コード例 #1
        _construction = opaque_construction_by_identifier(_construction)

    # determine whether the input _geo_or_area is geometry or floats
        areas = [float(num) for num in _geo_or_area]
    except AttributeError:  # assume that the input is a list of geometry
        geo = [f for geo in _geo_or_area for f in to_face3d(geo)]
        conversion = conversion_to_meters()**2
        areas = [0 for room in rooms]
        for i, room in enumerate(rooms):
            for face in geo:
                if room.geometry.is_point_inside(face.center):
                    areas[i] += face.area * conversion

    # create the internal mass objects and assign them to the rooms
    for i, room in enumerate(rooms):
        area = longest_list(areas, i)
        if area != 0:
            if len(_name_) == 0:  # make a default Room name
                display_name = 'Internal Mass {}'.format(
                display_name = '{}_{}'.format(longest_list(_name_, i), i + 1) \
                    if len(_name_) != len(_rooms) else longest_list(_name_, i)
            name = clean_ep_string(display_name)
            mass = InternalMass(name, _construction, area)
            mass.display_name = display_name
            print('Internal mass with area {} m2 has been added to room '
                  '"{}"'.format(round(area, 3), room.display_name))
コード例 #2
            'has failed to import.\n{}'.format(e))
    elif len(conditioned_) != 0:
        raise ValueError(
            'conditioned_ has been specified but dragonfly-energy '
            'has failed to import.\n{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    room2d = []  # list of room2ds that will be returned
    face3ds = [face for geo in _geo
               for face in to_face3d(geo)]  # convert to lb geo
    for i, geo in enumerate(face3ds):
        # get the name for the Room2D
        if len(_name_) == 0:  # make a default Room2D name
            display_name = 'Room_{}'.format(document_counter('room_count'))
            display_name = '{}_{}'.format(longest_list(_name_, i), i + 1) \
                if len(_name_) != len(face3ds) else longest_list(_name_, i)
        name = clean_and_id_string(display_name)

        # create the Room2D
        room = Room2D(name,
                      longest_list(_flr_to_ceiling, i),
        room.display_name = display_name

        # assign the program
        if len(_program_) != 0:
            program = longest_list(_program_, i)
            if isinstance(program, str):
                program = program_type_by_identifier(program)
コード例 #3
    rh_lines = []
    hr_lines = []
    enth_wb_lines = []
    mesh = []
    legend = []
    points = []
    data_colls = []
    psych_chart = []

    # loop through the input temperatures and humidity and plot psych charts
    for j, (temperature,
            rel_humid) in enumerate(zip(_temperature, _rel_humidity)):
        # process the pressure input
        pressure = 101325
        if len(_pressure_) != 0:
            pr = longest_list(_pressure_, j)
                pressure = float(pr)
            except Exception:  # assume that it's a data collection
                assert pr.header.unit == 'Pa', '_pressure_ input must be in Pa.'
                pressure = pr.average

        # sense if the input temperature is in Farenheit
        use_ip = False
        if isinstance(temperature, BaseCollection):
            if temperature.header.unit != 'C':  # convert to C and set chart to use_ip
                temperature = temperature.to_si()
                use_ip = True

        # set default values for the chart dimensions
        _scale_ = 1.0 if _scale_ is None else _scale_
コード例 #4
    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs, longest_list
    from ladybug_rhino.config import conversion_to_meters
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    conversion = conversion_to_meters()
    rooms = [room.duplicate() for room in _rooms]  # duplicate the initial objects

    # assign the person_count_
    if len(person_count_) != 0:
        for i, room in enumerate(rooms):
                longest_list(person_count_, i), conversion)

    # assign the lighting_watts_
    if len(lighting_watts_) != 0:
        for i, room in enumerate(rooms):
                longest_list(lighting_watts_, i), conversion)

    # assign the electric_watts_
    if len(electric_watts_) != 0:
        for i, room in enumerate(rooms):
                longest_list(electric_watts_, i), conversion)

    # assign the gas_watts_
    if len(gas_watts_) != 0:
コード例 #5
            'has failed to import.\n{}'.format(e))

try:  # import the honeybee-radiance extension
    from honeybee_radiance.lib.modifiers import modifier_by_identifier
except ImportError as e:
    if len(rad_mod_) != 0:
        raise ValueError('rad_mod_ has been specified but honeybee-radiance '
                         'has failed to import.\n{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    shades = []  # list of shades that will be returned
    for j, geo in enumerate(_geo):
        if len(_name_) == 0:  # make a default Shade name
            name = display_name = clean_and_id_string('Shade')
            display_name = '{}_{}'.format(longest_list(_name_, j), j + 1) \
                if len(_name_) != len(_geo) else longest_list(_name_, j)
            name = clean_and_id_string(display_name)
        is_detached = not longest_list(attached_,
                                       j) if len(attached_) != 0 else True

        lb_faces = to_face3d(geo)
        for i, lb_face in enumerate(lb_faces):
            shd_name = '{}_{}'.format(name, i) if len(lb_faces) > 1 else name
            hb_shd = Shade(shd_name, lb_face, is_detached)
            hb_shd.display_name = display_name

            # try to assign the energyplus construction
            if len(ep_constr_) != 0:
                ep_constr = longest_list(ep_constr_, j)
                if isinstance(ep_constr, str):
コード例 #6
ghenv.Component.AdditionalHelpFromDocStrings = "1"

    from honeybee.room import Room
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import honeybee_energy:\n\t{}'.format(e))

    from honeybee_energy.lib.programtypes import program_type_by_identifier, \
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import honeybee_energy:\n\t{}'.format(e))

    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs, longest_list
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    # duplicate the initial objects
    rooms = [obj.duplicate() for obj in _rooms if isinstance(obj, Room)]

    # apply the program to the rooms
    for i, room in enumerate(rooms):
        prog = longest_list(_program, i)
        if isinstance(prog, str):  # get the program object if it is a string
                prog = building_program_type_by_identifier(prog)
            except ValueError:
                prog = program_type_by_identifier(prog)
        room.properties.energy.program_type = prog
コード例 #7
    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs, longest_list
    from ladybug_rhino.config import conversion_to_meters
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    conversion = conversion_to_meters()
    rooms = [room.duplicate()
             for room in _rooms]  # duplicate the initial objects

    # assign the person_count_
    if len(person_count_) != 0:
        for i, room in enumerate(rooms):
                longest_list(person_count_, i), conversion)

    # assign the lighting_watts_
    if len(lighting_watts_) != 0:
        for i, room in enumerate(rooms):
                longest_list(lighting_watts_, i), conversion)

    # assign the electric_watts_
    if len(electric_watts_) != 0:
        for i, room in enumerate(rooms):
                longest_list(electric_watts_, i), conversion)

    # assign the gas_watts_
    if len(gas_watts_) != 0:
コード例 #8
            'has failed to import.\n{}'.format(e))
    elif len(conditioned_) != 0:
        raise ValueError(
            'conditioned_ has been specified but dragonfly-energy '
            'has failed to import.\n{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component) and _run:
    perim_offset_ = 0 if perim_offset_ is None else perim_offset_
    buildings = []  # list of buildings that will be returned
    for i, geo in enumerate(_footprint_geo):
        # get the name for the Building
        if len(_name_) == 0:  # make a default Building name
            display_name = 'Building_{}'.format(document_counter('bldg_count'))
            name = clean_and_id_string(display_name)
            display_name = '{}_{}'.format(longest_list(_name_, i), i + 1) \
                if len(_name_) != len(_footprint_geo) else longest_list(_name_, i)
            name = clean_string(display_name)

        # create the Building
        building = Building.from_footprint(
        building.display_name = display_name

        # assign the program
        if len(_program_) != 0:
            program = longest_list(_program_, i)
コード例 #9
    if len(ep_constr_) != 0:
        raise ValueError('ep_constr_ has been specified but honeybee-energy '
                         'has failed to import.\n{}'.format(e))
    elif len(ep_trans_sch_) != 0:
        raise ValueError('ep_trans_sch_ has been specified but honeybee-energy '
                         'has failed to import.\n{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    context = []  # list of context shades that will be returned
    for i, geo in enumerate(_geo):
        # get the name for the ContextShade
        if len(_name_) == 0:  # make a default name
            display_name = 'Context_{}'.format(document_counter('context_count'))
            display_name = '{}_{}'.format(longest_list(_name_, i), i + 1) \
                if len(_name_) != len(_geo) else longest_list(_name_, i)
        name = clean_and_id_string(display_name)

        # create the ContextShade object
        df_shd = ContextShade(name, to_face3d(geo))
        df_shd.display_name = display_name

        # try to assign the energyplus construction
        if len(ep_constr_) != 0:
            ep_constr = longest_list(ep_constr_, i)
            if isinstance(ep_constr, str):
                ep_constr = shade_construction_by_identifier(ep_constr)
            df_shd.properties.energy.construction = ep_constr

        # try to assign the energyplus transmittance schedule
コード例 #10
                         'has failed to import.\n{}'.format(e))

try:  # import the honeybee-radiance extension
    from honeybee_radiance.lib.modifiers import modifier_by_identifier
except ImportError as e:
    if len(rad_mod_) != 0:
        raise ValueError('rad_mod_ has been specified but honeybee-radiance '
                         'has failed to import.\n{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    faces = []  # list of faces that will be returned
    for j, geo in enumerate(_geo):
        if len(_name_) == 0:  # make a default Face name
            name = display_name = clean_and_id_string('Face')
            display_name = '{}_{}'.format(longest_list(_name_, j), j + 1) \
                if len(_name_) != len(_geo) else longest_list(_name_, j)
            name = clean_and_id_string(display_name)
        typ = longest_list(_type_, j) if len(_type_) != 0 else None
        bc = longest_list(_bc_, j) if len(_bc_) != 0 else None
        if typ is not None and typ not in face_types:
            typ = face_types.by_name(typ)
        if bc is not None and bc not in boundary_conditions:
            bc = boundary_conditions.by_name(bc)

        lb_faces = to_face3d(geo)
        for i, lb_face in enumerate(lb_faces):
            face_name = '{}_{}'.format(name, i) if len(lb_faces) > 1 else name
            hb_face = Face(face_name, lb_face, typ, bc)
            hb_face.display_name = display_name
コード例 #11
        rooms: The input Rooms with their multipliers edited.

ghenv.Component.Name = "HB Set Multiplier"
ghenv.Component.NickName = 'Multiplier'
ghenv.Component.Message = '1.2.0'
ghenv.Component.Category = 'Honeybee'
ghenv.Component.SubCategory = '0 :: Create'
ghenv.Component.AdditionalHelpFromDocStrings = '0'

try:  # import the honeybee-energy extension
    from honeybee.room import Room
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import honeybee:\n\t{}'.format(e))

try:  # import the ladybug_rhino dependencies
    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs, longest_list
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    rooms = []
    for i, room in enumerate(_rooms):
        assert isinstance(room, Room), \
            'Expected honeybee room. Got {}.'.format(type(room))
        room_dup = room.duplicate()
        room_dup.multiplier = longest_list(_multiplier, i)
コード例 #12
    wire_objs = []
    for wire in _wires:
        if isinstance(wire, str):

    # convert rhino geometry to ladybug geometry
    lines = []
    for geo in _geo:
        except AttributeError:

    connector = []  # list of connectors that will be returned
    for i, geo in enumerate(lines):
        # get the name for the ElectricalConnector
        if len(_name_) == 0:  # make a default ElectricalConnector name
            display_name = 'ElectricalConnector_{}'.format(
            display_name = '{}_{}'.format(longest_list(_name_, i), i + 1) \
                if len(_name_) != len(lines) else longest_list(_name_, i)
        name = clean_and_id_ep_string(display_name)

        # create the ElectricalConnector
        conn = ElectricalConnector(name, geo, wire_objs)
        conn.display_name = display_name
コード例 #13
    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs, give_warning, \
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    # loop through the rooms and assign the objects
    op_count = 0
    rooms = []
    for i, room_init in enumerate(_rooms):
        room = room_init.duplicate()  # duplicate to avoid editing the input

        # assign the ventilation control for the windows
        room.properties.energy.window_vent_control = longest_list(_vent_cntrl, i)

        # create the base ventilation opening
        f_area = 0.5 if len(_fract_area_oper_) == 0 else longest_list(_fract_area_oper_, i)
        f_height = 1.0 if len(_fract_height_oper_) == 0 else longest_list(_fract_height_oper_, i)
        discharge = 0.45 if len(_discharge_coeff_) == 0 else longest_list(_discharge_coeff_, i)
        vent_open = VentilationOpening(f_area, f_height, discharge)

        # assign the cross ventilation
        cross_vent = longest_list(_wind_cross_vent_, i) if \
            len(_wind_cross_vent_) != 0 else None
        if cross_vent is None:
            # analyze  normals of room's apertures to test if cross vent is possible
            orient_angles = []
            for face in room.faces:
                for ap in face.apertures:
コード例 #14
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    # duplicate the initial objects
    rooms = [room.duplicate() for room in _rooms]

    # set default values and check the inputs
    use_category_ = ['Process'] if len(use_category_) == 0 else use_category_
    radiant_fract_ = [0.0] if len(radiant_fract_) == 0 else radiant_fract_
    latent_fract_ = [0.0] if len(latent_fract_) == 0 else latent_fract_
    lost_fract_ = [0.0] if len(lost_fract_) == 0 else lost_fract_
    for i, sched in enumerate(_schedule):
        if isinstance(sched, str):
            _schedule[i] = schedule_by_identifier(sched)

    # loop through the rooms and assign process loads
    for i, room in enumerate(rooms):
        load_watts = longest_list(_watts, i)
        if load_watts != 0:
            name = clean_and_id_ep_string('Process') if len(_name_) == 0 else \
                clean_ep_string(longest_list(_name_, i))
            process = Process('{}..{}'.format(name, room.identifier),
                              load_watts, longest_list(_schedule, i),
                              longest_list(_fuel_type, i),
                              longest_list(use_category_, i),
                              longest_list(radiant_fract_, i),
                              longest_list(latent_fract_, i),
                              longest_list(lost_fract_, i))
コード例 #15
        elif isinstance(obj, str):
                program = building_program_type_by_identifier(obj)
            except ValueError:
                program = program_type_by_identifier(obj)
            raise TypeError('Expected Honeybee Room or ProgramType. '
                            'Got {}.'.format(type(obj)))

    # assign the people_per_floor_
    if len(people_per_floor_) != 0:
        for i, obj in enumerate(mod_obj):
            people = dup_load(obj, 'people', People)
            people.people_per_area = longest_list(people_per_floor_, i)
            assign_load(obj, people, 'people')

    # assign the lighting_per_floor_
    if len(lighting_per_floor_) != 0:
        for i, obj in enumerate(mod_obj):
            lighting = dup_load(obj, 'lighting', Lighting)
            lighting.watts_per_area = longest_list(lighting_per_floor_, i)
            assign_load(obj, lighting, 'lighting')

    # assign the electric_per_floor_
    if len(electric_per_floor_) != 0:
        for i, obj in enumerate(mod_obj):
            equip = dup_load(obj, 'electric_equipment', ElectricEquipment)
            equip.watts_per_area = longest_list(electric_per_floor_, i)
            assign_load(obj, equip, 'electric_equipment')
コード例 #16
            (and child objects') identifier and display_name. This will also be
            added to any Surface boundary conditions of Faces, Apertures, or
            Doors. It is recommended that this prefix be short to avoid maxing
            out the 100 allowable characters for honeybee identifiers. This can
            also be a list of prefixes that correspond to the input _hb_objs
        report: ...
        hb_objs: The input Honeybee objects with a prefix added to their display
            names and identifiers.

ghenv.Component.Name = "HB Add Prefix"
ghenv.Component.NickName = 'Prefix'
ghenv.Component.Message = '1.2.0'
ghenv.Component.Category = 'Honeybee'
ghenv.Component.SubCategory = '0 :: Create'
ghenv.Component.AdditionalHelpFromDocStrings = '0'

try:  # import the ladybug_rhino dependencies
    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs, longest_list
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    hb_objs = []
    for i, obj in enumerate(_hb_objs):
        obj_dup = obj.duplicate()
        prefix = longest_list(_prefix, i)
コード例 #17
    if len(_sensor_points_) != 0:
        assert len(_sensor_points_) == len(_rooms), 'Number of sensor points ({}) ' \
            'must align exactly with the number of rooms ({}).'.format(
                len(_sensor_points_), len(_rooms))
    _ill_setpoint_ = [300] if len(_ill_setpoint_) == 0 else _ill_setpoint_
    _control_fract_ = [1] if len(_control_fract_) == 0 else _control_fract_
    _min_power_in_ = [0.3] if len(_min_power_in_) == 0 else _min_power_in_
    _min_light_out_ = [0.2] if len(_min_light_out_) == 0 else _min_light_out_
    off_at_min_ = [False] if len(off_at_min_) == 0 else off_at_min_

    # loop through the rooms and assign daylight sensors
    unassigned_rooms = []
    if len(_sensor_points_) == 0:
        for i, room in enumerate(rooms):
            dl_control = room.properties.energy.add_daylight_control_to_center(
                dist_from_floor, longest_list(_ill_setpoint_, i),
                longest_list(_control_fract_, i),
                longest_list(_min_power_in_, i),
                longest_list(_min_light_out_, i), longest_list(off_at_min_, i))
            if dl_control is None:
        for i, room in enumerate(rooms):
            sensor_pt = to_point3d(_sensor_points_[i])
            if room.geometry.is_point_inside(sensor_pt):
                dl_control = DaylightingControl(
                    sensor_pt, longest_list(_ill_setpoint_, i),
                    longest_list(_control_fract_, i),
                    longest_list(_min_power_in_, i),
                    longest_list(_min_light_out_, i),
                    longest_list(off_at_min_, i))
コード例 #18
    from itertools import izip as zip  # python 2
except ImportError:
    pass  # some future time when GHPython upgrades to python 3

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    # build the arithmetic statement
    operator = '+' if _operator_ is None else _operator_
    statement = 'data_1 {} data_2'.format(operator)

    # perform the arithmetic operation
    data = []
    for i, data_1 in enumerate(_data_1):
        data_2 = longest_list(_data_2, i)
        data_1 = float(data_1) if isinstance(data_1, str) else data_1
        data_2 = float(data_2) if isinstance(data_2, str) else data_2
        result = eval(statement, {'data_1': data_1, 'data_2': data_2})

        # try to replace the data collection type
            result = result.duplicate()
            if type_:
                result.header.metadata['type'] = type_
            elif 'type' in result.header.metadata:  # infer data type from units
                d_unit = result.header.unit
                for key in ladybug.datatype.UNITS:
                    if d_unit in ladybug.datatype.UNITS[key]:
                        base_type = ladybug.datatype.TYPESDICT[key]()
                        result.header.metadata['type'] = str(base_type)
コード例 #19
        if isinstance(obj, Room):
        elif isinstance(obj, ProgramType):
        elif isinstance(obj, str):
            program = program_type_by_identifier(obj)
            raise TypeError('Expected Honeybee Room or ProgramType. '
                            'Got {}.'.format(type(obj)))

    # assign the cooling_setpt_
    if len(cooling_setpt_) != 0:
        for i, obj in enumerate(mod_obj):
            setpoint = dup_setpoint(obj)
            setpoint.cooling_setpoint = longest_list(cooling_setpt_, i)
            assign_setpoint(obj, setpoint)

    # assign the heating_setpt_
    if len(heating_setpt_) != 0:
        for i, obj in enumerate(mod_obj):
            setpoint = dup_setpoint(obj)
            setpoint.heating_setpoint = longest_list(heating_setpt_, i)
            assign_setpoint(obj, setpoint)

    # assign the humid_setpt_
    if len(humid_setpt_) != 0:
        for i, obj in enumerate(mod_obj):
            setpoint = dup_setpoint(obj)
            setpoint.humidifying_setpoint = longest_list(humid_setpt_, i)
            assign_setpoint(obj, setpoint)
コード例 #20
                         'has failed to import.\n{}'.format(e))

try:  # import the honeybee-radiance extension
    from honeybee_radiance.lib.modifiers import modifier_by_identifier
except ImportError as e:
    if len(rad_mod_) != 0:
        raise ValueError('rad_mod_ has been specified but honeybee-radiance '
                         'has failed to import.\n{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    doors = []  # list of doors that will be returned
    for j, geo in enumerate(_geo):
        if len(_name_) == 0:  # make a default Door name
            name = display_name = clean_and_id_string('Door')
            display_name = '{}_{}'.format(longest_list(_name_, j), j + 1) \
                if len(_name_) != len(_geo) else longest_list(_name_, j)
            name = clean_and_id_string(display_name)
        glass = longest_list(glass_, j) if len(glass_) != 0 else False

        lb_faces = to_face3d(geo)
        for i, lb_face in enumerate(lb_faces):
            dr_name = '{}_{}'.format(name, i) if len(lb_faces) > 1 else name
            hb_dr = Door(dr_name, lb_face, is_glass=glass)
            hb_dr.display_name = display_name

            # try to assign the energyplus construction
            if len(ep_constr_) != 0:
                ep_constr = longest_list(ep_constr_, j)
                if isinstance(ep_constr, str):
                    ep_constr = opaque_construction_by_identifier(ep_constr) if not \
コード例 #21
        elif isinstance(obj, ProgramType):
        elif isinstance(obj, str):
            program = program_type_by_identifier(obj)
            raise TypeError('Expected Honeybee Room or ProgramType. '
                            'Got {}.'.format(type(obj)))

    # assign the occupancy schedule
    if len(occupancy_sch_) != 0:
        for i, obj in enumerate(mod_obj):
            people = dup_load(obj, 'people', 'occupancy_sch_')
            people.occupancy_schedule = schedule_object(
                longest_list(occupancy_sch_, i))
            assign_load(obj, people, 'people')

    # assign the activity schedule
    if len(activity_sch_) != 0:
        for i, obj in enumerate(mod_obj):
            people = dup_load(obj, 'people', 'activity_sch_')
            people.activity_schedule = schedule_object(
                longest_list(activity_sch_, i))
            assign_load(obj, people, 'people')

    # assign the lighting schedule
    if len(lighting_sch_) != 0:
        for i, obj in enumerate(mod_obj):
            lighting = dup_load(obj, 'lighting', 'lighting_sch_')
            lighting.schedule = schedule_object(longest_list(lighting_sch_, i))
コード例 #22
try:  # import ladybug-rhino
    from ladybug_rhino.togeometry import to_polygon2d
    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs, longest_list, \
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    transformer = []  # list of transformers that will be returned
    polygons = [to_polygon2d(geo) for geo in _geo]  # convert to lb geo
    for i, geo in enumerate(polygons):
        # get the name for the Transformer
        if len(_name_) == 0:  # make a default Transformer name
            display_name = 'Transformer_{}'.format(
            display_name = '{}_{}'.format(longest_list(_name_, i), i + 1) \
                if len(_name_) != len(polygons) else longest_list(_name_, i)
        name = clean_and_id_ep_string(display_name)

        # get the properties for the transformer
        props = longest_list(_properties, i)
        if isinstance(props, str):
            props = transformer_prop_by_identifier(props)

        # create the Transformer
        trans = Transformer(name, geo, props)
        trans.display_name = display_name