def __sub__(layeroutput, other): if is_compatible_with(other, float): return layer.slope_intercept(input=layeroutput, intercept=other) if not isinstance(other, Layer): raise TypeError("Layer can only be subtracted with" " another Layeroutput or a number") return __add__(layeroutput, -other)
def __mul__(layeroutput, other): if is_compatible_with(other, float): return layer.slope_intercept(input=layeroutput, slope=other) if not isinstance(other, Layer): raise TypeError("Layer can only be multiplied with" " another Layer or a number") elif layeroutput.size == 1: return layer.scaling(input=other, weight=layeroutput) elif other.size == 1: return layer.scaling(input=layeroutput, weight=other) else: raise TypeError("At least one of the operand of '*' must be a number" " or a Layer with size=1")
def __add__(layeroutput, other): if is_compatible_with(other, float): return layer.slope_intercept(input=layeroutput, intercept=other) if not isinstance(other, Layer): raise TypeError("Layer can only be added with" " another Layer or a number") if layeroutput.size == other.size: return layer.mixed(input=[ layer.identity_projection(input=layeroutput), layer.identity_projection(input=other) ]) if other.size != 1 and layeroutput.size != 1: raise TypeError("Two Layer can be added only if they have equal size" " or one of their sizes is 1. sizes are %s and %s" % (layeroutput.size, other.size)) elif layeroutput.size == 1: tmp = layeroutput layeroutput = other other = tmp other = layer.repeat(other, layeroutput.size) return layer.mixed(input=[ layer.identity_projection(input=layeroutput), layer.identity_projection(input=other) ])
def __rsub__(layeroutput, other): neg = layer.slope_intercept(input=layeroutput, slope=-1.0) return __add__(neg, other)
def __neg__(layeroutput): return layer.slope_intercept(input=layeroutput, slope=-1.0)