コード例 #1
ファイル: test_BlobManager.py プロジェクト: lazycrazyowl/lbry
class BlobManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.blob_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.db_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        hash_announcer = DummyHashAnnouncer()
        self.bm = DiskBlobManager(hash_announcer, self.blob_dir, self.db_dir)
        self.peer = Peer('somehost', 22)

    def tearDown(self):
        # BlobFile will try to delete itself  in _close_writer
        # thus when calling rmtree we may get a FileNotFoundError
        # for the blob file
        shutil.rmtree(self.blob_dir, ignore_errors=True)

    def _create_and_add_blob(self):
        # create and add blob to blob manager
        data_len = random.randint(1, 1000)
        data = ''.join(
            random.choice(string.lowercase) for data_len in range(data_len))

        hashobj = get_lbry_hash_obj()
        out = hashobj.hexdigest()
        blob_hash = out

        # create new blob
        yield self.bm.setup()
        blob = yield self.bm.get_blob(blob_hash, len(data))

        writer, finished_d = yield blob.open_for_writing(self.peer)
        yield writer.write(data)
        yield self.bm.blob_completed(blob)
        yield self.bm.add_blob_to_upload_history(blob_hash, 'test', len(data))

        # check to see if blob is there
        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.blob_dir, blob_hash)))
        blobs = yield self.bm.get_all_verified_blobs()
        self.assertTrue(blob_hash in blobs)

    def test_create_blob(self):
        blob_hashes = []

        # create a bunch of blobs
        for i in range(0, 10):
            blob_hash = yield self._create_and_add_blob()
        blobs = yield self.bm.get_all_verified_blobs()
        self.assertEqual(10, len(blobs))

    def test_delete_blob(self):
        # create blob
        blob_hash = yield self._create_and_add_blob()
        blobs = yield self.bm.get_all_verified_blobs()
        self.assertEqual(len(blobs), 1)

        # delete blob
        yield self.bm.delete_blobs([blob_hash])
        blobs = yield self.bm.get_all_verified_blobs()
        self.assertEqual(len(blobs), 0)
        blobs = yield self.bm._get_all_blob_hashes()
        self.assertEqual(len(blobs), 0)

        # delete blob that does not exist, nothing will
        # happen
        blob_hash = random_lbry_hash()
        out = yield self.bm.delete_blobs([blob_hash])

    def test_delete_open_blob(self):
        # Test that a blob that is opened for writing will not be deleted

        # create blobs
        blob_hashes = []
        for i in range(0, 10):
            blob_hash = yield self._create_and_add_blob()
        blobs = yield self.bm.get_all_verified_blobs()
        self.assertEqual(len(blobs), 10)

        # open the last blob
        blob = yield self.bm.get_blob(blob_hashes[-1])
        writer, finished_d = yield blob.open_for_writing(self.peer)

        # delete the last blob and check if it still exists
        out = yield self.bm.delete_blobs([blob_hash])
        blobs = yield self.bm.get_all_verified_blobs()
        self.assertEqual(len(blobs), 10)
        self.assertTrue(blob_hashes[-1] in blobs)
            os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.blob_dir, blob_hashes[-1])))
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_BlobManager.py プロジェクト: zhilinwww/lbry
class BlobManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.blob_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.db_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        hash_announcer = DummyHashAnnouncer()
        self.bm = DiskBlobManager(hash_announcer, self.blob_dir, self.db_dir)
        self.peer = Peer('somehost', 22)

    def tearDown(self):
        # BlobFile will try to delete itself  in _close_writer
        # thus when calling rmtree we may get a FileNotFoundError
        # for the blob file
        shutil.rmtree(self.blob_dir, ignore_errors=True)

    def _create_and_add_blob(self, should_announce=False):
        # create and add blob to blob manager
        data_len = random.randint(1, 1000)
        data = ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for data_len in range(data_len))

        hashobj = get_lbry_hash_obj()
        out = hashobj.hexdigest()
        blob_hash = out

        # create new blob
        yield self.bm.setup()
        blob = yield self.bm.get_blob(blob_hash, len(data))

        writer, finished_d = yield blob.open_for_writing(self.peer)
        yield writer.write(data)
        yield self.bm.blob_completed(blob, should_announce)
        yield self.bm.add_blob_to_upload_history(blob_hash, 'test', len(data))

        # check to see if blob is there
        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.blob_dir, blob_hash)))
        blobs = yield self.bm.get_all_verified_blobs()
        self.assertTrue(blob_hash in blobs)

    def test_create_blob(self):
        blob_hashes = []

        # create a bunch of blobs
        for i in range(0, 10):
            blob_hash = yield self._create_and_add_blob()
        blobs = yield self.bm.get_all_verified_blobs()
        self.assertEqual(10, len(blobs))

    def test_delete_blob(self):
        # create blob
        blob_hash = yield self._create_and_add_blob()
        blobs = yield self.bm.get_all_verified_blobs()
        self.assertEqual(len(blobs), 1)

        # delete blob
        yield self.bm.delete_blobs([blob_hash])
        self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.blob_dir, blob_hash)))
        blobs = yield self.bm.get_all_verified_blobs()
        self.assertEqual(len(blobs), 0)
        blobs = yield self.bm._get_all_blob_hashes()
        self.assertEqual(len(blobs), 0)
        self.assertFalse(blob_hash in self.bm.blobs)

        # delete blob that was already deleted once
        out = yield self.bm.delete_blobs([blob_hash])

        # delete blob that does not exist, nothing will
        # happen
        blob_hash = random_lbry_hash()
        out = yield self.bm.delete_blobs([blob_hash])

    def test_delete_open_blob(self):
        # Test that a blob that is opened for writing will not be deleted

        # create blobs
        blob_hashes = []
        for i in range(0, 10):
            blob_hash = yield self._create_and_add_blob()
        blobs = yield self.bm.get_all_verified_blobs()
        self.assertEqual(len(blobs), 10)

        # open the last blob
        blob = yield self.bm.get_blob(blob_hashes[-1])
        writer, finished_d = yield blob.open_for_writing(self.peer)

        # delete the last blob and check if it still exists
        out = yield self.bm.delete_blobs([blob_hash])
        blobs = yield self.bm.get_all_verified_blobs()
        self.assertEqual(len(blobs), 10)
        self.assertTrue(blob_hashes[-1] in blobs)
        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.blob_dir, blob_hashes[-1])))

    def test_should_announce(self):
        # create blob with should announce
        blob_hash = yield self._create_and_add_blob(should_announce=True)
        out = yield self.bm.get_should_announce(blob_hash)
        count = yield self.bm.count_should_announce_blobs()
        self.assertEqual(1, count)

        # set should annouce to False
        out = yield self.bm.set_should_announce(blob_hash, should_announce=False)
        out = yield self.bm.get_should_announce(blob_hash)
        count = yield self.bm.count_should_announce_blobs()
        self.assertEqual(0, count)