コード例 #1
ファイル: priors.py プロジェクト: wesselb/gpcm
def _extract_samples(quantities):
    x = quantities.x
    samples = quantities.all_samples
    return (
        B.concat(-x[::-1][:-1], x),
        B.concat(samples[::-1, :][:-1, :], samples, axis=0),
コード例 #2
    def project(self, x, y):
        """Project data.

            x (matrix): Locations of data.
            y (matrix): Observations of data.

            tuple: Tuple containing the locations of the projection,
                the projection, weights associated with the projection, and
                a regularisation term.
        n = B.shape(x)[0]
        available = ~B.isnan(B.to_numpy(y))

        # Optimise the case where all data is available.
        if B.all(available):
            return self._project_pattern(x, y, (True,) * self.p)

        # Extract patterns.
        patterns = list(set(map(tuple, list(available))))

        if len(patterns) > 30:
                f"Detected {len(patterns)} patterns, which is more "
                f"than 30 and can be slow.",

        # Per pattern, find data points that belong to it.
        patterns_inds = [[] for _ in range(len(patterns))]
        for i in range(n):

        # Per pattern, perform the projection.
        proj_xs = []
        proj_ys = []
        proj_ws = []
        total_reg = 0

        for pattern, pattern_inds in zip(patterns, patterns_inds):
            proj_x, proj_y, proj_w, reg = self._project_pattern(
                B.take(x, pattern_inds), B.take(y, pattern_inds), pattern

            total_reg = total_reg + reg

        return (
            B.concat(*proj_xs, axis=0),
            B.concat(*proj_ys, axis=0),
            B.concat(*proj_ws, axis=0),
コード例 #3
ファイル: net.py プロジェクト: wesselb/wbml
    def __call__(self, prev, x):
        prev_h, _ = prev

        # Gate logic:
        z = self.f_z(B.concat(prev_h, x, axis=1))
        r = self.f_r(B.concat(prev_h, x, axis=1))
        h = (1 - z) * prev_h + z * self.f_h(B.concat(r * prev_h, x, axis=1))
        y = h

        return h, y
コード例 #4
def test_concat(dense1, dense2, diag1, diag2):
    with AssertDenseWarning("concatenating <dense>, <dense>, <diagonal>..."):
        res = B.concat(dense1, dense2, diag1, diag2, axis=1)
        dense_res = B.concat(B.dense(dense1),
        approx(res, dense_res)
        assert isinstance(res, Dense)
コード例 #5
def test_combine():
    x1 = B.linspace(0, 2, 10)
    x2 = B.linspace(2, 4, 10)

    m = Measure()
    p1 = GP(EQ(), measure=m)
    p2 = GP(Matern12(), measure=m)
    y1 = p1(x1).sample()
    y2 = p2(x2).sample()

    # Check the one-argument case.
    assert_equal_normals(combine(p1(x1, 1)), p1(x1, 1))
    fdd_combined, y_combined = combine((p1(x1, 1), B.squeeze(y1)))
    assert_equal_normals(fdd_combined, p1(x1, 1))
    approx(y_combined, y1)

    # Check the two-argument case.
    fdd_combined = combine(p1(x1, 1), p2(x2, 2))
        Normal(B.block_diag(p1(x1, 1).var,
                            p2(x2, 2).var)),
    fdd_combined, y_combined = combine((p1(x1, 1), B.squeeze(y1)),
                                       (p2(x2, 2), y2))
        Normal(B.block_diag(p1(x1, 1).var,
                            p2(x2, 2).var)),
    approx(y_combined, B.concat(y1, y2, axis=0))
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_sample.py プロジェクト: wesselb/gpcm
def test_ess():
    # Construct a prior and a likelihood.
    prior = Normal(np.array([[0.6, 0.3], [0.3, 0.6]]))
    lik = Normal(
        np.array([[0.2], [0.3]]),
        np.array([[1, 0.2], [0.2, 1]]),

    # Perform sampling.
    sampler = ESS(lik.logpdf, prior.sample)
    num_samples = 30_000
    samples = B.concat(*sampler.sample(num=num_samples), axis=1)

    samples_mean = B.mean(samples, axis=1)[:, None]
    samples_cov = (
        B.matmul(samples - samples_mean, samples - samples_mean, tr_b=True) /

    # Compute posterior statistics.
    prec_prior = B.inv(prior.var)
    prec_lik = B.inv(lik.var)
    cov = B.inv(prec_prior + prec_lik)
    mean = cov @ (prec_prior @ prior.mean + prec_lik @ lik.mean)

    approx(samples_cov, cov, atol=5e-2)
    approx(samples_mean, mean, atol=5e-2)
コード例 #7
def test_momean(x):
    prior = Measure()
    p1 = GP(lambda x: 2 * x, 1 * EQ(), measure=prior)
    p2 = GP(1, 2 * EQ().stretch(2), measure=prior)

    m = MultiOutputMean(prior, p1, p2)
    ms = prior.means

    # Check representation.
    assert str(m) == "MultiOutputMean(<lambda>, 1)"

    # Check computation.
    approx(m(x), B.concat(ms[p1](x), ms[p2](x), axis=0))
    approx(m(p1(x)), ms[p1](x))
    approx(m(p2(x)), ms[p2](x))
    approx(m(MultiInput(p2(x), p1(x))), B.concat(ms[p2](x), ms[p1](x), axis=0))
コード例 #8
def test_logpdf_missing_data():
    # Setup model.
    m = 3
    noise = 1e-2
    latent_noises = 2e-2 * B.ones(m)
    kernels = [0.5 * EQ().stretch(0.75) for _ in range(m)]
    x = B.linspace(0, 10, 20)

    # Concatenate two orthogonal matrices, to make the missing data
    # approximation exact.
    u1 = B.svd(B.randn(m, m))[0]
    u2 = B.svd(B.randn(m, m))[0]
    u = Dense(B.concat(u1, u2, axis=0) / B.sqrt(2))

    s_sqrt = Diagonal(B.rand(m))

    # Construct a reference model.
    oilmm_pp = ILMMPP(kernels, u @ s_sqrt, noise, latent_noises)

    # Sample to generate test data.
    y = oilmm_pp.sample(x, latent=False)

    # Throw away data, but retain orthogonality.
    y[5:10, 3:] = np.nan
    y[10:, :3] = np.nan

    # Construct OILMM to test.
    oilmm = OILMM(kernels, u, s_sqrt, noise, latent_noises)

    # Check that evidence is still exact.
    approx(oilmm_pp.logpdf(x, y), oilmm.logpdf(x, y), atol=1e-7)
コード例 #9
ファイル: block.py プロジェクト: wesselb/matrix
def _attempt_diagonal(rows):
    # Check whether the result is diagonal.

    # Check that the blocks form a square.
    if not all([len(row) == len(rows) for row in rows]):
        return None

    # Collect the diagonal blocks.
    diagonal_blocks = []
    for r in range(len(rows)):
        for c in range(len(rows[0])):
            block_shape = B.shape(rows[r][c])
            if r == c:
                # Keep track of all the diagonal blocks.

                # All blocks on the diagonal must be diagonal or zero.
                if not isinstance(rows[r][c], (Diagonal, Zero)):
                    return None

                # All blocks on the diagonal must be square.
                if not block_shape[0] == block_shape[1]:
                    return None
                # All blocks not on the diagonal must be zero.
                if not isinstance(rows[r][c], Zero):
                    return None

    return Diagonal(B.concat(*[B.diag(x) for x in diagonal_blocks]))
コード例 #10
ファイル: net.py プロジェクト: wesselb/wbml
    def __call__(self, prev, x):
        prev_h, prev_y = prev

        # Gate logic:
        h = self.f_h(B.concat(prev_h, x, axis=1))
        y = h

        return h, y
コード例 #11
def concat(*elements: AbstractMatrix, axis=0):
    if structured(*elements):
        elements_str = ", ".join(map(str, elements[:3]))
        if len(elements) > 3:
            elements_str += "..."
            f"Concatenating {elements_str}: converting to dense.",
    return Dense(B.concat(*(B.dense(el) for el in elements), axis=axis))
コード例 #12
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: wesselb/varz
def pack(*objs: B.Numeric):
    """Pack objects.

        *objs (tensor): Objects to pack.

        tensor: Vector representation of the objects.
    return B.concat(*[B.flatten(obj) for obj in objs], axis=0)
コード例 #13
def compute_I_uz(model, t):
    """Compute the :math:`I_{uz,t_i}` matrix for :math:`t_i` in `t`.

        model (:class:`.gprv.GPRV`): Model.
        t (vector): Time points :math:`t_i` of data.

        tensor: Value of :math:`I_{uz,t_i}`, with shape
            `(len(t), len(model.t_u), len(model.ms))`.
    # Compute sorting permutation.
    perm = np.argsort(model.ms)
    inverse_perm = invert_perm(perm)

    # Sort to allow for simple concatenation.
    ms = model.ms[perm]

    # Part of the factor is absorbed in the integrals.
    factor = (
        model.alpha_t * model.gamma_t * B.exp(-model.gamma * model.t_u[None, :, None])

    # Compute I(l, u, 0).
    k = ms[ms == 0]
    I_uz0 = (
            model, t[:, None, None] - model.t_u[None, :, None], t[:, None, None]
        + k[None, None, :]
    )  # This is all zeros, but performs broadcasting.

    # Compute I(l, u, k) for 0 < k < M + 1.
    k = ms[(0 < ms) * (ms <= model.m_max)]
    I_uz_leM = _integral_luk_leq_M(
        t[:, None, None] - model.t_u[None, :, None],
        t[:, None, None],
        k[None, None, :],

    # Compute I(l, u, k) for k > M.
    k = ms[ms > model.m_max]
    I_uz_gtM = _integral_luk_g_M(
        t[:, None, None] - model.t_u[None, :, None],
        t[:, None, None],
        k[None, None, :],

    # Construct result.
    result = B.concat(I_uz0, I_uz_leM, I_uz_gtM, axis=2)

    # Undo sorting and return.
    return factor * B.take(result, inverse_perm, axis=2)
コード例 #14
def test_mom():
    x = B.linspace(0, 1, 10)

    prior = Measure()
    p1 = GP(lambda x: 2 * x, 1 * EQ(), measure=prior)
    p2 = GP(1, 2 * EQ().stretch(2), measure=prior)

    m = MultiOutputMean(prior, p1, p2)
    ms = prior.means

    # Check dimensionality.
    assert dimensionality(m) == 2

    # Check representation.
    assert str(m) == "MultiOutputMean(<lambda>, 1)"

    # Check computation.
    approx(m(x), B.concat(ms[p1](x), ms[p2](x), axis=0))
    approx(m(p1(x)), ms[p1](x))
    approx(m(p2(x)), ms[p2](x))
    approx(m((p2(x), p1(x))), B.concat(ms[p2](x), ms[p1](x), axis=0))
コード例 #15
    def sample(self, x, latent=False):
        """Sample from the model.

            x (matrix): Locations to sample at.
            latent (bool, optional): Sample noiseless processes. Defaults
                to `False`.

            matrix: Sample.
        fdds = [f(x, *(() if latent else (n,))) for f, n in zip(self.fs, self.noises)]
        return B.concat(*[fdd.sample() for fdd in fdds], axis=1)
コード例 #16
 def inverse_transform(x):
     chol = B.cholesky(B.reg(x))
     return B.concat(B.log(B.diag(chol)), B.tril_to_vec(chol,
コード例 #17
def test_mokernel(x1, x2, x3):
    m = Measure()
    p1 = GP(1 * EQ(), measure=m)
    p2 = GP(2 * EQ().stretch(2), measure=m)

    k = MultiOutputKernel(m, p1, p2)
    ks = m.kernels

    # Check representation.
    assert str(k) == "MultiOutputKernel(EQ(), 2 * (EQ() > 2))"

    # Input versus input:
        k(x1, x2),
            [ks[p1, p1](x1, x2), ks[p1, p2](x1, x2)],
            [ks[p2, p1](x1, x2), ks[p2, p2](x1, x2)],
        k.elwise(x1, x3),
        B.concat(ks[p1, p1].elwise(x1, x3), ks[p2, p2].elwise(x1, x3), axis=0),

    # Input versus `FDD`:
    approx(k(p1(x1), x2),
           B.concat(ks[p1, p1](x1, x2), ks[p1, p2](x1, x2), axis=1))
    approx(k(p2(x1), x2),
           B.concat(ks[p2, p1](x1, x2), ks[p2, p2](x1, x2), axis=1))
    approx(k(x1, p1(x2)),
           B.concat(ks[p1, p1](x1, x2), ks[p2, p1](x1, x2), axis=0))
    approx(k(x1, p2(x2)),
           B.concat(ks[p1, p2](x1, x2), ks[p2, p2](x1, x2), axis=0))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        k.elwise(x1, p2(x3))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        k.elwise(p1(x1), x3)

    # `FDD` versus `FDD`:
    approx(k(p1(x1), p1(x2)), ks[p1](x1, x2))
    approx(k(p1(x1), p2(x2)), ks[p1, p2](x1, x2))
    approx(k.elwise(p1(x1), p1(x3)), ks[p1].elwise(x1, x3))
    approx(k.elwise(p1(x1), p2(x3)), ks[p1, p2].elwise(x1, x3))

    # `MultiInput` versus input:
        k(MultiInput(p2(x1), p1(x2)), x1),
            [ks[p2, p1](x1, x1), ks[p2, p2](x1, x1)],
            [ks[p1, p1](x2, x1), ks[p1, p2](x2, x1)],
        k(x1, MultiInput(p2(x1), p1(x2))),
            [ks[p1, p2](x1, x1), ks[p1, p1](x1, x2)],
            [ks[p2, p2](x1, x1), ks[p2, p1](x1, x2)],
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        k.elwise(MultiInput(p2(x1), p1(x3)), p2(x1))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        k.elwise(p2(x1), MultiInput(p2(x1), p1(x3)))

    # `MultiInput` versus `FDD`:
        k(MultiInput(p2(x1), p1(x2)), p2(x1)),
        B.concat(ks[p2, p2](x1, x1), ks[p1, p2](x2, x1), axis=0),
        k(p2(x1), MultiInput(p2(x1), p1(x2))),
        B.concat(ks[p2, p2](x1, x1), ks[p2, p1](x1, x2), axis=1),
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        k.elwise(MultiInput(p2(x1), p1(x3)), p2(x1))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        k.elwise(p2(x1), MultiInput(p2(x1), p1(x3)))

    # `MultiInput` versus `MultiInput`:
        k(MultiInput(p2(x1), p1(x2)), MultiInput(p2(x1))),
        B.concat(ks[p2, p2](x1, x1), ks[p1, p2](x2, x1), axis=0),
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        k.elwise(MultiInput(p2(x1), p1(x3)), MultiInput(p2(x1)))
        k.elwise(MultiInput(p2(x1), p1(x3)), MultiInput(p2(x1), p1(x3))),
        B.concat(ks[p2, p2].elwise(x1, x1), ks[p1, p1].elwise(x3, x3), axis=0),
コード例 #18
def compute_I_hz(model, t):
    """Compute the :math:`I_{hz,t_i}` matrix for :math:`t_i` in `t`.

        model (:class:`.gprv.GPRV`): Model.
        t (vector): Time points of data.

        tensor: Value of :math:`I_{hz,t_i}`, with shape
            `(len(t), len(model.ms), len(model.ms))`.
    # Compute sorting permutation.
    perm = np.argsort(model.ms)
    inverse_perm = invert_perm(perm)

    # Sort to allow for simple concatenation.
    m_max = model.m_max
    ms = model.ms[perm]

    # Construct I_hz for m,n <= M.
    ns = ms[ms <= m_max]
    I_0_cos_1 = _I_hx_0_cos(
        model, -ns[None, :, None] + ns[None, None, :], t[:, None, None]
    I_0_cos_2 = _I_hx_0_cos(
        model, ns[None, :, None] + ns[None, None, :], t[:, None, None]
    I_hz_mnleM = 0.5 * (I_0_cos_1 + I_0_cos_2)

    # Construct I_hz for m,n > M.
    ns = ms[ms > m_max] - m_max
    I_0_cos_1 = _I_hx_0_cos(
        model, -ns[None, :, None] + ns[None, None, :], t[:, None, None]
    I_0_cos_2 = _I_hx_0_cos(
        model, ns[None, :, None] + ns[None, None, :], t[:, None, None]
    I_hz_mngtM = 0.5 * (I_0_cos_1 - I_0_cos_2)

    # Construct I_hz for 0 < m <= M and n > M.
    ns = ms[(0 < ms) * (ms <= m_max)]
    ns2 = ms[ms > m_max]  # Do not subtract M!
    I_0_sin_1 = _I_hx_0_sin(
        model, ns[None, :, None] + ns2[None, None, :], t[:, None, None]
    I_0_sin_2 = _I_hx_0_sin(
        model, -ns[None, :, None] + ns2[None, None, :], t[:, None, None]
    I_hz_mleM_ngtM = 0.5 * (I_0_sin_1 + I_0_sin_2)

    # Construct I_hz for m = 0 and n > M.
    ns = ms[ms == 0]
    ns2 = ms[ms > m_max]  # Do not subtract M!
    I_hz_0_gtM = _I_hx_0_sin(
        model, ns[None, :, None] + ns2[None, None, :], t[:, None, None]

    # Concatenate to form I_hz for m <= M and n > M.
    I_hz_mleM_ngtM = B.concat(I_hz_0_gtM, I_hz_mleM_ngtM, axis=1)

    # Compute the other half by transposing.
    I_hz_mgtM_nleM = B.transpose(I_hz_mleM_ngtM, perm=(0, 2, 1))

    # Construct result.
    result = B.concat(
        B.concat(I_hz_mnleM, I_hz_mleM_ngtM, axis=2),
        B.concat(I_hz_mgtM_nleM, I_hz_mngtM, axis=2),

    # Undo sorting.
    result = B.take(result, inverse_perm, axis=1)
    result = B.take(result, inverse_perm, axis=2)

    return result
コード例 #19
ファイル: sample_interpolation.py プロジェクト: wesselb/gpcm
models = model()

# Perform sampling.
if args.train:
    ks, us, fs = sample(model, t, noise_f)
    wd.save((ks, us, fs), "samples.pickle")
    ks, us, fs = wd.load("samples.pickle")

# Plot.
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 4))

for i, (k, u, f) in enumerate(zip(ks, us, fs)):
    plt.subplot(3, 5, 1 + i)
        B.concat(-t[::-1][:-1], t),
        B.concat(u[:-1] * 0, u),
    if hasattr(model, "t_u"):
        plt.scatter(model.t_u, model.t_u * 0, s=5, marker="o", c="black")
    # plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
    if i == 0:
    plt.xlim(-6, 6)
    plt.ylim(-0.5, 1)

    plt.subplot(3, 5, 6 + i)
        B.concat(-t[::-1][:-1], t),
コード例 #20
            starting from the origin.
        k (vector): Kernel.
        n_zero (int, optional): Zero padding. Defaults to `2_000`.
        db (bool, optional): Convert to decibel. Defaults to `False`.

        vector: PSD, correctly scaled.
    # Convert to NumPy for compatibility with frameworks.
    t, k = B.to_numpy(t, k)

    if t[0] != 0:
        raise ValueError("Time points must start at zero.")

    # Perform zero padding.
    k = B.concat(k, B.zeros(n_zero))

    # Symmetrise and Fourier transform.
    k_symmetric = B.concat(k, k[1:-1][::-1])
    psd = np.fft.fft(k_symmetric)
    freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(psd)) / (t[1] - t[0])

    # Should be real and positive, but the numerics may not be in our favour.
    psd = np.abs(np.real(psd))

    # Now scale appropriately: the total power should equal `k[0]`.
    total_power = np.trapz(y=psd, x=freqs)
    psd /= total_power / k[0]

    # Convert to dB.
    if db:
コード例 #21
ファイル: diag.py プロジェクト: wesselb/matrix
def diag(a: Diagonal, b: Diagonal):
    return Diagonal(B.concat(a.diag, b.diag))
コード例 #22
def test_mok():
    x1 = B.linspace(0, 1, 10)
    x2 = B.linspace(1, 2, 5)
    x3 = B.linspace(1, 2, 10)

    m = Measure()
    p1 = GP(EQ(), measure=m)
    p2 = GP(2 * EQ().stretch(2), measure=m)

    k = MultiOutputKernel(m, p1, p2)
    ks = m.kernels

    # Check dimensionality.
    assert dimensionality(k) == 2

    # Check representation.
    assert str(k) == "MultiOutputKernel(EQ(), 2 * (EQ() > 2))"

    # Input versus input:
        k(x1, x2),
            [ks[p1, p1](x1, x2), ks[p1, p2](x1, x2)],
            [ks[p2, p1](x1, x2), ks[p2, p2](x1, x2)],
        k.elwise(x1, x3),
        B.concat(ks[p1, p1].elwise(x1, x3), ks[p2, p2].elwise(x1, x3), axis=0),

    # Input versus `FDD`:
    approx(k(p1(x1), x2), B.concat(ks[p1, p1](x1, x2), ks[p1, p2](x1, x2), axis=1))
    approx(k(p2(x1), x2), B.concat(ks[p2, p1](x1, x2), ks[p2, p2](x1, x2), axis=1))
    approx(k(x1, p1(x2)), B.concat(ks[p1, p1](x1, x2), ks[p2, p1](x1, x2), axis=0))
    approx(k(x1, p2(x2)), B.concat(ks[p1, p2](x1, x2), ks[p2, p2](x1, x2), axis=0))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        k.elwise(x1, p2(x3))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        k.elwise(p1(x1), x3)

    # `FDD` versus `FDD`:
    approx(k(p1(x1), p1(x2)), ks[p1](x1, x2))
    approx(k(p1(x1), p2(x2)), ks[p1, p2](x1, x2))
    approx(k.elwise(p1(x1), p1(x3)), ks[p1].elwise(x1, x3))
    approx(k.elwise(p1(x1), p2(x3)), ks[p1, p2].elwise(x1, x3))

    # Multiple inputs versus input:
        k((p2(x1), p1(x2)), x1),
            [ks[p2, p1](x1, x1), ks[p2, p2](x1, x1)],
            [ks[p1, p1](x2, x1), ks[p1, p2](x2, x1)],
        k(x1, (p2(x1), p1(x2))),
            [ks[p1, p2](x1, x1), ks[p1, p1](x1, x2)],
            [ks[p2, p2](x1, x1), ks[p2, p1](x1, x2)],
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        k.elwise((p2(x1), p1(x3)), p2(x1))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        k.elwise(p2(x1), (p2(x1), p1(x3)))

    # Multiple inputs versus `FDD`:
        k((p2(x1), p1(x2)), p2(x1)),
        B.concat(ks[p2, p2](x1, x1), ks[p1, p2](x2, x1), axis=0),
        k(p2(x1), (p2(x1), p1(x2))),
        B.concat(ks[p2, p2](x1, x1), ks[p2, p1](x1, x2), axis=1),
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        k.elwise((p2(x1), p1(x3)), p2(x1))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        k.elwise(p2(x1), (p2(x1), p1(x3)))

    # Multiple inputs versus multiple inputs:
        k((p2(x1), p1(x2)), (p2(x1))),
        B.concat(ks[p2, p2](x1, x1), ks[p1, p2](x2, x1), axis=0),
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        k.elwise((p2(x1), p1(x3)), (p2(x1),))
        k.elwise((p2(x1), p1(x3)), (p2(x1), p1(x3))),
        B.concat(ks[p2, p2].elwise(x1, x1), ks[p1, p1].elwise(x3, x3), axis=0),
コード例 #23
ファイル: input.py プロジェクト: wesselb/stheno
def elwise(k, x: tuple, y: tuple):
    if len(x) != len(y):
        raise ValueError('"elwise" must be called with similarly sized tuples.')
    return B.concat(*[elwise(k, xi, yi) for xi, yi in zip(x, y)], axis=-2)
コード例 #24
def _pad_zero_row(a):
    zeros = B.zeros(B.dtype(a), 1, B.shape(a)[1])
    return B.concat(a, zeros, axis=0)
コード例 #25
def _pad_zero_col(a):
    zeros = B.zeros(B.dtype(a), B.shape(a)[0], 1)
    return B.concat(a, zeros, axis=1)