コード例 #1
ファイル: prims_demo.py プロジェクト: econrad003/yaMazeImp
def render(maze, filename, tweaker=tweak, title="Prim's Algorithm"):
    """render a maze
    This is an entry point to this script.  If the script is run
    from the command line, a weave maze will be created and carved
    using Prim's algorithm.

    maze = a rectangular or weave maze to be rendered
    filename = filename or pathname for output
    tweaker = the tweaking routine (default tweak).  This function takes
        three parameters: a Figure object, an Axe objects, and a title

        # create a subplot array
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    tweaker(fig, ax, title)

        # generate the plots
    print("Plotting maze...")
    layout = Color_Layout(maze, plt, figure=[fig, ax])
    layout.palette[0] = "yellow"
    layout.palette[1] = "brown"
    for cell in maze.each():
        layout.color[cell] = 1 if "underCell" in cell.kwargs else 0
    print("Saved to " + filename)
    return layout
コード例 #2
ファイル: mask_demo.py プロジェクト: econrad003/yaMazeImp
def render_plot(grid, masked, pathname):
    """render the maze using matplotlib"""
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from layout_plot_color import Color_Layout

    layout = Color_Layout(grid, plt, title='Masked Grid')
    layout.set_palette_color(1, 'red')
    for cell in grid.each():
        if not masked.is_enabled(cell):
            layout.set_color(cell, 1)
    layout.render(pathname, tight=True)
コード例 #3
ファイル: texturizer.py プロジェクト: econrad003/yaMazeImp
def render_plot(m, n, algorithm, bias):
    """render the maze using matplotlib"""
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from layout_plot_color import Color_Layout
    from norms import distances

    fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3)
    x0, y0 = int(m / 2), int(n / 2)
    basename = algorithm
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(3):
            grid = make_grid(m, n)

            center = grid[x0, y0]
            assert center, "Undefined grid center cell"

            basename = generate_maze(algorithm, grid, bias)
            ax = axs[i, j]
            layout = Color_Layout(grid, plt, figure=[fig, ax])

            # We use the distance from a middle cell as the
            # palette index
            norms = distances(center)
            furthest = norms.furthest_from_root()
            maxdist = norms[furthest]
            for dist in range(maxdist + 1):
                layout.set_palette_color(dist, define_color(dist, maxdist))
            for cell in grid.each():
                dist = norms[cell]
                if dist is not None:
                    layout.set_color(cell, dist)

    filename = "demos/" + basename + "-array.png"
    print("Saved to " + filename)
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.001, wspace=.001)
    fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inched=0.0)
コード例 #4
def render(maze, categories, colors, filename, title):
    """plot the maze"""
    print("Rendering -- this may take some time!")
    print("    %d cells in maze" % len(maze))
    mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 0.5
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 3))
    layout = Color_Layout(maze, plt, figure=[fig, ax], title=title)
    for category in colors:
        layout.set_palette_color(category, colors[category])
    for category in categories:
        if category in colors:
            for cell in categories[category]:
                layout.set_color(cell, category)
    for cell in maze.each():
        if "underCell" in cell.kwargs:
            layout.set_color(cell, "under")
    layout.fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.0,
コード例 #5
def render(mazes, filename, tweaker=tweak):
    """render a set of mazes
    This is the main entry point to this script.  If the script is run
    from the command line, eight rectangular weave grids will be
    created, and perfect mazes will be created from them using various 
    growing tree algorithms.

    mazes = a (2,4) matrix of mazes.
    filename = filename or pathname for output.
    tweaker = the tweaking routine (default tweak).  This function takes
        two parameters: a Figure object and a 2x4 matrix of Axes

    mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 0.5

    # create a subplot array
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 4)
    tweaker(fig, axs)

    # generate the plots
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(4):
            print("   plotting maze %d..." % (4 * i + j + 1))
            maze = mazes[i][j]
            ax = axs[i][j]
            layout = Color_Layout(maze, plt, figure=[fig, ax])
            layout.palette[0] = "yellow"
            layout.palette[1] = "green"
            for cell in maze.each():
                layout.color[cell] = 1 if "underCell" in cell.kwargs \
                    else 0

    print("Saved to " + filename)
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.001, wspace=.001)
    fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inched=0.0, dpi=300)
コード例 #6
ファイル: inset_demo.py プロジェクト: econrad003/yaMazeImp
def main(m, n, inset):
    """create an inset maze"""
    print("create grid: Rectangular_Grid(%d, %d, inset=%f)" % (m, n, inset))
    grid = Rectangular_Grid(m, n, inset=inset)
    print("Create perfect maze using randomized DFS...")
    layout = Color_Layout(grid, plt, title="Inset Maze Demonstration")
    print("Creating color palette...")
    layout.palette[0] = 'violet'
    layout.palette[1] = 'powderblue'
    layout.palette[2] = 'red'
    layout.palette[3] = 'green'
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(n):
            layout.color[grid[i, j]] = (i + j) % 2
    layout.color[grid[0, 0]] = 2
    layout.color[grid[m - 1, n - 1]] = 3

コード例 #7
def render(mazes, filename, tweaker=tweak, titles=titles3):
    """render a set of mazes
    This is the main entry point to this script.  If the script is run
    from the command line, three rectangular weave grids will be created,
    and perfect mazes will be created from them using depth-first search,
    hunt and kill, and first-entry Aldous/Broder.  For each given maze, 
    a subplots is produced:

        a) a plot of the given maze
        b) a plot of the maze after partial braiding
        c) a plot of the maze after braiding is complete

    filename = filename or pathname for output
    tweaker = the tweaking routine (default tweak).  This function takes
        three parameters: a Figure object, an array of Axes objects, and
        a set of maze titles"""

    # create a subplot array
    cols = len(mazes)
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, len(mazes))
    tweaker(fig, axs, titles)

    # generate the plots
    for j in range(cols):
        print("   plotting maze %d..." % (j + 1))
        maze = mazes[j]
        ax = axs[j]
        layout = Color_Layout(maze, plt, figure=[fig, ax])
        layout.palette[0] = "yellow"
        layout.palette[1] = "green"
        for cell in maze.each():
            layout.color[cell] = 1 if "underCell" in cell.kwargs else 0

    print("Saved to " + filename)
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.001, wspace=.001)
    fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inched=0.0)
コード例 #8
def render(maze, filename, title, debug=False):
    """render a mazes
    This is the main entry point to this script.  If the script is run
    from the command line, the maze will be created using recursive
    division algorithm.

    filename = filename or pathname for output
    title = a title for the printout

    # generate the plots
    print("Plotting...\n%s" % title)
    layout = Color_Layout(maze, plt, title=title)
    layout.palette[0] = "yellow"
    layout.palette[1] = "brown"
    for cell in maze.each():
        layout.color[cell] = 1 if "underCell" in cell.kwargs else 0
    if debug:
コード例 #9
def render(maze, filename, p=0.3, tweaker=tweak, turns=None):
    """render a set of mazes
    This is the main entry point to this script.  If the script is run
    from the command line, a rectangular grid will be created and a
    perfect mazes will be created from it using the first-entry
    Aldous/Broder algorithm.  Three subplots are produced:

        a) a plot of the given maze
        b) a plot of the maze after single-pass braid-removal by
           twisting with bias 30%
        c) a plot of the maze after a complete straightening pass

    maze = a Grid object with a maze to braid by straightening
    filename = filename or pathname for output
    p = the bias to be used for partial braiding (default 0.3)
    tweaker = the tweaking routine (default tweak).  This function takes
        three parameters: the number of mazes, a Figure object and array
        of Axes objects
    turns = a dictionary of turns.  The entries have the form
            turns[direction] = [direction1, direction2, ...]
        If turns is None, the default turning dictionary is used. 
    from layout_plot_color import Color_Layout

    # create a subplot array
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3)
    tweaker(fig, axs)

    # generate the plots
    print("   column 0 - given maze...")
    ax = axs[0]
    layout = Color_Layout(maze, plt, figure=[fig, ax])
    print("   column 1 - first pass, bias p=%f..." % (p * 100))
    n, _, k, q = Braiding.twister(maze, bias=p, turns=turns)
    print("       %d dead ends, %d removed (q=%f)" % (n, k, q * 100))
    ax = axs[1]
    layout = Color_Layout(maze, plt, figure=[fig, ax])
    print("   column 2 - first pass, full twisting...")
    n, _, k, q = Braiding.twister(maze)
    print("       %d dead ends, %d removed (q=%f)" % (n, k, q * 100))
    ax = axs[2]
    layout = Color_Layout(maze, plt, figure=[fig, ax])

    print("Saved to " + filename)
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.001, wspace=.001)
    fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inched=0.0)