def test_trajectory(env_id): env = gym.make(env_id) env = TimeStepEnv(env) traj = Trajectory() assert len(traj) == 0 and traj.T == 0 with pytest.raises(AssertionError): traj.add(TimeStep(StepType.MID, 1, 2, True, {}), 0.5) timestep = env.reset() traj.add(timestep, None) assert len(traj) == 1 and traj.T == 0 with pytest.raises(AssertionError): traj.add(TimeStep(StepType.MID, 1, 2, True, {}), None) while not timestep.last(): action = env.action_space.sample() timestep = env.step(action) traj.add(timestep, action) if not timestep.last(): assert len(traj) == traj.T + 1 assert not traj.finished with pytest.raises(AssertionError): traj.add(timestep, 5.3) assert traj.finished assert traj.reach_time_limit == traj[-1].time_limit() assert traj.reach_terminal == traj[-1].terminal() assert np.asarray(traj.observations).shape == (traj.T + 1, *env.observation_space.shape) assert len(traj.actions) == traj.T assert len(traj.rewards) == traj.T assert len(traj.dones) == traj.T assert len(traj.infos) == traj.T if traj.reach_time_limit: assert len(traj.get_infos('TimeLimit.truncated')) == 1
def test_step_runner(env_id, T): env = gym.make(env_id) env = TimeStepEnv(env) agent = RandomAgent(None, env, None) runner = StepRunner(reset_on_call=True) D = runner(agent, env, T) assert runner.observation is None assert all([isinstance(traj, Trajectory) for traj in D]) assert all([traj[0].first() for traj in D]) assert all([traj[-1].last() for traj in D[:-1]]) assert all([ 'last_info' in traj.extra_info and 'raw_action' in traj.extra_info['last_info'] for traj in D ]) runner = StepRunner(reset_on_call=False) D = runner(agent, env, 1) assert D[0][0].first() assert len(D[0]) == 2 assert np.allclose(D[0][-1].observation, runner.observation) assert all([ 'last_info' in traj.extra_info and 'raw_action' in traj.extra_info['last_info'] for traj in D ]) D2 = runner(agent, env, 3) assert np.allclose(D2[-1][-1].observation, runner.observation) assert np.allclose(D[0][-1].observation, D2[0][0].observation) assert D2[0][0].first() and D2[0][0].reward is None assert all([ 'last_info' in traj.extra_info and 'raw_action' in traj.extra_info['last_info'] for traj in D2 ])
def make_env(config, seed, mode): assert mode in ['train', 'eval'] env = gym.make(config['']) env.seed(seed) env.observation_space.seed(seed) env.action_space.seed(seed) if config['env.clip_action'] and isinstance(env.action_space, gym.spaces.Box): env = gym.wrappers.ClipAction(env) # TODO: use tanh to squash policy output when RescaleAction wrapper merged in gym env = TimeStepEnv(env) return env
def make_env(config, seed, mode): assert mode in ['train', 'eval'] env = gym.make(config['']) env.seed(seed) env.observation_space.seed(seed) env.action_space.seed(seed) if mode == 'eval': env = RecordEpisodeStatistics(env, deque_size=100) env = TimeStepEnv(env) return env
def make_env(config, seed, mode): assert mode in ['train', 'eval'] env = gym.make(config['']) env.seed(seed) env.observation_space.seed(seed) env.action_space.seed(seed) env = NormalizeAction(env) # TODO: use gym new wrapper RescaleAction when it's merged if mode == 'eval': env = RecordEpisodeStatistics(env, deque_size=100) env = TimeStepEnv(env) return env
def test_timestep_env(env_id): env = gym.make(env_id) wrapped_env = TimeStepEnv(gym.make(env_id)) env.seed(0) wrapped_env.seed(0) obs = env.reset() timestep = wrapped_env.reset() assert timestep.first() assert np.allclose(timestep.observation, obs) for t in range(env.spec.max_episode_steps): action = env.action_space.sample() obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) timestep = wrapped_env.step(action) assert np.allclose(timestep.observation, obs) assert timestep.reward == reward assert timestep.done == done assert == info if done: assert timestep.last() if 'TimeLimit.truncated' in info and info['TimeLimit.truncated']: assert timestep.time_limit() else: assert timestep.terminal() break else: assert timestep.mid()
def test_episode_runner(env_id, N): env = gym.make(env_id) env = TimeStepEnv(env) agent = RandomAgent(None, env, None) runner = EpisodeRunner() D = runner(agent, env, N) assert len(D) == N assert all([isinstance(d, Trajectory) for d in D]) assert all([traj.finished for traj in D]) assert all([traj[0].first() for traj in D]) assert all([traj[-1].last() for traj in D]) for traj in D: for timestep in traj[1:-1]: assert timestep.mid()
def make_env(config, seed, mode): assert mode in ['train', 'eval'] env = gym.make(config['']) env.seed(seed) env.observation_space.seed(seed) env.action_space.seed(seed) if config['env.clip_action'] and isinstance(env.action_space, gym.spaces.Box): env = gym.wrappers.ClipAction(env) if mode == 'train': env = RecordEpisodeStatistics(env, deque_size=100) if config['env.normalize_obs']: env = NormalizeObservation(env, clip=5.) if config['env.normalize_reward']: env = NormalizeReward(env, clip=10., gamma=config['agent.gamma']) env = TimeStepEnv(env) return env