コード例 #1
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: weaponeer/dragonfly
    def save_uwg_file(self, uwg_file_path=None):
        """Write the properties of the RunManager to a .uwg file.

            uwg_file_path: Full file path to the .uwg file that you want to write.
                The default is set to go to an URBAN folder in the same
                directory as the existing rural EPW.

            uwg_file_path: The file path to the .uwg file.
        start_folder, epw_name = os.path.split(self._epw_file)
        epw_name = epw_name.replace('.epw', '')
        if uwg_file_path is None:
            end_folder = '{}\\URBAN\\'.format(start_folder)
            name = '{}_URBAN.uwg'.format(epw_name)
            end_folder, name = os.path.split(uwg_file_path)
            if not name.lower().endswith('.uwg'):
                name = name + '.uwg'
        write_to_file_by_name(end_folder, name, self.uwg_file_string, True)

        uwg_file_path = os.path.join(end_folder, name)
        print('.uwg file successfully written to: {}'.format(uwg_file_path))
        return uwg_file_path
コード例 #2
ファイル: writer.py プロジェクト: zha/honeybee-radiance
def _write_dynamic_shade_files(folder, sub_folder, group, minimal=False):
    """Write out the files that need to go into any dynamic model folder.

        folder: The model folder location on this machine.
        sub_folder: The sub-folder for the three files (relative to the model folder).
        group: A DynamicShadeGroup object to be written into files.
        minimal: Boolean noting whether radiance strings should be written minimally.

        A list of dictionaries to be written into the states.json file.
    # destination folder for all of the radiance files
    dest = os.path.join(folder, sub_folder)

    # loop through all states and write out the .rad files for them
    states_list = group.states_json_list
    for state_i, file_names in enumerate(states_list):
        default_str = group.to_radiance(state_i, direct=False, minimal=minimal)
        direct_str = group.to_radiance(state_i, direct=True, minimal=minimal)
        write_to_file_by_name(dest, file_names['default'].replace('./', ''),
        write_to_file_by_name(dest, file_names['direct'].replace('./', ''),
    return states_list
コード例 #3
ファイル: sensorgrid.py プロジェクト: zha/honeybee-radiance
    def to_files(self, folder, count, base_name=None, mkdir=False):
        """Split this sensor grid and write them to several files.

            folder: Target folder.
            count: Number of files.
            base_name: Optional text for a unique base_name for sensor files.
                (Default: self.display_name)
            mkdir: A boolean to indicate if the folder should be created in case it
                doesn't exist already (Default: False).

            A list of dicts containing the grid name, path to the grid and full path
            to the grid.
        count = typing.int_in_range(count, 1, input_name='file count')
        base_name = base_name or self.display_name
        if count == 1 or self.count == 0:
            name = '%s_0000' % base_name
            full_path = self.to_file(folder, name, mkdir)
            return [
                {'name': name if not name.endswith('.pts') else name.replace('.pts', ''),
                 'path': name + '.pts' if not name.endswith('.pts') else name,
                 'full_path': full_path,
                 'count': self.count}
        # calculate sensor count in each file
        sc = int(round(self.count / count))
        sensors = iter(self._sensors)
        for fc in range(count - 1):
            name = '%s_%04d.pts' % (base_name, fc)
            content = '\n'.join((next(sensors).to_radiance() for _ in range(sc)))
            futil.write_to_file_by_name(folder, name, content + '\n', mkdir)

        # write whatever is left to the last file
        name = '%s_%04d.pts' % (base_name, count - 1)
        content = '\n'.join((sensor.to_radiance() for sensor in sensors))
        futil.write_to_file_by_name(folder, name, content + '\n', mkdir)

        grids_info = []

        for c in range(count):
            name = '%s_%04d' % (base_name, c)
            path = '%s.pts' % name
            full_path = os.path.join(folder, path)

                'name': name,
                'path': path,
                'full_path': full_path,
                'count': sc

        # adjust the count for the last grid
        grids_info[-1]['count'] = self.count - sc * (count - 1)

        return grids_info
コード例 #4
    def to_file(self, folder, name=None, hoys=None, mkdir=False):
        """Write matrix to a Radiance file.

        This method also writes the wea information to a .wea file.

            folder: Target folder.
            name: File name.
            hoys: Optional list of hoys to filter the hours of the wea. If None,
                this object's wea will be used as-is. Note that you may not want
                to use this input if this object's wea is not annual since an
                exception will be raised if a given hoy is not found in the
                wea. (Default: None).
            mkdir: A boolean to note if the directory should be created if doesn't
                exist (default: False).

            Full path to the newly created file.
        name = typing.valid_string(name) if name \
            else '%s.rad' % self.__class__.__name__.lower()
        # write wea file first
        wea_file = self.write_wea(folder, hoys=hoys)
        content = self.to_radiance(wea_file=os.path.split(wea_file)[-1])
        return futil.write_to_file_by_name(folder, name, '!' + content, mkdir)
コード例 #5
    def to_file(self, folder, file_name=None, mkdir=False, ignore_group=False):
        """Write this sensor grid to a Radiance sensors file.

            folder: Target folder. If grid is part of a sensor group identifier it will
                be written to a subfolder with group identifier name.
            file_name: Optional file name without extension. (Default: self.identifier)
            mkdir: A boolean to indicate if the folder should be created in case it
                doesn't exist already. (Default: False).
            ignore_group: A boolean to indicate if creating a new subfolder for sensor
                group should be ignored. (Default: False).

            Full path to newly created file.
        identifier = file_name or self.identifier + '.pts'
        if not identifier.endswith('.pts'):
            identifier += '.pts'
        if not ignore_group and self.group_identifier:
            folder = os.path.normpath(
                os.path.join(folder, self.group_identifier))
            mkdir = True  # in most cases the subfolder does not exist already

        return futil.write_to_file_by_name(folder, identifier,
                                           self.to_radiance() + '\n', mkdir)
コード例 #6
    def to_file(self, folder='.', name=None, mkdir=False):
        """Write ground to a .ground Radiance file.

            Full path to the newly created file.
        content = self.to_radiance() + '\n'
        name = typing.valid_string(name) if name else 'ground.rad'
        return futil.write_to_file_by_name(folder, name, content, mkdir)
コード例 #7
ファイル: writer.py プロジェクト: zha/honeybee-radiance
def _write_mtx_files(folder,
    """Write out the mtx files needed for 3-phase simulation into a model folder.

        folder: The model folder location on this machine.
        sub_folder: The sub-folder for the three files (relative to the model folder).
        group: A DynamicSubFaceGroup object to be written into files.
        states_json_list: A list to be written into the states.json file.
        minimal: Boolean noting whether radiance strings should be written minimally.

        A list of dictionaries to be written into the states.json file.
    dest = os.path.join(folder,
                        sub_folder)  # destination folder for radiance files

    # check if all of the states of all of the vmtx and dmtx geometry are default
    one_mtx = all(st.mtxs_default for obj in group.dynamic_objects
                  for st in obj.properties.radiance._states)
    if one_mtx:  # if they're all default, we can use one file
        mtx_file = './{}..mtx.rad'.format(group.identifier)

    # loop through all states and write out the .rad files for them
    tmxt_valid = False
    for state_i, st_dict in enumerate(states_json_list):
        tmtx_bsdf = group.tmxt_bsdf(state_i)
        if tmtx_bsdf is not None:  # it's a valid state for 3-phase
            tmxt_valid = True
            # add the tmxt to the states_json_list
            bsdf_name = os.path.split(tmtx_bsdf.bsdf_file)[-1]
            states_json_list[state_i]['tmtx'] = bsdf_name

            # add the vmtx and the dmtx to the states_json_list
            if one_mtx:
                states_json_list[state_i]['vmtx'] = mtx_file
                states_json_list[state_i]['dmtx'] = mtx_file
                states_json_list[state_i]['vmtx'] = \
                    './{}..vmtx..{}.rad'.format(group.identifier, str(state_i))
                states_json_list[state_i]['dmtx'] = \
                    './{}..dmtx..{}.rad'.format(group.identifier, str(state_i))
                vmtx_str = group.vmtx_to_radiance(state_i, minimal)
                dmtx_str = group.dmtx_to_radiance(state_i, minimal)
                    dest, states_json_list[state_i]['vmtx'].replace('./', ''),
                    dest, states_json_list[state_i]['dmtx'].replace('./', ''),

    # write the single mtx file if everything is default
    if one_mtx and tmxt_valid:
        mtx_str = group.vmtx_to_radiance(0, minimal)
        write_to_file_by_name(dest, mtx_file, mtx_str)
コード例 #8
def find_max_cooling_des_day(des_days, sim_par, base_strs):
    """Find the cooling design day with the highest coincident peak load."""
    # create sizing parameters with all of the design days
    sim_par_dup = sim_par.duplicate()
    sim_par_dup.output.outputs = None
    for dy in des_days:
    # write the IDF and run the sizing calculation
    idf_str_init = '\n\n'.join([sim_par_dup.to_idf()] + base_strs)
    idf = os.path.join(directory, 'in.idf')
    write_to_file_by_name(directory, 'in.idf', idf_str_init, True)
    sql, zsz, rdd, html, err = run_idf(idf, silent=True)
    # determine the design day with the highest peak using the sizing results
    sql_obj = SQLiteResult(sql)
    d_day_dict = {d_day.name.upper(): [0, d_day] for d_day in des_days}
    peak_cool_dict = {}
    for zs in sql_obj.zone_cooling_sizes:
        d_day_dict[zs.design_day_name][0] += zs.calculated_design_load
        peak_cool_dict[zs.zone_name] = zs.calculated_design_load
    day_loads = list(d_day_dict.values())
    day_loads.sort(key=lambda y: y[0])

    return [day_loads[-1][1]], peak_cool_dict
コード例 #9
ファイル: _skybase.py プロジェクト: zha/honeybee-radiance
    def to_file(self, folder, name=None, mkdir=False):
        """Write sky hemisphere to a sky_hemisphere.rad Radiance file.
            folder: Target folder.
            name: File name.
            mkdir: A boolean to note if the directory should be created if doesn't
                exist (default: False).

            Full path to the newly created file.
        content = self.to_radiance()
        name = typing.valid_string(name) if name else 'skydome.rad'
        return futil.write_to_file_by_name(folder, name, content, mkdir)
コード例 #10
def adjust_sky_for_metric(sky, metric, folder, name):
    """Adjust a sky file to ensure it is suitable for a given metric.

    Specifcally, this ensures that skies being created with gendaylit have a -O
    option that aligns with visible vs. solar energy.

        sky: Path to a .sky file to be adjusted based on the metric.
        with open(sky) as inf:
            content = inf.read()
        if content.startswith('!gendaylit'):
            split_content = content.split('\n')
            first_line = split_content[0].replace('-O 0', '-O 1') if metric in \
                ('irradiance', 'radiance') else split_content[0].replace('-O 1', '-O 0')
            split_content[0] = first_line
            content = '\n'.join(split_content)
        name = '{}.sky'.format(metric) if name is None else name
        write_to_file_by_name(folder, name, content, True)
    except Exception:
        _logger.exception('Failed to adjust sky.')
コード例 #11
ファイル: sensorgrid.py プロジェクト: zha/honeybee-radiance
    def to_file(self, folder, file_name=None, mkdir=False):
        """Write this sensor grid to a Radiance sensors file.

            folder: Target folder.
            file_name: Optional file name without extension. (Default: self.display_name)
            mkdir: A boolean to indicate if the folder should be created in case it
                doesn't exist already (Default: False).

            Full path to newly created file.
        display_name = file_name or self.display_name + '.pts'
        if not display_name.endswith('.pts'):
            display_name += '.pts'
        return futil.write_to_file_by_name(
            folder, display_name, self.to_radiance() + '\n', mkdir)
コード例 #12
    def to_file(self, folder, file_name=None, mkdir=False):
        """Save view to a file.

            folder: Target folder.
            file_name: Optional file name without extension (Default: self.identifier).
            mkdir: A boolean to indicate if the folder should be created in case it
                doesn't exist already (Default: False).

            Full path to newly created file.

        identifier = file_name or self.identifier + '.vf'
        # add rvu before the view itself
        content = 'rvu ' + self.to_radiance()
        return futil.write_to_file_by_name(folder, identifier, content, mkdir)
コード例 #13
    def to_file(self, folder, name=None, mkdir=False):
        """Write sky hemisphere to a sky_hemisphere.rad Radiance file.

            folder: Target folder.
            name: File name.
            mkdir: A boolean to note if the directory should be created if doesn't
                exist (default: False).

            Full path to the newly created file.
        content = self.to_radiance()
        name = typing.valid_string(name) if name \
            else '%.3f_%.3f_%d_%d.sky' % (
                self.altitude, self.azimuth,
                self.direct_normal_irradiance, self.diffuse_horizontal_irradiance
        return futil.write_to_file_by_name(folder, name, content, mkdir)
コード例 #14
            '\nis not as accurate as design days from DDYs distributed with the EPW.'
        give_warning(ghenv.Component, msg)
        print msg

    # create the strings for simulation paramters and model
    ver_str = energyplus_idf_version() if energy_folders.energyplus_version \
        is not None else energyplus_idf_version(compatibe_ep_version)
    sim_par_str = _sim_par_.to_idf()
    model_str = _model.to.idf(_model,
    idf_str = '\n\n'.join([ver_str, sim_par_str, model_str])

    # write the final string into an IDF
    idf = os.path.join(directory, 'in.idf')
    write_to_file_by_name(directory, 'in.idf', idf_str, True)

    # run the IDF through EnergyPlus
    silent = True if _run == 1 else False
    sql, zsz, rdd, html, err = run_idf(idf, _epw_file, silent=silent)
    if html is None and err is not None:  # something went wrong; parse the errors
        err_obj = Err(err)
        for error in err_obj.fatal_errors:
            raise Exception(error)

    # parse the result sql and get the monthly data collections
    if os.name == 'nt':  # we are on windows; use IronPython like usual
        sql_obj = SQLiteResult(sql)
        cool_init = sql_obj.data_collections_by_output_name(cool_out)
        heat_init = sql_obj.data_collections_by_output_name(heat_out)
コード例 #15
ファイル: writer.py プロジェクト: zha/honeybee-radiance
def _write_static_files(folder,
    """Write out the three files that need to go into any static radiance model folder.

    This includes a .rad, .mat, and .blk file for the folder.
    This method will also catch any cases of BSDF modifiers and copy the XML files
    to the bsdf folder of the model folder.

        folder: The model folder location on this machine.
        sub_folder: The sub-folder for the three files (relative to the model folder).
        file_id: An identifier to be used for the names of each of the files.
        geometry: A list of geometry objects all with default blk modifiers.
        geometry_blk: A list of geometry objects with overridden blk modifiers.
        modifiers: A list of modifiers to write.
        modifiers_blk: A list of modifier_blk to write.
        mod_combs: Dictionary of modifiers from _unique_modifier_blk_combinations method.
        mod_names: Modifier names from the _unique_modifier_blk_combinations method.
        punched_verts: Boolean noting whether punched geometry should be written
        minimal: Boolean noting whether radiance strings should be written minimally.
    if len(geometry) != 0 or len(geometry_blk) != 0:
        # write the strings for the geometry
        face_strs = []
        if punched_verts:
            for face in geometry:
                modifier = face.properties.radiance.modifier
                rad_poly = Polygon(face.identifier, face.punched_vertices,
                face_strs.append(rad_poly.to_radiance(minimal, False, False))
            for face, mod_name in zip(geometry_blk, mod_names):
                modifier = mod_combs[mod_name][0]
                rad_poly = Polygon(face.identifier, face.punched_vertices,
                face_strs.append(rad_poly.to_radiance(minimal, False, False))
            for face in geometry:
                modifier = face.properties.radiance.modifier
                rad_poly = Polygon(face.identifier, face.vertices, modifier)
                face_strs.append(rad_poly.to_radiance(minimal, False, False))
            for face, mod_name in zip(geometry_blk, mod_names):
                modifier = mod_combs[mod_name][0]
                rad_poly = Polygon(face.identifier, face.vertices, modifier)
                face_strs.append(rad_poly.to_radiance(minimal, False, False))

        # write the strings for the modifiers
        mod_strs = []
        mod_blk_strs = []
        for mod in modifiers:
            if isinstance(mod, BSDF):
                _process_bsdf_modifier(mod, mod_strs, minimal)
        for mod in modifiers_blk:
            if isinstance(mod, BSDF):
                _process_bsdf_modifier(mod, mod_strs, minimal)

        # write the three files for the model sub-folder
        dest = os.path.join(folder, sub_folder)
        write_to_file_by_name(dest, '{}.rad'.format(file_id),
        write_to_file_by_name(dest, '{}.mat'.format(file_id),
        write_to_file_by_name(dest, '{}.blk'.format(file_id),
コード例 #16
def split_view(view, count, skip_overture, octree, rad_params, folder,
    """Split a radiance view file into smaller views based on count.

        view: Full path to input sensor view file.
        count: Maximum number of sensors in new files. The number will be rounded to
            closest round number for each file. For example if the input file has 21
            sensors and input count is set to 5 this command will generate 4 files where
            the first three files will have 5 sensors and the last file will have 6.
        # split the view into smaller views
        view_obj = View.from_file(view)
        views = view_obj.grid(y_div_count=count)
        views_info = []
        for c, v in enumerate(views):
            name = '%s_%04d' % (view_obj.identifier, c)
            path = '%s.vf' % name
            full_path = os.path.join(folder, path)
            v.to_file(folder, path, mkdir=True)
                'name': name,
                'path': path,
                'full_path': full_path

        # create the ambient cache file if specified
        amb_file = os.path.basename(view).replace('.vf', '.amb')
        if not skip_overture:
            options = RpictOptions()
            if rad_params:
            # overwrite default image size to be small for the ambient cache (64 x 64)
            options.x = 64
            options.y = 64
            options.af = amb_file

            # create command and run it to get the .amb file
            assert octree is not None, \
                'Octree  must be specified for an overture calculation.'
            out_file = os.path.basename(view).replace('.vf', '.unf')
            rpict = Rpict(options=options,
            env = None
            if folders.env != {}:
                env = folders.env
            env = dict(os.environ, **env) if env else None
            rpict.run(env=env, cwd=folder)
            os.remove(os.path.join(folder, out_file))
        else:  # write a dummy ambient file so that queenbee does not crash
            write_to_file_by_name(folder, amb_file, '')

        # record all of the view files that were generated
    except Exception:
        _logger.exception('Failed to split view file.')
コード例 #17
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import lbt_recipes:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    # set defaults and process the sky input
    _size_ = 500 if _size_ is None else _size_
    if isinstance(_sky, str):  # convert the sky string into a sky object
        _sky = string_to_sky(_sky)
    sky_content = _sky.to_radiance(1) if isinstance(
        _sky, ClimateBased) else _sky.to_radiance()

    # set up the paths for the various files used in translation
    sky_dir = os.path.join(folders.default_simulation_folder,
    sky_file, sky_oct = 'weather.sky', 'sky_visual.oct'
    write_to_file_by_name(sky_dir, sky_file, sky_content, mkdir=True)
    ghi_res, full_ghi_res = 'ghi.res', os.path.join(sky_dir, 'ghi.res')
    init_hdr, final_hdr = 'sky_init.HDR', 'sky.HDR'
    hdr = os.path.join(sky_dir, final_hdr)
    if os.path.isfile(hdr):

    # build up the commands to render the image of the sky
    oconv = Oconv(inputs=[sky_file], output=sky_oct)
    oconv.options.f = True

    rpict = Rpict(octree=sky_oct, output=init_hdr)
    rpict.options.i = True
    rpict.options.t = 10
    rpict.options.ab = 1
    rpict.options.ad = 1000