def up_block( layer_name, bottom, skip_activity, reuse, kernel_size, num_filters, training, trainable=None, stride=[2, 2], padding='same', kernel_initializer=None, normalization_type='batch_norm', data_format='channels_last', renorm=False, use_bias=False): """Forward block for seung model.""" if trainable is None: trainable = training with tf.variable_scope('%s_block' % layer_name, reuse=reuse): with tf.variable_scope('%s_layer_1' % layer_name, reuse=reuse): x = tf.layers.conv2d_transpose( inputs=bottom, filters=num_filters, kernel_size=kernel_size, name='%s_1' % layer_name, strides=stride, padding=padding, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, trainable=trainable, use_bias=use_bias) x = x + skip_activity # Rethink if this is valid if normalization_type is 'batch_norm': x = normalization.batch( bottom=x, name='%s_bn_1' % layer_name, data_format=data_format, renorm=renorm, trainable=trainable, training=training) else: x = normalization.instance( bottom=x, training=training) x = tf.nn.elu(x) return x
def build_model(data_tensor, reuse, training, output_shape, data_format='NHWC'): """Create the hgru from Learning long-range...""" if isinstance(output_shape, list): output_shape = output_shape[-1] elif isinstance(output_shape, dict): output_shape = output_shape['output'] if data_format is 'NCHW': data_tensor = tf.transpose(data_tensor, (0, 3, 1, 2)) long_data_format = 'channels_first' else: long_data_format = 'channels_last' with tf.variable_scope('cnn', reuse=reuse): normalization_type = 'instance_norm' # # # Concatenate standard deviation # _, var = tf.nn.moments(data_tensor, axes=[3]) # std = tf.expand_dims(tf.sqrt(var), axis=-1) # data_tensor = tf.concat([data_tensor, std], axis=-1) # Add input in_emb = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=data_tensor, filters=16, kernel_size=7, strides=(1, 1), padding='same', data_format=long_data_format, activation=tf.nn.relu, trainable=training, use_bias=True, name='l0') # Run fGRU hgru_kernels = OrderedDict() hgru_kernels['h1'] = [9, 9] # height/width hgru_kernels['h2'] = [3, 3] hgru_kernels['fb1'] = [1, 1] hgru_features = OrderedDict() hgru_features['h1'] = [16, 16] # Fan-in/fan-out, I and E (match fb1) hgru_features['h2'] = [48, 48] hgru_features['fb1'] = [16, 16] # (match h1) # intermediate_ff = [16, 16, 24, 24, 32, 32] # Last feature must match h2 # intermediate_ks = [[3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3]] # intermediate_repeats = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4] # Repeat each FF this many times intermediate_ff = [16, 48] # Last feature must match h2 intermediate_ks = [[3, 3], [3, 3]] intermediate_repeats = [4, 4] # Repeat each FF this many times gammanet_layer = gammanet.GN( layer_name='fgru', x=in_emb, data_format=data_format, reuse=reuse, timesteps=2, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], hgru_features=hgru_features, hgru_kernels=hgru_kernels, intermediate_ff=intermediate_ff, intermediate_ks=intermediate_ks, intermediate_repeats=intermediate_repeats, horizontal_kernel_initializer=lambda x: tf.initializers.orthogonal( gain=0.1), kernel_initializer=lambda x: tf.initializers.orthogonal(gain=0.1), padding='SAME', aux={ 'readout': 'fb', 'attention': 'se', # 'gala', # 'gala', se 'attention_layers': 2, 'saliency_filter': 7, 'use_homunculus': True, 'upsample_convs': True, 'separable_convs': 4, # Multiplier 'separable_upsample': True, 'td_cell_state': True, 'td_gate': False, # Add top-down activity to the in-gate 'normalization_type': normalization_type, 'residual': True, # intermediate resid connections 'while_loop': False, 'skip': False, 'symmetric_weights': True, 'bilinear_init': True, 'include_pooling': True, 'time_homunculus': True, 'squeeze_fb': False, # Compress Inh-hat with a 1x1 conv 'force_horizontal': False, 'time_skips': False, 'timestep_output': False, 'excite_se': False, # Add S/E in the excitation stage }, pool_strides=[2, 2], pooling_kernel=[4, 4], # 4, 4 helped but also try 3, 3 up_kernel=[4, 4], train=training) h2 = gammanet_layer(in_emb) if normalization_type is 'batch_norm': h2 = normalization.batch_contrib(bottom=h2, renorm=False, name='hgru_bn', dtype=h2.dtype, data_format=data_format, training=training) elif normalization_type is 'instance_norm': h2 = normalization.instance(bottom=h2, data_format=data_format, training=training) elif normalization_type is 'ada_batch_norm': h2 = normalization.batch_contrib(bottom=h2, renorm=False, name='hgru_bn', dtype=h2.dtype, data_format=data_format, training=training) else: raise NotImplementedError(normalization_type) with tf.variable_scope('cv_readout', reuse=reuse): activity = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=h2, filters=output_shape, kernel_size=(1, 1), padding='same', data_format=long_data_format, name='pre_readout_conv', use_bias=True, reuse=reuse) if long_data_format is 'channels_first': activity = tf.transpose(activity, (0, 2, 3, 1)) extra_activities = {'activity': h2} if activity.dtype != tf.float32: activity = tf.cast(activity, tf.float32) return activity, extra_activities
def build_model(data_tensor, reuse, training, output_shape): """Create the hgru from Learning long-range...""" if isinstance(output_shape, list): output_shape = output_shape[0] elif isinstance(output_shape, dict): output_shape = output_shape['output'] with tf.variable_scope('cnn', reuse=reuse): normalization_type = 'ada_batch_norm' # 'instance_norm' # # Concatenate standard deviation # _, var = tf.nn.moments(data_tensor, axes=[3]) # std = tf.expand_dims(tf.sqrt(var), axis=-1) # data_tensor = tf.concat([data_tensor, std], axis=-1) # Add input in_emb = conv.skinny_input_layer(X=data_tensor, reuse=reuse, training=training, features=16, conv_activation=tf.nn.relu, conv_kernel_size=7, pool=False, name='l0') # Run fGRU hgru_kernels = OrderedDict() hgru_kernels['h1'] = [15, 15] # height/width hgru_kernels['h2'] = [5, 5] hgru_kernels['fb1'] = [1, 1] hgru_features = OrderedDict() hgru_features['h1'] = [16, 16] # Fan-in/fan-out, I and E (match fb1) hgru_features['h2'] = [48, 48] hgru_features['fb1'] = [16, 16] # (match h1) # hgru_features['fb1'] = [24, 12] # (match h1 unless squeeze_fb) intermediate_ff = [24, 24, 48] # Last feature must match h2 intermediate_ks = [[5, 5], [5, 5], [5, 5]] intermediate_repeats = [1, 1, 1] # Repeat each interm this many times layer_hgru = hgru.hGRU( 'fgru', x_shape=in_emb.get_shape().as_list(), timesteps=8, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], hgru_features=hgru_features, hgru_kernels=hgru_kernels, intermediate_ff=intermediate_ff, intermediate_ks=intermediate_ks, intermediate_repeats=intermediate_repeats, padding='SAME', aux={ 'readout': 'fb', 'squeeze_fb': False, # Compress Inh-hat with a 1x1 conv 'td_gate': True, # Add top-down activity to the in-gate 'attention': 'gala', # 'gala', 'attention_layers': 2, 'upsample_convs': True, 'td_cell_state': True, 'normalization_type': normalization_type, 'excite_se': False, # Add S/E in the excitation stage 'residual': True, # intermediate resid connections 'while_loop': False, 'skip': True, 'time_skips': False, 'force_horizontal': False, 'symmetric_weights': True, 'timestep_output': False, 'bilinear_init': True, 'include_pooling': True }, pool_strides=[2, 2], pooling_kernel=[4, 4], up_kernel=[4, 4], train=training) h2 = if normalization_type is 'batch_norm': h2 = normalization.batch(bottom=h2, renorm=False, name='hgru_bn', training=training) elif normalization_type is 'instance_norm': h2 = normalization.instance(bottom=h2, training=training) elif normalization_type is 'ada_batch_norm': h2 = normalization.batch(bottom=h2, renorm=False, name='hgru_bn', training=True) else: raise NotImplementedError(normalization_type) fc = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=h2, filters=output_shape, kernel_size=1, name='fc') # activity = tf.reduce_mean(fc, reduction_indices=[1, 2]) activity = tf.reduce_max(fc, reduction_indices=[1, 2]) extra_activities = {'activity': h2} return activity, extra_activities
def down_block(layer_name, bottom, reuse, kernel_size, num_filters, training, trainable=None, stride=(1, 1), normalization_type='batch_norm', padding='same', data_format='channels_last', kernel_initializer=None, renorm=False, use_bias=False, activation=tf.nn.elu, include_pool=True): """Forward block for seung model.""" if trainable is None: trainable = training with tf.variable_scope('%s_block' % layer_name, reuse=reuse): with tf.variable_scope('%s_layer_1' % layer_name, reuse=reuse): x = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=bottom, filters=num_filters, kernel_size=kernel_size[0], name='%s_1' % layer_name, strides=stride, padding=padding, data_format=data_format, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, trainable=trainable, use_bias=use_bias) if normalization_type is 'batch_norm': x = normalization.batch(bottom=x, name='%s_bn_1' % layer_name, data_format=data_format, renorm=renorm, training=training, trainable=trainable) else: x = normalization.instance(bottom=x, training=trainable) x = activation(x) skip = tf.identity(x) with tf.variable_scope('%s_layer_2' % layer_name, reuse=reuse): x = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=x, filters=num_filters, kernel_size=kernel_size[1], name='%s_2' % layer_name, strides=stride, padding=padding, data_format=data_format, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, trainable=trainable, use_bias=use_bias) if normalization_type is 'batch_norm': x = normalization.batch(bottom=x, name='%s_bn_2' % layer_name, data_format=data_format, renorm=renorm, trainable=trainable, training=training) else: x = normalization.instance(bottom=x, training=training) x = activation(x) with tf.variable_scope('%s_layer_3' % layer_name, reuse=reuse): x = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=x, filters=num_filters, kernel_size=kernel_size[2], name='%s_3' % layer_name, strides=stride, padding=padding, data_format=data_format, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, trainable=trainable, activation=activation, use_bias=use_bias) x = x + skip if normalization_type is 'batch_norm': x = normalization.batch(bottom=x, name='%s_bn_3' % layer_name, data_format=data_format, renorm=renorm, trainable=trainable, training=training) else: x = normalization.instance(bottom=x, training=training) if include_pool: with tf.variable_scope('%s_pool' % layer_name, reuse=reuse): x = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(inputs=x, pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2), padding=padding, data_format='channels_last', name='%s_pool' % layer_name) return x