def sigterm_handler(signal, frame): lcd.clear() lcd.display_string(" BYE! :) ", 1) sleep(1) lcd.backlight(0) sys.exit()
import time import serial import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import lcddriver as lcd global ser os.putenv('DISPLAY', ':0.0') pygame.init() pygame.joystick.init() pygame.display.init() lcd = lcd.lcd() lcd.display_string("Enabling TeleOP", 1) lcd.display_string("Initializing...", 2) time.sleep(2) lcd.clear() print() print(" -=- Tele Op Control Test -=- ") print(" Version 1.0 ") print() #var to keep track of program state shouldRun = True print(" [INFO] Attempting to Connect to Xbox Controller") try: j = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)
lcd.display_string_pos(chr(min(4,math.floor((percentage-(x*100/6))/((100/6/4))+1))),row,9+x) else: lcd.display_string_pos(" ",row,9+x) def sigterm_handler(signal, frame): lcd.clear() lcd.display_string(" BYE! :) ", 1) sleep(1) lcd.backlight(0) sys.exit() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) WAIT_TIME = 4 lcd.clear() lcd.display_string('hostname').readline())[:-1],16,' '),1) lcd.display_string(" STARTING ",2) sleep(WAIT_TIME) lcd.clear() try: while (1): #CPU & RAM usage lcd.display_string("CPU % "+chr(126)+" "+chr(127),1) lcd.display_string("RAM % "+chr(126)+" "+chr(127),2) for x in range(WAIT_TIME): cpupct=ps.cpu_percent() rampct=ps.virtual_memory()[2] lcd.display_string_pos(str(math.floor(cpupct)).rjust(3),1,3) lcd.display_string_pos(str(math.floor(rampct)).rjust(3),2,3)
# network status get function def get_bytes(t, iface='enp2s0'): with open('/sys/class/net/' + iface + '/statistics/' + t + '_bytes', 'r') as f: data =; return int(data) # load lcd lcd = lcd.lcd() # test code #lcd.display_string("11111111111111111111222222222222222222223333333333333333333344444444444444444444", 1) # get hostname #hostname=str(os.popen('hostname').readline())[:-1] lcd.display_string("####################",1) lcd.display_string("WELCOME TO ODROID H2",2) lcd.display_string("LCD SERVICE STARTED.",3) lcd.display_string("####################",4) sleep(10) while True: # foot powered coding #cpuUsage=str(round(float(os.popen('''grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage }' ''').readline()),2)) #tot_m, used_m, free_m = map(int, os.popen('free -t -m').readlines()[-1].split()[1:]) #percentMem=str(round(used_m/tot_m))
import lcddriver as lcd lcd.clear() lcd.display_string(" BYE! :) ", 1) sleep(1) lcd.backlight(0) sys.exit()
def attemptConnect(): try: pygame.init() pygame.joystick.init() pygame.display.init() j = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) j.init() print(' [INFO::CONTROLLER] Controller Connected: ' + j.get_name()) joyName = j.get_name() lcd.clear() longString = "Controller Connected: " + joyName lcd.display_string(longString[0:15], 1) time.sleep(1) for i in range(0, len(longString) - 14): lcd.display_string(longString[i:i + 15], 1) time.sleep(.1) time.sleep(1) lcd.clear() lcd.display_string("Waiting for User", 1) lcd.display_string("Start+Select+A", 2) except pygame.error: print( ' [INFO::CONTROLLER] Failed to connect to controller... Program restarting in 5 seconds' ) pygame.display.quit() pygame.quit() lcd.clear() for i in range(0, 5): lcd.display_string("No Controller!", 1) lcd.display_string("Refreshing: " + str(5 - i), 2) time.sleep(1) attemptConnect()
import os import sys import pygame from pygame import locals import time import lcddriver as lcd print() print(" -=- Controller Detector -=- ") print(" Version 1.0 ") print() lcd = lcd.lcd() lcd.display_string("Tele OP Ver: 1.0", 1) lcd.display_string("Initializing...", 2) time.sleep(2) lcd.clear() print(" [INFO] Attempting to Connect to Xbox Controller") pygame.init() pygame.joystick.init() pygame.display.init() def attemptConnect(): try: pygame.init() pygame.joystick.init() pygame.display.init()
# import modules import lcddriver as lcd import os import psutil as ps from time import time from time import sleep from datetime import datetime lcd = lcd.lcd() # lcd.display_string("####################",1) lcd.display_string("STOP LCD...", 1) lcd.display_string("SHUTDOWN...", 2) # lcd.display_string("####################",4) sleep(5) lcd.clear() lcd.backlight_off()
#percentMem=str(round(used_m/tot_m)) # read hdd state from hdparm hddstate=str(os.popen('hdparm -C /dev/sda | grep state | cut -f 2 -d :').readline())[2:][:-1] if hddstate=="standby": hddstr="SLEEP" else : hddstr="WAKE" # line 1 print (hddstate, friendly name) # lcd.display_string("HDD:"+hddstr.rjust(5)+" ODROID-H2", 1) # line 2 print (cpu, memory) # use psutil to get CPU usage and Memory Usage lcd.display_string("CPU:"+str(int(ps.cpu_percent())).rjust(2)+"%"+" "+"MEM:"+str(int(ps.virtual_memory()[2])).rjust(2)+"%", 1) # get network speed for 1sec # tx1 = get_bytes('tx') # rx1 = get_bytes('rx') # sleep(1) # tx2 = get_bytes('tx') # rx2 = get_bytes('rx') # tx_speed = (tx2 - tx1)/1000000.0 # rx_speed = (rx2 - rx1)/1000000.0 # line 3 print (network speed) # bps -> mpbs (*8) # lcd.display_string("TX: "+str(round(tx_speed*8)).zfill(3)+" RX: "+str(round(rx_speed*8)).zfill(3)+" Mbps", 3) # line 4 print (cputemp, date, time)
# import modules import lcddriver as lcd import os import psutil as ps from time import time from time import sleep from datetime import datetime lcd = lcd.lcd() lcd.display_string("####################", 1) lcd.display_string("STOP ODROIDLCD...", 2) lcd.display_string("SYSTEM SHUTDOWN...", 3) lcd.display_string("####################", 4) sleep(5) lcd.clear() lcd.backlight_off()