コード例 #1
def run_whql_client_install(test, params, env):
    WHQL DTM client installation:
    1) Log into the guest (the client machine) and into a DTM server machine
    2) Stop the DTM client service (wttsvc) on the client machine
    3) Delete the client machine from the server's data store
    4) Rename the client machine (give it a randomly generated name)
    5) Move the client machine into the server's workgroup
    6) Reboot the client machine
    7) Install the DTM client software
    8) Setup auto logon for the user created by the installation
       (normally DTMLLUAdminUser)
    9) Reboot again

    @param test: kvm test object
    @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
    @param env: Dictionary with test environment.
    vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
    session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))

    # Collect test params
    server_address = params.get("server_address")
    server_shell_port = int(params.get("server_shell_port"))
    server_file_transfer_port = int(params.get("server_file_transfer_port"))
    server_studio_path = params.get("server_studio_path", "%programfiles%\\ "
                                    "Microsoft Driver Test Manager\\Studio")
    server_username = params.get("server_username")
    server_password = params.get("server_password")
    client_username = params.get("client_username")
    client_password = params.get("client_password")
    dsso_delete_machine_binary = params.get("dsso_delete_machine_binary",
    dsso_delete_machine_binary = kvm_utils.get_path(test.bindir,
    install_timeout = float(params.get("install_timeout", 600))
    install_cmd = params.get("install_cmd")
    wtt_services = params.get("wtt_services")

    # Stop WTT service(s) on client
    for svc in wtt_services.split():
        kvm_test_utils.stop_windows_service(session, svc)

    # Copy dsso_delete_machine_binary to server
    rss_file_transfer.upload(server_address, server_file_transfer_port,
                             dsso_delete_machine_binary, server_studio_path,

    # Open a shell session with server
    server_session = kvm_utils.remote_login("nc", server_address,
                                            server_shell_port, "", "",
                                            session.prompt, session.linesep)

    # Get server and client information
    cmd = "echo %computername%"
    server_name = server_session.cmd_output(cmd).strip()
    client_name = session.cmd_output(cmd).strip()
    cmd = "wmic computersystem get domain"
    server_workgroup = server_session.cmd_output(cmd).strip()
    server_workgroup = server_workgroup.splitlines()[-1]
    regkey = r"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters"
    cmd = "reg query %s /v Domain" % regkey
    o = server_session.cmd_output(cmd).strip().splitlines()[-1]
        server_dns_suffix = o.split(None, 2)[2]
    except IndexError:
        server_dns_suffix = ""

    # Delete the client machine from the server's data store (if it's there)
    server_session.cmd("cd %s" % server_studio_path)
    cmd = "%s %s %s" % (os.path.basename(dsso_delete_machine_binary),
                        server_name, client_name)
    server_session.cmd(cmd, print_func=logging.info)

    # Rename the client machine
    client_name = "autotest_%s" % kvm_utils.generate_random_string(4)
    logging.info("Renaming client machine to '%s'", client_name)
    cmd = ('wmic computersystem where name="%%computername%%" rename name="%s"'
           % client_name)
    session.cmd(cmd, timeout=600)

    # Join the server's workgroup
    logging.info("Joining workgroup '%s'", server_workgroup)
    cmd = ('wmic computersystem where name="%%computername%%" call '
           'joindomainorworkgroup name="%s"' % server_workgroup)
    session.cmd(cmd, timeout=600)

    # Set the client machine's DNS suffix
    logging.info("Setting DNS suffix to '%s'", server_dns_suffix)
    cmd = 'reg add %s /v Domain /d "%s" /f' % (regkey, server_dns_suffix)
    session.cmd(cmd, timeout=300)

    # Reboot
    session = vm.reboot(session)

    # Access shared resources on the server machine
    logging.info("Attempting to access remote share on server")
    cmd = r"net use \\%s /user:%s %s" % (server_name, server_username,
    end_time = time.time() + 120
    while time.time() < end_time:
        raise error.TestError("Could not access server share from client "

    # Install
    logging.info("Installing DTM client (timeout=%ds)", install_timeout)
    install_cmd = r"cmd /c \\%s\%s" % (server_name, install_cmd.lstrip("\\"))
    session.cmd(install_cmd, timeout=install_timeout)

    # Setup auto logon
    logging.info("Setting up auto logon for user '%s'", client_username)
    cmd = ('reg add '
           '"HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\winlogon" '
           '/v "%s" /d "%s" /t REG_SZ /f')
    session.cmd(cmd % ("AutoAdminLogon", "1"))
    session.cmd(cmd % ("DefaultUserName", client_username))
    session.cmd(cmd % ("DefaultPassword", client_password))

    # Reboot one more time
    session = vm.reboot(session)
コード例 #2
def run_whql_submission(test, params, env):
    WHQL submission test:
    1) Log into the guest (the client machine) and into a DTM server machine
    2) Copy the automation program binary (dsso_test_binary) to the server machine
    3) Run the automation program
    4) Pass the program all relevant parameters (e.g. device_data)
    5) Wait for the program to terminate
    6) Parse and report job results
    (logs and HTML reports are placed in test.bindir)

    @param test: kvm test object
    @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
    @param env: Dictionary with test environment.
    vm = kvm_test_utils.get_living_vm(env, params.get("main_vm"))
    session = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm, 0, 240)

    # Collect parameters
    server_address = params.get("server_address")
    server_shell_port = int(params.get("server_shell_port"))
    server_file_transfer_port = int(params.get("server_file_transfer_port"))
    server_studio_path = params.get("server_studio_path", "%programfiles%\\ " "Microsoft Driver Test Manager\\Studio")
    dsso_test_binary = params.get("dsso_test_binary", "deps/whql_submission_15.exe")
    dsso_test_binary = kvm_utils.get_path(test.bindir, dsso_test_binary)
    test_device = params.get("test_device")
    job_filter = params.get("job_filter", ".*")
    test_timeout = float(params.get("test_timeout", 600))
    wtt_services = params.get("wtt_services")

    # Restart WTT service(s) on the client
    logging.info("Restarting WTT services on client")
    for svc in wtt_services.split():
        kvm_test_utils.stop_windows_service(session, svc)
    for svc in wtt_services.split():
        kvm_test_utils.start_windows_service(session, svc)

    # Copy dsso_test_binary to the server
        server_address, server_file_transfer_port, dsso_test_binary, server_studio_path, timeout=60

    # Open a shell session with the server
    server_session = kvm_utils.remote_login(
        "nc", server_address, server_shell_port, "", "", session.prompt, session.linesep

    # Get the computer names of the server and client
    cmd = "echo %computername%"
    server_name = server_session.cmd_output(cmd).strip()
    client_name = session.cmd_output(cmd).strip()

    # Run the automation program on the server
    server_session.cmd("cd %s" % server_studio_path)
    cmd = "%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (
        "%s_pool" % client_name,
        "%s_submission" % client_name,

    # Helper function: wait for a given prompt and raise an exception if an
    # error occurs
    def find_prompt(prompt):
        m, o = server_session.read_until_last_line_matches(
            [prompt, server_session.prompt], print_func=logging.info, timeout=600
        if m != 0:
            errors = re.findall("^Error:.*$", o, re.I | re.M)
            if errors:
                raise error.TestError(errors[0])
                raise error.TestError("Error running automation program: " "could not find '%s' prompt" % prompt)

    # Tell the automation program which device to test
    find_prompt("Device to test:")

    # Tell the automation program which jobs to run
    find_prompt("Jobs to run:")

    # Give the automation program all the device data supplied by the user
    find_prompt("DeviceData name:")
    for dd in kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, "device_data"):
        dd_params = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(params, dd)
        if dd_params.get("dd_name") and dd_params.get("dd_data"):

    # Give the automation program all the descriptor information supplied by
    # the user
    find_prompt("Descriptor path:")
    for desc in kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, "descriptors"):
        desc_params = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(params, desc)
        if desc_params.get("desc_path"):

    # Wait for the automation program to terminate
        o = server_session.read_up_to_prompt(print_func=logging.info, timeout=test_timeout + 300)
        # (test_timeout + 300 is used here because the automation program is
        # supposed to terminate cleanly on its own when test_timeout expires)
        done = True
    except kvm_subprocess.ExpectError, e:
        o = e.output
        done = False