def save(self, *args): self._ids = [id(a) for a in args] self._objs = list(args) self.fh = h5py.File(self.fname, 'a') try: self.fh.attrs['datatype'] = 'LarchSaveFile' self.fh.attrs['version'] = '1.0.0' except: pass for nam, obj in self.out.items(): try: self.add_data(self.fh, nam, obj) except: print('Could not save ', nam) for obj in self._objs: nam = getattr(obj, '__name__', hex(id(obj))) nam = fixName(nam, allow_dot=False) if nam.startswith('0x'): nam = 'obj_%s' % nam[2:] try: self.add_data(self.fh, nam, obj) except: print('Could not save ', nam) self.fh.close()
def add_component(key, val, top): parents = [fixName(w, allow_dot=False) for w in key.split('/')] current = parents.pop() for word in parents: if not hasattr(top, word): setattr(top, word, group()) top = getattr(top, word) tname = top.__name__ if isinstance(val, h5py.Group): setattr(top, current, group(name="%s/%s" % (tname, current))) if len(val.attrs) > 0: getattr(top, current)._attrs = dict(val.attrs) else: dat = fh.get(key) try: if dat.dtype.type == numpy.string_: if len(dat) == 1: dat = dat.value else: dat = list(dat) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass setattr(top, current, dat) if len(val.attrs) > 0: setattr(top, "%s_attrs" % current, dict(val.attrs))
def colname(txt): return fixName(txt.strip().lower()).replace('.', '_')
def colname(txt): return fixName(txt.strip().lower()).replace(".", "_")
def _read_ascii(fname, delim='#;*%', labels=None, _larch=None): """read a column ascii column file. The delim argument (#;* by default) sets the first character to mark the header lines. Header lines continue until a line with '#----' (any delimiter followed by 4 '-' The line immediately following that is read as column labels (space delimited) If the header is of the form # KEY : VAL (ie delimiter, key ':' value) these will be parsed into a 'attributes' dictionary in the returned group. If labels is left the default value of None, column labels will be used as the variable names. Variables from extra, unnamed columns will be called 'col1', 'col2'. If labels=False, the 'data' variable will contain the 2-dimensional data. """ finp = open(fname, 'r') kws = {'filename': fname} _labels = None text = finp.readlines() finp.close() data = [] header_txt = [] header_kws = {} islabel = False for iline, line in enumerate(text): line = line[:-1].strip() if line[0] in delim: if islabel: _labels = line[1:].strip() islabel = False elif line[2:].strip().startswith('---'): islabel = True else: words = line[1:].split(':', 1) key = fixName(words[0].strip()) if key.startswith('_'): key = key[1:] if len(words) == 1: header_txt.append(words[0].strip()) else: header_kws[key] = words[1].strip() else: words = line.split() data.append([float(w) for w in words]) kws['header'] = '\n'.join(header_txt) kws['attributes'] = header_kws kws['column_labels'] = [] if labels is None: labels = _labels if labels is None: labels = header_txt.pop() data = numpy.array(data).transpose() ncol, nrow = data.shape if not labels: kws['data'] = data else: try: labels = labels.replace(',', ' ').split() except: labels = [] for icol in range(ncol): colname = 'col%i' % (1 + icol) if icol < len(labels): colname = fixName(labels[icol].strip().lower()) kws[colname] = data[icol] kws['column_labels'].append(colname) group = kws if _larch is not None: group = _larch.symtable.create_group(name='ascii_file %s' % fname) for key, val in kws.items(): setattr(group, key, val) return group
def _read_ascii(fname, commentchar="#;%", labels=None, sort=True, sort_column=0, _larch=None): """read a column ascii column file. The commentchar argument (#;% by default) sets the valid comment characters: if the the first character in a line matches one of these, the line is marked as a header lines. Header lines continue until a line with '#----' (any commentchar followed by 4 '-' The line immediately following that is read as column labels (space delimited) If the header is of the form # KEY : VAL (ie commentchar key ':' value) these will be parsed into a 'attributes' dictionary in the returned group. If labels is left the default value of None, column labels will be used as the variable names. Variables from extra, unnamed columns will be called 'col1', 'col2'. If labels=False, the 'data' variable will contain the 2-dimensional data. """ finp = open(fname, "r") kws = {"filename": fname} _labels = None text = finp.readlines() finp.close() data = [] header_txt = [] header_kws = {} islabel = False for iline, line in enumerate(text): line = line[:-1].strip() if line[0] in commentchar: if islabel: _labels = line[1:].strip() islabel = False elif line[2:].strip().startswith("---"): islabel = True else: words = line[1:].split(":", 1) key = fixName(words[0].strip()) if key.startswith("_"): key = key[1:] if len(words) == 1: header_txt.append(words[0].strip()) else: header_kws[key] = words[1].strip() else: words = line.split() data.append([float(w) for w in words]) if len(header_txt) > 0: header_kws["header"] = "\n".join(header_txt) kws["attributes"] = header_kws kws["column_labels"] = [] if labels is None: labels = _labels if labels is None: labels = header_txt.pop() data = np.array(data).transpose() ncol, nrow = data.shape if sort and sort_column >= 0 and sort_column < nrow: data = data[:, np.argsort(data[sort_column])] if not labels: kws["data"] = data else: try: labels = labels.replace(",", " ").split() except: labels = [] for icol in range(ncol): colname = "col%i" % (1 + icol) if icol < len(labels): colname = fixName(labels[icol].strip().lower()) kws[colname] = data[icol] kws["column_labels"].append(colname) group = kws if _larch is not None: group = _larch.symtable.create_group(name="ascii_file %s" % fname) atgrp = _larch.symtable.create_group(name="header attributes from %s" % fname) for key, val in kws["attributes"].items(): setattr(atgrp, key, val) kws["attributes"] = atgrp for key, val in kws.items(): setattr(group, key, val) return group
def _read_ascii(fname, delim='#;*%', labels=None, _larch=None): """read a column ascii column file. The delim argument (#;* by default) sets the first character to mark the header lines. Header lines continue until a line with '#----' (any delimiter followed by 4 '-' The line immediately following that is read as column labels (space delimited) If the header is of the form # KEY : VAL (ie delimiter, key ':' value) these will be parsed into a 'attributes' dictionary in the returned group. If labels is left the default value of None, column labels will be used as the variable names. Variables from extra, unnamed columns will be called 'col1', 'col2'. If labels=False, the 'data' variable will contain the 2-dimensional data. """ finp = open(fname, 'r') kws = {'filename': fname} _labels = None text = finp.readlines() finp.close() data = [] header_txt = [] header_kws = {} islabel = False for iline, line in enumerate(text): line = line[:-1].strip() if line[0] in delim: if islabel: _labels = line[1:].strip() islabel = False elif line[2:].strip().startswith('---'): islabel = True else: words = line[1:].split(':', 1) key = fixName(words[0].strip()) if key.startswith('_'): key = key[1:] if len(words) == 1: header_txt.append(words[0].strip()) else: header_kws[key] = words[1].strip() else: words = line.split() data.append([float(w) for w in words]) kws['header'] = '\n'.join(header_txt) kws['attributes'] = header_kws kws['column_labels'] = [] if labels is None: labels = _labels if labels is None: labels = header_txt.pop() data = numpy.array(data).transpose() ncol, nrow = data.shape if not labels: kws['data'] = data else: try: labels = labels.replace(',', ' ').split() except: labels = [] for icol in range(ncol): colname = 'col%i' % (1+icol) if icol < len(labels): colname = fixName(labels[icol].strip().lower()) kws[colname] = data[icol] kws['column_labels'].append(colname) group = kws if _larch is not None: group = _larch.symtable.create_group(name='ascii_file %s' % fname) for key, val in kws.items(): setattr(group, key, val) return group