コード例 #1
def test_hola_returns_dict():
    translator = SpanishTranslator()
    fetched_translation = translator.translate_word("hola")
    assert fetched_translation == {"Word": "hola", "First Translation": 'Hello!', "Second Translation": 'hello',
                                   "First Compound": '¡Hola, chicos!',
                                   "First Compound Translation": 'hi, boys! hello, boys!',
                                   "Second Compound Translation": "Hello, people! Hi, folks!",
                                   "Second Compound": "¡Hola, gente!"}
コード例 #2
def test_utf8_word():
    translator = SpanishTranslator()
    fetched_translation = translator.translate_word("abolición")
    assert fetched_translation is not None
    assert fetched_translation["First Translation"] == "abolition"
コード例 #3
def test_known_awkward_case():
    translator = SpanishTranslator()
    fetched_translation = translator.translate_word("enfrascar")
    assert fetched_translation is None
コード例 #4
class TextTranslation(object):
    """docstring for ClassName"""

    def __init__(self, chapter):

        :param chapter:
        self.text = chapter

        # Tokenize the text
        tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+')
        self.token_words = tokenizer.tokenize(self.text)

        # Get verbs nouns etc
        self.tagger = FilterWords(self.token_words)

        # Get translator object
        self.translator = SpanishTranslator()

    def translate_n_words(self, number_words, ordered_tokens):

        :param number_words:
        :param ordered_tokens:
        index = 0
        word_list = []
        # Loop over the words in sorted dict
        for word in ordered_tokens:
            # If we haven't got enough words yet
            if index < number_words:
                # try to get a translation
                attempted = self.translator.translate_word(word[0])
                # if it works, add it to the list to be returned
                if attempted is not None:
                    attempted['Count'] = word[1]
                    index += 1
        return word_list

    def get(self, number_words=-1, start=0, types=[], ordered=False, translate=False, reverse=False):

        :param number_words:
        :param types:
        :param translate:
        :param reverse:

        words = self.tagger.filtered_words(types)
        if number_words == -1:
            number_words = len(words)

        if ordered is True:
            tagged_words = Counter(words).most_common()
            tagged_words = OrderedDict.fromkeys(words, 1).items()

        if reverse is True:

        if translate is True:
            tagged_words_list = list(islice(tagged_words, start, number_words + start))
            return self.translate_n_words(number_words, tagged_words_list)
                return [{'Word': word[0], 'Count': word[1]} for word in tagged_words][start:number_words + start]
            except IndexError as i:
                return [{'Word': word[0], 'Count': word[1]} for word in tagged_words][start:]
コード例 #5
class LanguageListCreator(object):
    def __init__(self, wordreference_api_key='8a8bc'):
        self.dictionary = SpanishDictionary()
        self.translator = SpanishTranslator(wordreference_api_key)

    def random_verbs(self, number):
        word_array = dict()
        for i in range(0, number):
            translated_word, word = None, None
            while translated_word is None:
                word = self.dictionary.get_random_verb()
                if word not in word_array:
                    translated_word = self.translator.translate_word(word)
            word_array[word] = translated_word
        return list(word_array.values())

    def random_words(self, number):
        word_array = dict()
        for i in range(0, number):
            translated_word, word = None, None
            while translated_word is None:
                word = self.dictionary.get_random_word()
                if word not in word_array:
                    translated_word = self.translator.translate_word(word)
            word_array[word] = translated_word
        return list(word_array.values())

    def get_list_from_file(self, path_to_file, num):
        tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+')
        text = open(path_to_file, 'r').read()
        token_words = tokenizer.tokenize(text)[:num]
        word_dict = dict()
        word_count = dict()
        for word in token_words:
            if word not in word_dict:
                translated_word = self.translator.translate_word(word)
                if translated_word is not None:
                    word_dict[word] = translated_word
                    word_count[word] = 0
                word_count[word] += 1
        word_list = [word_dict[word] for word in sorted(word_count, key=word_count.get, reverse=True)]
        return word_list

    def get_list_from_text(self, text, num):
        tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+')
        token_words = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
        word_count = dict()
        for word in token_words:
            if word not in word_count:
                word_count[word] = 0
                word_count[word] += 1
        counted = Counter(word_count).most_common()
        index = 0
        translated_words = []
        for word in counted:
            if index < num:
                attempted = self.translator.translate_word(word[0])
                if attempted is not None:
                    index += 1
        return translated_words