def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): super().__init__(methodName) _lang = Translations() self._info_storage = InfoRam(_lang) self._data_storage = DataRam(_lang) target = TargetSearch(_lang, self._info_storage, self._data_storage) self._drive_file = DriveFile(_lang, self._info_storage, Json(), Key(_lang, target)) self._processor = Processor(_lang, self._drive_file, self._data_storage, Hashed())
def test_shared_fail(self): lang = Translations() lib = Random(lang, TargetSearch(lang, InfoRam(lang), DataRam(lang))) try: lib.get_shared_key() # no key set! assert False, 'Got empty shared key' except UploadException as ex: assert 'SHARED KEY IS EMPTY' == ex.get_message()
def test_fail_no_remote(self): lang = Translations() lib = TargetSearch(lang, InfoRam(lang), DataRam(lang)) try: lib.process() assert False, 'No remote and passed' except UploadException as ex: assert 'SENT FILE NAME IS EMPTY' == ex.get_message()
def test_init_fail(self): lang = Translations() target = TargetSearch(lang, InfoRam(lang), DataRam(lang)) try: Factory.get_variant(lang, target, 0) assert False, 'Use unknown variant' except UploadException as ex: assert 'KEY VARIANT NOT SET' == ex.get_message()
def test_process_name_lookup(self): lang = Translations() data_ram = DataRam(lang) data_ram.add_part(self._get_test_dir() + 'dummyFile.tst', 'asdfghjklqwertzuiopyxcvbnm') data_ram.add_part(self._get_test_dir() + 'dummyFile.0.tst', 'asdfghjklqwertzuiopyxcvbnm') data_ram.add_part(self._get_test_dir() + 'dummyFile.1.tst', 'asdfghjklqwertzuiopyxcvbnm') data_ram.add_part(self._get_test_dir() + 'dummyFile.2.tst', 'asdfghjklqwertzuiopyxcvbnm') lib = TargetSearch(lang, InfoRam(lang), data_ram, False, False) lib.set_target_dir(self._get_test_dir()).set_remote_file_name( 'dummyFile.tst').process() assert self._get_test_dir( ) + 'dummyFile.3.tst' + TargetSearch.FILE_UPLOAD_SUFF == lib.get_temporary_target_location( )
def test_fail_no_base(self): lang = Translations() lib = TargetSearch(lang, InfoRam(lang), DataRam(lang)) try: lib.get_final_target_name() assert False, 'No final target name and passed' except UploadException as ex: assert 'UPLOAD FILE NAME IS EMPTY' == ex.get_message()
def test_fail_no_target(self): lang = Translations() lib = TargetSearch(lang, InfoRam(lang), DataRam(lang)) lib.set_remote_file_name('abcdefg') try: lib.process() assert False, 'No target and passed' except UploadException as ex: assert 'TARGET DIR IS NOT SET' == ex.get_message()
def test_redis(self): import hashlib lang = Translations() target = TargetSearch(lang, InfoRam(lang), DataRam(lang)) target.set_remote_file_name('poiuztrewq').set_target_dir(self._get_test_dir()).process() lib = Redis(lang, target) lib.generate_keys() key1 = 'poiuztrewq' key2 = '/tmp/lkjhg' assert hashlib.md5(key1.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() == lib.get_shared_key() assert Redis.PREFIX + key2 == lib.from_shared_key(key2)
def test_process_no_clear(self): lang = Translations() lib = TargetSearch(lang, InfoRam(lang), DataRam(lang), False, False) lib.set_target_dir(self._get_test_dir()).set_remote_file_name( 'what el$e can be found').process() assert 'what el$e can be found' == lib.get_final_target_name() assert self._get_test_dir( ) + 'what el$e can be found' + TargetSearch.FILE_DRIVER_SUFF == lib.get_driver_location( ) assert self._get_test_dir( ) + 'what el$e can be found' + TargetSearch.FILE_UPLOAD_SUFF == lib.get_temporary_target_location( )
def test_volume(self): import base64 lang = Translations() target = TargetSearch(lang, InfoRam(lang), DataRam(lang)) target.set_remote_file_name('poiuztrewq').set_target_dir('/tmp/').process() lib = SimpleVolume(lang, target) lib.generate_keys() key1 = '/tmp/poiuztrewq' + TargetSearch.FILE_DRIVER_SUFF key2 = '/tmp/lkjhg' assert base64.encodebytes(key1.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8").strip() == lib.get_shared_key() assert key2 == lib.from_shared_key(base64.encodebytes(key2.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8").strip()) try: lib.from_shared_key('**' + key2) # aaand failed... - chars outside the b64 assert False, 'Decode some unknown chars' except UploadException as ex: assert 'SHARED KEY IS INVALID' == ex.get_message()
def _get_drive_file(self) -> DriveFile: lang = Translations() storage = InfoRam(lang) target = TargetSearch(lang, storage, DataRam(lang)) return DriveFile(lang, storage, Json(), Key(lang, target))
def _get_data_storage(self, lang: Translations) -> DataStorage: super()._get_data_storage(lang) return DataRam(lang)
class ProcessorTest(CommonTestClass): def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): super().__init__(methodName) _lang = Translations() self._info_storage = InfoRam(_lang) self._data_storage = DataRam(_lang) target = TargetSearch(_lang, self._info_storage, self._data_storage) self._drive_file = DriveFile(_lang, self._info_storage, Json(), Key(_lang, target)) self._processor = Processor(_lang, self._drive_file, self._data_storage, Hashed()) def tearDown(self): if self._drive_file.exists(self._mock_key()): self._drive_file.remove(self._mock_key()) super().tearDown() def test_init(self): pack = self._mock_data() pack.last_known_part = 5 data = self._processor.init(pack, self._mock_shared_key()) assert isinstance(data, DataPack) assert 'abcdef' == data.file_name assert self._get_test_dir() + 'abcdef' == data.temp_location assert 123456 == data.file_size assert 12 == data.parts_count assert 64 == data.bytes_per_part assert 5 == data.last_known_part data2 = self._processor.done(self._mock_key()) assert isinstance(data2, DataPack) assert 'abcdef' == data.file_name assert self._get_test_dir() + 'abcdef' == data.temp_location assert 123456 == data.file_size assert 12 == data.parts_count assert 64 == data.bytes_per_part assert 5 == data.last_known_part self._clear() def test_init_fail(self): pack = self._mock_data() pack.last_known_part = 4 data = self._processor.init(pack, self._mock_shared_key()) assert isinstance(data, DataPack) assert 4 == data.last_known_part pack.last_known_part = 8 data2 = self._processor.init(pack, self._mock_shared_key()) assert 4 == data2.last_known_part assert 8 != data2.last_known_part self._clear() def test_upload_early(self): pack = self._mock_data() pack.file_size = 80 pack.bytes_per_part = 10 pack.last_known_part = 4 pack.parts_count = 8 self._processor.init(pack, self._mock_shared_key()) data_cont = b'asdfghjklyxcvbnmqwertzuiop1234567890' self._processor.upload(self._mock_shared_key(), data_cont, 5) # pass, last is 4, wanted 5 try: self._processor.upload(self._mock_shared_key(), data_cont, 7) # fail, last is 5, wanted 6 assert False, 'Early reading processed' except UploadException as ex: assert 'READ TOO EARLY' == ex.get_message() self._clear() def test_check_segment_sub_zero(self): pack = self._mock_data() pack.file_size = 80 pack.bytes_per_part = 10 pack.last_known_part = 4 pack.parts_count = 8 self._processor.init(pack, self._mock_shared_key()) try: self._processor.check(self._mock_shared_key(), -5) # fail, sub zero assert False, 'Sub zero wins' except UploadException as ex: assert 'SEGMENT OUT OF BOUNDS' == ex.get_message() self._clear() def test_check_segment_available_parts(self): pack = self._mock_data() pack.file_size = 80 pack.bytes_per_part = 10 pack.last_known_part = 4 pack.parts_count = 8 self._processor.init(pack, self._mock_shared_key()) try: self._processor.check(self._mock_shared_key(), 10) # fail, out of size assert False, 'Overweight segment' except UploadException as ex: assert 'SEGMENT OUT OF BOUNDS' == ex.get_message() self._clear() def test_check_segment_not_uploaded(self): pack = self._mock_data() pack.file_size = 80 pack.bytes_per_part = 10 pack.last_known_part = 4 pack.parts_count = 8 self._processor.init(pack, self._mock_shared_key()) try: self._processor.check(self._mock_shared_key(), 6) # fail, outside upload assert False, 'Outside upload' except UploadException as ex: assert 'SEGMENT NOT UPLOADED YET' == ex.get_message() self._clear() def test_simple_thru(self): from hashlib import md5 cont = Files.file_get_contents(self._get_test_file(), 80) pack = self._mock_data() pack.file_size = 80 pack.bytes_per_part = 10 pack.last_known_part = 4 pack.parts_count = 8 data = self._processor.init(pack, self._mock_shared_key()) data_cont = Strings.substr(cont, 0, 30) + 'asdfghjklyxcvbnmqwer' # set problematic content self._processor.upload(self._mock_shared_key(), bytes(data_cont, encoding='utf-8')) # now checks for i in range(0, data.last_known_part + 1): remote_md5 = self._processor.check(self._mock_shared_key(), i) local_str = Strings.substr(cont, i * data.bytes_per_part, data.bytes_per_part) local_md5 = md5(local_str.encode()).hexdigest() if remote_md5 != local_md5: self._processor.truncate_from(self._mock_shared_key(), i) break data2 = assert 3 == data2.last_known_part # set rest for i in range(data2.last_known_part + 1, data2.parts_count): data_pack = Strings.substr(str(cont), i * data2.last_known_part, data2.bytes_per_part) self._processor.upload(self._mock_shared_key(), bytes(data_pack, encoding='utf-8')) self._processor.cancel(self._mock_shared_key( )) # intended, because pass will be checked in upload itself self._clear() def test_simple_all(self): cont = Files.file_get_contents(self._get_test_file(), 80) pack = self._mock_data() pack.file_size = 80 pack.bytes_per_part = 10 pack.last_known_part = 7 pack.parts_count = 8 self._processor.init(pack, self._mock_shared_key()) self._processor.upload(self._mock_shared_key(), bytes(cont, encoding='utf-8')) data = self._processor.done(self._mock_shared_key()) assert 8 == data.last_known_part assert 8 == data.parts_count self._clear() def _mock_key(self) -> str: return 'fghjkl' + TargetSearch.FILE_DRIVER_SUFF def _clear(self): self._data_storage.remove(self._mock_shared_key()) self._info_storage.remove(self._mock_shared_key())
def test_random(self): assert 'aaaaaaa' == Random.generate_random_text(7, ['a','a','a','a']) lang = Translations() lib = Random(lang, TargetSearch(lang, InfoRam(lang), DataRam(lang))) assert 'abcdefghi' + TargetSearch.FILE_DRIVER_SUFF == lib.from_shared_key('abcdefghi')
def test_init(self): lang = Translations() target = TargetSearch(lang, InfoRam(lang), DataRam(lang)) assert isinstance(Factory.get_variant(lang, target, Factory.VARIANT_VOLUME), SimpleVolume) assert isinstance(Factory.get_variant(lang, target, Factory.VARIANT_RANDOM), Random) assert isinstance(Factory.get_variant(lang, target, Factory.VARIANT_REDIS), Redis)