def test_symmetry_of_solution(): """test that water table is symmetric under constant recharge Notes: ---- Under constant recharge with radially symmetric aquifer base elevation, the model should produce a water table that is radially symmetric. This test demonstrates this is the case where topographic elevation and aquifer base elevation are radially symmetric parabolas on a hexagonal grid. """ hmg = HexModelGrid(shape=(7, 4), spacing=10.0) x = hmg.x_of_node y = hmg.y_of_node elev = hmg.add_zeros("topographic__elevation", at="node") elev[:] = 1e-3 * (x * (max(x) - x) + y * (max(y) - y)) + 2 base = hmg.add_zeros("aquifer_base__elevation", at="node") base[:] = elev - 2 wt = hmg.add_zeros("water_table__elevation", at="node") wt[:] = elev wt[hmg.open_boundary_nodes] = 0.0 gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(hmg, recharge_rate=1e-7, hydraulic_conductivity=1e-4) for _ in range(1000): gdp.run_one_step(1e3) tc = hmg.at_node["aquifer__thickness"] assert_almost_equal(tc[5], tc[31]) # SW-NE assert_almost_equal(tc[29], tc[7]) # NW-SE assert_almost_equal(tc[16], tc[20]) # W-E
def test_wt_above_surface_standard_run_step(): """test that water tables above the topogrpahic elevation are set to the topographic elevation. Notes: ---- Water tables above the land surface represent a non-physical condition. The GroundwaterDupuitPercolator will not produce this state when it is the only component operating on water table elevation or topogrpahic elevation, however, when combined with components that do, this may occur. If the water table is above the ground surface at a node, it is set to the ground surface elevation at that node. """ grid = RasterModelGrid((3, 3)) grid.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, True, True, False) wt = grid.add_ones("node", "water_table__elevation") _ = grid.add_ones("node", "topographic__elevation") _ = grid.add_zeros("node", "aquifer_base__elevation") # initialize the groundwater model gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(grid, recharge_rate=0.0) gdp.run_one_step(1) assert_equal(wt[4], 1)
def test_simple_water_table(): """Test a one-node steady simulation. Notes ----- The analytical solution for one interior cell with one open boundary is as follows. The incoming recharge must equal the outgoing discharge. The incoming recharge is R, and the surface area is 1 m2, so the incoming volume per unit time is R m/s x 1 m x 1 m. The outgoing discharge is equal to the conductivity, K (m/s), times the thickness at the boundary, Hb, times the hydraulic gradient, which in this case is (H - 0) / dx = H. The model uses the upwind thickness, which in this case is H. Therefore: K H^2 = R, or H = sqrt( R / K ). With R = 10^-8 m/s and K = 10^-2 m/s, we should have H = 0.001 m. """ boundaries = {"top": "closed", "left": "closed", "bottom": "closed"} rg = RasterModelGrid((3, 3), bc=boundaries) rg.add_zeros("aquifer_base__elevation", at="node") rg.add_ones("topographic__elevation", at="node") gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(rg, recharge_rate=1.0e-8, hydraulic_conductivity=0.01) for _ in range(100): gdp.run_one_step(1e3) assert_equal(np.round(gdp._thickness[4], 5), 0.001)
def test_inactive_interior_node(): """ Test that component returns correct values for recharge flux and storage when an interior node is INACTIVE Notes: ---- When an interior node is inactive, the number of core nodes is not equal to the number of cells. This test confirms that the methods to calculate recharge flux and active storage acknowledge this difference. """ mg = RasterModelGrid((4, 4), xy_spacing=1.0) mg.status_at_node[5] = mg.BC_NODE_IS_FIXED_VALUE elev = mg.add_zeros("node", "topographic__elevation") elev[:] = 1 base = mg.add_zeros("node", "aquifer_base__elevation") base[:] = 0 wt = mg.add_zeros("node", "water_table__elevation") wt[:] = 1 gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(mg) assert_almost_equal(gdp.calc_recharge_flux_in(), 3e-8) assert_almost_equal(gdp.calc_total_storage(), 0.6)
def test_simple_water_table_adaptive_dt(): """Test a one-node steady simulation. Notes ----- This test demonstrates the same simple water table as test_simple_water_table, but with the run_with_adaptive_time_step_solver method. """ boundaries = {"top": "closed", "left": "closed", "bottom": "closed"} rg = RasterModelGrid((3, 3), bc=boundaries) rg.add_zeros("aquifer_base__elevation", at="node") rg.add_ones("topographic__elevation", at="node") rg.add_zeros("water_table__elevation", at="node") rg.at_node["water_table__elevation"][rg.core_nodes] += 1e-10 gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator( rg, recharge_rate=1.0e-8, hydraulic_conductivity=0.01, ) for _ in range(10): gdp.run_with_adaptive_time_step_solver(1e4) assert_equal(np.round(gdp._thickness[4], 5), 0.001)
def test_callback_func(): """ Test the use of a callback function to return the storage and substep durations while using the run_with_adaptive_time_step_solver method. Notes: ---- Two tests here: make sure that the substeps sum to the global timestep, and make sure that when recharge is 0.0, the total storage does not increase during any of the substeps. See component documentation for more detail on arguments for the callback_fun. """ # make a function that writes storage and substep duration to # externally defined lists storage_subdt = [] subdt = [] all_n = [] def test_fun(grid, recharge, dt, n=0.2): cores = grid.core_nodes h = grid.at_node["aquifer__thickness"] area = grid.cell_area_at_node storage = np.sum(n * h[cores] * area[cores]) storage_subdt.append(storage) subdt.append(dt) all_n.append(n) # initialize grid grid = RasterModelGrid((3, 3)) grid.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, True, False, True) elev = grid.add_ones("topographic__elevation", at="node") elev[3] = 0.1 grid.add_zeros("aquifer_base__elevation", at="node") wt = grid.add_zeros("water_table__elevation", at="node") wt[:] = elev # initialize groundwater model gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator( grid, recharge_rate=0.0, hydraulic_conductivity=0.0001, callback_fun=test_fun, n=0.1, ) # run groundawter model gdp.run_with_adaptive_time_step_solver(1e5) # assert that the water table does not increase during substeps assert (np.diff(storage_subdt) <= 0.0).all() # assert that substeps sum to the global timestep assert_almost_equal(1e5, sum(subdt)) assert all(x == 0.1 for x in all_n)
def test_wt_above_surface_adaptive_run_step(): grid = RasterModelGrid((3, 3)) grid.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, True, True, False) wt = grid.add_ones("node", "water_table__elevation") _ = grid.add_ones("node", "topographic__elevation") _ = grid.add_zeros("node", "aquifer_base__elevation") # initialize the groundwater model gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(grid, recharge_rate=0.0) gdp.run_with_adaptive_time_step_solver(1) assert_equal(wt[4], 1)
def test_conservation_of_mass_adaptive_dt(): """test conservation of mass in a sloping aquifer. Notes ---- This test demonstrates conservation of mass from a sloping aquifer with constant recharge using the flux and storage calculation methods. Note that there is a slight loss of mass as the adaptive timestep solver does not calculate fluxes in the intermediate substeps, so accuracy in this case is only to ~3 significant digits. """ grid = RasterModelGrid((3, 10), xy_spacing=10.0) grid.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, True, False, True) elev = grid.add_zeros("topographic__elevation", at="node") grid.add_zeros("aquifer_base__elevation", at="node") elev[:] = grid.x_of_node / 100 + 1 wt = grid.add_zeros("water_table__elevation", at="node") wt[:] = elev # initialize the groundwater model gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator( grid, hydraulic_conductivity=0.0005, recharge_rate=1e-7, courant_coefficient=0.01, ) fa = FlowAccumulator(grid, runoff_rate="surface_water__specific_discharge") # initialize fluxes we will record recharge_flux = 0 gw_flux = 0 sw_flux = 0 storage_0 = gdp.calc_total_storage() dt = 1e4 for _ in range(500): gdp.run_with_adaptive_time_step_solver(dt) fa.run_one_step() recharge_flux += gdp.calc_recharge_flux_in() * dt gw_flux += gdp.calc_gw_flux_out() * dt sw_flux += gdp.calc_sw_flux_out() * dt storage = gdp.calc_total_storage() assert_almost_equal( (gw_flux + sw_flux + storage - storage_0) / recharge_flux, 1.0, decimal=3)
def test_stream_power_save_output(tmpdir): mg = RasterModelGrid((3, 3), xy_spacing=10.0) mg.set_status_at_node_on_edges( right=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, top=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, left=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, bottom=mg.BC_NODE_IS_FIXED_VALUE, ) mg.add_ones("node", "topographic__elevation") mg.add_zeros("node", "aquifer_base__elevation") mg.add_ones("node", "water_table__elevation") gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(mg, recharge_rate=1e-4) hm = HydrologySteadyStreamPower(mg, groundwater_model=gdp) sp = FastscapeEroder( mg, K_sp=1e-10, m_sp=1, n_sp=1, discharge_field="surface_water_area_norm__discharge", ) ld = LinearDiffuser(mg, linear_diffusivity=1e-10) rm = RegolithConstantThickness(mg, uplift_rate=0.0) output = {} output["output_interval"] = 1000 output["output_fields"] = [ "at_node:topographic__elevation", "at_node:aquifer_base__elevation", "at_node:water_table__elevation", ] output["base_output_path"] = tmpdir.strpath + "/" output["run_id"] = 0 # make this task_id if multiple runs mdl = StreamPowerModel( mg, hydrology_model=hm, diffusion_model=ld, erosion_model=sp, regolith_model=rm, total_morphological_time=1e8, output_dict=output, ) mdl.run_model() file = tmpdir.join("") mg1 = from_netcdf(file.strpath) keys = [ "topographic__elevation", "aquifer_base__elevation", "water_table__elevation", ] assert isinstance(mg1, RasterModelGrid) assert set(mg1.at_node.keys()) == set(keys) assert_equal(mg1.status_at_node, mg.status_at_node)
def test_stoch_sp_raster_record_state(): """ Initialize HydrologyEventStreamPower on a raster grid. Use several storm-interstorm pairs and make sure state recorded as expected. """ mg = RasterModelGrid((3, 3), xy_spacing=10.0) mg.set_status_at_node_on_edges( right=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, top=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, left=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, bottom=mg.BC_NODE_IS_FIXED_VALUE, ) mg.add_ones("node", "topographic__elevation") mg.add_zeros("node", "aquifer_base__elevation") wt = mg.add_ones("node", "water_table__elevation") gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(mg, recharge_rate=1e-6) pd = PrecipitationDistribution( mg, mean_storm_duration=10, mean_interstorm_duration=100, mean_storm_depth=1e-3, total_t=200, ) pd.seed_generator(seedval=1) hm = HydrologyEventStreamPower(mg, precip_generator=pd, groundwater_model=gdp) wt0 = wt.copy() hm.run_step_record_state() times = np.array([ 0.0, hm.storm_dts[0], hm.storm_dts[0] + hm.interstorm_dts[0], hm.storm_dts[0] + hm.interstorm_dts[0] + hm.storm_dts[1], hm.storm_dts[0] + hm.interstorm_dts[0] + hm.storm_dts[1] + hm.interstorm_dts[1], ]) intensities = np.zeros(5) intensities[0] = hm.intensities[0] intensities[2] = hm.intensities[1] assert_equal(hm.time, times) assert_equal(hm.intensity, intensities) assert_equal(hm.qs_all.shape, (5, 9)) assert_equal(hm.Q_all.shape, (5, 9)) assert_equal(hm.wt_all.shape, (5, 9)) assert_equal(hm.qs_all[0, :], np.zeros(9)) assert_equal(hm.Q_all[0, :], np.zeros(9)) assert_equal(hm.wt_all[0, :], wt0)
def test_simple_surface_leakage(): """ test a one-node steady simulation for surface leakage. Notes ---- This test demonstrates that at steady state when no flow is allowed to leave the domain through the subsurface, the surface water flux is equal to the recharge flux. """ grid = RasterModelGrid((3, 3), xy_spacing=1.0) grid.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, True, True, True) gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(grid, recharge_rate=1.0e-6) for i in range(1000): gdp.run_one_step(1e3) assert_almost_equal(gdp._qs[4], 1e-6)
def test_simple_water_table(): """Test a one-node steady simulation. Notes ----- The analytical solution for one interior cell with one open boundary is as follows. The incoming recharge must equal the outgoing discharge. The incoming recharge is R, and the surface area is 1 m2, so the incoming volume per unit time is R m/s x 1 m x 1 m. The outgoing discharge is equal to the conductivity, K (m/s), times the thickness at the boundary, Hb, times the hydraulic gradient, which in this case is (H - 0) / dx = H. The thickness at the boundary in this test is H/2. Therefore: K H^2 / 2 = R, or H = sqrt( 2 R / K ). With R = 10^-8 m/s and K = 10^-2 m/s, we should have H ~ 0.00141 m. """ boundaries = {"top": "closed", "left": "closed", "bottom": "closed"} rg = RasterModelGrid((3, 3), bc=boundaries) gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(rg, recharge_rate=1.0e-8, hydraulic_conductivity=0.01) for i in range(12): gdp.run_one_step(5.0e4) assert_equal(np.round(gdp._thickness[4], 5), 0.00141) # Re-instantiate to test the case when the necessary fields already exist gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(rg)
def test_stoch_sp_threshold_above_threshold(): """ Test the stochastic event model with stream power threshold in which the one core node is set up to exceed erosion threshold for the value of Q that it attains. This can be checked by comparing the accumulated q to the threshold value needed for erosion Q0. """ mg = RasterModelGrid((3, 3), xy_spacing=10.0) mg.set_status_at_node_on_edges( right=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, top=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, left=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, bottom=mg.BC_NODE_IS_FIXED_VALUE, ) elev = mg.add_ones("node", "topographic__elevation") mg.add_zeros("node", "aquifer_base__elevation") wt = mg.add_ones("node", "water_table__elevation") elev[4] += 0.01 wt[:] = elev gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(mg, recharge_rate=1e-6) pd = PrecipitationDistribution( mg, mean_storm_duration=10, mean_interstorm_duration=100, mean_storm_depth=1e-3, total_t=100, ) pd.seed_generator(seedval=1) hm = HydrologyEventThresholdStreamPower( mg, precip_generator=pd, groundwater_model=gdp, sp_coefficient=1e-5, sp_threshold=1e-12, ) hm.run_step() storm_dt = 1.4429106411 # storm duration storm_q = 0.0244046740 # accumulated q before threshold effect subtracted interstorm_q = 0.0 # interstorm q is zero in this case assert_almost_equal( hm.q_eff[4], 0.5 * (max(interstorm_q - hm.Q0[4], 0) + max(storm_q - hm.Q0[4], 0)) * storm_dt / hm.T_h, )
def test_steady_sp_raster(): """ Initialize HydrologySteadyStreamPower on a raster grid. After one timestep it returns all recharge as discharge. """ mg = RasterModelGrid((3, 3), xy_spacing=10.0) mg.status_at_node[mg.status_at_node == 1] = 4 mg.status_at_node[0] = 1 mg.add_ones("node", "topographic__elevation") mg.add_zeros("node", "aquifer_base__elevation") mg.add_ones("node", "water_table__elevation") gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(mg, recharge_rate=1e-6) hm = HydrologySteadyStreamPower(mg, groundwater_model=gdp) hm.run_step() assert_almost_equal(hm.q[4], 1e-4) assert_almost_equal(hm.q_an[4], 1e-5)
def test_stream_power_run_model_subdivide(): mg = RasterModelGrid((3, 3), xy_spacing=10.0) mg.set_status_at_node_on_edges( right=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, top=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, left=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, bottom=mg.BC_NODE_IS_FIXED_VALUE, ) z = mg.add_ones("node", "topographic__elevation") z[1] = 1e-15 zb = mg.add_zeros("node", "aquifer_base__elevation") mg.add_ones("node", "water_table__elevation") gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(mg, recharge_rate=1e-4) hm = HydrologySteadyStreamPower(mg, groundwater_model=gdp) sp = FastscapeEroder( mg, K_sp=1e-10, m_sp=1, n_sp=1, discharge_field="surface_water_area_norm__discharge", ) ld = LinearDiffuser(mg, linear_diffusivity=1e-10) rm = RegolithConstantThickness(mg, uplift_rate=0.0) mdl = StreamPowerModel( mg, hydrology_model=hm, diffusion_model=ld, erosion_model=sp, regolith_model=rm, total_morphological_time=1e8, maximum_morphological_dt=2e7, ) mdl.run_step(1e5, dt_m_max=2e4) assert z[4] < 1.0 assert_equal(z[4] - zb[4], 1.0) assert_equal(mdl.num_substeps, 5)
def test_stoch_sp_threshold_hex(): """ Initialize HydrologyEventStreamPower on a hex grid. Use single storm-interstorm pair and make sure it returns the quantity calculated. This is not an analytical solution, just the value that is returned when using gdp and adaptive timestep solver. Confirms that hex grid returns the same value as raster grid, adjusted for cell area. Confirms that when streampower threshold is zero (Default), returns the same values as HydrologyEventStreamPower. """ mg = HexModelGrid((3, 3), node_layout="rect", spacing=10.0) mg.status_at_node[mg.status_at_node == 1] = 4 mg.status_at_node[0] = 1 mg.add_ones("node", "topographic__elevation") mg.add_zeros("node", "aquifer_base__elevation") mg.add_ones("node", "water_table__elevation") gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(mg, recharge_rate=1e-6) pd = PrecipitationDistribution( mg, mean_storm_duration=10, mean_interstorm_duration=100, mean_storm_depth=1e-3, total_t=100, ) pd.seed_generator(seedval=1) hm = HydrologyEventThresholdStreamPower(mg, precip_generator=pd, groundwater_model=gdp, routing_method="Steepest") hm.run_step() assert_almost_equal(hm.q_eff[4], 0.00017614 * np.sqrt(3) / 2) assert_almost_equal( hm.q_an[4], 0.00017614 * np.sqrt(3) / 2 / np.sqrt(np.sqrt(3) / 2 * 100))
def test_stoch_sp_threshold_raster_null(): """ Initialize HydrologyEventThresholdStreamPower on a raster grid. Use single storm-interstorm pair and make sure it returns the quantity calculated. This is not an analytical solution, just the value that is returned when using gdp and adaptive timestep solver. Confirms that when streampower threshold is zero (Default), returns the same values as HydrologyEventStreamPower. """ mg = RasterModelGrid((3, 3), xy_spacing=10.0) mg.set_status_at_node_on_edges( right=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, top=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, left=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, bottom=mg.BC_NODE_IS_FIXED_VALUE, ) mg.add_ones("node", "topographic__elevation") mg.add_zeros("node", "aquifer_base__elevation") mg.add_ones("node", "water_table__elevation") gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(mg, recharge_rate=1e-6) pd = PrecipitationDistribution( mg, mean_storm_duration=10, mean_interstorm_duration=100, mean_storm_depth=1e-3, total_t=100, ) pd.seed_generator(seedval=1) hm = HydrologyEventThresholdStreamPower(mg, precip_generator=pd, groundwater_model=gdp) hm.run_step() assert_almost_equal(hm.q_eff[4], 0.00017614) assert_almost_equal(hm.q_an[4], 0.00017614 / 10.0)
def test_steady_sp_hex(): """ Initialize HydrologySteadyStreamPower on a hex grid. After one timestep it returns all recharge as discharge. """ mg = HexModelGrid((3, 3), node_layout="rect", spacing=10.0) mg.status_at_node[mg.status_at_node == 1] = 4 mg.status_at_node[0] = 1 mg.add_ones("node", "topographic__elevation") mg.add_zeros("node", "aquifer_base__elevation") mg.add_ones("node", "water_table__elevation") gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(mg, recharge_rate=1e-6) hm = HydrologySteadyStreamPower(mg, groundwater_model=gdp, routing_method="Steepest") hm.run_step() assert_almost_equal(hm.q[4], (np.sqrt(3) / 2) * 10**(-4)) assert_almost_equal(hm.q_an[4], np.sqrt((np.sqrt(3) / 2)) * 10**(-5))
def test_simple_water_table_adaptive_dt(): """Test a one-node steady simulation. Notes ----- This test demonstrates the same simple water table as test_simple_water_table, but with the run_with_adaptive_time_step_solver method. """ boundaries = {"top": "closed", "left": "closed", "bottom": "closed"} rg = RasterModelGrid((3, 3), bc=boundaries) gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(rg, recharge_rate=1.0e-8, hydraulic_conductivity=0.01) for i in range(10): gdp.run_with_adaptive_time_step_solver(1e4, courant_coefficient=0.01) assert_equal(np.round(gdp._thickness[4], 5), 0.001) # Re-instantiate to test the case when the necessary fields already exist gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(rg)
index=True) Ks = df_params['ksat'] # hydraulic conductivity [m/s] p = df_params['p'] # recharge rate [m/s] n = df_params['n'] # drainable porosity [-] b = df_params['b'] # characteristic depth [m] Th = df_params['Th'] # hydrological timestep tg = df_params['tg'] dtg = df_params['dtg'] hg = df_params['hg'] gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator( mg, porosity=n, hydraulic_conductivity=Ks, regularization_f=0.01, recharge_rate=p, courant_coefficient=0.01, #*Ks/1e-5, vn_coefficient=0.01, #*Ks/1e-5, ) hm = HydrologySteadyStreamPower( mg, groundwater_model=gdp, hydrological_timestep=Th, routing_method='D8' if isinstance(mg, RasterModelGrid) else 'Steepest', ) #run model for i in tqdm(range(500), desc="Completion"): hm.run_step()
def test_k_func(): """ Test the use of a function to specify how hydraulic conductivity changes with water table position. Note: ---- Test that component keeps hydraulic conductivity at default value when k_func is None. Then test that a simple function correctly sets the hydraulic conductivity value after run_one_step and run_with_adaptive_time_step_solver. """ # initialize model grid mg = RasterModelGrid((4, 4), xy_spacing=1.0) elev = mg.add_zeros("node", "topographic__elevation") elev[:] = 1 base = mg.add_zeros("node", "aquifer_base__elevation") base[:] = 0 wt = mg.add_zeros("node", "water_table__elevation") wt[:] = 0.5 # initialize model without giving k_func gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(mg) # run model and assert that K hasn't changed from the default value gdp.run_one_step(0) assert np.equal(0.001, gdp.K).all() gdp.run_with_adaptive_time_step_solver(0) assert np.equal(0.001, gdp.K).all() # create a simple k_func, where hydraulic conductivity varies linearly # with depth, from Ks at surface to 0 at aquifer base def k_func_test(grid, Ks=0.01): h = grid.at_node["aquifer__thickness"] b = (grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] - grid.at_node["aquifer_base__elevation"]) blink = map_mean_of_link_nodes_to_link(grid, b) hlink = map_mean_of_link_nodes_to_link(grid, h) return (hlink / blink) * Ks # initialize model with given k_func gdp1 = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(mg, hydraulic_conductivity=k_func_test) # run model and assert that K has been updated correctly gdp1.run_one_step(0) assert np.equal(0.005, gdp1.K).all() gdp1.run_with_adaptive_time_step_solver(0) assert np.equal(0.005, gdp1.K).all()
output["run_id"] = ID #make this task_id if multiple runs #initialize grid np.random.seed(12345) grid = RasterModelGrid((125, 125), xy_spacing=v0) grid.set_status_at_node_on_edges(right=grid.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, top=grid.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, \ left=grid.BC_NODE_IS_FIXED_VALUE, bottom=grid.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED) elev = grid.add_zeros('node', 'topographic__elevation') elev[:] = b + 0.1 * hg * np.random.rand(len(elev)) base = grid.add_zeros('node', 'aquifer_base__elevation') wt = grid.add_zeros('node', 'water_table__elevation') wt[:] = elev.copy() #initialize landlab components gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(grid, porosity=n, hydraulic_conductivity=ksat, \ regularization_f=0.01, recharge_rate=0.0, \ courant_coefficient=0.9, vn_coefficient = 0.9) pd = PrecipitationDistribution(grid, mean_storm_duration=tr, mean_interstorm_duration=tb, mean_storm_depth=ds, total_t=Th) pd.seed_generator(seedval=1235) ld = LinearDiffuser(grid, linear_diffusivity=D) #initialize other models hm = HydrologyEventStreamPower( grid, precip_generator=pd, groundwater_model=gdp, )
file.write('%f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n' % (dt, r_tot, qs_tot, storage, qs_nodes)) #initialize components if isinstance(mg, RasterModelGrid): method = 'D8' elif isinstance(mg, HexModelGrid): method = 'Steepest' else: raise TypeError("grid should be Raster or Hex") gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator( mg, porosity=n, hydraulic_conductivity=Ks, regularization_f=0.01, recharge_rate=0.0, courant_coefficient=0.05, vn_coefficient=0.05, callback_fun=write_SQ, ) pdr = PrecipitationDistribution(mg, mean_storm_duration=tr, mean_interstorm_duration=tb, mean_storm_depth=ds, total_t=T_h) pdr.seed_generator(seedval=2) hm = HydrologyEventStreamPower( mg, routing_method=method, precip_generator=pdr,
left=grid.BC_NODE_IS_FIXED_VALUE, bottom=grid.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED) elev = grid.add_zeros('node', 'topographic__elevation') x = grid.x_of_node z = calc_z(x, sc, U, D) - calc_z(x[-1], sc, U, D) z = np.fliplr(z.reshape(grid.shape)) elev[:] = z.flatten() base = grid.add_zeros('node', 'aquifer_base__elevation') base[:] = elev - b wt = grid.add_zeros('node', 'water_table__elevation') wt[:] = elev # initialize landlab and DupuitLEM components gdp = GroundwaterDupuitPercolator(grid, porosity=n, hydraulic_conductivity=ks, recharge_rate=0.0, vn_coefficient=0.5, courant_coefficient=0.5, ) pdr = PrecipitationDistribution(grid, mean_storm_duration=tr, mean_interstorm_duration=tb, mean_storm_depth=ds, total_t=Nt*(tr+tb)) pdr.seed_generator(seedval=1235) svm = SchenkVadoseModel( potential_evapotranspiration_rate=pet, available_relative_saturation=Srange, profile_depth=b, porosity=n, num_bins=Nz,