = names.result_textview buf = textview.get_buffer() buf.select_range(*buf.get_bounds()) buf.copy_clipboard(clip) window, textview = builder_get_objects_from_file("result.ui", ("text_result_window", "result_textview"), autoconnect_to=ResultWindowBehavior()) # Set up text buffer buf = gtk.TextBuffer() buf.set_text(text) monospace = gtk.TextTag("fixed") monospace.set_property("family", "Monospace") monospace.set_property("scale", pango.SCALE_LARGE) beg, end = buf.get_bounds() tag_table = buf.get_tag_table() tag_table.add(monospace) buf.apply_tag(monospace, beg, end) textview.set_buffer(buf) textview.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_NONE) if title: window.set_title(title) if ctx: ctx.environment.present_window(window) window.show_all() # Fix Sizing: # We want to size the window so that the # TextView is displayed without scrollbars # initially, if it fits on screen. oldwid, oldhei = textview.window.get_size() winwid, winhei = window.get_size() max_hsize, max_vsize = window.get_default_size() wid, hei = textview.size_request() textview.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD) vsize = int(min(hei + (winhei - oldhei) + 5, max_vsize)) hsize = int(min(wid + (winwid - oldwid) + 5, max_hsize)) window.resize(hsize, vsize) if ctx: ctx.environment.present_window(window) else: window.present_with_time(uievents.current_event_time())
def show_large_type(text, ctx=None): """ Show @text, large, in a result window. """ import math text = text.strip() window = gtk.Window() label = gtk.Label() label.set_text(text) def set_font_size(label, fontsize=48.0): siz_attr = pango.AttrFontDesc( pango.FontDescription (str(fontsize)), 0, -1) attrs = pango.AttrList() attrs.insert(siz_attr) label.set_attributes(attrs) size = 72.0 set_font_size(label, size) if ctx: screen = ctx.environment.get_screen() window.set_screen(screen) else: screen = gtk.gdk.screen_get_default() maxwid = screen.get_width() - 50 maxhei = screen.get_height() - 100 wid, hei = label.size_request() # If the text contains long lines, we try to # hard-wrap the text if ((wid > maxwid or hei > maxhei) and any(len(L) > 100 for L in text.splitlines())): label.set_text(_wrap_paragraphs(text)) wid, hei = label.size_request() if wid > maxwid or hei > maxhei: # Round size down to fit inside wscale = maxwid * 1.0/wid hscale = maxhei * 1.0/hei set_font_size(label, math.floor(min(wscale, hscale)*size) or 1.0) window.add(label) window.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) window.set_resizable(False) window.set_decorated(False) window.set_property("border-width", 10) window.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("black")) label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("white")) def _window_destroy(widget, event): widget.destroy() return True window.connect("key-press-event", _window_destroy) window.show_all() if ctx: ctx.environment.present_window(window) else: window.present_with_time(uievents.current_event_time())
def application_close_all(self, app_id): application_windows = self.get_application_windows(app_id) evttime = uievents.current_event_time() for w in application_windows: if not w.is_skip_tasklist(): w.close(evttime)
def show_text_result(text, title=None, ctx=None): """ Show @text in a result window. Use @title to set a window title """ class ResultWindowBehavior(object): def __init__(self): self.names = None def on_text_result_window_key_press_event(self, widget, event): return _window_close_on_escape(widget, event) def on_close_button_clicked(self, widget): self.names.text_result_window.close() return True def on_copy_button_clicked(self, widget): clip = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) textview = self.names.result_textview buf = textview.get_buffer() buf.select_range(*buf.get_bounds()) buf.copy_clipboard(clip) window, textview = builder_get_objects_from_file( "result.ui", ("text_result_window", "result_textview"), autoconnect_to=ResultWindowBehavior()) # Set up text buffer buf = Gtk.TextBuffer() buf.set_text(text) textview.set_buffer(buf) textview.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.NONE) textview.set_editable(True) if title: window.set_title(title) if ctx: ctx.environment.present_window(window) window.show_all() # Find the size of one (monospace) letter playout = textview.create_pango_layout("X") ink_r, logical_r = playout.get_pixel_extents() # Fix Sizing: # We want to size the window so that the # TextView is displayed without scrollbars # initially, if it fits on screen. tw_sr = textview.get_size_request() oldwid, oldhei = tw_sr.width, tw_sr.height winwid, winhei = window.get_size() #max_hsize, max_vsize = window.get_default_size() tw_sr = textview.size_request() wid, hei = tw_sr.width, tw_sr.height textview.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.WORD) # Set max window size to 100 colums x 60 lines max_hsize = ink_r.height * 60 max_vsize = ink_r.width * 100 vsize = int(min(hei + (winhei - oldhei) + 5, max_vsize)) hsize = int(min(wid + (winwid - oldwid) + 5, max_hsize)) window.resize(hsize, vsize) if ctx: ctx.environment.present_window(window) else: window.present_with_time(uievents.current_event_time())
def show_large_type(text, ctx=None): """ Show @text, large, in a result window. """ import math text = text.strip() window = Gtk.Window() label = Gtk.Label() label.set_text(text) def set_font_size(label, fontsize=48.0): siz_attr = Pango.AttrFontDesc( Pango.FontDescription.from_string(str(fontsize)), 0, -1) attrs = Pango.AttrList() attrs.insert(siz_attr) label.set_attributes(attrs) size = 72.0 #set_font_size(label, size) if ctx: screen = ctx.environment.get_screen() window.set_screen(screen) else: screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default() maxwid = screen.get_width() - 50 maxhei = screen.get_height() - 100 wid, hei = label.size_request() # If the text contains long lines, we try to # hard-wrap the text if ((wid > maxwid or hei > maxhei) and any(len(L) > 100 for L in text.splitlines())): label.set_text(_wrap_paragraphs(text)) wid, hei = label.size_request() if wid > maxwid or hei > maxhei: # Round size down to fit inside wscale = maxwid * 1.0 / wid hscale = maxhei * 1.0 / hei set_font_size(label, math.floor(min(wscale, hscale) * size) or 1.0) window.add(label) window.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER) window.set_resizable(False) window.set_decorated(False) window.set_property("border-width", 10) window.modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse("black")) label.modify_fg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse("white")) def _window_destroy(widget, event): widget.destroy() return True window.connect("key-press-event", _window_destroy) window.show_all() if ctx: ctx.environment.present_window(window) else: window.present_with_time(uievents.current_event_time())
def show_text_result(text, title=None, ctx=None): """ Show @text in a result window. Use @title to set a window title """ class ResultWindowBehavior(object): def on_text_result_window_key_press_event(self, widget, event, names): return _window_destroy_on_escape(widget, event) def on_close_button_clicked(self, widget, names): names.text_result_window.window.destroy() return True def on_copy_button_clicked(self, widget, names): clip = gtk.clipboard_get(gtk.gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) textview = names.result_textview buf = textview.get_buffer() buf.select_range(*buf.get_bounds()) buf.copy_clipboard(clip) window, textview = builder_get_objects_from_file( "result.ui", ("text_result_window", "result_textview"), autoconnect_to=ResultWindowBehavior()) # Set up text buffer buf = gtk.TextBuffer() buf.set_text(text) monospace = gtk.TextTag("fixed") monospace.set_property("family", "Monospace") monospace.set_property("scale", pango.SCALE_LARGE) beg, end = buf.get_bounds() tag_table = buf.get_tag_table() tag_table.add(monospace) buf.apply_tag(monospace, beg, end) textview.set_buffer(buf) textview.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_NONE) if title: window.set_title(title) if ctx: ctx.environment.present_window(window) window.show_all() # Fix Sizing: # We want to size the window so that the # TextView is displayed without scrollbars # initially, if it fits on screen. oldwid, oldhei = textview.window.get_size() winwid, winhei = window.get_size() max_hsize, max_vsize = window.get_default_size() wid, hei = textview.size_request() textview.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD) vsize = int(min(hei + (winhei - oldhei) + 5, max_vsize)) hsize = int(min(wid + (winwid - oldwid) + 5, max_hsize)) window.resize(hsize, vsize) if ctx: ctx.environment.present_window(window) else: window.present_with_time(uievents.current_event_time())