コード例 #1
ファイル: spaceobjects.py プロジェクト: RobertGarner/NTR14
 def transfer(self, target_position, target_velocity, flight_time = None, \
              r_history = None, v_history = None, t_history = None, \
              Minimize_Energy = False, SaveFlow = False):
     #  giving lists to r_history, v_history and t_history arguments will
     #+ populate them with the r, v state and time histories
     #  given export_flow will store the entire flow in export_flow
     #  Minimize_Energy = True will override 'flight_time' with the
     #  minimum energy time of flight given from lambert
     from utilities import rv2ic
     from shootingmodule import firstorder as shoot
     #  if no flight_time is given,
     #+ hopefully the user has switched on Minimize_Energy
     if flight_time == None: flight_time = 0.0
     #  create the initial conditions vector
     #  select an appropriate eom model that includes the
     #+ variational equations
     if len(target_position) == 2:
         ic = rv2ic(self.r[0:2], self.v[0:2], self.Mu, STM = True)
         temp_eom = 'P2BP_varEqns'
     elif len(target_position) == 3:
         ic = rv2ic(self.r, self.v, self.Mu, STM = True)
         temp_eom = 'S2BP_varEqns'
     #  Override 'flight_time' if Minimize_Energy = True
     if Minimize_Energy:
         from utilities import create_one_list
         from lambert   import prussing_conway
         from numpy     import array
         ic0 = create_one_list([self.r, self.v], 0, 1)
         icf = create_one_list([target_position, target_velocity], 0, 1)
         #  find the minimum time for a lambert solution
         lambert_solution = prussing_conway(ic0, icf, self.Mu, \
                                            FindMinEnergy = True, \
                                            NonDimUnits = False, \
                                            ScaleOutput = False)
         time_for_min_energy = lambert_solution['tm']
         #  use the minimum time as a flight time to compute
         #+ the lambert solution
         lambert_solution = prussing_conway(ic0, icf, self.Mu, \
                                            TransferTime = time_for_min_energy, \
                                            NonDimUnits = False, \
                                            ScaleOutput = False)
         #  calculate the delta-v
         dv1_guess = list(lambert_solution['v1'] - array(ic0[2:4]))
         flight_time = lambert_solution['time']
         dv1_guess = None
     #  apply the first order shooting method
     trajectory = shoot(ic, target_position, [0, flight_time], temp_eom, \
                        tol = 1E-2, iLimit = 60, \
                        damping = 0.3, guess = dv1_guess, \
                        print_status = True)
     #  store the delta-v impulsive maneuvers needed
     #+ for the given transfer
     if len(target_position) == 2:
         self.dv1 = trajectory['y'][0][2:4] - self.v
         self.dv2 = target_velocity - trajectory['y'][-1][2:4]
     elif len(target_position) == 3:
         self.dv1 = trajectory['y'][0][3:6] - self.v
         self.dv2 = target_velocity - trajectory['y'][-1][3:6]
     #  save trajectory states if desired
     from utilities import extract_elements
     n = len(target_position)
     if r_history != None:
         extract_elements(trajectory['y'], 0, n - 1, r_history)
         extract_elements(trajectory['y'], 0, n - 1, self.r_history)
     if v_history != None:
         extract_elements(trajectory['y'], n, 2*n - 1, v_history)
         extract_elements(trajectory['y'], n, 2*n - 1, self.v_history)
     #  save the time history of the trajectory
     if t_history != None:
         t_history = trajectory['x']
         self.t_history = trajectory['x']
     #  if the user wants the entire flow history,
     #+ give it to them!
     if SaveFlow:
         self.theflow = trajectory
コード例 #2
def opt_pterminal(x0, ic1, ic2, dt):
        1.) flow #1, #2 based on x0
        2.) run prussing_conway
        3.) run shooting method w/ variational eqns
        4.) generate delta-vs
        5.) generate primer history
        6.) extract slopes
        7.) compute cost function
        1.) add in intelligent step sizing for flow3 = shoot()
    # import statements
    from flow import P2B as flow
    from lambert import prussing_conway
    from shootingmodule import firstorder as shoot
    from numpy.linalg import norm
    from numpy import array, zeros, eye

    print ("Starting an iteration of opt_pterminal!")
    print ("x0 is: %e, %e " % (x0[0], x0[1]))

    # function parameters
    """ FW 1.) """
    step = 1e-2
    tol = 1e-3

    # extract mu
    mu = ic1[4]

    # flow #1, #2 based on x0[0]
    tspan = [0, x0[0]]
    ministep = abs(x0[0] / 2e2)
    print ("Midpoint-A of an iteration of opt_pterminal!")
    print ("tspan is: %e, %e " % (tspan[0], tspan[1]))
    print ("ministep is: %e " % ministep)
    flow1 = flow(ic1, tspan, ministep, trim_output=False, print_status=True, solver="rk4p")
    print ("Midpoint-B of an iteration of opt_pterminal!")
    flow2 = flow(ic2, tspan, ministep, trim_output=False)
    print ("Midpoint-C of an iteration of opt_pterminal!")
    # update ic1 and ic2
    ic1 = array(flow1["y"][-1])
    ic2 = array(flow2["y"][-1])
    # update of flow time based on x0
    tspan = [0, dt - x0[0] + x0[1]]
    # flow #2 based on x0[1]
    flow2 = flow(ic2, tspan, tstep=step, trim_output=False)
    # target position
    target = array(flow2["y"][-1][0:4])
    # solve for lambert arc
    print ("Midpoint-0 of an iteration of opt_pterminal!")
    arc = prussing_conway(ic1, target, mu, TransferTime=abs(tspan[1]))
    # setup initial conditions for flow of spacecraft with
    # variational equations
    ic = zeros(21)
    ic[0:2] = ic1[0:2]
    ic[2:4] = arc["v1"]
    ic[4] = mu
    ic[5:] = eye(4).reshape(16)
    # flow spacecraft using lambert arc
    print ("Midpoint-1 of an iteration of opt_pterminal!")
    flow3 = flow(ic, tspan, tstep=step, eom="P2BP_varEqns", trim_output=False)
    print ("Midpoint-2 of an iteration of opt_pterminal!")
    # position error
    poserror = flow3["y"][-1][0:2] - flow2["y"][-1][0:2]
    # apply shooting method to reduce error
    if norm(poserror) > tol:
        flow3 = shoot(
            ic, target[0:2], tspan, eom="P2BP_varEqns", tstep=step, damping=1 / 3.0, tol=tol, trim_output=False
        poserror = flow3["y"][-1][0:2] - flow2["y"][-1][0:2]
    print ("Midpoint-3 of an iteration of opt_pterminal!")
    # delta-vs
    dv1 = array([flow3["y"][0][2], flow3["y"][0][3]]) - array([ic1[2], ic1[3]])
    dv2 = -array([flow3["y"][-1][2], flow3["y"][-1][3]]) + array([flow2["y"][-1][2], flow2["y"][-1][3]])
    # generate primer vector history
    p = phistory(dv1, dv2, flow3)
    # extract the slopes of the primer vector
    dp0 = pslope(flow3, p, 1, 0)
    dp1 = pslope(flow3, p, -1, -2)
    # scalar cost function
    J = dp0 ** 2 + dp1 ** 2

    print ("Finished an iteration of opt_pterminal!")

    return J, flow1, flow2, flow3