コード例 #1
    def _initialise_ephemeris(self, earth_ephem, sun_ephem, time_corr):
        Initialise the solar system ephemeris.

        if earth_ephem is not None:
            earthfile = earth_ephem
            earthfile = self.__earthstr.format(self.ephem)

        if sun_ephem is not None:
            sunfile = sun_ephem
            sunfile = self.__sunstr.format(self.ephem)

        if time_corr is not None:
            timefile = time_corr
            timefile = self.__timecorrstr.format(self.__units_map[self.units])

            edat = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(earthfile, sunfile)
        except RuntimeError:
                # try downloading the ephemeris files
                from astropy.utils.data import download_file

                efile = download_file(DOWNLOAD_URL.format(earthfile),
                sfile = download_file(DOWNLOAD_URL.format(sunfile), cache=True)
                edat = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(efile, sfile)
            except Exception as e:
                raise IOError(
                    "Could not read in ephemeris files: {}".format(e))

            tdat = lalpulsar.InitTimeCorrections(timefile)
        except RuntimeError:
                # try downloading the ephemeris files
                from astropy.utils.data import download_file

                tfile = download_file(DOWNLOAD_URL.format(timefile),
                tdat = lalpulsar.InitTimeCorrections(tfile)
            except Exception as e:
                raise IOError(
                    "Could not read in time correction file: {}".format(e))

        return edat, tdat
コード例 #2
    def _initialise_ephemeris(self, earth_ephem, sun_ephem, time_corr):
        Initialise the solar system ephemeris.

        if earth_ephem is not None:
            earthfile = earth_ephem
            earthfile = self.__earthstr.format(self.ephem)

        if sun_ephem is not None:
            sunfile = sun_ephem
            sunfile = self.__sunstr.format(self.ephem)

        if time_corr is not None:
            timefile = time_corr
            timefile = self.__timecorrstr.format(self.__units_map[self.units])

            edat = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(earthfile, sunfile)
        except Exception as e:
            raise IOError("Could not read in ephemeris files: {}".format(e))

            tdat = lalpulsar.InitTimeCorrections(timefile)
        except Exception as e:
            raise IOError(
                "Could not read in time correction file: {}".format(e))

        return edat, tdat
コード例 #3
    def get_frequency(self, t):
        DeltaFDrift = self.F1 * (t - self.tref)

        phir = 2 * np.pi * t / self.Pmod + self.Pmod_phi

        if self.Alpha is not None and self.Delta is not None:
            spin_posvel = lalpulsar.PosVel3D_t()
            orbit_posvel = lalpulsar.PosVel3D_t()
            det = lal.CachedDetectors[4]
            ephems = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(self.earth_ephem, self.sun_ephem)
            # Pos and vel returned in units of c
            DeltaFOrbital = np.dot(self.n, orbit_posvel.vel) * self.Fmax

            if self.IFO == "H1":
                Lambda = lal.LHO_4K_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD
            elif self.IFO == "L1":
                Lambda = lal.LLO_4K_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD

            DeltaFSpin = (
                * lal.REARTH_SI
                / lal.C_SI
                * 2
                * np.pi
                / self.Pmod
                * (np.cos(self.Delta) * np.cos(Lambda) * np.sin(self.Alpha - phir))
                * self.Fmax
            DeltaFOrbital = 0
            DeltaFSpin = 2 * np.pi * self.Pmod_amp / self.Pmod * np.cos(phir)

        f = self.F0 + DeltaFDrift + DeltaFOrbital + DeltaFSpin
        return f
コード例 #4
                     [1000068400.0, -1.737338292421e-26, -1.215410941899e-26],
                     [1000072000.0, -7.948860127300e-27, -9.699169393802e-27],
                     [1000075600.0, 3.255444398910e-27, -4.686765876987e-27],
                     [1000079200.0, 1.369234859571e-26, 1.647785967195e-27],
                     [1000082800.0, 2.100706686852e-26, 7.709825036865e-27]])

# set ephemeris files
earthephem = os.path.join(os.environ['LAL_TEST_PKGDATADIR'],
sunephem = os.path.join(os.environ['LAL_TEST_PKGDATADIR'],
timefile = os.path.join(os.environ['LAL_TEST_PKGDATADIR'],

# get ephemeris files
edat = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(earthephem, sunephem)
tdat = lalpulsar.InitTimeCorrections(timefile)

def test_one():
    par = PulsarParametersPy()
    par['F'] = [123.456789, -9.87654321e-12]  # set frequency
    par['DELTAF'] = [0.0, 0.0]  # frequency difference
    par['RAJ'] = lal.TranslateHMStoRAD('01:23:34.5')  # set right ascension
    par['DECJ'] = lal.TranslateDMStoRAD('-45:01:23.4')  # set declination
    pepoch = lal.TranslateStringMJDTTtoGPS('58000')
    par['PEPOCH'] = pepoch.gpsSeconds + 1e-9 * pepoch.gpsNanoSeconds
    par['H0'] = 5.6e-26
    par['COSIOTA'] = -0.2
    par['PSI'] = 0.4
    par['PHI0'] = 2.3
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self,
        Initialise a continuous-wave signal simulator.

        @param gps_t0: start time of signal, in GPS seconds
        @param T: total duration of signal, in seconds
        @param wf: function which computes signal phase and amplitudes as functions of time:
            @b dphi, @b aplus, @b across = @b wf(dt), where:
                @b dt = time since reference time @b gps_tref_wf;
                @b dphi = phase of signal at time @b dt relative to reference time @b gps_tref_wf, in radians;
                @b aplus = strain amplitude of plus polarisation at time @b dt;
                @b across = strain amplitude of cross polarisation at time @b dt
        @param gps_tref_wf: reference time for signal phase, in GPS seconds
        @param dt_wf: sampling time of the function @c wf; this need only be small enough to ensure
            that @c dphi, @c aplus, and @c across are smoothly interpolated, and does not need to make
            the desired sampling frequency of the output strain time series
        @param phi_0: initial phase of the gravitational-wave signal at @b gps_t0, in radians
        @param psi: polarisation angle of the gravitational-wave source, in radians
        @param alpha: right ascension of the gravitational-wave source, in radians
        @param delta: declination  of the gravitational-wave source, in radians
        @param det_name: name of the gravitational-wave detector to simulate a response for;
            e.g. @c "H1" for LIGO Hanford, @c "L1" for LIGO Livingston, @c "V1" for Virgo

        @param earth_ephem_file: name of file to load Earth ephemeris from
        @param sun_ephem_file: name of file to load Sun ephemeris from

        # store arguments
        self.__gps_t0 = gps_t0
        self.__T = T

        # parse detector name
            _, self.__det_index = lalpulsar.GetCWDetectorPrefix(det_name)
            assert (self.__det_index >= 0)
            raise ValueError("Invalid detector name det_name='%s'" % det_name)

        # load Earth and Sun ephemerides
        self.__ephemerides = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(earth_ephem_file,

        # start signal time series 'T_pad_wf' before/after output strain time series
        # to add sufficient padding for maximum Doppler modulation time shifts, otherwise
        # lalpulsar.PulsarSimulateCoherentGW() will output zeros without complaint (unless
        # you run with LAL_DEBUG_LEVEL=warning)
        T_pad_wf = 2.0 * lal.AU_SI / lal.C_SI
        gps_t0_wf = gps_t0 - T_pad_wf
        N_wf = int(math.ceil(float(T + 2 * T_pad_wf) / float(dt_wf)))

        # create REAL8TimeSeries to store signal phase
        self.__phi = lal.CreateREAL8TimeSeries("phi", gps_t0_wf, 0, dt_wf,
                                               lal.DimensionlessUnit, N_wf)

        # create REAL4TimeVectorSeries to store signal amplitudes
        # - LAL provides no creator function for this type, so must be done manually
        self.__a = lal.REAL4TimeVectorSeries()
        self.__a.name = "a+,ax"
        self.__a.epoch = gps_t0_wf
        self.__a.deltaT = dt_wf
        self.__a.f0 = 0
        self.__a.sampleUnits = lal.StrainUnit
        self.__a.data = lal.CreateREAL4VectorSequence(N_wf, 2)

        # call wf() to fill time series of signal phase and amplitudes
        dt = float(gps_t0_wf - gps_tref_wf)
        for i in xrange(0, N_wf):
            dphi, aplus, across = wf(dt)
            self.__phi.data.data[i] = phi_0 + dphi
            self.__a.data.data[i][0] = aplus
            self.__a.data.data[i][1] = across
            dt += dt_wf

        # create and initialise PulsarCoherentGW struct
        self.__waveform = lalpulsar.PulsarCoherentGW()
        self.__waveform.position.system = lal.COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL
        self.__waveform.position.longitude = alpha
        self.__waveform.position.latitude = delta
        self.__waveform.psi = psi
        self.__waveform.phi = self.__phi
        self.__waveform.a = self.__a

        # create and initialise PulsarDetectorResponse struct
        self.__detector = lalpulsar.PulsarDetectorResponse()
        self.__detector.site = lal.CachedDetectors[self.__det_index]
        self.__detector.ephemerides = self.__ephemerides
コード例 #6
def get_Nstar_estimate(nsegs, tref, minStartTime, maxStartTime, prior, detector_names):
    """Returns N* estimated from the super-sky metric

    nsegs : int
        Number of semi-coherent segments
    tref : int
        Reference time in GPS seconds
    minStartTime, maxStartTime : int
        Minimum and maximum SFT timestamps
    prior : dict
        The prior dictionary
    detector_names : array
        Array of detectors to average over

    Nstar: int
        The estimated approximate number of templates to cover the prior
        parameter space at a mismatch of unity, assuming the normalised
        thickness is unity.

    earth_ephem, sun_ephem = helper_functions.get_ephemeris_files()
    in_phys, spindowns, sky, fiducial_freq = _extract_data_from_prior(prior)
    out_rssky = np.zeros(in_phys.shape)

    in_phys = helper_functions.convert_array_to_gsl_matrix(in_phys)
    out_rssky = helper_functions.convert_array_to_gsl_matrix(out_rssky)

    tboundaries = np.linspace(minStartTime, maxStartTime, nsegs + 1)

    ref_time = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(tref)
    segments = lal.SegListCreate()
    for j in range(len(tboundaries) - 1):
        seg = lal.SegCreate(
            lal.LIGOTimeGPS(tboundaries[j]), lal.LIGOTimeGPS(tboundaries[j + 1]), j
        lal.SegListAppend(segments, seg)
    detNames = lal.CreateStringVector(*detector_names)
    detectors = lalpulsar.MultiLALDetector()
    lalpulsar.ParseMultiLALDetector(detectors, detNames)
    detector_weights = None
    detector_motion = lalpulsar.DETMOTION_SPIN + lalpulsar.DETMOTION_ORBIT
    ephemeris = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(earth_ephem, sun_ephem)
        SSkyMetric = lalpulsar.ComputeSuperskyMetrics(
    except RuntimeError as e:
        logging.warning("Encountered run-time error {}".format(e))
        raise RuntimeError("Calculation of the SSkyMetric failed")

    if sky:
        i = 0
        i = 2

        out_rssky, in_phys, SSkyMetric.semi_rssky_transf

    d = out_rssky.data

    g = SSkyMetric.semi_rssky_metric.data

    g = g[i:, i:]  # Remove sky if required
    parallelepiped = (d[i:, 1:].T - d[i:, 0]).T

    Nstars = []
    for j in range(1, len(g) + 1):
        dV = np.abs(np.linalg.det(parallelepiped[:j, :j]))
        sqrtdetG = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.linalg.det(g[:j, :j])))
        Nstars.append(sqrtdetG * dV)
        "Nstar for each dimension = {}".format(
            ", ".join(["{:1.1e}".format(n) for n in Nstars])
    return np.max(Nstars)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_simulateCW.py プロジェクト: phyytang/lalsuite
import sys

import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose

import pytest

import lal
import lalpulsar
from lalpulsar import simulateCW as simCW

# load Earth and Sun ephemerides
earth_ephem_file = os.path.join(os.environ['LAL_TEST_PKGDATADIR'], 'earth00-19-DE405.dat.gz')
sun_ephem_file = os.path.join(os.environ['LAL_TEST_PKGDATADIR'], 'sun00-19-DE405.dat.gz')
ephemerides = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(earth_ephem_file, sun_ephem_file)

# amplitude parameters
h0 = 1e-24
assume_sqrtSh = 1e-23
cosi = 0.123
psi = 2.345
phi0 = 3.210

# phase parameters
freq  = 10.0
fcmin =  5.0
fcmax = 15.0
f1dot = -1.35e-8
alpha = 6.12
delta = 1.02
コード例 #8
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: cwinpy/cwinpy
def initialise_ephemeris(
    Download/read and return solar system ephemeris and time coordinate data.
    If files are provided these will be used and read. If not provided then,
    using supplied ``ephem`` and ``units`` values, it will first attempt to
    find files locally (either in your current path or in a path supplied by
    a ``LAL_DATA_PATH`` environment variable), and if not present will then
    attempt to download the files from a repository.

    To do

    Add the ability to create ephemeris files using astropy.

    earthfile: str
        A file containing the Earth's position/velocity ephemeris
    sunfile: str
        A file containing the Sun's position/velocity ephemeris
    timefile: str
        A file containing time corrections for the TCB or TDB time coordinates.
    ephem: str
        The JPL ephemeris name, e.g., DE405
    units: str
        The time coordinate system, which can be either "TDB" or "TCB" (TCB is
        the default).
    ssonly: bool
        If True only return the initialised solar system ephemeris data.
        Default is False.
    timeonly: bool
        If True only return the initialised time correction ephemeris data.
        Default is False.
    filenames: bool
        If True return the paths to the ephemeris files. Default is False.

    edat, sdat, filenames:
        The LAL EphemerisData object and TimeCorrectionData object.

    earth = "earth00-40-{}.dat.gz".format(
        ephem) if earthfile is None else earthfile
    sun = "sun00-40-{}.dat.gz".format(ephem) if sunfile is None else sunfile

    filepaths = []

    if not timeonly:
            with MuteStream():
                # get full file path
                earthf = lalpulsar.PulsarFileResolvePath(earth)
                sunf = lalpulsar.PulsarFileResolvePath(sun)
                edat = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(earthf, sunf)
            filepaths = [edat.filenameE, edat.filenameS]
        except RuntimeError:
            # try downloading the ephemeris files
                efile = download_ephemeris_file(
                sfile = download_ephemeris_file(LAL_EPHEMERIS_URL.format(sun))
                edat = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(efile, sfile)
                filepaths = [efile, sfile]
            except Exception as e:
                raise IOError(
                    "Could not read in ephemeris files: {}".format(e))

        if ssonly:
            return (edat, filepaths) if filenames else edat

    unit = None
    if timefile is None:
        if units.upper() in ["TCB", "TDB"]:
            unit = dict(TCB="te405", TDB="tdb")[units.upper()]
            raise ValueError("units must be TCB or TDB")

    time = "{}_2000-2040.dat.gz".format(unit) if timefile is None else timefile

        with MuteStream():
            # get full file path
            timef = lalpulsar.PulsarFileResolvePath(time)
            tdat = lalpulsar.InitTimeCorrections(timef)
    except RuntimeError:
            # try downloading the time coordinate file
            tfile = download_ephemeris_file(LAL_EPHEMERIS_URL.format(time))
            tdat = lalpulsar.InitTimeCorrections(tfile)
        except Exception as e:
            raise IOError(
                "Could not read in time correction file: {}".format(e))

    if timeonly:
        return (tdat, filepaths) if filenames else tdat
        return (edat, tdat, filepaths) if filenames else (edat, tdat)
コード例 #9
def initialise_ephemeris(ephem="DE405",
    Download/read and return solar system ephemeris and time coordinate data.
    If files are provided these will be used and read. If not provided then,
    using supplied ``ephem`` and ``units`` values, it will first attempt to
    find files locally (either in your current path or in a path supplied by
    a ``LAL_DATA_PATH`` environment variable), and if not present will then
    attempt to download the files from a repository.

    To do

    Add the ability to create ephemeris files using astropy.

    earthfile: str
        A file containing the Earth's position/velocity ephemeris
    sunfile: str
        A file containing the Sun's position/velocity ephemeris
    timefile: str
        A file containing time corrections for the TCB or TDB time coordinates.
    ephem: str
        The JPL ephemeris name, e.g., DE405
    units: str
        The time coordinate system, which can be either "TDB" or "TCB" (TCB is
        the default).

    DOWNLOAD_URL = "https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/lalsuite/raw/master/lalpulsar/lib/{}"

    unit = None
    if timefile is None:
        if units.upper() in ["TCB", "TDB"]:
            unit = dict(TCB="te405", TDB="tdb")[units.upper()]
            raise ValueError("units must be TCB or TDB")

    earth = "earth00-40-{}.dat.gz".format(
        ephem) if earthfile is None else earthfile
    sun = "sun00-40-{}.dat.gz".format(ephem) if sunfile is None else sunfile
    time = "{}_2000-2040.dat.gz".format(unit) if timefile is None else timefile

        edat = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(earth, sun)
    except RuntimeError:
        # try downloading the ephemeris files
            from astropy.utils.data import download_file

            efile = download_file(DOWNLOAD_URL.format(earth), cache=True)
            sfile = download_file(DOWNLOAD_URL.format(sun), cache=True)
            edat = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(efile, sfile)
        except Exception as e:
            raise IOError("Could not read in ephemeris files: {}".format(e))

        tdat = lalpulsar.InitTimeCorrections(time)
    except RuntimeError:
            # try downloading the time coordinate file
            from astropy.utils.data import download_file

            tfile = download_file(DOWNLOAD_URL.format(time), cache=True)
            tdat = lalpulsar.InitTimeCorrections(tfile)
        except Exception as e:
            raise IOError(
                "Could not read in time correction file: {}".format(e))

    return edat, tdat
コード例 #10
    def __init__(self, tref, tstart, Tdata, waveform, dt_wf, phi0, psi, alpha, delta, det_name,
                 earth_ephem_file="earth00-40-DE405.dat.gz", sun_ephem_file="sun00-40-DE405.dat.gz", tref_at_det=False, extra_comment=None):
        Initialise a continuous-wave signal simulator.

        @param tref: reference time of signal phase at Solar System barycentre, in GPS seconds
            (but see @b tref_at_det)
        @param tstart: start time of signal, in GPS seconds
        @param Tdata: total duration of signal, in seconds
        @param waveform: function which computes signal phase and amplitudes as functions of time:
            @b dphi, @b aplus, @b across = @b waveform(dt), where:
                @b dt = time since reference time @b tref;
                @b dphi = phase of signal at time @b dt relative to reference time @b tref, in radians;
                @b aplus = strain amplitude of plus polarisation at time @b dt;
                @b across = strain amplitude of cross polarisation at time @b dt
        @param dt_wf: sampling time of the function @c waveform; this need only be small enough to ensure
            that @c dphi, @c aplus, and @c across are smoothly interpolated, and does not need to make
            the desired sampling frequency of the output strain time series
        @param phi0: initial phase of the gravitational-wave signal at @b tstart, in radians
        @param psi: polarisation angle of the gravitational-wave source, in radians
        @param alpha: right ascension of the gravitational-wave source, in radians
        @param delta: declination  of the gravitational-wave source, in radians
        @param det_name: name of the gravitational-wave detector to simulate a response for;
            e.g. @c "H1" for LIGO Hanford, @c "L1" for LIGO Livingston, @c "V1" for Virgo
        @param earth_ephem_file: name of file to load Earth ephemeris from
        @param sun_ephem_file: name of file to load Sun ephemeris from
        @param tref_at_det: default False; if True, shift reference time @b tref so that @b dt = 0 is
            @b tref in @e detector frame instead of Solar System barycentre frame, useful if e.g. one
            wants to turn on signal only for @b dt > 0, one can use @b tref as the turn-on time
        @param extra_comment: additional text to add to comment string in frame/SFT headers
               (not filenames), e.g. for wrapper script commandlines

        self.__origin_str = "Generated by %s, %s-%s (%s)" % (__file__, git_version.id, git_version.status, git_version.date)
        if extra_comment:
            self.__origin_str += ", "+extra_comment

        # store arguments
        self.__tstart = tstart
        self.__Tdata = Tdata

        # parse detector name
            _, self.__site_index = lalpulsar.FindCWDetector(det_name, True)
            assert(self.__site_index >= 0)
            raise ValueError("Invalid detector name det_name='%s'" % det_name)
        self.__site = lal.CachedDetectors[self.__site_index]

        # load Earth and Sun ephemerides
        self.__ephemerides = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(earth_ephem_file, sun_ephem_file)

        if tref_at_det:

            # calculate barycentric delay at reference time
            bary_state = lalpulsar.EarthState()
            bary_input = lalpulsar.BarycenterInput()
            bary_emit = lalpulsar.EmissionTime()
            bary_input.tgps = tref
            bary_input.site = self.__site
            for i in range(0, 3):
                bary_input.site.location[i] /= lal.C_SI
            bary_input.alpha = alpha
            bary_input.delta = delta
            bary_input.dInv = 0.0
            lalpulsar.BarycenterEarth(bary_state, bary_input.tgps, self.__ephemerides)
            lalpulsar.Barycenter(bary_emit, bary_input, bary_state)

            # adjust reference time so that dt = 0 is tref in detector frame
            tref += bary_emit.deltaT

        # start signal time series 'Tpad_wf' before/after output strain time series
        # add sufficient padding to signal for maximum Doppler modulation time shifts, otherwise
        # lalpulsar.PulsarSimulateCoherentGW() will output zeros without complaint (unless
        # you run with LAL_DEBUG_LEVEL=warning)
        Tpad_wf = 2.0 * lal.AU_SI / lal.C_SI
        tstart_wf = tstart - Tpad_wf
        Nwf = int(math.ceil(float(Tdata + 2*Tpad_wf) / float(dt_wf)))

        # create REAL8TimeSeries to store signal phase
        self.__phi = lal.CreateREAL8TimeSeries("phi", tstart_wf, 0, dt_wf, lal.DimensionlessUnit, Nwf)

        # create REAL4TimeVectorSeries to store signal amplitudes
        # - LAL provides no creator function for this type, so must be done manually
        self.__a = lal.REAL4TimeVectorSeries()
        self.__a.name = "a+,ax"
        self.__a.epoch = tstart_wf
        self.__a.deltaT = dt_wf
        self.__a.f0 = 0
        self.__a.sampleUnits = lal.StrainUnit
        self.__a.data = lal.CreateREAL4VectorSequence(Nwf, 2)

        # call waveform() to fill time series of signal phase and amplitudes
        dt = float(tstart_wf - tref)
        for i in range(0, Nwf):
            dphi, aplus, across = waveform(dt)
            self.__phi.data.data[i] = phi0 + dphi
            self.__a.data.data[i][0] = aplus
            self.__a.data.data[i][1] = across
            dt += dt_wf

        # create and initialise PulsarCoherentGW struct
        self.__wf = lalpulsar.PulsarCoherentGW()
        self.__wf.position.system = lal.COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL
        self.__wf.position.longitude = alpha
        self.__wf.position.latitude = delta
        self.__wf.psi = psi
        self.__wf.phi = self.__phi
        self.__wf.a = self.__a

        # create and initialise PulsarDetectorResponse struct
        self.__detector = lalpulsar.PulsarDetectorResponse()
        self.__detector.site = self.__site
        self.__detector.ephemerides = self.__ephemerides
コード例 #11
ファイル: snr.py プロジェクト: PyFstat/PyFstat
 def __init__(self):
     self.ephems = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(*get_ephemeris_files())