def show_lcd(message, line=1) : if line == 1 : lcd.home() lcd.message(message) if line == 2 : lcd.setCursor(1,2) lcd.message(message)
def setup(): print ("starting Poolpi...") log.init() log.log(log.ALWAYS, "***********************************") log.log(log.ALWAYS, "Starting PoolPi " + VERSION + " " + DATE) log.log(log.ALWAYS, "***********************************") cfg.VERSION = VERSION # init pijuice to monitor power status if (power.init() == ERROR): gv.piJuicePresent = False; # init equipment control if (equipment.init() == ERROR): return ERROR # init serial and lcd if (lcd.init() == ERROR): return ERROR lcd.setCursor(1,1) lcd.printLineCenter(VERSION) lcd.setCursor(2,1) lcd.printLineCenter(DATE) # init buttons buttons.init() # init event timer timer.init() # init redis redispy.init() # start temp sensor thread ow.init() if (ow.start() == ERROR): return ERROR log.log(log.ALWAYS, "setup() complete") return NOERROR
from os import system as sys from time import sleep from transmission import Transmission import lcd lcd = lcd.lcd() lcd.begin(16,2) lcd.clear() sys("service transmission-daemon start") lcd.clear() lcd.message("Booting to TOXIC\nT- seconds left") for i in range(5,0,-1): lcd.setCursor(2,1) lcd.message(str(i)) sleep(1) # Enter specific details here client = Transmission(host='IP_ADDRESS', port=PORT, username='******', password='******') lcd.clear() lcd.message("TOX: __d __s __p\nUp:____|Dwn:____") def adjust(speed): speed = int(speed)/1024 if speed < 1000 : speed = str(str(speed)+'K').rjust(4) else : speed = str(float(speed)/1024) speed = str(speed[0:speed.find('.')]+'M').rjust(4)
def delay_ms(delay): start = time.time() * 1000.0 while ((time.time() * 1000.0 - start) < delay): pass return time.time() * 1000.0 - start #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': log.init() init() lcd.init() lcd.setCursor(1, 1) lcd.printStr("Button Test") print print("Press a button to test. Button 4 to end") val = 0 loop = True while (loop): val = readButtons() if (val > 0): lcd.setCursor(2, 1) lcd.printStr("Button " + str(val) + " ") print("Button " + str(val) + " is pressed") if (val == 4): loop = False