コード例 #1
ファイル: importer.py プロジェクト: Finch106/LazyLibrarian
def addAuthorToDB(authorname=None, refresh=False):

    myDB = database.DBConnection()

    GR = GoodReads(authorname)

    query = "SELECT * from authors WHERE AuthorName='%s'" % authorname.replace(
        "'", "''")
    dbauthor = myDB.match(query)
    controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}

    if dbauthor is None:
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorID": "0: %s" % (authorname),
            "Status": "Loading"
        logger.debug("Now adding new author: %s to database" % authorname)
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
        logger.debug("Now updating author: %s" % authorname)
    myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    author = GR.find_author_id(refresh=refresh)
    if author:
        authorid = author['authorid']
        authorlink = author['authorlink']
        authorimg = author['authorimg']
        if 'nophoto' in authorimg:
            authorimg = getAuthorImage(authorid)
        if authorimg and authorimg.startswith('http'):
            newimg = cache_cover(authorid, authorimg)
            if newimg:
                authorimg = newimg
        controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorID": authorid,
            "AuthorLink": authorlink,
            "AuthorImg": authorimg,
            "AuthorBorn": author['authorborn'],
            "AuthorDeath": author['authordeath'],
            "DateAdded": today(),
            "Status": "Loading"
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.warn(u"Nothing found for %s" % authorname)
        myDB.action('DELETE from authors WHERE AuthorName="%s"' % authorname)

# process books
    if lazylibrarian.BOOK_API == "GoogleBooks":
        book_api = GoogleBooks()
        book_api.get_author_books(authorid, authorname, refresh=refresh)
    elif lazylibrarian.BOOK_API == "GoodReads":
        GR.get_author_books(authorid, authorname, refresh=refresh)

    logger.debug("[%s] Author update complete" % authorname)
コード例 #2
ファイル: importer.py プロジェクト: forge33/LazyLibrarian
def addAuthorToDB(authorname=None, refresh=False):

    myDB = database.DBConnection()

    GR = GoodReads(authorname)

    query = "SELECT * from authors WHERE AuthorName='%s'" % authorname.replace("'", "''")
    dbauthor = myDB.action(query).fetchone()
    controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}

    if dbauthor is None:
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorID": "0: %s" % (authorname),
            "Status": "Loading"
        logger.debug("Now adding new author: %s to database" % authorname)
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
        logger.debug("Now updating author: %s" % authorname)
    myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    author = GR.find_author_id(refresh=refresh)
    if author:
        authorid = author['authorid']
        authorlink = author['authorlink']
        authorimg = author['authorimg']
        if 'nophoto' in authorimg:
            authorimg = getAuthorImage(authorid)
        if authorimg and authorimg.startswith('http'):
            newimg = cache_cover(authorid, authorimg)
            if newimg:
                authorimg = newimg
        controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorID": authorid,
            "AuthorLink": authorlink,
            "AuthorImg": authorimg,
            "AuthorBorn": author['authorborn'],
            "AuthorDeath": author['authordeath'],
            "DateAdded": today(),
            "Status": "Loading"
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.warn(u"Nothing found for %s" % authorname)
        myDB.action('DELETE from authors WHERE AuthorName="%s"' % authorname)
# process books
    if lazylibrarian.BOOK_API == "GoogleBooks":
        book_api = GoogleBooks()
        book_api.get_author_books(authorid, authorname, refresh=refresh)
    elif lazylibrarian.BOOK_API == "GoodReads":
        GR.get_author_books(authorid, authorname, refresh=refresh)

    logger.debug("[%s] Author update complete" % authorname)
コード例 #3
def getAuthorImage(authorid=None):
    # tbm=isch      search images
    # tbs=ift:jpg  jpeg file type
    if not authorid:
        logger.error("getAuthorImage: No authorid")
        return None

    cachedir = os.path.join(str(lazylibrarian.PROG_DIR),
                            'data' + os.sep + 'images' + os.sep + 'cache')
    coverfile = os.path.join(cachedir, authorid + '.jpg')

    if os.path.isfile(coverfile):  # use cached image if there is one
        lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT = int(lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT) + 1
        logger.debug(u"getAuthorImage: Returning Cached response for %s" %
        coverlink = 'images/cache/' + authorid + '.jpg'
        return coverlink

    lazylibrarian.CACHE_MISS = int(lazylibrarian.CACHE_MISS) + 1
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    authors = myDB.select(
        'select AuthorName from authors where AuthorID = "%s"' % authorid)
    if authors:
        authorname = safe_unicode(authors[0][0]).encode(
        safeparams = urllib.quote_plus("%s" % authorname)
        URL = "https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&tbs=ift:jpg&as_q=" + safeparams
        result, success = fetchURL(URL)
        if success:
                img = result.split('url?q=')[1].split('">')[1].split(
            except IndexError:
                img = None
            if img and img.startswith('http'):
                coverlink = cache_cover(authorid, img)
                if coverlink is not None:
                    logger.debug("Cached google image for %s" % authorname)
                    return coverlink
                    logger.debug("Error getting google image %s, [%s]" %
                                 (img, result))
                logger.debug("No image found in google page for %s" %
            logger.debug("Error getting google page for %s, [%s]" %
                         (safeparams, result))
        logger.debug("No author found for %s" % authorid)
    return None
コード例 #4
def getAuthorImage(authorid=None):
    # tbm=isch      search images
    # tbs=ift:jpg  jpeg file type
    if not authorid:
        logger.error("getAuthorImage: No authorid")
        return None

    cachedir = lazylibrarian.CACHEDIR
    coverfile = os.path.join(cachedir, authorid + '.jpg')

    if os.path.isfile(coverfile):  # use cached image if there is one
        lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT = int(lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT) + 1
        logger.debug(u"getAuthorImage: Returning Cached response for %s" % coverfile)
        coverlink = 'cache/' + authorid + '.jpg'
        return coverlink

    lazylibrarian.CACHE_MISS = int(lazylibrarian.CACHE_MISS) + 1
    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    authors = myDB.select('select AuthorName from authors where AuthorID = "%s"' % authorid)
    if authors:
        authorname = safe_unicode(authors[0][0]).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
        safeparams = urllib.quote_plus("%s" % authorname)
        URL = "https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&tbs=ift:jpg&as_q=" + safeparams
        result, success = fetchURL(URL)
        if success:
                img = result.split('url?q=')[1].split('">')[1].split('src="')[1].split('"')[0]
            except IndexError:
                img = None
            if img and img.startswith('http'):
                coverlink = cache_cover(authorid, img)
                if coverlink:
                    logger.debug("Cached google image for %s" % authorname)
                    return coverlink
                    logger.debug("Error getting google image %s, [%s]" % (img, result))
                logger.debug("No image found in google page for %s" % authorname)
            logger.debug("Error getting google page for %s, [%s]" % (safeparams, result))
        logger.debug("No author found for %s" % authorid)
    return None
コード例 #5
ファイル: gr.py プロジェクト: forge33/LazyLibrarian
    def find_book(self, bookid=None, queue=None):
        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        URL = 'https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/' + bookid + '?' + urllib.urlencode(

            rootxml, in_cache = get_xml_request(URL)
            if rootxml is None:
                logger.debug("Error requesting book")
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Error finding book: %s" % e)

        bookLanguage = rootxml.find('./book/language_code').text
        bookname = rootxml.find('./book/title').text

        if not bookLanguage:
            bookLanguage = "Unknown"
# PAB user has said they want this book, don't block for bad language, just warn
        valid_langs = ([
            for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')
        if bookLanguage not in valid_langs:
            logger.debug('Book %s language does not match preference' %

        if (rootxml.find('./book/publication_year').text is None):
            bookdate = "0000"
            bookdate = rootxml.find('./book/publication_year').text

            bookimg = rootxml.find('./book/img_url').text
            if 'assets/nocover' in bookimg:
                bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

        authorname = rootxml.find('./book/authors/author/name').text
        bookdesc = rootxml.find('./book/description').text
        bookisbn = rootxml.find('./book/isbn').text
        bookpub = rootxml.find('./book/publisher').text
        booklink = rootxml.find('./book/link').text
        bookrate = float(rootxml.find('./book/average_rating').text)
        bookpages = rootxml.find('.book/num_pages').text

        name = authorname
        GR = GoodReads(name)
        author = GR.find_author_id()
        if author:
            AuthorID = author['authorid']

        booksub = ''
        bookname = unaccented(bookname)
        if ': ' in bookname:
            parts = bookname.split(': ', 1)
            bookname = parts[0]
            booksub = parts[1]

        dic = {':': '', '"': '', '\'': ''}
        bookname = replace_all(bookname, dic)
        bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace
        booksub = replace_all(booksub, dic)
        booksub = booksub.strip()  # strip whitespace
        if booksub:
            series, seriesNum = bookSeries(booksub)
            series, seriesNum = bookSeries(bookname)

        controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorName": authorname,
            "AuthorID": AuthorID,
            "AuthorLink": None,
            "BookName": bookname,
            "BookSub": booksub,
            "BookDesc": bookdesc,
            "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
            "BookPub": bookpub,
            "BookGenre": None,
            "BookImg": bookimg,
            "BookLink": booklink,
            "BookRate": bookrate,
            "BookPages": bookpages,
            "BookDate": bookdate,
            "BookLang": bookLanguage,
            "Status": "Wanted",
            "BookAdded": today(),
            "Series": series,
            "SeriesNum": seriesNum

        myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.debug("%s added to the books database" % bookname)

        if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
            # try to get a cover from librarything
            workcover = getBookCover(bookid)
            if workcover:
                logger.debug(u'Updated cover for %s to %s' %
                             (bookname, workcover))
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        elif bookimg and bookimg.startswith('http'):
            link = cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
            if link is not None:
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        if seriesNum == None:
            #  try to get series info from librarything
            series, seriesNum = getWorkSeries(bookid)
            if seriesNum:
                logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' % (series, seriesNum))
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {"Series": series, "SeriesNum": seriesNum}
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        worklink = getWorkPage(bookid)
        if worklink:
            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
            newValueDict = {"WorkPage": worklink}
            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
コード例 #6
ファイル: gr.py プロジェクト: forge33/LazyLibrarian
    def get_author_books(self, authorid=None, authorname=None, refresh=False):

        api_hits = 0
        gr_lang_hits = 0
        lt_lang_hits = 0
        gb_lang_change = 0
        cache_hits = 0
        not_cached = 0
        URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/author/list/' + authorid + '.xml?' + urllib.urlencode(

        # Artist is loading
        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        books_dict = []
            rootxml, in_cache = get_xml_request(URL, useCache=not refresh)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Error fetching author books: %s" % e)
            return books_dict
        if rootxml is None:
            logger.debug("Error requesting author books")
            return books_dict
        if not in_cache:
            api_hits = api_hits + 1
        resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('book')

        valid_langs = ([
            for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')

        if not len(resultxml):
            logger.warn('[%s] No books found for author with ID: %s' %
                        (authorname, authorid))
            logger.debug("[%s] Now processing books with GoodReads API" %

            resultsCount = 0
            removedResults = 0
            duplicates = 0
            ignored = 0
            added_count = 0
            updated_count = 0
            book_ignore_count = 0
            total_count = 0
            logger.debug(u"url " + URL)

            authorNameResult = rootxml.find('./author/name').text
            logger.debug(u"author name " + authorNameResult)
            loopCount = 1

            while resultxml is not None:
                for book in resultxml:
                    total_count = total_count + 1

                    if (book.find('publication_year').text is None):
                        pubyear = "0000"
                        pubyear = book.find('publication_year').text

                        bookimg = book.find('image_url').text
                        if ('nocover' in bookimg):
                            bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'
                    except (KeyError, AttributeError):
                        bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

    # PAB this next section tries to get the book language using the isbn13 to look it up. If no isbn13 we skip the
    # book entirely, rather than including it with an "Unknown" language. Changed this so we can still include the book
    # with language set to "Unknown". There is a setting in config.ini to allow or skip books with "Unknown" language
    # if you really don't want to include them.
    # Not all GR books have isbn13 filled in, but all have a GR bookid, which we've already got, so use that.
    # Also, with GR API rules we can only call the API once per second, which slows us down a lot when all we want
    # is to get the language. We sleep for one second per book that GR knows about for each author you have in your
    # library. The libraryThing API has the same 1 second restriction, and is limited to 1000 hits per day, but has
    # fewer books with unknown language. To get around this and speed up the process, see if we already have a book
    # in the database with a similar start to the ISBN. The way ISBNs work, digits 3-5 of a 13 char ISBN or digits 0-2
    # of a 10 digit ISBN indicate the region/language so if two books have the same 3 digit isbn code, they _should_
    # be the same language.
    # I ran a simple python script on my library of 1500 books, and these codes were 100% correct on matching book
    # languages, no mis-matches. It did result in a small number of books with "unknown" language being wrongly matched
    # but most "unknown" were matched to the correct language.
    # We could look up ISBNs we already know about in the database, but this only holds books in the languages we want
    # to keep, which reduces the number of cache hits, so we create a new database table, holding ALL results including
    # the ISBNs for languages we don't want and books we reject.
    # The new table is created (if not exists) in init.py so by the time we get here there is an existing table.
    # If we haven't an already matching partial ISBN, look up language code from libraryThing
    # "http://www.librarything.com/api/thingLang.php?isbn=1234567890"
    # If you find a matching language, add it to the database.  If "unknown" or "invalid", try GR as maybe GR can
    # provide a match.
    # If both LT and GR return unknown, add isbn to db as "unknown". No point in repeatedly asking LT for a code
    # it's told you it doesn't know.
    # As an extra option, if language includes "All" in config.ini, we can skip this whole section and process
    # everything much faster by not querying for language at all.
    # It does mean we include a lot of unwanted foreign translations in the database, but it's _much_ faster.

                    bookLanguage = "Unknown"
                    find_field = "id"
                    isbn = ""
                    isbnhead = ""
                    if "All" not in valid_langs:  # do we care about language
                        if (book.find('isbn').text is not None):
                            find_field = "isbn"
                            isbn = book.find('isbn').text
                            isbnhead = isbn[0:3]
                            if (book.find('isbn13').text is not None):
                                find_field = "isbn13"
                                isbn = book.find('isbn13').text
                                isbnhead = isbn[3:6]
                        if (find_field != 'id'):  # isbn or isbn13 found

                            match = myDB.action(
                                'SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"'
                                % (isbnhead)).fetchone()
                            if (match):
                                bookLanguage = match['lang']
                                cache_hits = cache_hits + 1
                                    "Found cached language [%s] for %s [%s]" %
                                    (bookLanguage, find_field, isbnhead))
                                # no match in cache, try searching librarything for a language code using the isbn
                                # if no language found, librarything return value is "invalid" or "unknown"
                                # returns plain text, not xml
                                BOOK_URL = 'http://www.librarything.com/api/thingLang.php?isbn=' + isbn
                                    resp = urllib2.urlopen(BOOK_URL,
                                    lt_lang_hits = lt_lang_hits + 1
                                        "LibraryThing reports language [%s] for %s"
                                        % (resp, isbnhead))

                                    if ('invalid' in resp
                                            or 'Unknown' in resp):
                                        find_field = "id"  # reset the field to force search on goodreads
                                        bookLanguage = resp  # found a language code
                                            'insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")'
                                            % (isbnhead, bookLanguage))
                                        logger.debug(u"LT language %s: %s" %
                                                     (isbnhead, bookLanguage))
                                except Exception as e:
                                        "Error finding LT language result for [%s], %s"
                                        % (isbn, e))
                                    find_field = "id"  # reset the field to search on goodreads

                        if (find_field == 'id'):
                            # [or bookLanguage == "Unknown"] no earlier match, we'll have to search the goodreads api
                                if (book.find(find_field).text is not None):
                                    BOOK_URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/book/show?id=' + \
                                        book.find(find_field).text + '&' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)
                                    logger.debug(u"Book URL: " + BOOK_URL)

                                        time_now = int(time.time())
                                        if time_now <= lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS:

                                        BOOK_rootxml, in_cache = get_xml_request(
                                        if BOOK_rootxml is None:
                                                'Error requesting book language code'
                                            bookLanguage = ""
                                            if not in_cache:
                                                # only update last_goodreads if the result wasn't found in the cache
                                                lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS = time_now
                                            bookLanguage = BOOK_rootxml.find(
                                    except Exception as e:
                                            "Error finding book results: %s" %
                                    if not in_cache:
                                        gr_lang_hits = gr_lang_hits + 1
                                    if not bookLanguage:
                                        bookLanguage = "Unknown"

                                    if (isbnhead != ""):
                                        # GR didn't give an isbn so we can't cache it, just use language for this book
                                            'insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")'
                                            % (isbnhead, bookLanguage))
                                            "GoodReads reports language [%s] for %s"
                                            % (bookLanguage, isbnhead))
                                        not_cached = not_cached + 1

                                    logger.debug(u"GR language: " +
                                        "No %s provided for [%s]" %
                                        (find_field, book.find('title').text))
                                    # continue

                            except Exception as e:
                                logger.debug(u"An error has occured: %s" % e)

                        if bookLanguage not in valid_langs:
                            logger.debug('Skipped a book with language %s' %
                            ignored = ignored + 1
                    bookname = book.find('title').text
                    bookid = book.find('id').text
                    bookdesc = book.find('description').text
                    bookisbn = book.find('isbn').text
                    bookpub = book.find('publisher').text
                    booklink = book.find('link').text
                    bookrate = float(book.find('average_rating').text)
                    bookpages = book.find('num_pages').text
                    bookname = unaccented(bookname)
                    if ': ' in bookname:
                        parts = bookname.split(': ', 1)
                        bookname = parts[0]
                        booksub = parts[1]
                        booksub = ''
                    dic = {':': '', '"': '', '\'': ''}
                    bookname = replace_all(bookname, dic)
                    bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace
                    booksub = replace_all(booksub, dic)
                    booksub = booksub.strip()  # strip whitespace
                    if booksub:
                        series, seriesNum = bookSeries(booksub)
                        series, seriesNum = bookSeries(bookname)

                    # GoodReads sometimes has multiple bookids for the same book (same author/title, different editions)
                    # and sometimes uses the same bookid if the book is the same but the title is slightly different
                    # We use bookid, then reject if another author/title has a different bookid so we just keep one...
                    find_book_status = myDB.select(
                        'SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookID = "%s"' % bookid)
                    if find_book_status:
                        for resulted in find_book_status:
                            book_status = resulted['Status']
                            locked = resulted['Manual']
                        book_status = lazylibrarian.NEWBOOK_STATUS
                        locked = False

                    rejected = False

                    if re.match('[^\w-]', bookname
                                ):  # reject books with bad characters in title
                        logger.debug(u"removed result [" + bookname +
                                     "] for bad characters")
                        removedResults = removedResults + 1
                        rejected = True

                    if not rejected and not bookname:
                            'Rejecting bookid %s for %s, no bookname' %
                            (bookid, authorNameResult))
                        removedResults = removedResults + 1
                        rejected = True

                    if not rejected:
                        find_books = myDB.select(
                            'SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookName = "%s" and AuthorName = "%s"'
                            % (bookname, authorNameResult))
                        if find_books:
                            for find_book in find_books:
                                if find_book['BookID'] != bookid:
                                    # we have a book with this author/title already
                                        'Rejecting bookid %s for [%s][%s] already got %s'
                                        % (find_book['BookID'],
                                           authorNameResult, bookname, bookid))
                                    duplicates = duplicates + 1
                                    rejected = True

                    if not rejected:
                        find_books = myDB.select(
                            'SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookID = "%s"' % bookid)
                        if find_books:
                            # we have a book with this bookid already
                                'Rejecting bookid %s for [%s][%s] already got this bookid in database'
                                % (bookid, authorNameResult, bookname))
                            duplicates = duplicates + 1
                            rejected = True

                    if not rejected:
                        if book_status != "Ignored":
                            if not locked:
                                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                newValueDict = {
                                    "AuthorName": authorNameResult,
                                    "AuthorID": authorid,
                                    "AuthorLink": None,
                                    "BookName": bookname,
                                    "BookSub": booksub,
                                    "BookDesc": bookdesc,
                                    "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
                                    "BookPub": bookpub,
                                    "BookGenre": None,
                                    "BookImg": bookimg,
                                    "BookLink": booklink,
                                    "BookRate": bookrate,
                                    "BookPages": bookpages,
                                    "BookDate": pubyear,
                                    "BookLang": bookLanguage,
                                    "Status": book_status,
                                    "BookAdded": today(),
                                    "Series": series,
                                    "SeriesNum": seriesNum

                                resultsCount = resultsCount + 1

                                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict,
                                logger.debug(u"Book found: " +
                                             book.find('title').text + " " +

                            if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
                                # try to get a cover from librarything
                                workcover = getBookCover(bookid)
                                if workcover:
                                        u'Updated cover for %s to %s' %
                                        (bookname, workcover))
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict,

                            elif bookimg and bookimg.startswith('http'):
                                link = cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
                                if link is not None:
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict,

                            if seriesNum == None:
                                # try to get series info from librarything
                                series, seriesNum = getWorkSeries(bookid)
                                if seriesNum:
                                    logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' %
                                                 (series, seriesNum))
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {
                                        "Series": series,
                                        "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict,

                            worklink = getWorkPage(bookid)
                            if worklink:
                                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                newValueDict = {"WorkPage": worklink}
                                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict,

                            if not find_book_status:
                                logger.debug(u"[%s] Added book: %s" %
                                             (authorname, bookname))
                                added_count = added_count + 1
                                logger.debug(u"[%s] Updated book: %s" %
                                             (authorname, bookname))
                                updated_count = updated_count + 1
                            book_ignore_count = book_ignore_count + 1

                loopCount = loopCount + 1
                URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/author/list/' + authorid + '.xml?' + \
                      urllib.urlencode(self.params) + '&page=' + str(loopCount)
                resultxml = None
                    rootxml, in_cache = get_xml_request(URL,
                                                        useCache=not refresh)
                    if rootxml is None:
                        logger.debug('Error requesting next page of results')
                        resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('book')
                        if not in_cache:
                            api_hits = api_hits + 1
                except Exception as e:
                    resultxml = None
                    logger.error("Error finding next page of results: %s" % e)

                if resultxml is not None:
                    if all(False for book in
                           resultxml):  # returns True if iterator is empty
                        resultxml = None

        lastbook = myDB.action(
            'SELECT BookName, BookLink, BookDate from books WHERE AuthorID="%s" \
                                AND Status != "Ignored" order by BookDate DESC'
            % authorid).fetchone()
        if lastbook:
            lastbookname = lastbook['BookName']
            lastbooklink = lastbook['BookLink']
            lastbookdate = lastbook['BookDate']
            lastbookname = None
            lastbooklink = None
            lastbookdate = None

        controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
        newValueDict = {
            "Status": "Active",
            "LastBook": lastbookname,
            "LastLink": lastbooklink,
            "LastDate": lastbookdate
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        # This is here because GoodReads sometimes has several entries with the same BookID!
        modified_count = added_count + updated_count

        logger.debug("Found %s total book%s for author" %
                     (total_count, plural(total_count)))
        logger.debug("Removed %s bad language result%s for author" %
                     (ignored, plural(ignored)))
            "Removed %s bad character or no-name result%s for author" %
            (removedResults, plural(removedResults)))
        logger.debug("Removed %s duplicate result%s for author" %
                     (duplicates, plural(duplicates)))
        logger.debug("Ignored %s book%s by author marked as Ignored" %
                     (book_ignore_count, plural(book_ignore_count)))
        logger.debug("Imported/Updated %s book%s for author" %
                     (modified_count, plural(modified_count)))

            'insert into stats values ("%s", %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i)'
            (authorname, api_hits, gr_lang_hits, lt_lang_hits, gb_lang_change,
             cache_hits, ignored, removedResults, not_cached, duplicates))

        if refresh:
                "[%s] Book processing complete: Added %s book%s / Updated %s book%s"
                % (authorname, added_count, plural(added_count), updated_count,
                "[%s] Book processing complete: Added %s book%s to the database"
                % (authorname, added_count, plural(added_count)))

        return books_dict
コード例 #7
    def find_book(self, bookid=None, queue=None):
        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        if not lazylibrarian.GB_API:
            logger.warn('No GoogleBooks API key, check config')
        URL = 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/' + \
            str(bookid) + "?key=" + lazylibrarian.GB_API
        jsonresults, in_cache = get_json_request(URL)

        if jsonresults is None:
            logger.debug('No results found for %s' % bookname)

        bookname = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['title']
        dic = {':': '', '"': '', '\'': ''}
        bookname = replace_all(bookname, dic)

        bookname = unaccented(bookname)
        bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace

            authorname = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['authors'][0]
        except KeyError:
                'Book %s does not contain author field, skipping' %
            # warn if language is in ignore list, but user said they wanted
            # this book
            booklang = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['language']
            valid_langs = ([valid_lang.strip()
                           for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')])
            if booklang not in valid_langs:
                    'Book %s language does not match preference' %
        except KeyError:
            logger.debug('Book does not have language field')
            booklang = "Unknown"

            bookpub = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['publisher']
        except KeyError:
            bookpub = None

        series = None
        seriesNum = None
            booksub = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['subtitle']
                series = booksub.split('(')[1].split(' Series ')[0]
            except IndexError:
                series = None
                seriesNum = booksub.split('(')[1].split(' Series ')[1].split(')')[0]
                if seriesNum[0] == '#':
                    seriesNum = seriesNum[1:]
            except IndexError:
                seriesNum = None
        except KeyError:
            booksub = None

            bookdate = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['publishedDate']
        except KeyError:
            bookdate = '0000-00-00'

            bookimg = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['thumbnail']
        except KeyError:
            bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

            bookrate = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['averageRating']
        except KeyError:
            bookrate = 0

            bookpages = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['pageCount']
        except KeyError:
            bookpages = 0

            bookgenre = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['categories'][0]
        except KeyError:
            bookgenre = None

            bookdesc = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['description']
        except KeyError:
            bookdesc = None

            if jsonresults['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers'][0]['type'] == 'ISBN_10':
                bookisbn = jsonresults['volumeInfo'][
                bookisbn = None
        except KeyError:
            bookisbn = None

        booklink = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['canonicalVolumeLink']
        bookrate = float(bookrate)

        name = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['authors'][0]
        GR = GoodReads(name)
        author = GR.find_author_id()
        if author:
            AuthorID = author['authorid']

        controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorName": authorname,
            "AuthorID": AuthorID,
            "AuthorLink": "",
            "BookName": bookname,
            "BookSub": booksub,
            "BookDesc": bookdesc,
            "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
            "BookPub": bookpub,
            "BookGenre": bookgenre,
            "BookImg": bookimg,
            "BookLink": booklink,
            "BookRate": bookrate,
            "BookPages": bookpages,
            "BookDate": bookdate,
            "BookLang": booklang,
            "Status": "Wanted",
            "BookAdded": today(),
            "Series": series,
            "SeriesNum": seriesNum

        myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.debug("%s added to the books database" % bookname)

        if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
            # try to get a cover from librarything
            workcover = getBookCover(bookid)
            if workcover:
                logger.debug(u'Updated cover for %s to %s' % (bookname, workcover))
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            elif bookimg and bookimg.startswith('http'):
                link = cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
                if link is not None:
                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        if seriesNum is None:
            # try to get series info from librarything
            series, seriesNum = getWorkSeries(bookid)
            if seriesNum:
                logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' % (series, seriesNum))
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {
                    "Series": series,
                    "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        worklink = getWorkPage(bookid)
        if worklink:
            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
            newValueDict = {"WorkPage": worklink}
            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
コード例 #8
    def get_author_books(self, authorid=None, authorname=None, refresh=False):

        logger.debug('[%s] Now processing books with Google Books API' % authorname)
        # google doesnt like accents in author names
        set_url = self.url + urllib.quote('inauthor:"%s"' % unaccented_str(authorname))
        URL = set_url + '&' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)

        books_dict = []
        api_hits = 0
        gr_lang_hits = 0
        lt_lang_hits = 0
        gb_lang_change = 0
        cache_hits = 0
        not_cached = 0

        # Artist is loading
        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            startindex = 0
            resultcount = 0
            removedResults = 0
            duplicates = 0
            ignored = 0
            added_count = 0
            updated_count = 0
            book_ignore_count = 0
            total_count = 0
            number_results = 1

            valid_langs = ([valid_lang.strip()
                           for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')])

            while startindex < number_results:

                self.params['startIndex'] = startindex
                URL = set_url + '&' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)

                    jsonresults, in_cache = get_json_request(URL, useCache=not refresh)
                    if jsonresults is None:
                        number_results = 0
                        if not in_cache:
                            api_hits = api_hits + 1
                        number_results = jsonresults['totalItems']
                except HTTPError as err:
                        'Google Books API Error [%s]: Check your API key or wait a while' %

                if number_results == 0:
                    logger.warn('Found no results for %s' % authorname)
                    logger.debug('Found %s result%s for %s' % (number_results, plural(number_results), authorname))

                startindex = startindex + 40

                for item in jsonresults['items']:

                    total_count = total_count + 1

                    # skip if no author, no author is no book.
                        Author = item['volumeInfo']['authors'][0]
                    except KeyError:
                        logger.debug('Skipped a result without authorfield.')

                        if item['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers'][0]['type'] == 'ISBN_10':
                            bookisbn = item['volumeInfo'][
                            bookisbn = ""
                    except KeyError:
                        bookisbn = ""

                    isbnhead = ""
                    if len(bookisbn) == 10:
                        isbnhead = bookisbn[0:3]

                        booklang = item['volumeInfo']['language']
                    except KeyError:
                        booklang = "Unknown"

                    # do we care about language?
                    if "All" not in valid_langs:
                        if bookisbn != "":
                            # seems google lies to us, sometimes tells us books
                            # are in english when they are not
                            if booklang == "Unknown" or booklang == "en":
                                googlelang = booklang
                                match = myDB.match('SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"' %
                                if (match):
                                    booklang = match['lang']
                                    cache_hits = cache_hits + 1
                                        "Found cached language [%s] for [%s]" %
                                        (booklang, isbnhead))

                                    # no match in cache, try searching librarything for a language code using the isbn
                                    # if no language found, librarything return value is "invalid" or "unknown"
                                    # librarything returns plain text, not xml
                                    BOOK_URL = 'http://www.librarything.com/api/thingLang.php?isbn=' + \
                                        resp = urllib2.urlopen(BOOK_URL, timeout=30).read()
                                        lt_lang_hits = lt_lang_hits + 1
                                            "LibraryThing reports language [%s] for %s" % (resp, isbnhead))

                                        if (resp != 'invalid' and resp != 'unknown'):
                                            booklang = resp  # found a language code
                                            myDB.action('insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' %
                                                        (isbnhead, booklang))
                                            logger.debug(u"LT language: " + booklang)
                                    except Exception as e:
                                        booklang = ""
                                        logger.error("Error finding language: %s" % str(e))

                                if googlelang == "en" and booklang not in ["en-US", "en-GB", "eng"]:
                                    # these are all english, may need to expand
                                    # this list
                                    booknamealt = item['volumeInfo']['title']
                                    logger.debug("%s Google thinks [%s], we think [%s]" %
                                                 (booknamealt, googlelang, booklang))
                                    gb_lang_change = gb_lang_change + 1
                                match = myDB.match('SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"' %
                                if (not match):
                                        'insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' %
                                        (isbnhead, booklang))
                                    logger.debug(u"GB language: " + booklang)

                        # skip if language is in ignore list
                        if booklang not in valid_langs:
                            booknamealt = item['volumeInfo']['title']
                                'Skipped [%s] with language %s' %
                                (booknamealt, booklang))
                            ignored = ignored + 1

                        bookpub = item['volumeInfo']['publisher']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookpub = None

                        booksub = item['volumeInfo']['subtitle']
                    except KeyError:
                        booksub = None

                    if booksub is None:
                        series = None
                        seriesNum = None
                            series = booksub.split('(')[1].split(' Series ')[0]
                        except IndexError:
                            series = None
                            seriesNum = booksub.split('(')[1].split(' Series ')[1].split(')')[0]
                            if seriesNum[0] == '#':
                                seriesNum = seriesNum[1:]
                        except IndexError:
                            seriesNum = None

                        bookdate = item['volumeInfo']['publishedDate']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookdate = '0000-00-00'

                        bookimg = item['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['thumbnail']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

                        bookrate = item['volumeInfo']['averageRating']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookrate = 0

                        bookpages = item['volumeInfo']['pageCount']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookpages = 0

                        bookgenre = item['volumeInfo']['categories'][0]
                    except KeyError:
                        bookgenre = None

                        bookdesc = item['volumeInfo']['description']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookdesc = None

                    bookname = item['volumeInfo']['title']
                    bookname = unaccented(bookname)
                    dic = {':': '', '"': '', '\'': ''}
                    bookname = replace_all(bookname, dic)
                    bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace

                    booklink = item['volumeInfo']['canonicalVolumeLink']
                    bookrate = float(bookrate)
                    bookid = item['id']

                    # GoodReads sometimes has multiple bookids for the same book (same author/title, different editions)
                    # and sometimes uses the same bookid if the book is the same but the title is slightly different
                    # Not sure if googlebooks does too, but we only want one...
                    find_book_status = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookID = "%s"' % bookid)
                    if find_book_status:
                        for resulted in find_book_status:
                            book_status = resulted['Status']
                            locked = resulted['Manual']
                        book_status = lazylibrarian.NEWBOOK_STATUS
                        locked = False

                    rejected = False
                    if re.match('[^\w-]', bookname):  # remove books with bad characters in title
                        logger.debug("[%s] removed book for bad characters" % bookname)
                        removedResults = removedResults + 1
                        rejected = True

                    if not rejected and not bookname:
                        logger.debug('Rejecting bookid %s for %s, no bookname' %
                                     (bookid, authorname))
                        removedResults = removedResults + 1
                        rejected = True

                    if not rejected:
                        find_books = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookName = "%s" and AuthorName = "%s"' %
                                                 (bookname.replace('"', '""'), authorname.replace('"', '""')))
                        if find_books:
                            for find_book in find_books:
                                if find_book['BookID'] != bookid:
                                    # we have a book with this author/title already
                                    logger.debug('Rejecting bookid %s for [%s][%s] already got %s' %
                                                 (find_book['BookID'], authorname, bookname, bookid))
                                    rejected = True
                                    duplicates = duplicates + 1

                    if not rejected:
                        find_books = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookID = "%s"' % bookid)
                        if find_books:
                            # we have a book with this bookid already
                            logger.debug('Rejecting bookid %s for [%s][%s] already got this bookid in database' %
                                         (bookid, authorname, bookname))
                            duplicates = duplicates + 1
                            rejected = True

                    if not rejected:
                        if book_status != "Ignored" and not locked:
                            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                            newValueDict = {
                                "AuthorName": authorname,
                                "AuthorID": authorid,
                                "AuthorLink": "",
                                "BookName": bookname,
                                "BookSub": booksub,
                                "BookDesc": bookdesc,
                                "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
                                "BookPub": bookpub,
                                "BookGenre": bookgenre,
                                "BookImg": bookimg,
                                "BookLink": booklink,
                                "BookRate": bookrate,
                                "BookPages": bookpages,
                                "BookDate": bookdate,
                                "BookLang": booklang,
                                "Status": book_status,
                                "BookAdded": today(),
                                "Series": series,
                                "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                            resultcount = resultcount + 1

                            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                            logger.debug(u"Book found: " + bookname + " " + bookdate)

                            if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
                                # try to get a cover from librarything
                                workcover = getBookCover(bookid)
                                if workcover:
                                    logger.debug(u'Updated cover for %s to %s' % (bookname, workcover))
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            elif bookimg and bookimg.startswith('http'):
                                link = cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
                                if link is not None:
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            if seriesNum is None:
                                # try to get series info from librarything
                                series, seriesNum = getWorkSeries(bookid)
                                if seriesNum:
                                    logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' % (series, seriesNum))
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {
                                        "Series": series,
                                        "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            worklink = getWorkPage(bookid)
                            if worklink:
                                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                newValueDict = {"WorkPage": worklink}
                                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            if not find_book_status:
                                logger.debug("[%s] Added book: %s [%s]" % (authorname, bookname, booklang))
                                added_count = added_count + 1
                                updated_count = updated_count + 1
                                logger.debug("[%s] Updated book: %s" % (authorname, bookname))
                            book_ignore_count = book_ignore_count + 1
        except KeyError:

        logger.debug('[%s] The Google Books API was hit %s time%s to populate book list' %
                     (authorname, api_hits, plural(api_hits)))

        lastbook = myDB.match('SELECT BookName, BookLink, BookDate from books WHERE AuthorID="%s" \
                               AND Status != "Ignored" order by BookDate DESC' % authorid)

        if lastbook:  # maybe there are no books [remaining] for this author
            lastbookname = lastbook['BookName']
            lastbooklink = lastbook['BookLink']
            lastbookdate = lastbook['BookDate']
            lastbookname = None
            lastbooklink = None
            lastbookdate = None

        controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
        newValueDict = {
            "Status": "Active",
            "LastBook": lastbookname,
            "LastLink": lastbooklink,
            "LastDate": lastbookdate

        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        logger.debug("Found %s total book%s for author" % (total_count, plural(total_count)))
        logger.debug("Removed %s bad language result%s for author" % (ignored, plural(ignored)))
            "Removed %s bad character or no-name result%s for author" %
            (removedResults, plural(removedResults)))
        logger.debug("Removed %s duplicate result%s for author" % (duplicates, plural(duplicates)))
        logger.debug("Ignored %s book%s by author marked as Ignored" % (book_ignore_count, plural(book_ignore_count)))
        logger.debug("Imported/Updated %s book%s for author" % (resultcount, plural(resultcount)))

        myDB.action('insert into stats values ("%s", %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i)' %
                    (authorname.replace('"', '""'), api_hits, gr_lang_hits, lt_lang_hits, gb_lang_change, cache_hits,
                     ignored, removedResults, not_cached, duplicates))

        if refresh:
            logger.info("[%s] Book processing complete: Added %s book%s / Updated %s book%s" %
                        (authorname, added_count, plural(added_count), updated_count, plural(updated_count)))
            logger.info("[%s] Book processing complete: Added %s book%s to the database" %
                        (authorname, added_count, plural(added_count)))
        return books_dict
コード例 #9
    def find_book(self, bookid=None, queue=None):
        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        if not lazylibrarian.GB_API:
            logger.warn('No GoogleBooks API key, check config')
        URL = 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/' + \
            str(bookid) + "?key=" + lazylibrarian.GB_API
        jsonresults, in_cache = get_json_request(URL)

        if jsonresults is None:
            logger.debug('No results found for %s' % bookname)

        bookname = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['title']
        dic = {':': '', '"': '', '\'': ''}
        bookname = replace_all(bookname, dic)

        bookname = unaccented(bookname)
        bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace

            authorname = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['authors'][0]
        except KeyError:
                'Book %s does not contain author field, skipping' %
            # warn if language is in ignore list, but user said they wanted
            # this book
            booklang = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['language']
            valid_langs = ([valid_lang.strip()
                           for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')])
            if booklang not in valid_langs:
                    'Book %s language does not match preference' %
        except KeyError:
            logger.debug('Book does not have language field')
            booklang = "Unknown"

            bookpub = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['publisher']
        except KeyError:
            bookpub = None

        series = None
        seriesNum = None
            booksub = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['subtitle']
                series = booksub.split('(')[1].split(' Series ')[0]
            except IndexError:
                series = None
                seriesNum = booksub.split('(')[1].split(' Series ')[1].split(')')[0]
                if seriesNum[0] == '#':
                    seriesNum = seriesNum[1:]
            except IndexError:
                seriesNum = None
        except KeyError:
            booksub = None

            bookdate = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['publishedDate']
        except KeyError:
            bookdate = '0000-00-00'

            bookimg = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['thumbnail']
        except KeyError:
            bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

            bookrate = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['averageRating']
        except KeyError:
            bookrate = 0

            bookpages = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['pageCount']
        except KeyError:
            bookpages = 0

            bookgenre = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['categories'][0]
        except KeyError:
            bookgenre = None

            bookdesc = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['description']
        except KeyError:
            bookdesc = None

            if jsonresults['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers'][0]['type'] == 'ISBN_10':
                bookisbn = jsonresults['volumeInfo'][
                bookisbn = None
        except KeyError:
            bookisbn = None

        booklink = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['canonicalVolumeLink']
        bookrate = float(bookrate)

        name = jsonresults['volumeInfo']['authors'][0]
        GR = GoodReads(name)
        author = GR.find_author_id()
        if author:
            AuthorID = author['authorid']

        controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorName": authorname,
            "AuthorID": AuthorID,
            "AuthorLink": "",
            "BookName": bookname,
            "BookSub": booksub,
            "BookDesc": bookdesc,
            "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
            "BookPub": bookpub,
            "BookGenre": bookgenre,
            "BookImg": bookimg,
            "BookLink": booklink,
            "BookRate": bookrate,
            "BookPages": bookpages,
            "BookDate": bookdate,
            "BookLang": booklang,
            "Status": "Wanted",
            "BookAdded": today(),
            "Series": series,
            "SeriesNum": seriesNum

        myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.debug("%s added to the books database" % bookname)

        if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
            # try to get a cover from librarything
            workcover = getBookCover(bookid)
            if workcover:
                logger.debug(u'Updated cover for %s to %s' % (bookname, workcover))
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            elif bookimg and bookimg.startswith('http'):
                link = cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
                if link:
                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        if seriesNum is None:
            # try to get series info from librarything
            series, seriesNum = getWorkSeries(bookid)
            if seriesNum:
                logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' % (series, seriesNum))
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {
                    "Series": series,
                    "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        worklink = getWorkPage(bookid)
        if worklink:
            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
            newValueDict = {"WorkPage": worklink}
            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
コード例 #10
    def get_author_books(self, authorid=None, authorname=None, refresh=False):
        logger.debug('[%s] Now processing books with Google Books API' % authorname)
        # google doesnt like accents in author names
        set_url = self.url + urllib.quote('inauthor:"%s"' % unaccented_str(authorname))
        URL = set_url + '&' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)

        api_hits = 0
        gr_lang_hits = 0
        lt_lang_hits = 0
        gb_lang_change = 0
        cache_hits = 0
        not_cached = 0

        # Artist is loading
        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            startindex = 0
            resultcount = 0
            removedResults = 0
            duplicates = 0
            ignored = 0
            added_count = 0
            updated_count = 0
            book_ignore_count = 0
            total_count = 0
            number_results = 1

            valid_langs = ([valid_lang.strip()
                           for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')])

            while startindex < number_results:

                self.params['startIndex'] = startindex
                URL = set_url + '&' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)

                    jsonresults, in_cache = get_json_request(URL, useCache=not refresh)
                    if jsonresults is None:
                        number_results = 0
                        if not in_cache:
                            api_hits = api_hits + 1
                        number_results = jsonresults['totalItems']
                except HTTPError as err:
                        'Google Books API Error [%s]: Check your API key or wait a while' %

                if number_results == 0:
                    logger.warn('Found no results for %s' % authorname)
                    logger.debug('Found %s result%s for %s' % (number_results, plural(number_results), authorname))

                startindex = startindex + 40

                for item in jsonresults['items']:

                    total_count = total_count + 1

                    # skip if no author, no author is no book.
                        Author = item['volumeInfo']['authors'][0]
                    except KeyError:
                        logger.debug('Skipped a result without authorfield.')

                        if item['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers'][0]['type'] == 'ISBN_10':
                            bookisbn = item['volumeInfo'][
                            bookisbn = ""
                    except KeyError:
                        bookisbn = ""

                    isbnhead = ""
                    if len(bookisbn) == 10:
                        isbnhead = bookisbn[0:3]

                        booklang = item['volumeInfo']['language']
                    except KeyError:
                        booklang = "Unknown"

                    # do we care about language?
                    if "All" not in valid_langs:
                        if bookisbn != "":
                            # seems google lies to us, sometimes tells us books
                            # are in english when they are not
                            if booklang == "Unknown" or booklang == "en":
                                googlelang = booklang
                                match = myDB.match('SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"' %
                                if match:
                                    booklang = match['lang']
                                    cache_hits = cache_hits + 1
                                        "Found cached language [%s] for [%s]" %
                                        (booklang, isbnhead))

                                    # no match in cache, try searching librarything for a language code using the isbn
                                    # if no language found, librarything return value is "invalid" or "unknown"
                                    # librarything returns plain text, not xml
                                    BOOK_URL = 'http://www.librarything.com/api/thingLang.php?isbn=' + \
                                        resp = urllib2.urlopen(BOOK_URL, timeout=30).read()
                                        lt_lang_hits = lt_lang_hits + 1
                                            "LibraryThing reports language [%s] for %s" % (resp, isbnhead))

                                        if (resp != 'invalid' and resp != 'unknown'):
                                            booklang = resp  # found a language code
                                            myDB.action('insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' %
                                                        (isbnhead, booklang))
                                            logger.debug(u"LT language: " + booklang)
                                    except Exception as e:
                                        booklang = ""
                                        logger.error("Error finding language: %s" % str(e))

                                if googlelang == "en" and booklang not in ["en-US", "en-GB", "eng"]:
                                    # these are all english, may need to expand
                                    # this list
                                    booknamealt = item['volumeInfo']['title']
                                    logger.debug("%s Google thinks [%s], we think [%s]" %
                                                 (booknamealt, googlelang, booklang))
                                    gb_lang_change = gb_lang_change + 1
                                match = myDB.match('SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"' %
                                if not match:
                                        'insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' %
                                        (isbnhead, booklang))
                                    logger.debug(u"GB language: " + booklang)

                        # skip if language is in ignore list
                        if booklang not in valid_langs:
                            booknamealt = item['volumeInfo']['title']
                                'Skipped [%s] with language %s' %
                                (booknamealt, booklang))
                            ignored = ignored + 1

                        bookpub = item['volumeInfo']['publisher']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookpub = None

                        booksub = item['volumeInfo']['subtitle']
                    except KeyError:
                        booksub = None

                    if booksub is None:
                        series = None
                        seriesNum = None
                            series = booksub.split('(')[1].split(' Series ')[0]
                        except IndexError:
                            series = None
                            seriesNum = booksub.split('(')[1].split(' Series ')[1].split(')')[0]
                            if seriesNum[0] == '#':
                                seriesNum = seriesNum[1:]
                        except IndexError:
                            seriesNum = None

                        bookdate = item['volumeInfo']['publishedDate']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookdate = '0000-00-00'

                        bookimg = item['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['thumbnail']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

                        bookrate = item['volumeInfo']['averageRating']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookrate = 0

                        bookpages = item['volumeInfo']['pageCount']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookpages = 0

                        bookgenre = item['volumeInfo']['categories'][0]
                    except KeyError:
                        bookgenre = None

                        bookdesc = item['volumeInfo']['description']
                    except KeyError:
                        bookdesc = None

                    bookname = item['volumeInfo']['title']
                    bookname = unaccented(bookname)
                    dic = {':': '', '"': '', '\'': ''}
                    bookname = replace_all(bookname, dic)
                    bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace

                    booklink = item['volumeInfo']['canonicalVolumeLink']
                    bookrate = float(bookrate)
                    bookid = item['id']

                    # GoodReads sometimes has multiple bookids for the same book (same author/title, different editions)
                    # and sometimes uses the same bookid if the book is the same but the title is slightly different
                    # Not sure if googlebooks does too, but we only want one...
                    find_book_status = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookID = "%s"' % bookid)
                    if find_book_status:
                        for resulted in find_book_status:
                            book_status = resulted['Status']
                            locked = resulted['Manual']
                        book_status = lazylibrarian.NEWBOOK_STATUS
                        locked = False

                    rejected = False
                    if re.match('[^\w-]', bookname):  # remove books with bad characters in title
                        logger.debug("[%s] removed book for bad characters" % bookname)
                        removedResults = removedResults + 1
                        rejected = True

                    if not rejected and not bookname:
                        logger.debug('Rejecting bookid %s for %s, no bookname' %
                                     (bookid, authorname))
                        removedResults = removedResults + 1
                        rejected = True

                    if not rejected:
                        find_books = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookName = "%s" and AuthorName = "%s"' %
                                                 (bookname.replace('"', '""'), authorname.replace('"', '""')))
                        if find_books:
                            for find_book in find_books:
                                if find_book['BookID'] != bookid:
                                    # we have a book with this author/title already
                                    logger.debug('Rejecting bookid %s for [%s][%s] already got %s' %
                                                 (find_book['BookID'], authorname, bookname, bookid))
                                    rejected = True
                                    duplicates = duplicates + 1

                    if not rejected:
                        find_books = myDB.match('SELECT AuthorName,BookName FROM books WHERE BookID = "%s"' % bookid)
                        if find_books:
                            # we have a book with this bookid already
                            if bookname != find_books['BookName'] or authorNameResult != find_books['AuthorName']:
                                logger.debug('Rejecting bookid %s for [%s][%s] already got bookid for [%s][%s]' %
                                            (bookid, authorname, bookname,
                                             find_books['AuthorName'], find_books['BookName']))
                                logger.debug('Rejecting bookid %s for [%s][%s] already got this book in database' %
                                             (bookid, authorname, bookname))
                            duplicates = duplicates + 1
                            rejected = True

                    if not rejected:
                        if book_status != "Ignored" and not locked:
                            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                            newValueDict = {
                                "AuthorName": authorname,
                                "AuthorID": authorid,
                                "AuthorLink": "",
                                "BookName": bookname,
                                "BookSub": booksub,
                                "BookDesc": bookdesc,
                                "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
                                "BookPub": bookpub,
                                "BookGenre": bookgenre,
                                "BookImg": bookimg,
                                "BookLink": booklink,
                                "BookRate": bookrate,
                                "BookPages": bookpages,
                                "BookDate": bookdate,
                                "BookLang": booklang,
                                "Status": book_status,
                                "BookAdded": today(),
                                "Series": series,
                                "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                            resultcount = resultcount + 1

                            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                            logger.debug(u"Book found: " + bookname + " " + bookdate)

                            if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
                                # try to get a cover from librarything
                                workcover = getBookCover(bookid)
                                if workcover:
                                    logger.debug(u'Updated cover for %s to %s' % (bookname, workcover))
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            elif bookimg and bookimg.startswith('http'):
                                link = cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
                                if link:
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            if seriesNum is None:
                                # try to get series info from librarything
                                series, seriesNum = getWorkSeries(bookid)
                                if seriesNum:
                                    logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' % (series, seriesNum))
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {
                                        "Series": series,
                                        "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            worklink = getWorkPage(bookid)
                            if worklink:
                                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                newValueDict = {"WorkPage": worklink}
                                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            if not find_book_status:
                                logger.debug("[%s] Added book: %s [%s]" % (authorname, bookname, booklang))
                                added_count = added_count + 1
                                updated_count = updated_count + 1
                                logger.debug("[%s] Updated book: %s" % (authorname, bookname))
                            book_ignore_count = book_ignore_count + 1
        except KeyError:

        logger.debug('[%s] The Google Books API was hit %s time%s to populate book list' %
                     (authorname, api_hits, plural(api_hits)))

        lastbook = myDB.match('SELECT BookName, BookLink, BookDate from books WHERE AuthorID="%s" \
                               AND Status != "Ignored" order by BookDate DESC' % authorid)

        if lastbook:  # maybe there are no books [remaining] for this author
            lastbookname = lastbook['BookName']
            lastbooklink = lastbook['BookLink']
            lastbookdate = lastbook['BookDate']
            lastbookname = None
            lastbooklink = None
            lastbookdate = None

        controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
        newValueDict = {
            "Status": "Active",
            "LastBook": lastbookname,
            "LastLink": lastbooklink,
            "LastDate": lastbookdate

        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        logger.debug("Found %s total book%s for author" % (total_count, plural(total_count)))
        logger.debug("Removed %s unwanted language result%s for author" % (ignored, plural(ignored)))
            "Removed %s bad character or no-name result%s for author" %
            (removedResults, plural(removedResults)))
        logger.debug("Removed %s duplicate result%s for author" % (duplicates, plural(duplicates)))
        logger.debug("Found %s book%s by author marked as Ignored" % (book_ignore_count, plural(book_ignore_count)))
        logger.debug("Imported/Updated %s book%s for author" % (resultcount, plural(resultcount)))

        myDB.action('insert into stats values ("%s", %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i)' %
                    (authorname.replace('"', '""'), api_hits, gr_lang_hits, lt_lang_hits, gb_lang_change, cache_hits,
                     ignored, removedResults, not_cached, duplicates))

        if refresh:
            logger.info("[%s] Book processing complete: Added %s book%s / Updated %s book%s" %
                        (authorname, added_count, plural(added_count), updated_count, plural(updated_count)))
            logger.info("[%s] Book processing complete: Added %s book%s to the database" %
                        (authorname, added_count, plural(added_count)))

      except Exception as e:
        logger.error('Unhandled exception in GB.get_author_books: %s' % traceback.format_exc())
コード例 #11
ファイル: librarysync.py プロジェクト: Finch106/LazyLibrarian
def LibraryScan(startdir=None):
    """ Scan a directory tree adding new books into database
        Return how many books you added """
    if not startdir:
        if not lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR:
            return 0
            startdir = lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR

    if not os.path.isdir(startdir):
        logger.warn('Cannot find directory: %s. Not scanning' % startdir)
        return 0

    myDB = database.DBConnection()

    # keep statistics of full library scans
    if startdir == lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR:
        myDB.action('DELETE from stats')

    logger.info('Scanning ebook directory: %s' % startdir)

    new_book_count = 0
    modified_count = 0
    file_count = 0
    author = ""

    if lazylibrarian.FULL_SCAN and startdir == lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR:
        books = myDB.select(
            'select AuthorName, BookName, BookFile, BookID from books where Status="Open"'
        status = lazylibrarian.NOTFOUND_STATUS
        logger.info('Missing books will be marked as %s' % status)
        for book in books:
            bookName = book['BookName']
            bookAuthor = book['AuthorName']
            bookID = book['BookID']
            bookfile = book['BookFile']

            if not (bookfile and os.path.isfile(bookfile)):
                myDB.action('update books set Status="%s" where BookID="%s"' %
                            (status, bookID))
                myDB.action('update books set BookFile="" where BookID="%s"' %
                logger.warn('Book %s - %s updated as not found on disk' %
                            (bookAuthor, bookName))

    # to save repeat-scans of the same directory if it contains multiple formats of the same book,
    # keep track of which directories we've already looked at
    processed_subdirectories = []

    matchString = ''
    for char in lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FILE:
        matchString = matchString + '\\' + char
    # massage the EBOOK_DEST_FILE config parameter into something we can use
    # with regular expression matching
    booktypes = ''
    count = -1
    booktype_list = getList(lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE)
    for book_type in booktype_list:
        count += 1
        if count == 0:
            booktypes = book_type
            booktypes = booktypes + '|' + book_type
    matchString = matchString.replace(
        "\\$\\A\\u\\t\\h\\o\\r", "(?P<author>.*?)").replace(
            "\\$\\T\\i\\t\\l\\e", "(?P<book>.*?)") + '\.[' + booktypes + ']'
    pattern = re.compile(matchString, re.VERBOSE)

    for r, d, f in os.walk(startdir):
        for directory in d[:]:
            # prevent magazine being scanned
            if directory.startswith("_") or directory.startswith("."):

        for files in f:
            file_count += 1

            if isinstance(r, str):
                r = r.decode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)

            subdirectory = r.replace(startdir, '')
            # Added new code to skip if we've done this directory before.
            # Made this conditional with a switch in config.ini
            # in case user keeps multiple different books in the same subdirectory
            if (lazylibrarian.IMP_SINGLEBOOK) and (
                    subdirectory in processed_subdirectories):
                logger.debug("[%s] already scanned" % subdirectory)
                # If this is a book, try to get author/title/isbn/language
                # if epub or mobi, read metadata from the book
                # If metadata.opf exists, use that allowing it to override
                # embedded metadata. User may have edited metadata.opf
                # to merge author aliases together
                # If all else fails, try pattern match for author/title
                # and look up isbn/lang from LT or GR later
                match = 0
                if is_valid_booktype(files):

                    logger.debug("[%s] Now scanning subdirectory %s" %
                                 (startdir, subdirectory))

                    language = "Unknown"
                    isbn = ""
                    book = ""
                    author = ""
                    extn = os.path.splitext(files)[1]

                    # if it's an epub or a mobi we can try to read metadata from it
                    if (extn == ".epub") or (extn == ".mobi"):
                        book_filename = os.path.join(

                            res = get_book_info(book_filename)
                        except Exception as e:
                            logger.debug('get_book_info failed for %s, %s' %
                                         (book_filename, str(e)))
                            res = {}
                        if 'title' in res and 'creator' in res:  # this is the minimum we need
                            match = 1
                            book = res['title']
                            author = res['creator']
                            if 'language' in res:
                                language = res['language']
                            if 'identifier' in res:
                                isbn = res['identifier']
                            if 'type' in res:
                                extn = res['type']

                            logger.debug("book meta [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]" %
                                         (isbn, language, author, book, extn))

                            logger.debug("Book meta incomplete in %s" %

                    # calibre uses "metadata.opf", LL uses "bookname - authorname.opf"
                    # just look for any .opf file in the current directory since we don't know
                    # LL preferred authorname/bookname at this point.
                    # Allow metadata in file to override book contents as may be users pref

                    metafile = opf_file(r)
                        res = get_book_info(metafile)
                    except Exception as e:
                        logger.debug('get_book_info failed for %s, %s' %
                                     (metafile, str(e)))
                        res = {}
                    if 'title' in res and 'creator' in res:  # this is the minimum we need
                        match = 1
                        book = res['title']
                        author = res['creator']
                        if 'language' in res:
                            language = res['language']
                        if 'identifier' in res:
                            isbn = res['identifier']
                        logger.debug("file meta [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]" %
                                     (isbn, language, author, book))
                        logger.debug("File meta incomplete in %s" % metafile)

                    if not match:  # no author/book from metadata file, and not embedded either
                        match = pattern.match(files)
                        if match:
                            author = match.group("author")
                            book = match.group("book")
                            logger.debug("Pattern match failed [%s]" % files)

                    if match:
                        # flag that we found a book in this subdirectory

                        # If we have a valid looking isbn, and language != "Unknown", add it to cache
                        if language != "Unknown" and is_valid_isbn(isbn):
                            logger.debug("Found Language [%s] ISBN [%s]" %
                                         (language, isbn))
                            # we need to add it to language cache if not already
                            # there, is_valid_isbn has checked length is 10 or 13
                            if len(isbn) == 10:
                                isbnhead = isbn[0:3]
                                isbnhead = isbn[3:6]
                            match = myDB.match(
                                'SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"'
                                % (isbnhead))
                            if not match:
                                    'insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")'
                                    % (isbnhead, language))
                                logger.debug("Cached Lang [%s] ISBN [%s]" %
                                             (language, isbnhead))
                                    "Already cached Lang [%s] ISBN [%s]" %
                                    (language, isbnhead))

                        # get authors name in a consistent format
                        if "," in author:  # "surname, forename"
                            words = author.split(',')
                            author = words[1].strip() + ' ' + words[0].strip(
                            )  # "forename surname"
                        if author[1] == ' ':
                            author = author.replace(' ', '.')
                            author = author.replace('..', '.')

                        # Check if the author exists, and import the author if not,
                        # before starting any complicated book-name matching to save repeating the search
                        check_exist_author = myDB.match(
                            'SELECT * FROM authors where AuthorName="%s"' %
                            author.replace('"', '""'))
                        if not check_exist_author and lazylibrarian.ADD_AUTHOR:
                            # no match for supplied author, but we're allowed to
                            # add new ones

                            GR = GoodReads(author)
                                author_gr = GR.find_author_id()
                            except Exception as e:
                                    "Error finding author id for [%s] %s" %
                                    (author, str(e)))

                            # only try to add if GR data matches found author data
                            if author_gr:
                                authorname = author_gr['authorname']

                                # "J.R.R. Tolkien" is the same person as "J. R. R. Tolkien" and "J R R Tolkien"
                                match_auth = author.replace('.', '_')
                                match_auth = match_auth.replace(' ', '_')
                                match_auth = match_auth.replace('__', '_')
                                match_name = authorname.replace('.', '_')
                                match_name = match_name.replace(' ', '_')
                                match_name = match_name.replace('__', '_')
                                match_name = unaccented(match_name)
                                match_auth = unaccented(match_auth)
                                # allow a degree of fuzziness to cater for different accented character handling.
                                # some author names have accents,
                                # filename may have the accented or un-accented version of the character
                                # The currently non-configurable value of fuzziness might need to go in config
                                # We stored GoodReads unmodified author name in
                                # author_gr, so store in LL db under that
                                # fuzz.ratio doesn't lowercase for us
                                match_fuzz = fuzz.ratio(
                                    match_auth.lower(), match_name.lower())
                                if match_fuzz < 90:
                                        "Failed to match author [%s] fuzz [%d]"
                                        % (author, match_fuzz))
                                        "Failed to match author [%s] to authorname [%s]"
                                        % (match_auth, match_name))

                                # To save loading hundreds of books by unknown
                                # authors at GR or GB, ignore if author "Unknown"
                                if (author != "Unknown") and (match_fuzz >=
                                    # use "intact" name for author that we stored in
                                    # GR author_dict, not one of the various mangled versions
                                    # otherwise the books appear to be by a different author!
                                    author = author_gr['authorname']
                                    # this new authorname may already be in the
                                    # database, so check again
                                    check_exist_author = myDB.match(
                                        'SELECT * FROM authors where AuthorName="%s"'
                                        % author.replace('"', '""'))
                                    if not check_exist_author:
                                        logger.info("Adding new author [%s]" %
                                            check_exist_author = myDB.match(
                                                'SELECT * FROM authors where AuthorName="%s"'
                                                % author.replace('"', '""'))
                                        except Exception:

                        # check author exists in db, either newly loaded or already there
                        if not check_exist_author:
                                "Failed to match author [%s] in database" %
                            # author exists, check if this book by this author is in our database
                            # metadata might have quotes in book name
                            book = book.replace("'", "")
                            bookid = find_book_in_db(myDB, author, book)

                            if bookid:
                                check_status = myDB.match(
                                    'SELECT Status, BookFile from books where BookID="%s"'
                                    % bookid)
                                if check_status['Status'] != 'Open':
                                    # we found a new book
                                    new_book_count += 1
                                        'UPDATE books set Status="Open" where BookID="%s"'
                                        % bookid)

                                # update book location so we can check if it gets removed
                                # location may have changed since last scan
                                book_filename = os.path.join(r, files)
                                if book_filename != check_status['BookFile']:
                                    modified_count += 1
                                        "Updating book location for %s %s" %
                                        (author, book))
                                        'UPDATE books set BookFile="%s" where BookID="%s"'
                                        % (book_filename, bookid))

                                # update cover file to cover.jpg in book folder (if exists)
                                bookdir = os.path.dirname(book_filename)
                                coverimg = os.path.join(bookdir, 'cover.jpg')
                                if os.path.isfile(coverimg):
                                    cachedir = os.path.join(
                                        str(lazylibrarian.PROG_DIR), 'data' +
                                        os.sep + 'images' + os.sep + 'cache')
                                    cacheimg = os.path.join(
                                        cachedir, bookid + '.jpg')
                                    copyfile(coverimg, cacheimg)
                                    "Failed to match book [%s] by [%s] in database"
                                    % (book, author))

    logger.info("%s/%s new/modified book%s found and added to the database" %
                (new_book_count, modified_count,
                 plural(new_book_count + modified_count)))
    logger.info("%s file%s processed" % (file_count, plural(file_count)))

    # show statistics of full library scans
    if startdir == lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR:
        stats = myDB.match(
            "SELECT sum(GR_book_hits), sum(GR_lang_hits), sum(LT_lang_hits), sum(GB_lang_change), \
                sum(cache_hits), sum(bad_lang), sum(bad_char), sum(uncached), sum(duplicates) FROM stats"
        if stats['sum(GR_book_hits)'] is not None:
            # only show stats if new books added
            if lazylibrarian.BOOK_API == "GoogleBooks":
                logger.debug("GoogleBooks was hit %s time%s for books" %
                logger.debug("GoogleBooks language was changed %s time%s" %
            if lazylibrarian.BOOK_API == "GoodReads":
                logger.debug("GoodReads was hit %s time%s for books" %
                logger.debug("GoodReads was hit %s time%s for languages" %
            logger.debug("LibraryThing was hit %s time%s for languages" %
                "Language cache was hit %s time%s" %
                (stats['sum(cache_hits)'], plural(stats['sum(cache_hits)'])))
                "Unwanted language removed %s book%s" %
                (stats['sum(bad_lang)'], plural(stats['sum(bad_lang)'])))
                "Unwanted characters removed %s book%s" %
                (stats['sum(bad_char)'], plural(stats['sum(bad_char)'])))
                "Unable to cache %s book%s with missing ISBN" %
                (stats['sum(uncached)'], plural(stats['sum(uncached)'])))
                "Found %s duplicate book%s" %
                (stats['sum(duplicates)'], plural(stats['sum(duplicates)'])))
                "Cache %s hit%s, %s miss" %
                (lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT, plural(
                    lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT), lazylibrarian.CACHE_MISS))
            cachesize = myDB.match(
                "select count('ISBN') as counter from languages")
            logger.debug("ISBN Language cache holds %s entries" %
            nolang = len(
                    'select BookID from Books where status="Open" and BookLang="Unknown"'
            if nolang:
                    "Found %s book%s in your library with unknown language" %
                    (nolang, plural(nolang)))

        authors = myDB.select('select AuthorID from authors')
        # Update bookcounts for all authors, not just new ones - refresh may have located
        # new books for existing authors especially if switched provider gb/gr
        # single author/book import
        authors = myDB.select(
            'select AuthorID from authors where AuthorName = "%s"' %
            author.replace('"', '""'))

    logger.debug('Updating bookcounts for %i author%s' %
                 (len(authors), plural(len(authors))))
    for author in authors:

    images = myDB.select(
        'select bookid, bookimg, bookname from books where bookimg like "http%"'
    if len(images):
        logger.info("Caching cover%s for %i book%s" %
                    (plural(len(images)), len(images), plural(len(images))))
        for item in images:
            bookid = item['bookid']
            bookimg = item['bookimg']
            bookname = item['bookname']
            newimg = cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
            if newimg is not None:
                myDB.action('update books set BookImg="%s" where BookID="%s"' %
                            (newimg, bookid))

    images = myDB.select(
        'select AuthorID, AuthorImg, AuthorName from authors where AuthorImg like "http%"'
    if len(images):
        logger.info("Caching image%s for %i author%s" %
                    (plural(len(images)), len(images), plural(len(images))))
        for item in images:
            authorid = item['authorid']
            authorimg = item['authorimg']
            authorname = item['authorname']
            newimg = cache_cover(authorid, authorimg)
            if newimg is not None:
                    'update authors set AuthorImg="%s" where AuthorID="%s"' %
                    (newimg, authorid))
    logger.info('Library scan complete')
    return new_book_count
コード例 #12
ファイル: gr.py プロジェクト: forge33/LazyLibrarian
    def get_author_books(self, authorid=None, authorname=None, refresh=False):

        api_hits = 0
        gr_lang_hits = 0
        lt_lang_hits = 0
        gb_lang_change = 0
        cache_hits = 0
        not_cached = 0
        URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/author/list/' + authorid + '.xml?' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)

        # Artist is loading
        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        books_dict = []
            rootxml, in_cache = get_xml_request(URL, useCache=not refresh)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Error fetching author books: %s" % e)
            return books_dict
        if rootxml is None:
            logger.debug("Error requesting author books")
            return books_dict
        if not in_cache:
            api_hits = api_hits + 1
        resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('book')

        valid_langs = ([valid_lang.strip() for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')])

        if not len(resultxml):
            logger.warn('[%s] No books found for author with ID: %s' % (authorname, authorid))
            logger.debug("[%s] Now processing books with GoodReads API" % authorname)

            resultsCount = 0
            removedResults = 0
            duplicates = 0
            ignored = 0
            added_count = 0
            updated_count = 0
            book_ignore_count = 0
            total_count = 0
            logger.debug(u"url " + URL)

            authorNameResult = rootxml.find('./author/name').text
            logger.debug(u"author name " + authorNameResult)
            loopCount = 1

            while resultxml is not None:
                for book in resultxml:
                    total_count = total_count + 1

                    if (book.find('publication_year').text is None):
                        pubyear = "0000"
                        pubyear = book.find('publication_year').text

                        bookimg = book.find('image_url').text
                        if ('nocover' in bookimg):
                            bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'
                    except (KeyError,AttributeError):
                        bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

    # PAB this next section tries to get the book language using the isbn13 to look it up. If no isbn13 we skip the
    # book entirely, rather than including it with an "Unknown" language. Changed this so we can still include the book
    # with language set to "Unknown". There is a setting in config.ini to allow or skip books with "Unknown" language
    # if you really don't want to include them.
    # Not all GR books have isbn13 filled in, but all have a GR bookid, which we've already got, so use that.
    # Also, with GR API rules we can only call the API once per second, which slows us down a lot when all we want
    # is to get the language. We sleep for one second per book that GR knows about for each author you have in your
    # library. The libraryThing API has the same 1 second restriction, and is limited to 1000 hits per day, but has
    # fewer books with unknown language. To get around this and speed up the process, see if we already have a book
    # in the database with a similar start to the ISBN. The way ISBNs work, digits 3-5 of a 13 char ISBN or digits 0-2
    # of a 10 digit ISBN indicate the region/language so if two books have the same 3 digit isbn code, they _should_
    # be the same language.
    # I ran a simple python script on my library of 1500 books, and these codes were 100% correct on matching book
    # languages, no mis-matches. It did result in a small number of books with "unknown" language being wrongly matched
    # but most "unknown" were matched to the correct language.
    # We could look up ISBNs we already know about in the database, but this only holds books in the languages we want
    # to keep, which reduces the number of cache hits, so we create a new database table, holding ALL results including
    # the ISBNs for languages we don't want and books we reject.
    # The new table is created (if not exists) in init.py so by the time we get here there is an existing table.
    # If we haven't an already matching partial ISBN, look up language code from libraryThing
    # "http://www.librarything.com/api/thingLang.php?isbn=1234567890"
    # If you find a matching language, add it to the database.  If "unknown" or "invalid", try GR as maybe GR can
    # provide a match.
    # If both LT and GR return unknown, add isbn to db as "unknown". No point in repeatedly asking LT for a code
    # it's told you it doesn't know.
    # As an extra option, if language includes "All" in config.ini, we can skip this whole section and process
    # everything much faster by not querying for language at all.
    # It does mean we include a lot of unwanted foreign translations in the database, but it's _much_ faster.

                    bookLanguage = "Unknown"
                    find_field = "id"
                    isbn = ""
                    isbnhead = ""
                    if "All" not in valid_langs:  # do we care about language
                        if (book.find('isbn').text is not None):
                            find_field = "isbn"
                            isbn = book.find('isbn').text
                            isbnhead = isbn[0:3]
                            if (book.find('isbn13').text is not None):
                                find_field = "isbn13"
                                isbn = book.find('isbn13').text
                                isbnhead = isbn[3:6]
                        if (find_field != 'id'):  # isbn or isbn13 found

                            match = myDB.action('SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"' %
                            if (match):
                                bookLanguage = match['lang']
                                cache_hits = cache_hits + 1
                                logger.debug("Found cached language [%s] for %s [%s]" %
                                             (bookLanguage, find_field, isbnhead))
                                # no match in cache, try searching librarything for a language code using the isbn
                                # if no language found, librarything return value is "invalid" or "unknown"
                                # returns plain text, not xml
                                BOOK_URL = 'http://www.librarything.com/api/thingLang.php?isbn=' + isbn
                                    resp = urllib2.urlopen(BOOK_URL, timeout=30).read()
                                    lt_lang_hits = lt_lang_hits + 1
                                    logger.debug("LibraryThing reports language [%s] for %s" % (resp, isbnhead))

                                    if ('invalid' in resp or 'Unknown' in resp):
                                        find_field = "id"  # reset the field to force search on goodreads
                                        bookLanguage = resp  # found a language code
                                        myDB.action('insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' %
                                                    (isbnhead, bookLanguage))
                                        logger.debug(u"LT language %s: %s" % (isbnhead, bookLanguage))
                                except Exception as e:
                                    logger.error("Error finding LT language result for [%s], %s" % (isbn, e))
                                    find_field = "id"  # reset the field to search on goodreads

                        if (find_field == 'id'):
                            # [or bookLanguage == "Unknown"] no earlier match, we'll have to search the goodreads api
                                if (book.find(find_field).text is not None):
                                    BOOK_URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/book/show?id=' + \
                                        book.find(find_field).text + '&' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)
                                    logger.debug(u"Book URL: " + BOOK_URL)

                                        time_now = int(time.time())
                                        if time_now <= lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS:

                                        BOOK_rootxml, in_cache = get_xml_request(BOOK_URL)
                                        if BOOK_rootxml is None:
                                            logger.debug('Error requesting book language code')
                                            bookLanguage = ""
                                            if not in_cache:
                                                # only update last_goodreads if the result wasn't found in the cache
                                                lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS = time_now
                                            bookLanguage = BOOK_rootxml.find('./book/language_code').text
                                    except Exception as e:
                                        logger.error("Error finding book results: %s" % e)
                                    if not in_cache:
                                        gr_lang_hits = gr_lang_hits + 1
                                    if not bookLanguage:
                                        bookLanguage = "Unknown"

                                    if (isbnhead != ""):
                                        # GR didn't give an isbn so we can't cache it, just use language for this book
                                        myDB.action('insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' %
                                                    (isbnhead, bookLanguage))
                                        logger.debug("GoodReads reports language [%s] for %s" %
                                                     (bookLanguage, isbnhead))
                                        not_cached = not_cached + 1

                                    logger.debug(u"GR language: " + bookLanguage)
                                    logger.debug("No %s provided for [%s]" % (find_field, book.find('title').text))
                                    # continue

                            except Exception as e:
                                logger.debug(u"An error has occured: %s" % e)

                        if bookLanguage not in valid_langs:
                            logger.debug('Skipped a book with language %s' % bookLanguage)
                            ignored = ignored + 1
                    bookname = book.find('title').text
                    bookid = book.find('id').text
                    bookdesc = book.find('description').text
                    bookisbn = book.find('isbn').text
                    bookpub = book.find('publisher').text
                    booklink = book.find('link').text
                    bookrate = float(book.find('average_rating').text)
                    bookpages = book.find('num_pages').text
                    bookname = unaccented(bookname)
                    if ': ' in bookname:
                        parts = bookname.split(': ', 1)
                        bookname = parts[0]
                        booksub = parts[1]
                        booksub = ''
                    dic = {':': '', '"': '', '\'': ''}
                    bookname = replace_all(bookname, dic)
                    bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace
                    booksub = replace_all(booksub, dic)
                    booksub = booksub.strip()  # strip whitespace
                    if booksub:
                        series,seriesNum = bookSeries(booksub)
                        series,seriesNum = bookSeries(bookname)

                    # GoodReads sometimes has multiple bookids for the same book (same author/title, different editions)
                    # and sometimes uses the same bookid if the book is the same but the title is slightly different
                    # We use bookid, then reject if another author/title has a different bookid so we just keep one...
                    find_book_status = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookID = "%s"' % bookid)
                    if find_book_status:
                        for resulted in find_book_status:
                            book_status = resulted['Status']
                            locked = resulted ['Manual']
                        book_status = lazylibrarian.NEWBOOK_STATUS
                        locked = False

                    rejected = False

                    if re.match('[^\w-]', bookname):  # reject books with bad characters in title
                        logger.debug(u"removed result [" + bookname + "] for bad characters")
                        removedResults = removedResults + 1
                        rejected = True

                    if not rejected and not bookname:
                        logger.debug('Rejecting bookid %s for %s, no bookname' %
                                (bookid, authorNameResult))
                        removedResults = removedResults + 1
                        rejected = True

                    if not rejected:
                        find_books = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookName = "%s" and AuthorName = "%s"' %
                                                    (bookname, authorNameResult))
                        if find_books:
                            for find_book in find_books:
                                if find_book['BookID'] != bookid:
                                    # we have a book with this author/title already
                                    logger.debug('Rejecting bookid %s for [%s][%s] already got %s' %
                                        (find_book['BookID'], authorNameResult, bookname, bookid))
                                    duplicates = duplicates + 1
                                    rejected = True

                    if not rejected:
                        find_books = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookID = "%s"' % bookid)
                        if find_books:
                            # we have a book with this bookid already
                            logger.debug('Rejecting bookid %s for [%s][%s] already got this bookid in database' %
                                (bookid, authorNameResult, bookname))
                            duplicates = duplicates + 1
                            rejected = True

                    if not rejected:
                        if book_status != "Ignored":
                            if not locked:
                                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                newValueDict = {
                                    "AuthorName": authorNameResult,
                                    "AuthorID": authorid,
                                    "AuthorLink": None,
                                    "BookName": bookname,
                                    "BookSub": booksub,
                                    "BookDesc": bookdesc,
                                    "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
                                    "BookPub": bookpub,
                                    "BookGenre": None,
                                    "BookImg": bookimg,
                                    "BookLink": booklink,
                                    "BookRate": bookrate,
                                    "BookPages": bookpages,
                                    "BookDate": pubyear,
                                    "BookLang": bookLanguage,
                                    "Status": book_status,
                                    "BookAdded": today(),
                                    "Series": series,
                                    "SeriesNum": seriesNum

                                resultsCount = resultsCount + 1

                                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                                logger.debug(u"Book found: " + book.find('title').text + " " + pubyear)

                            if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
                                # try to get a cover from librarything
                                workcover = getBookCover(bookid)
                                if workcover:
                                    logger.debug(u'Updated cover for %s to %s' % (bookname, workcover))
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            elif bookimg and bookimg.startswith('http'):
                                link = cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
                                if link is not None:
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            if seriesNum == None:
                                # try to get series info from librarything
                                series, seriesNum = getWorkSeries(bookid)
                                if seriesNum:
                                    logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' % (series, seriesNum))
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {
                                        "Series": series,
                                        "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            worklink = getWorkPage(bookid)
                            if worklink:
                                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                newValueDict = {"WorkPage": worklink}
                                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            if not find_book_status:
                                logger.debug(u"[%s] Added book: %s" % (authorname, bookname))
                                added_count = added_count + 1
                                logger.debug(u"[%s] Updated book: %s" % (authorname, bookname))
                                updated_count = updated_count + 1
                            book_ignore_count = book_ignore_count + 1

                loopCount = loopCount + 1
                URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/author/list/' + authorid + '.xml?' + \
                      urllib.urlencode(self.params) + '&page=' + str(loopCount)
                resultxml = None
                    rootxml, in_cache = get_xml_request(URL, useCache=not refresh)
                    if rootxml is None:
                        logger.debug('Error requesting next page of results')
                        resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('book')
                        if not in_cache:
                            api_hits = api_hits + 1
                except Exception as e:
                    resultxml = None
                    logger.error("Error finding next page of results: %s" % e)

                if resultxml is not None:
                    if all(False for book in resultxml):  # returns True if iterator is empty
                        resultxml = None

        lastbook = myDB.action('SELECT BookName, BookLink, BookDate from books WHERE AuthorID="%s" \
                                AND Status != "Ignored" order by BookDate DESC' % authorid).fetchone()
        if lastbook:
            lastbookname = lastbook['BookName']
            lastbooklink = lastbook['BookLink']
            lastbookdate = lastbook['BookDate']
            lastbookname = None
            lastbooklink = None
            lastbookdate = None

        controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
        newValueDict = {
            "Status": "Active",
            "LastBook": lastbookname,
            "LastLink": lastbooklink,
            "LastDate": lastbookdate
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        # This is here because GoodReads sometimes has several entries with the same BookID!
        modified_count = added_count + updated_count

        logger.debug("Found %s total book%s for author" % (total_count, plural(total_count)))
        logger.debug("Removed %s bad language result%s for author" % (ignored, plural(ignored)))
        logger.debug("Removed %s bad character or no-name result%s for author" % (removedResults, plural(removedResults)))
        logger.debug("Removed %s duplicate result%s for author" % (duplicates, plural(duplicates)))
        logger.debug("Ignored %s book%s by author marked as Ignored" % (book_ignore_count, plural(book_ignore_count)))
        logger.debug("Imported/Updated %s book%s for author" % (modified_count, plural(modified_count)))

        myDB.action('insert into stats values ("%s", %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i)' %
                    (authorname, api_hits, gr_lang_hits, lt_lang_hits, gb_lang_change,
                     cache_hits, ignored, removedResults, not_cached, duplicates))

        if refresh:
            logger.info("[%s] Book processing complete: Added %s book%s / Updated %s book%s" %
                        (authorname, added_count, plural(added_count), updated_count, plural(updated_count)))
            logger.info("[%s] Book processing complete: Added %s book%s to the database" %
                        (authorname, added_count, plural(added_count)))

        return books_dict
コード例 #13
def addAuthorToDB(authorname=None, refresh=False):
    Add an author to the database, and get  list of all their books
    If author already exists in database, refresh their details and booklist
        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        GR = GoodReads(authorname)

        query = "SELECT * from authors WHERE AuthorName='%s'" % authorname.replace("'", "''")
        dbauthor = myDB.match(query)
        controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}

        if not dbauthor:
            newValueDict = {
                "AuthorID": "0: %s" % (authorname),
                "Status": "Loading"
            logger.debug("Now adding new author: %s to database" % authorname)
            newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
            logger.debug("Now updating author: %s" % authorname)
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        author = GR.find_author_id(refresh=refresh)
        if author:
            authorid = author['authorid']
            authorlink = author['authorlink']
            authorimg = author['authorimg']
            controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}
            newValueDict = {
                "AuthorID": authorid,
                "AuthorLink": authorlink,
                "AuthorImg": authorimg,
                "AuthorBorn": author['authorborn'],
                "AuthorDeath": author['authordeath'],
                "DateAdded": today(),
                "Status": "Loading"
            myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            logger.warn(u"Nothing found for %s" % authorname)
            myDB.action('DELETE from authors WHERE AuthorName="%s"' % authorname)

        new_img = False
        if authorimg and 'nophoto' in authorimg:
            authorimg = getAuthorImage(authorid)
            new_img = True
        if authorimg and authorimg.startswith('http'):
            newimg = cache_cover(authorid, authorimg)
            if newimg:
                authorimg = newimg
                new_img = True

        if new_img:
            controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
            newValueDict = {"AuthorImg": authorimg}
            myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        # process books
        if lazylibrarian.BOOK_API == "GoogleBooks":
            book_api = GoogleBooks()
            book_api.get_author_books(authorid, authorname, refresh=refresh)
        elif lazylibrarian.BOOK_API == "GoodReads":
            GR.get_author_books(authorid, authorname, refresh=refresh)

        # update totals works for existing authors only.
        # New authors need their totals updating after libraryscan or import of books.
        if dbauthor:
        logger.debug("[%s] Author update complete" % authorname)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error('Unhandled exception in addAuthorToDB: %s' % traceback.format_exc())
コード例 #14
def getBookCover(bookID=None):
    """ Return link to a local file containing a book cover image for a bookid.
        Try 1. Local file cached from goodreads/googlebooks when book was imported
            2. LibraryThing whatwork
            3. Goodreads search if book was imported from goodreads
            4. Google images search
        Return None if no cover available. """
    if not bookID:
        logger.error("getBookCover- No bookID")
        return None

    cachedir = os.path.join(str(lazylibrarian.PROG_DIR),
                            'data' + os.sep + 'images' + os.sep + 'cache')
    coverfile = os.path.join(cachedir, bookID + '.jpg')

    if os.path.isfile(coverfile):  # use cached image if there is one
        lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT = int(lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT) + 1
        logger.debug(u"getBookCover: Returning Cached response for %s" %
        coverlink = 'images/cache/' + bookID + '.jpg'
        return coverlink

    lazylibrarian.CACHE_MISS = int(lazylibrarian.CACHE_MISS) + 1
    work = getBookWork(bookID, "Cover")
    if work:
            img = work.split('og:image')[1].split('="')[1].split('"')[0]
            if img and img.startswith('http'):
                coverlink = cache_cover(bookID, img)
                if coverlink is not None:
                        u"getBookCover: Caching librarything cover for %s" %
                    return coverlink
                    "getBookCover: No image found in work page for %s" %
        except IndexError:
            logger.debug('getBookCover: Image not found in work page for %s' %

    # not found in librarything work page, try to get a cover from goodreads or google instead

    myDB = database.DBConnection()

    item = myDB.match(
        'select BookName,AuthorName,BookLink from books where bookID="%s"' %
    if item:
        title = safe_unicode(item['BookName']).encode(
        author = safe_unicode(item['AuthorName']).encode(
        booklink = item['BookLink']
        safeparams = urllib.quote_plus("%s %s" % (author, title))

        if 'goodreads' in booklink:
            # if the bookID is a goodreads one, we can call https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/{bookID}
            # and scrape the page for og:image
            # <meta property="og:image" content="https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/photo.goodreads.com/books/1388267702i/16304._UY475_SS475_.jpg"/>
            # to get the cover

            time_now = int(time.time())
            if time_now <= lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS:
                lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS = time_now
            result, success = fetchURL(booklink)
            if success:
                    img = result.split('og:image')[1].split('="')[1].split(
                except IndexError:
                    img = None
                if img and img.startswith(
                ) and 'nocover' not in img and 'nophoto' not in img:
                    time_now = int(time.time())
                    if time_now <= lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS:
                        lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS = time_now
                    coverlink = cache_cover(bookID, img)
                    if coverlink is not None:
                            "getBookCover: Caching goodreads cover for %s %s" %
                            (author, title))
                        return coverlink
                            "getBookCover: Error getting goodreads image for %s, [%s]"
                            % (img, result))
                        "getBookCover: No image found in goodreads page for %s"
                        % bookID)
                logger.debug("getBookCover: Error getting page %s, [%s]" %
                             (booklink, result))

        # if this failed, try a google image search...
        # tbm=isch      search images
        # tbs=isz:l     large images
        # ift:jpg       jpeg file type
        URL = "https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&tbs=isz:l,ift:jpg&as_q=" + safeparams + "+ebook"
        result, success = fetchURL(URL)
        if success:
                img = result.split('url?q=')[1].split('">')[1].split(
            except IndexError:
                img = None
            if img and img.startswith('http'):
                coverlink = cache_cover(bookID, img)
                if coverlink is not None:
                        "getBookCover: Caching google cover for %s %s" %
                        (author, title))
                    return coverlink
                        "getBookCover: Error getting google image %s, [%s]" %
                        (img, result))
                    "getBookCover: No image found in google page for %s" %
                "getBookCover: Error getting google page for %s, [%s]" %
                (safeparams, result))
    return None
コード例 #15
ファイル: librarysync.py プロジェクト: forge33/LazyLibrarian
def LibraryScan(startdir=None):
    """ Scan a directory tree adding new books into database
        Return how many books you added """
    if not startdir:
        if not lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR:
            return 0
            startdir = lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR

    if not os.path.isdir(startdir):
            'Cannot find directory: %s. Not scanning' % startdir)
        return 0

    myDB = database.DBConnection()

    # keep statistics of full library scans
    if startdir == lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR:
        myDB.action('DELETE from stats')

    logger.info('Scanning ebook directory: %s' % startdir)

    new_book_count = 0
    file_count = 0
    author = ""

    if lazylibrarian.FULL_SCAN and startdir == lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR:
        books = myDB.select(
            'select AuthorName, BookName, BookFile, BookID from books where Status="Open"')
        status = lazylibrarian.NOTFOUND_STATUS
        logger.info('Missing books will be marked as %s' % status)
        for book in books:
            bookName = book['BookName']
            bookAuthor = book['AuthorName']
            bookID = book['BookID']
            bookfile = book['BookFile']

            if not(bookfile and os.path.isfile(bookfile)):
                myDB.action('update books set Status="%s" where BookID="%s"' % (status, bookID))
                myDB.action('update books set BookFile="" where BookID="%s"' % bookID)
                logger.warn('Book %s - %s updated as not found on disk' % (bookAuthor, bookName))

    # to save repeat-scans of the same directory if it contains multiple formats of the same book,
    # keep track of which directories we've already looked at
    processed_subdirectories = []

    matchString = ''
    for char in lazylibrarian.EBOOK_DEST_FILE:
        matchString = matchString + '\\' + char
    # massage the EBOOK_DEST_FILE config parameter into something we can use
    # with regular expression matching
    booktypes = ''
    count = -1
    booktype_list = getList(lazylibrarian.EBOOK_TYPE)
    for book_type in booktype_list:
        count += 1
        if count == 0:
            booktypes = book_type
            booktypes = booktypes + '|' + book_type
    matchString = matchString.replace("\\$\\A\\u\\t\\h\\o\\r", "(?P<author>.*?)").replace(
        "\\$\\T\\i\\t\\l\\e", "(?P<book>.*?)") + '\.[' + booktypes + ']'
    pattern = re.compile(matchString, re.VERBOSE)

    for r, d, f in os.walk(startdir):
        for directory in d[:]:
            # prevent magazine being scanned
            if directory.startswith("_") or directory.startswith("."):

        for files in f:
            file_count += 1

            if isinstance(r, str):
                r = r.decode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)

            subdirectory = r.replace(startdir, '')
            # Added new code to skip if we've done this directory before.
            # Made this conditional with a switch in config.ini
            # in case user keeps multiple different books in the same subdirectory
            if (lazylibrarian.IMP_SINGLEBOOK) and (subdirectory in processed_subdirectories):
                logger.debug("[%s] already scanned" % subdirectory)
                # If this is a book, try to get author/title/isbn/language
                # if epub or mobi, read metadata from the book
                # If metadata.opf exists, use that allowing it to override
                # embedded metadata. User may have edited metadata.opf
                # to merge author aliases together
                # If all else fails, try pattern match for author/title
                # and look up isbn/lang from LT or GR later
                match = 0
                if is_valid_booktype(files):

                    logger.debug("[%s] Now scanning subdirectory %s" %
                                 (startdir, subdirectory))

                    language = "Unknown"
                    isbn = ""
                    book = ""
                    author = ""
                    extn = os.path.splitext(files)[1]

                    # if it's an epub or a mobi we can try to read metadata from it
                    if (extn == ".epub") or (extn == ".mobi"):
                        book_filename = os.path.join(
                            r.encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING), files.encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING))

                            res = get_book_info(book_filename)
                            res = {}
                        if 'title' in res and 'creator' in res:  # this is the minimum we need
                            match = 1
                            book = res['title']
                            author = res['creator']
                            if 'language' in res:
                                language = res['language']
                            if 'identifier' in res:
                                isbn = res['identifier']
                            if 'type' in res:
                                extn = res['type']

                            logger.debug("book meta [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]" %
                                         (isbn, language, author, book, extn))

                            logger.debug("Book meta incomplete in %s" % book_filename)

                    # calibre uses "metadata.opf", LL uses "bookname - authorname.opf"
                    # just look for any .opf file in the current directory since we don't know
                    # LL preferred authorname/bookname at this point.
                    # Allow metadata in file to override book contents as may be users pref

                    metafile = opf_file(r)
                        res = get_book_info(metafile)
                        res = {}
                    if 'title' in res and 'creator' in res:  # this is the minimum we need
                        match = 1
                        book = res['title']
                        author = res['creator']
                        if 'language' in res:
                            language = res['language']
                        if 'identifier' in res:
                            isbn = res['identifier']
                            "file meta [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]" %
                            (isbn, language, author, book))
                        logger.debug("File meta incomplete in %s" % metafile)

                    if not match:  # no author/book from metadata file, and not embedded either
                        match = pattern.match(files)
                        if match:
                            author = match.group("author")
                            book = match.group("book")
                            logger.debug("Pattern match failed [%s]" % files)

                    if match:
                        # flag that we found a book in this subdirectory

                        # If we have a valid looking isbn, and language != "Unknown", add it to cache
                        if language != "Unknown" and is_valid_isbn(isbn):
                                "Found Language [%s] ISBN [%s]" %
                                (language, isbn))
                            # we need to add it to language cache if not already
                            # there, is_valid_isbn has checked length is 10 or 13
                            if len(isbn) == 10:
                                isbnhead = isbn[0:3]
                                isbnhead = isbn[3:6]
                            match = myDB.action(
                                'SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"' %
                            if not match:
                                    'insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' %
                                    (isbnhead, language))
                                    "Cached Lang [%s] ISBN [%s]" %
                                    (language, isbnhead))
                                    "Already cached Lang [%s] ISBN [%s]" %
                                    (language, isbnhead))

                        # get authors name in a consistent format
                        if "," in author:  # "surname, forename"
                            words = author.split(',')
                            author = words[1].strip() + ' ' + words[0].strip()  # "forename surname"
                        if author[1] == ' ':
                            author = author.replace(' ', '.')
                            author = author.replace('..', '.')

                        # Check if the author exists, and import the author if not,
                        # before starting any complicated book-name matching to save repeating the search
                        check_exist_author = myDB.action(
                            'SELECT * FROM authors where AuthorName="%s"' %
                        if not check_exist_author and lazylibrarian.ADD_AUTHOR:
                            # no match for supplied author, but we're allowed to
                            # add new ones

                            GR = GoodReads(author)
                                author_gr = GR.find_author_id()
                                    "Error finding author id for [%s]" %

                            # only try to add if GR data matches found author data
                            if author_gr:
                                authorname = author_gr['authorname']

                                # "J.R.R. Tolkien" is the same person as "J. R. R. Tolkien" and "J R R Tolkien"
                                match_auth = author.replace('.', '_')
                                match_auth = match_auth.replace(' ', '_')
                                match_auth = match_auth.replace('__', '_')
                                match_name = authorname.replace('.', '_')
                                match_name = match_name.replace(' ', '_')
                                match_name = match_name.replace('__', '_')
                                match_name = unaccented(match_name)
                                match_auth = unaccented(match_auth)
                                # allow a degree of fuzziness to cater for different accented character handling.
                                # some author names have accents,
                                # filename may have the accented or un-accented version of the character
                                # The currently non-configurable value of fuzziness might need to go in config
                                # We stored GoodReads unmodified author name in
                                # author_gr, so store in LL db under that
                                # fuzz.ratio doesn't lowercase for us
                                match_fuzz = fuzz.ratio(match_auth.lower(), match_name.lower())
                                if match_fuzz < 90:
                                        "Failed to match author [%s] fuzz [%d]" %
                                        (author, match_fuzz))
                                        "Failed to match author [%s] to authorname [%s]" %
                                        (match_auth, match_name))

                                # To save loading hundreds of books by unknown
                                # authors at GR or GB, ignore if author "Unknown"
                                if (author != "Unknown") and (match_fuzz >= 90):
                                    # use "intact" name for author that we stored in
                                    # GR author_dict, not one of the various mangled versions
                                    # otherwise the books appear to be by a different author!
                                    author = author_gr['authorname']
                                    # this new authorname may already be in the
                                    # database, so check again
                                    check_exist_author = myDB.action(
                                        'SELECT * FROM authors where AuthorName="%s"' %
                                    if not check_exist_author:
                                            "Adding new author [%s]" %
                                            check_exist_author = myDB.action(
                                                'SELECT * FROM authors where AuthorName="%s"' %

                        # check author exists in db, either newly loaded or already there
                        if not check_exist_author:
                                "Failed to match author [%s] in database" %
                            # author exists, check if this book by this author is in our database
                            # metadata might have quotes in book name
                            book = book.replace('"', '').replace("'", "")
                            bookid = find_book_in_db(myDB, author, book)

                            if bookid:
                                # check if book is already marked as "Open" (if so,
                                # we already had it)

                                check_status = myDB.action(
                                    'SELECT Status from books where BookID="%s"' %
                                if check_status['Status'] != 'Open':
                                    # update status as we've got this book

                                        'UPDATE books set Status="Open" where BookID="%s"' %

                                    book_filename = os.path.join(r, files)

                                    # update book location so we can check if it
                                    # gets removed, or allow click-to-open

                                        'UPDATE books set BookFile="%s" where BookID="%s"' %
                                        (book_filename, bookid))

                                    # update cover file to cover.jpg in book folder (if exists)
                                    bookdir = book_filename.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[0]
                                    coverimg = os.path.join(bookdir, 'cover.jpg')
                                    cachedir = os.path.join(str(lazylibrarian.PROG_DIR), 'data' + os.sep + 'images' + os.sep + 'cache')
                                    cacheimg = os.path.join(cachedir, bookid + '.jpg')
                                    if os.path.isfile(coverimg):
                                        copyfile(coverimg, cacheimg)

                                    new_book_count += 1
                                    "Failed to match book [%s] by [%s] in database" %
                                    (book, author))

    logger.info("%s new/modified book%s found and added to the database" %
                (new_book_count, plural(new_book_count)))
    logger.info("%s file%s processed" % (file_count, plural(file_count)))

    # show statistics of full library scans
    if startdir == lazylibrarian.DESTINATION_DIR:
        stats = myDB.action(
            "SELECT sum(GR_book_hits), sum(GR_lang_hits), sum(LT_lang_hits), sum(GB_lang_change), \
                sum(cache_hits), sum(bad_lang), sum(bad_char), sum(uncached), sum(duplicates) FROM stats").fetchone()
        if stats['sum(GR_book_hits)'] is not None:
            # only show stats if new books added
            if lazylibrarian.BOOK_API == "GoogleBooks":
                logger.debug("GoogleBooks was hit %s time%s for books" %
                    (stats['sum(GR_book_hits)'], plural(stats['sum(GR_book_hits)'])))
                logger.debug("GoogleBooks language was changed %s time%s" %
                    (stats['sum(GB_lang_change)'], plural(stats['sum(GB_lang_change)'])))
            if lazylibrarian.BOOK_API == "GoodReads":
                logger.debug("GoodReads was hit %s time%s for books" %
                    (stats['sum(GR_book_hits)'], plural(stats['sum(GR_book_hits)'])))
                logger.debug("GoodReads was hit %s time%s for languages" %
                    (stats['sum(GR_lang_hits)'], plural(stats['sum(GR_lang_hits)'])))
            logger.debug("LibraryThing was hit %s time%s for languages" %
                (stats['sum(LT_lang_hits)'], plural (stats['sum(LT_lang_hits)'])))
            logger.debug("Language cache was hit %s time%s" %
                (stats['sum(cache_hits)'], plural(stats['sum(cache_hits)'])))
            logger.debug("Unwanted language removed %s book%s" %
                (stats['sum(bad_lang)'], plural (stats['sum(bad_lang)'])))
            logger.debug("Unwanted characters removed %s book%s" %
                (stats['sum(bad_char)'], plural(stats['sum(bad_char)'])))
            logger.debug("Unable to cache %s book%s with missing ISBN" %
                (stats['sum(uncached)'], plural(stats['sum(uncached)'])))
            logger.debug("Found %s duplicate book%s" %
                (stats['sum(duplicates)'], plural(stats['sum(duplicates)'])))
            logger.debug("Cache %s hit%s, %s miss" %
                (lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT, plural(lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT), lazylibrarian.CACHE_MISS))
            cachesize = myDB.action("select count('ISBN') as counter from languages").fetchone()
            logger.debug("ISBN Language cache holds %s entries" % cachesize['counter'])
            nolang = len(myDB.select('select BookID from Books where status="Open" and BookLang="Unknown"'))
            if nolang:
                logger.warn("Found %s book%s in your library with unknown language" % (nolang, plural(nolang)))

        authors = myDB.select('select AuthorID from authors')
        # Update bookcounts for all authors, not just new ones - refresh may have located
        # new books for existing authors especially if switched provider gb/gr
        # single author/book import
        authors = myDB.select('select AuthorID from authors where AuthorName = "%s"' % author)

    logger.debug('Updating bookcounts for %i author%s' % (len(authors), plural(len(authors))))
    for author in authors:

    images = myDB.select('select bookid, bookimg, bookname from books where bookimg like "http%"')
    if len(images):
        logger.info("Caching cover%s for %i book%s" % (plural(len(images)), len(images), plural(len(images))))
        for item in images:
            bookid = item['bookid']
            bookimg = item['bookimg']
            bookname = item['bookname']
            newimg = cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
            if newimg is not None:
                myDB.action('update books set BookImg="%s" where BookID="%s"' % (newimg, bookid))

    images = myDB.select('select AuthorID, AuthorImg, AuthorName from authors where AuthorImg like "http%"')
    if len(images):
        logger.info("Caching image%s for %i author%s" % (plural(len(images)), len(images), plural(len(images))))
        for item in images:
            authorid = item['authorid']
            authorimg = item['authorimg']
            authorname = item['authorname']
            newimg = cache_cover(authorid, authorimg)
            if newimg is not None:
                myDB.action('update authors set AuthorImg="%s" where AuthorID="%s"' % (newimg, authorid))
    logger.info('Library scan complete')
    return new_book_count
コード例 #16
def getBookCover(bookID=None):
    """ Return link to a local file containing a book cover image for a bookid.
        Try 1. Local file cached from goodreads/googlebooks when book was imported
            2. cover.jpg if we have the book
            3. LibraryThing whatwork
            4. Goodreads search if book was imported from goodreads
            5. Google images search
        Return None if no cover available. """
    if not bookID:
        logger.error("getBookCover- No bookID")
        return None

    cachedir = lazylibrarian.CACHEDIR
    coverfile = os.path.join(cachedir, bookID + '.jpg')

    if os.path.isfile(coverfile):  # use cached image if there is one
        lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT = int(lazylibrarian.CACHE_HIT) + 1
        logger.debug(u"getBookCover: Returning Cached response for %s" % coverfile)
        coverlink = 'cache/' + bookID + '.jpg'
        return coverlink

    lazylibrarian.CACHE_MISS = int(lazylibrarian.CACHE_MISS) + 1

    myDB = database.DBConnection()
    item = myDB.match('select BookFile from books where bookID="%s"' % bookID)
    if item:
        bookfile = item['BookFile']
        if bookfile:  # we may have a cover.jpg in the same folder
            bookdir = os.path.dirname(bookfile)
            coverimg = os.path.join(bookdir, "cover.jpg")
            if os.path.isfile(coverimg):
                logger.debug(u"getBookCover: Copying book cover to %s" % coverfile)
                shutil.copyfile(coverimg, coverfile)
                coverlink = 'cache/' + bookID + '.jpg'
                return coverlink

    # if no cover.jpg, see if librarything workpage has a cover
    work = getBookWork(bookID, "Cover")
    if work:
            img = work.split('og:image')[1].split('="')[1].split('"')[0]
            if img and img.startswith('http'):
                coverlink = cache_cover(bookID, img)
                if coverlink:
                    logger.debug(u"getBookCover: Caching librarything cover for %s" % bookID)
                    return coverlink
                logger.debug("getBookCover: No image found in work page for %s" % bookID)
        except IndexError:
            logger.debug('getBookCover: Image not found in work page for %s' % bookID)

    # not found in librarything work page, try to get a cover from goodreads or google instead

    item = myDB.match('select BookName,AuthorName,BookLink from books where bookID="%s"' % bookID)
    if item:
        title = safe_unicode(item['BookName']).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
        author = safe_unicode(item['AuthorName']).encode(lazylibrarian.SYS_ENCODING)
        booklink = item['BookLink']
        safeparams = urllib.quote_plus("%s %s" % (author, title))

        if 'goodreads' in booklink:
            # if the bookID is a goodreads one, we can call https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/{bookID}
            # and scrape the page for og:image
            # <meta property="og:image" content="https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/photo.goodreads.com/books/1388267702i/16304._UY475_SS475_.jpg"/>
            # to get the cover

            time_now = int(time.time())
            if time_now <= lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS:
                lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS = time_now
            result, success = fetchURL(booklink)
            if success:
                    img = result.split('og:image')[1].split('="')[1].split('"')[0]
                except IndexError:
                    img = None
                if img and img.startswith('http') and 'nocover' not in img and 'nophoto' not in img:
                    time_now = int(time.time())
                    if time_now <= lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS:
                        lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS = time_now
                    coverlink = cache_cover(bookID, img)
                    if coverlink:
                        logger.debug("getBookCover: Caching goodreads cover for %s %s" % (author, title))
                        return coverlink
                        logger.debug("getBookCover: Error getting goodreads image for %s, [%s]" % (img, result))
                    logger.debug("getBookCover: No image found in goodreads page for %s" % bookID)
                logger.debug("getBookCover: Error getting page %s, [%s]" % (booklink, result))

        # if this failed, try a google image search...
        # tbm=isch      search images
        # tbs=isz:l     large images
        # ift:jpg       jpeg file type
        URL = "https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&tbs=isz:l,ift:jpg&as_q=" + safeparams + "+ebook"
        result, success = fetchURL(URL)
        if success:
                img = result.split('url?q=')[1].split('">')[1].split('src="')[1].split('"')[0]
            except IndexError:
                img = None
            if img and img.startswith('http'):
                coverlink = cache_cover(bookID, img)
                if coverlink:
                    logger.debug("getBookCover: Caching google cover for %s %s" % (author, title))
                    return coverlink
                    logger.debug("getBookCover: Error getting google image %s, [%s]" % (img, result))
                logger.debug("getBookCover: No image found in google page for %s" % bookID)
            logger.debug("getBookCover: Error getting google page for %s, [%s]" % (safeparams, result))
    return None
コード例 #17
ファイル: gr.py プロジェクト: forge33/LazyLibrarian
    def find_book(self, bookid=None, queue=None):
        myDB = database.DBConnection()

        URL = 'https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/' + bookid + '?' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)

            rootxml, in_cache = get_xml_request(URL)
            if rootxml is None:
                logger.debug("Error requesting book")
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Error finding book: %s" % e)

        bookLanguage = rootxml.find('./book/language_code').text
        bookname = rootxml.find('./book/title').text

        if not bookLanguage:
            bookLanguage = "Unknown"
# PAB user has said they want this book, don't block for bad language, just warn
        valid_langs = ([valid_lang.strip() for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')])
        if bookLanguage not in valid_langs:
            logger.debug('Book %s language does not match preference' % bookname)

        if (rootxml.find('./book/publication_year').text is None):
            bookdate = "0000"
            bookdate = rootxml.find('./book/publication_year').text

            bookimg = rootxml.find('./book/img_url').text
            if 'assets/nocover' in bookimg:
                bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

        authorname = rootxml.find('./book/authors/author/name').text
        bookdesc = rootxml.find('./book/description').text
        bookisbn = rootxml.find('./book/isbn').text
        bookpub = rootxml.find('./book/publisher').text
        booklink = rootxml.find('./book/link').text
        bookrate = float(rootxml.find('./book/average_rating').text)
        bookpages = rootxml.find('.book/num_pages').text

        name = authorname
        GR = GoodReads(name)
        author = GR.find_author_id()
        if author:
            AuthorID = author['authorid']

        booksub = ''
        bookname = unaccented(bookname)
        if ': ' in bookname:
            parts = bookname.split(': ', 1)
            bookname = parts[0]
            booksub = parts[1]

        dic = {':': '', '"': '', '\'': ''}
        bookname = replace_all(bookname, dic)
        bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace
        booksub = replace_all(booksub, dic)
        booksub = booksub.strip()  # strip whitespace
        if booksub:
           series,seriesNum = bookSeries(booksub)
           series,seriesNum = bookSeries(bookname)

        controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorName": authorname,
            "AuthorID": AuthorID,
            "AuthorLink": None,
            "BookName": bookname,
            "BookSub": booksub,
            "BookDesc": bookdesc,
            "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
            "BookPub": bookpub,
            "BookGenre": None,
            "BookImg": bookimg,
            "BookLink": booklink,
            "BookRate": bookrate,
            "BookPages": bookpages,
            "BookDate": bookdate,
            "BookLang": bookLanguage,
            "Status": "Wanted",
            "BookAdded": today(),
            "Series": series,
            "SeriesNum": seriesNum

        myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.debug("%s added to the books database" % bookname)

        if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
            # try to get a cover from librarything
            workcover = getBookCover(bookid)
            if workcover:
                logger.debug(u'Updated cover for %s to %s' % (bookname, workcover))
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        elif bookimg and bookimg.startswith('http'):
            link = cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
            if link is not None:
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        if seriesNum == None:
            #  try to get series info from librarything
            series, seriesNum = getWorkSeries(bookid)
            if seriesNum:
                logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' % (series, seriesNum))
                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                newValueDict = {
                    "Series": series,
                    "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        worklink = getWorkPage(bookid)
        if worklink:
            controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
            newValueDict = {"WorkPage": worklink}
            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
コード例 #18
    def get_author_books(self, authorid=None, authorname=None, refresh=False):
        api_hits = 0
        gr_lang_hits = 0
        lt_lang_hits = 0
        gb_lang_change = 0
        cache_hits = 0
        not_cached = 0
        URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/author/list/' + authorid + '.xml?' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)

        # Artist is loading
        myDB = database.DBConnection()
        controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            rootxml, in_cache = get_xml_request(URL, useCache=not refresh)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Error fetching author books: %s" % str(e))
        if rootxml is None:
            logger.debug("Error requesting author books")
        if not in_cache:
            api_hits = api_hits + 1
        resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('book')

        valid_langs = ([valid_lang.strip() for valid_lang in lazylibrarian.IMP_PREFLANG.split(',')])

        if not len(resultxml):
            logger.warn('[%s] No books found for author with ID: %s' % (authorname, authorid))
            logger.debug("[%s] Now processing books with GoodReads API" % authorname)

            resultsCount = 0
            removedResults = 0
            duplicates = 0
            ignored = 0
            added_count = 0
            updated_count = 0
            book_ignore_count = 0
            total_count = 0
            logger.debug(u"url " + URL)

            authorNameResult = rootxml.find('./author/name').text
            logger.debug(u"author name " + authorNameResult)
            loopCount = 1

            isbn_979_dict = {
                "10": "fre",
                "11": "kor",
                "12": "ita"
            isbn_978_dict = {
                "0": "eng",
                "1": "eng",
                "2": "fre",
                "3": "ger",
                "4": "jap",
                "5": "rus"

            while resultxml:
                for book in resultxml:
                    total_count = total_count + 1

                    if (book.find('publication_year').text is None):
                        pubyear = "0000"
                        pubyear = book.find('publication_year').text

                        bookimg = book.find('image_url').text
                        if ('nocover' in bookimg):
                            bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'
                    except (KeyError, AttributeError):
                        bookimg = 'images/nocover.png'

                    bookLanguage = "Unknown"
                    find_field = "id"
                    isbn = ""
                    isbnhead = ""
                    if "All" not in valid_langs:  # do we care about language
                        if book.find('isbn').text:
                            find_field = "isbn"
                            isbn = book.find('isbn').text
                            isbnhead = isbn[0:3]
                            if book.find('isbn13').text:
                                find_field = "isbn13"
                                isbn = book.find('isbn13').text
                                isbnhead = isbn[3:6]
                        if (find_field != 'id'):  # isbn10 or isbn13 found
                            # Try to use shortcut of ISBN identifier codes described here...
                            # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISBN_identifier_groups
                            if isbnhead != "":
                                if find_field == "isbn13" and isbn.startswith('979'):
                                    for item in isbn_979_dict:
                                        if isbnhead.startswith(item):
                                            bookLanguage = isbn_979_dict[item]
                                    if bookLanguage != "Unknown":
                                        logger.debug("ISBN979 returned %s for %s" % (bookLanguage, isbnhead))
                                elif (find_field == "isbn") or (find_field == "isbn13" and isbn.startswith('978')):
                                    for item in isbn_978_dict:
                                        if isbnhead.startswith(item):
                                            bookLanguage = isbn_978_dict[item]
                                    if bookLanguage != "Unknown":
                                        logger.debug("ISBN978 returned %s for %s" % (bookLanguage, isbnhead))

                        if bookLanguage == "Unknown":
                            # Nothing in the isbn dictionary, try any cached results
                            match = myDB.match('SELECT lang FROM languages where isbn = "%s"' % (isbnhead))
                            if match:
                                bookLanguage = match['lang']
                                cache_hits = cache_hits + 1
                                logger.debug("Found cached language [%s] for %s [%s]" %
                                             (bookLanguage, find_field, isbnhead))
                                # no match in cache, try searching librarything for a language code using the isbn
                                # if no language found, librarything return value is "invalid" or "unknown"
                                # returns plain text, not xml
                                BOOK_URL = 'http://www.librarything.com/api/thingLang.php?isbn=' + isbn
                                    resp = urllib2.urlopen(BOOK_URL, timeout=30).read()
                                    lt_lang_hits = lt_lang_hits + 1
                                    logger.debug("LibraryThing reports language [%s] for %s" % (resp, isbnhead))

                                    if ('invalid' in resp or 'Unknown' in resp):
                                        bookLanguage = "Unknown"
                                        bookLanguage = resp  # found a language code
                                        myDB.action('insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' %
                                                    (isbnhead, bookLanguage))
                                        logger.debug(u"LT language %s: %s" % (isbnhead, bookLanguage))
                                except Exception as e:
                                    logger.error("Error finding LT language result for [%s], %s" % (isbn, str(e)))

                        if bookLanguage == "Unknown":
                            # still  no earlier match, we'll have to search the goodreads api
                                if book.find(find_field).text:
                                    BOOK_URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/book/show?id=' + \
                                        book.find(find_field).text + '&' + urllib.urlencode(self.params)
                                    logger.debug(u"Book URL: " + BOOK_URL)

                                        time_now = int(time.time())
                                        if time_now <= lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS:

                                        BOOK_rootxml, in_cache = get_xml_request(BOOK_URL)
                                        if BOOK_rootxml is None:
                                            logger.debug('Error requesting book language code')
                                            bookLanguage = ""
                                            if not in_cache:
                                                # only update last_goodreads if the result wasn't found in the cache
                                                lazylibrarian.LAST_GOODREADS = time_now
                                            bookLanguage = BOOK_rootxml.find('./book/language_code').text
                                    except Exception as e:
                                        logger.error("Error finding book results: %s" % str(e))
                                    if not in_cache:
                                        gr_lang_hits = gr_lang_hits + 1
                                    if not bookLanguage:
                                        bookLanguage = "Unknown"
                                        # At this point, give up?
                                        # WhatWork on author/title doesn't give us a language.
                                        # It might give us the "original language" of the book (but not always)
                                        # and our copy might not be in the original language anyway
                                        # eg "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" original language Swedish
                                        # If we have an isbn, try WhatISBN to get alternatives
                                        # in case any of them give us a language, but it seems if thinglang doesn't
                                        # have a language for the first isbn code, it doesn't for any of the
                                        # alternatives either
                                        # Goodreads search results don't include the language. Although sometimes
                                        # it's in the html page, it's not in the xml results

                                    if (isbnhead != ""):
                                        # if GR didn't give an isbn we can't cache it, just use language for this book
                                        myDB.action('insert into languages values ("%s", "%s")' %
                                                    (isbnhead, bookLanguage))
                                        logger.debug("GoodReads reports language [%s] for %s" %
                                                     (bookLanguage, isbnhead))
                                        not_cached = not_cached + 1

                                    logger.debug(u"GR language: " + bookLanguage)
                                    logger.debug("No %s provided for [%s]" % (find_field, book.find('title').text))
                                    # continue

                            except Exception as e:
                                logger.debug(u"Goodreads language search failed: %s" % str(e))

                        if bookLanguage not in valid_langs:
                            logger.debug('Skipped %s with language %s' % (book.find('title').text, bookLanguage))
                            ignored = ignored + 1
                    bookname = book.find('title').text
                    bookid = book.find('id').text
                    bookdesc = book.find('description').text
                    bookisbn = book.find('isbn').text
                    bookpub = book.find('publisher').text
                    booklink = book.find('link').text
                    bookrate = float(book.find('average_rating').text)
                    bookpages = book.find('num_pages').text
                    bookname = unaccented(bookname)

                    bookname, booksub = split_title(authorNameResult, bookname)

                    dic = {':': '', '"': '', '\'': ''}
                    bookname = replace_all(bookname, dic)
                    bookname = bookname.strip()  # strip whitespace
                    booksub = replace_all(booksub, dic)
                    booksub = booksub.strip()  # strip whitespace
                    if booksub:
                        series, seriesNum = bookSeries(booksub)
                        series, seriesNum = bookSeries(bookname)

                    # GoodReads sometimes has multiple bookids for the same book (same author/title, different editions)
                    # and sometimes uses the same bookid if the book is the same but the title is slightly different
                    # We use bookid, then reject if another author/title has a different bookid so we just keep one...
                    find_book_status = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookID = "%s"' % bookid)
                    if find_book_status:
                        for resulted in find_book_status:
                            book_status = resulted['Status']
                            locked = resulted['Manual']
                        book_status = lazylibrarian.NEWBOOK_STATUS
                        locked = False

                    rejected = False

                    if re.match('[^\w-]', bookname):  # reject books with bad characters in title
                        logger.debug(u"removed result [" + bookname + "] for bad characters")
                        removedResults = removedResults + 1
                        rejected = True

                    if not rejected and not bookname:
                        logger.debug('Rejecting bookid %s for %s, no bookname' %
                                     (bookid, authorNameResult))
                        removedResults = removedResults + 1
                        rejected = True

                    if not rejected:
                        find_books = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM books WHERE BookName = "%s" and AuthorName = "%s"' %
                                                 (bookname, authorNameResult.replace('"', '""')))
                        if find_books:
                            for find_book in find_books:
                                if find_book['BookID'] != bookid:
                                    # we have a book with this author/title already
                                    logger.debug('Rejecting bookid %s for [%s][%s] already got %s' %
                                                 (find_book['BookID'], authorNameResult, bookname, bookid))
                                    duplicates = duplicates + 1
                                    rejected = True

                    if not rejected:
                        find_books = myDB.match('SELECT AuthorName,BookName FROM books WHERE BookID = "%s"' % bookid)
                        if find_books:
                            # we have a book with this bookid already
                            if bookname != find_books['BookName'] or authorNameResult != find_books['AuthorName']:
                                logger.debug('Rejecting bookid %s for [%s][%s] already got bookid for [%s][%s]' %
                                            (bookid, authorNameResult, bookname,
                                             find_books['AuthorName'], find_books['BookName']))
                                logger.debug('Rejecting bookid %s for [%s][%s] already got this book in database' %
                                             (bookid, authorNameResult, bookname))
                            duplicates = duplicates + 1
                            rejected = True

                    if not rejected:
                        if book_status != "Ignored":
                            if not locked:
                                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                newValueDict = {
                                    "AuthorName": authorNameResult,
                                    "AuthorID": authorid,
                                    "AuthorLink": None,
                                    "BookName": bookname,
                                    "BookSub": booksub,
                                    "BookDesc": bookdesc,
                                    "BookIsbn": bookisbn,
                                    "BookPub": bookpub,
                                    "BookGenre": None,
                                    "BookImg": bookimg,
                                    "BookLink": booklink,
                                    "BookRate": bookrate,
                                    "BookPages": bookpages,
                                    "BookDate": pubyear,
                                    "BookLang": bookLanguage,
                                    "Status": book_status,
                                    "BookAdded": today(),
                                    "Series": series,
                                    "SeriesNum": seriesNum

                                resultsCount = resultsCount + 1

                                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
                                logger.debug(u"Book found: " + book.find('title').text + " " + pubyear)

                            if 'nocover' in bookimg or 'nophoto' in bookimg:
                                # try to get a cover from librarything
                                workcover = getBookCover(bookid)
                                if workcover:
                                    logger.debug(u'Updated cover for %s to %s' % (bookname, workcover))
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": workcover}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            elif bookimg and bookimg.startswith('http'):
                                link = cache_cover(bookid, bookimg)
                                if link:
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {"BookImg": link}
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            if seriesNum is None:
                                # try to get series info from librarything
                                series, seriesNum = getWorkSeries(bookid)
                                if seriesNum:
                                    logger.debug(u'Updated series: %s [%s]' % (series, seriesNum))
                                    controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                    newValueDict = {
                                        "Series": series,
                                        "SeriesNum": seriesNum
                                    myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            worklink = getWorkPage(bookid)
                            if worklink:
                                controlValueDict = {"BookID": bookid}
                                newValueDict = {"WorkPage": worklink}
                                myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

                            if not find_book_status:
                                logger.debug(u"[%s] Added book: %s" % (authorname, bookname))
                                added_count = added_count + 1
                                logger.debug(u"[%s] Updated book: %s" % (authorname, bookname))
                                updated_count = updated_count + 1
                            book_ignore_count = book_ignore_count + 1

                loopCount = loopCount + 1
                URL = 'http://www.goodreads.com/author/list/' + authorid + '.xml?' + \
                      urllib.urlencode(self.params) + '&page=' + str(loopCount)
                resultxml = None
                    rootxml, in_cache = get_xml_request(URL, useCache=not refresh)
                    if rootxml is None:
                        logger.debug('Error requesting next page of results')
                        resultxml = rootxml.getiterator('book')
                        if not in_cache:
                            api_hits = api_hits + 1
                except Exception as e:
                    resultxml = None
                    logger.error("Error finding next page of results: %s" % str(e))

                if resultxml:
                    if all(False for book in resultxml):  # returns True if iterator is empty
                        resultxml = None

        lastbook = myDB.match('SELECT BookName, BookLink, BookDate from books WHERE AuthorID="%s" \
                                AND Status != "Ignored" order by BookDate DESC' % authorid)
        if lastbook:
            lastbookname = lastbook['BookName']
            lastbooklink = lastbook['BookLink']
            lastbookdate = lastbook['BookDate']
            lastbookname = None
            lastbooklink = None
            lastbookdate = None

        controlValueDict = {"AuthorID": authorid}
        newValueDict = {
            "Status": "Active",
            "LastBook": lastbookname,
            "LastLink": lastbooklink,
            "LastDate": lastbookdate
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        # This is here because GoodReads sometimes has several entries with the same BookID!
        modified_count = added_count + updated_count

        logger.debug("Found %s total book%s for author" % (total_count, plural(total_count)))
        logger.debug("Removed %s unwanted language result%s for author" % (ignored, plural(ignored)))
            "Removed %s bad character or no-name result%s for author" %
            (removedResults, plural(removedResults)))
        logger.debug("Removed %s duplicate result%s for author" % (duplicates, plural(duplicates)))
        logger.debug("Found %s book%s by author marked as Ignored" % (book_ignore_count, plural(book_ignore_count)))
        logger.debug("Imported/Updated %s book%s for author" % (modified_count, plural(modified_count)))

        myDB.action('insert into stats values ("%s", %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i)' %
                    (authorname.replace('"', '""'), api_hits, gr_lang_hits, lt_lang_hits, gb_lang_change,
                     cache_hits, ignored, removedResults, not_cached, duplicates))

        if refresh:
            logger.info("[%s] Book processing complete: Added %s book%s / Updated %s book%s" %
                        (authorname, added_count, plural(added_count), updated_count, plural(updated_count)))
            logger.info("[%s] Book processing complete: Added %s book%s to the database" %
                        (authorname, added_count, plural(added_count)))

      except Exception as e:
        logger.error('Unhandled exception in GR.get_author_books: %s' % traceback.format_exc())