コード例 #1
def test_windrose_set_legend_parameters():
    """Test setting legend params property"""

    epw_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests/fixtures/epw/tokyo.epw')
    epw = EPW(epw_path)
    w = WindRose(epw.wind_direction, epw.wind_speed, 5)

    # Default
    assert w._legend_parameters is None
    assert isinstance(w.legend_parameters, LegendParameters)
    assert w.legend_parameters.segment_count == pytest.approx(11.0, abs=1e-10)

    # Check setting wrong input
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        w.legend_parameters = 'string'

    # Check setting
    w.legend_parameters = LegendParameters(segment_count=16)
    assert w.legend_parameters.segment_count == pytest.approx(16, abs=1e-10)

    # Check resetting
    w.legend_parameters = None
    assert isinstance(w.legend_parameters, LegendParameters)
    assert w.legend_parameters.segment_count == pytest.approx(11.0, abs=1e-10)
コード例 #2
def test_wind_polygons():
    """Test colors for different windrose types."""

    # Testing vals
    dir_vals = [0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 85, 90, 90, 90, 95, 170, 285, 310]
    spd_vals = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 145, 189, 15, 10, 150, 300, 259, 100, 5, 301]

    # Make into fake data collections
    a_per = AnalysisPeriod(6, 21, 12, 6, 21, 13)
    dates = [DateTime(6, 21, i) for i in range(len(dir_vals))]
    spd_header = Header(Speed(), 'm/s', a_per)
    dir_header = Header(GenericType('Direction', 'deg'), 'deg', a_per)
    spd_data = HourlyDiscontinuousCollection(spd_header, spd_vals, dates)
    dir_data = HourlyDiscontinuousCollection(dir_header, dir_vals, dates)

    # Bin values to divide into 6 intervals = 10 - 310 = 300 / 6 = 50 m/s
    # intervals: [1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250, 251-300, 301-350]
    # [[1], [], [145], [189], [], []],  # 0-49, 100-149, 150-199
    # [[10, 15], [], [150], [], [], [259, 300]],  # 0-49, 150-199,, 250-299
    # [[], [100], [], [], [], []],  # 100-149
    # [[5], [], [], [], [], [301]]  # 0-49, 300-349

    # Check freq=True, zeros=False
    w = WindRose(dir_data, spd_data, 4)
    w.show_freq, w.show_zeros = True, False
    w.frequency_hours = 2
    w.legend_parameters = LegendParameters(segment_count=6)

    chk_poly_num = sum([3, 3, 1, 2])
    assert chk_poly_num == len(w.windrose_lines)

    # For averaged
    w.show_freq = False
    chk_poly_num = 4
    assert chk_poly_num == len(w.windrose_lines)
コード例 #3
        _max_freq_lines_ = max(max_freqs)

    # Plot the windroses
    for i, speed_data in enumerate(_data):

        # Make the windrose
        win_dir = _wind_direction
        windrose = WindRose(win_dir, speed_data, _dir_count_)

        if len(legend_par_) > 0:
            try:  # sense when several legend parameters are connected
                lpar = legend_par_[i]
            except IndexError:
                lpar = legend_par_[-1]
            windrose.legend_parameters = lpar

        if _freq_hours_ is not None:
            windrose.frequency_hours = _freq_hours_

        # Add and check optional visualization parameters
        if _max_freq_lines_ is not None:
            windrose.frequency_intervals_compass = _max_freq_lines_

        if _freq_dist_ is not None:
            windrose.frequency_spacing_distance = _freq_dist_

        windrose.north = north_
        windrose.show_freq = _show_freq_

        calm_text = ''
コード例 #4
def test_color_array():
    """Test colors for different windrose types."""

    # Testing vals
    dir_vals = [0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 85, 90, 90, 90, 95, 170, 285, 310]
    spd_vals = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 145, 189, 15, 10, 150, 300, 259, 100, 5, 301]

    # Make into fake data collections
    a_per = AnalysisPeriod(6, 21, 12, 6, 21, 13)
    dates = [DateTime(6, 21, i) for i in range(len(dir_vals))]
    spd_header = Header(Speed(), 'm/s', a_per)
    dir_header = Header(GenericType('Direction', 'deg'), 'deg', a_per)
    spd_data = HourlyDiscontinuousCollection(spd_header, spd_vals, dates)
    dir_data = HourlyDiscontinuousCollection(dir_header, dir_vals, dates)
    data_step = 50.0
    min_val = 1

    # Bin values to divide into 6 intervals = 10 - 310 = 300 / 6 = 50 m/s
    # intervals: [1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250, 251-300, 301-350]
    # [[1], [], [145], [189], [], [],  # 0-49, 100-149, 150-199
    # [[10, 15], [], [150], [], [], [259, 300]],  # 0-49, 150-199,, 250-299
    # [[], [100], [], [], [], []],  # 100-149
    # [[5], [], [], [], [], [301]]  # 0-49, 300-349

    # Check freq=True, zeros=False
    w = WindRose(dir_data, spd_data, 4)
    w.show_freq, w.show_zeros = True, False
    w.frequency_hours = 2
    w.legend_parameters = LegendParameters(segment_count=7)

    # color index corresponds to hourly interval indices
    # [1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250, 251-300, 301-350]
    chk_color_array = [0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 5, 1, 0, 5]
    chk_color_array = [(c * data_step) + min_val for c in chk_color_array]

    assert len(chk_color_array) == len(w._color_array)
    for cc, c in zip(chk_color_array, w._color_array):
        assert abs(cc - c) < 1e-10

    # Check freq=True, zeros=True
    # Modify range for easier calcs
    dir_vals = [0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 85, 90, 90, 90, 95, 170, 285, 310]
    spd_vals = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 145, 189, 15, 10, 149, 299, 259, 99, 5, 300]
    zero_spd_data = HourlyDiscontinuousCollection(spd_header, spd_vals, dates)
    zero_dir_data = HourlyDiscontinuousCollection(dir_header, dir_vals, dates)
    zero_data_step = 50
    zero_min_val = 0

    w = WindRose(zero_dir_data, zero_spd_data, 4)
    w.show_freq, w.show_zeros = True, True
    w.frequency_hours = 2
    w.legend_parameters = LegendParameters(segment_count=7)

    # color index corresponds to hourly interval indices
    chk_color_array = [1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 6, 2, 1, 6]
    chk_color_array = [(c * zero_data_step) + zero_min_val for c in chk_color_array]
    chk_color_array += [0, 0, 0, 0]
    assert len(chk_color_array) == len(w._color_array)
    for cc, c in zip(chk_color_array, w._color_array):
        assert abs(cc - c) < 1e-10

    # Check freq=False, zeros=False
    w = WindRose(dir_data, spd_data, 4)
    w.show_freq, w.show_zeros = False, False
    w.frequency_hours = 2
    w.legend_parameters = LegendParameters(segment_count=7)

    # color index corresponds to hourly interval indices
    chk_color_array = [111 + 2/3, 146.8, 100, 153]
    assert len(chk_color_array) == len(w._color_array)
    for cc, c in zip(chk_color_array, w._color_array):
        assert abs(cc - c) < 1e-10

    # Check freq=False, zeros=True
    w = WindRose(dir_data, spd_data, 4)
    w.show_freq, w.show_zeros = False, True
    w.frequency_hours = 2
    w.legend_parameters = LegendParameters(segment_count=7)

    # color index corresponds to hourly interval indices
    chk_color_array = [111 + 2/3, 146.8, 100, 153]
    chk_color_array += [0, 0, 0, 0]

    assert len(chk_color_array) == len(w._color_array)
    for cc, c in zip(chk_color_array, w._color_array):
        assert abs(cc - c) < 1e-10