コード例 #1
    print "Setup Katello Devel Env"
        hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key,
        "time sudo ./setup_katello_devel_env.sh &> ./setup_katello_devel_env.log"

    print "Install SpliceReports"
        hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key,
        "time sudo ./setup_splice_rails_engine.sh &> ./setup_splice_rails_engine.log"

    print "Kicking off Rails server in screen session"
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key,
                "time sudo ./run_rails.sh &> ./run_rails.log")
    # Update EC2 tag with version of RCS installed
    datestmp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
    tag = tag_instance(instance,
                       data="Splice Devel Env %s" % (datestmp))

    end = time.time()
    print "%s install completed on: %s in %s seconds" % (tag, hostname,
                                                         end - start)
    print "Visit http://%s:3000/katello to see the webui" % (hostname)
コード例 #2
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "time ./install_candlepin.sh &> ./candlepin_rpm_setup.log ")

    # Begin Splice Spacewalk Modifed install
    print "Building modified Splice Spacewalk RPMs: %s" % (datetime.now())
    scp_to_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, opts.sat_cert, "~/satellite_cert.xml")
    scp_to_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "./scripts/install_splice_spacewalk.sh", "~") 
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "chmod +x ./install_splice_spacewalk.sh")
    cmd = "time ./install_splice_spacewalk.sh %s %s %s &> ./splice_spacewalk_setup.log" % (opts.rhn_user, opts.rhn_pass, "~/satellite_cert.xml")
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, cmd)
#    # Begin Candlepin Modifed install
#    print "Building modified Candlepin RPMs: %s" % (datetime.now())
#    scp_to_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "./scripts/install_src_candlepin.sh", "~") 
#    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "chmod +x ./install_src_candlepin.sh")
#    cmd = "time ./install_src_candlepin.sh &> ./src_candlepin_setup.log"
#    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, cmd)
    # Begin python-rhsm install
    print "Building modified python-rhsm and spacewalk-splice-tool RPMs: %s" % (datetime.now())
    scp_to_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "./scripts/install_src_sst.sh", "~") 
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "chmod +x ./install_src_sst.sh")
    cmd = "time ./install_src_sst.sh &> ./src_sst.log"
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, cmd)
    # Update EC2 tag with version of RCS installed
    print "Update EC2 tag with RPM version of 'spacewalk' installed on %s" % (hostname)
    rpm_ver = tag_instance(instance, hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "spacewalk-postgresql", "spacewalk-candlepin")

    end = time.time()
    print "Spacewalk %s install completed on: %s in %s seconds" % (rpm_ver, hostname, end-start)

コード例 #3
    ssh_user = opts.ssh_user
    # open firewall
    print "Updating firewall rules"
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "mkdir -p ~/etc/sysconfig")
    scp_to_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "./etc/sysconfig/iptables", "~/etc/sysconfig/iptables")
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "sudo mv ~/etc/sysconfig/iptables /etc/sysconfig/iptables")
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "sudo restorecon /etc/sysconfig/iptables")
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "sudo chown root:root /etc/sysconfig/iptables")
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "sudo service iptables restart")
    # Copy scripts over
    scp_to_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "./env_vars", "~")
    scp_to_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "%s/install_sam_splice_rpms.sh" % (SCRIPT_DIR), "~")
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "chmod +x ./install_sam_splice_rpms.sh")
    print "Install Katello + Splice RPMs"
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "time sudo ./install_sam_splice_rpms.sh &> ./install_sam_splice_rpms.log")
    # Update EC2 tag with version of RCS installed
    datestmp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
    tag = tag_instance(instance, hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, data="Splice Reports RPM Install: %s" % (datestmp))

    end = time.time()
    print "%s install completed on: %s in %s seconds" % (tag, hostname, end-start)
    print "Visit http://%s/sam to see the webui" % (hostname)

コード例 #4
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "chmod +x ./setup_katello_devel_env.sh")
    scp_to_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "%s/setup_splice_rails_engine.sh" % (SCRIPT_DIR), "~")
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "chmod +x ./setup_splice_rails_engine.sh")
    scp_to_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "%s/run_rails.sh" % (SCRIPT_DIR), "~")
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "chmod +x ./run_rails.sh")
    # Run install script
    print "Set hostname and checkout git repos"
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "time sudo ./prepare.sh &> ./prepare.log")

    print "Setup Katello Devel Env"
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "time sudo ./setup_katello_devel_env.sh &> ./setup_katello_devel_env.log")

    print "Install SpliceReports"
        hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "time sudo ./setup_splice_rails_engine.sh &> ./setup_splice_rails_engine.log"

    print "Kicking off Rails server in screen session"
    ssh_command(hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, "time sudo ./run_rails.sh &> ./run_rails.log")
    # Update EC2 tag with version of RCS installed
    datestmp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
    tag = tag_instance(instance, hostname, ssh_user, ssh_key, data="Splice Devel Env %s" % (datestmp))

    end = time.time()
    print "%s install completed on: %s in %s seconds" % (tag, hostname, end - start)
    print "Visit http://%s:3000/katello to see the webui" % (hostname)