def test_cocircular(self): p1 = model.pose(0, 0, -np.pi/4) p2 = model.pose(10, 0, np.pi/4) a = AckermannRRT2(None, p1, p2) d, b = a._distance_metric(p1, p2) self.check_result(d, b)
def test_cocircular(self): p1 = model.pose(0, 0, -np.pi / 4) p2 = model.pose(10, 0, np.pi / 4) a = AckermannRRT2(None, p1, p2) d, b = a._distance_metric(p1, p2) self.check_result(d, b)
def test_simple(self): p1 = model.pose(0, 0, np.pi) p2 = model.pose(10, 0, 0) a = AckermannRRT2(None, p1, p2) d, b = a._distance_metric(p1, p2) self.check_result(d, b)
def test_straightish(self): p1 = model.pose(0, 0, 0) p2 = model.pose(10, 0, 0.001) a = AckermannRRT2(None, p1, p2) d, b = a._distance_metric(p1, p2) self.check_result(d, b)
def test_straight_diag(self): p1 = model.pose(0, 0, np.pi / 4) p2 = model.pose(10, 10, np.pi / 4) a = AckermannRRT2(None, p1, p2) d, b = a._distance_metric(p1, p2) self.check_result(d, b)
def test_parallel(self): p1 = model.pose(0, 0, 0) p2 = model.pose(10, 5, 0) a = AckermannRRT2(None, p1, p2) d, b = a._distance_metric(p1, p2) self.check_result(d, b)
def test_straight_diag(self): p1 = model.pose(0, 0, np.pi/4) p2 = model.pose(10, 10, np.pi/4) a = AckermannRRT2(None, p1, p2) d, b = a._distance_metric(p1, p2) self.check_result(d, b)
def timer_callback(self, timer): rospy.loginfo("Top Planner pub loop") try: trans = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform( target_frame=self.map_frame, source_frame="base_link", time=timer.current_real, timeout=rospy.Duration(1) ) except Exception: rospy.loginfo("Top Planner pub loop: tf from base link to map not found") return at = model.pose_from_ros(trans) if np.isnan(at.x) or np.isnan(at.y) or np.isnan(at.theta): return if self.path is None: return while self.path_index < len(self.path): map_target_pose = self.path[self.path_index] t = model.pose_from_ros(map_target_pose) ## If already achieved a point or if a point is not ahead and within turning radius, look at future points in the path if self.is_achieved(at, t) or not self.is_feasible(at, t): rospy.loginfo("passed index {}".format(self.path_index)) self.path_index += 1 self.pub_path_point = True else: break if self.marker_target_pose is not None and (self.is_achieved(at, model.pose( self.marker_target_pose.pose.position.x, self.marker_target_pose.pose.position.y, at.theta )) or not self.is_feasible(at, model.pose( self.marker_target_pose.pose.position.x, self.marker_target_pose.pose.position.y, at.theta ))): self.marker_target_pose = None rospy.loginfo("path index {} publish? {}".format(self.path_index, self.pub_path_point)) if self.marker_target_pose is not None: self.target_pose_pub.publish(self.marker_target_pose) self.pub_path_point = True elif self.path is not None and self.path_index < len(self.path): if self.pub_path_point: rospy.loginfo("publishing path target pose") self.target_pose_pub.publish(self.path[self.path_index]) self.pub_path_point = False elif self.scan_target_pose is not None: self.target_pose_pub.publish(self.scan_target_pose)
def test_empty(self): p1 = model.pose(0, 0, np.pi) p2 = model.pose(10, 0, 0) a = AckermannRRT2(None, p1, p2) ps = np.recarray(0, dtype=model.pose_dtype) d, b = a._distance_metric(ps, p2) self.check_result(d, b)
def test_vectorized(self): p1 = model.pose(0, 0, np.pi) p2 = model.pose(10, 0, 0) a = AckermannRRT2(None, p1, p2) ps = np.recarray(2, dtype=model.pose_dtype) ps[0] = model.pose(0, 0, np.pi) ps[1] = model.pose(0, 0, -np.pi) d, b = a._distance_metric(ps, p2) self.check_result(d, b)
def test_resize_after_indexerror_recarray(self): ll = NumpyList(dtype=pose_dtype, atype=np.recarray) ll.append(pose(1, 2, 3)) ll.append(pose(4, 5, 6)) self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(ll._data), 2) with self.assertRaises(IndexError, msg="indexerrors are raised correctly"): ll[2] ll.capacity = 100 self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(ll._data), 2)
def timer_callback(self, event): if is None: return try: tf = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(, source_frame=self.base_frame, time=event.current_real, timeout=rospy.Duration(0.05) ).transform except tf2_ros.LookupException: return except tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException: return x = tf.translation.x y = tf.translation.y _, _, theta = transformations.euler_from_quaternion( ros_numpy.numpify(tf.rotation) ) at = model.pose(x, y, theta) ok = model.robot_fits(, at, center_only=False) print ok self.pub_color.publish(ColorRGBA(0, 1, 0, 0.5) if ok else ColorRGBA(1, 0, 0, 0.5))
def test_equilaterateral(self): p1 = model.pose(0, 0, -np.pi/6) p2 = model.pose(8, 0, -np.pi/6) a = AckermannRRT2(None, p1, p2) d, b = a._distance_metric(p1, p2) self.check_result(d, b) p1 = model.pose(0, 0, -np.pi/6) p2 = model.pose(10, -2*np.sqrt(3), -np.pi/2) a = AckermannRRT2(None, p1, p2) d, b = a._distance_metric(p1, p2) self.check_result(d, b) raise NotImplementedError
def test_equilaterateral(self): p1 = model.pose(0, 0, -np.pi / 6) p2 = model.pose(8, 0, -np.pi / 6) a = AckermannRRT2(None, p1, p2) d, b = a._distance_metric(p1, p2) self.check_result(d, b) p1 = model.pose(0, 0, -np.pi / 6) p2 = model.pose(10, -2 * np.sqrt(3), -np.pi / 2) a = AckermannRRT2(None, p1, p2) d, b = a._distance_metric(p1, p2) self.check_result(d, b) raise NotImplementedError
def test_with_recarray(self): ll = NumpyList(dtype=pose_dtype, atype=np.recarray) ll.append(pose(1, 2, 3)) ll.append(pose(4, 5, 6)) ll.append(pose(7, 8, 9)) self.assertEqual(ll[0], pose(1, 2, 3), "element lookup works") self.assertEqual(ll[1].x, 4, "recarrays class is preserved") ll.capacity = 100 with self.assertRaises(ValueError): ll.capacity = 0 # check that pops work self.assertEqual(ll.pop(0), pose(1, 2, 3)) self.assertEqual(ll.pop(-1), pose(7, 8, 9)) self.assertEqual(ll[0], pose(4, 5, 6))