コード例 #1
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: cerha/lcg
 def _localizable(self, value):
     unit = None
     if self._precision is not None:
         precision = self._precision
     elif value % 1 == 0:
         value = int(value)
         if self._abbreviate:
             for (amount, u) in self._UNITS:
                 # Prefer 1,234,000 over 1.234 mil. and abbreviate only when there are
                 # at most 2 significant digits, such as 1.23 mil.  This does not apply
                 # for higher levels, so 1.234 bil. is better than 1,234 mil.
                 precision = 2 if amount == 10 ** 6 else 3
                 if value >= amount and value % (amount / 10 ** precision) == 0:
                     value /= float(amount)
                     unit = u
                     while precision and int((10 ** precision) * value) % 10 == 0:
                         precision -= 1
                 precision = 0
             precision = 0
         precision = 2
     result = self._LOCALIZABLE(value, precision=precision)
     if unit:
         result = lcg.concat(result, u'\xa0', unit)
     return result
コード例 #2
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: brailcom/pytis
 def _format(self, context):
     g = context.generator()
     if self.spec.display():
         values = self._row.display(self.id, export=localizable_export, single=False)
         values = [v.export() for v in self._value().value()]
     return lcg.concat([g.span(value) for value in values], separator=', ')
コード例 #3
ファイル: export.py プロジェクト: brailcom/wiking
 def _submenu(self, context):
     if not context.has_submenu:
         return None
     g = self._generator
     top = context.top_node()
     tree = lcg.FoldableTree(top, label=_("Local navigation: %s", top.title()),
                             tooltip=_("Expand/collapse complete menu hierarchy"))
     content = tree.export(context)
     req = context.req()
     application = context.application
     title = application.menu_panel_title(req)
     if title:
         content = lcg.concat(g.h(title, 3, role='presentation', aria_hidden='true'), content)
     bottom_content = application.menu_panel_bottom_content(req)
     if bottom_content:
         content = lcg.concat(content, bottom_content.export(context))
     return g.div(content, cls='menu-panel')
コード例 #4
 def _submenu(self, context):
     if not context.has_submenu:
         return None
     g = self._generator
     top = context.top_node()
     tree = lcg.FoldableTree(top, label=_("Local navigation: %s", top.title()),
                             tooltip=_("Expand/collapse complete menu hierarchy"))
     content = tree.export(context)
     req = context.req()
     application = context.application
     title = application.menu_panel_title(req)
     if title:
         content = lcg.concat(g.h3(title, role='presentation', aria_hidden='true'), content)
     bottom_content = application.menu_panel_bottom_content(req)
     if bottom_content:
         content = lcg.concat(content, bottom_content.export(context))
     return g.div(content, cls='menu-panel')
コード例 #5
 def _format(self, context):
     g = context.generator()
     if self.spec.display():
         values = self._row.display(self.id,
         values = [v.export() for v in self._value().value()]
     return lcg.concat([g.span(value) for value in values], separator=', ')
コード例 #6
 def _export_results(self, context, exercise, exercise_id):
     g = context.generator()
     return g.div((g.div(concat([g.label(label, exercise_id + '.' + name) +
                                 g.input(type='text', name=name, id=exercise_id + '.' + name,
                                         size=30, readonly=True)
                                 for name, label, help in self._INDICATORS],
                   g.div([g.button(label, type=t, cls=name, title=hlp)
                          for label, t, name, hlp in self._BUTTONS],
コード例 #7
ファイル: exercises_html.py プロジェクト: dusek/lcg
 def _export_results(self, context, exercise, exercise_id):
     g = context.generator()
     return g.div((g.div(concat([g.label(label, exercise_id + '.' + name) +
                                 g.input(type='text', name=name, id=exercise_id + '.' + name,
                                         size=30, readonly=True)
                                 for name, label, help in self._INDICATORS],
                   g.div([g.button(label, type=t, cls=name, title=hlp)
                          for label, t, name, hlp in self._BUTTONS],
コード例 #8
ファイル: export.py プロジェクト: dusek/wiking
 def _links(self, context):
     g = self._generator
     links = [g.a(_("Main content"), href='#main-heading', accesskey="2")]
     if context.has_menu or context.has_submenu:
         links.append(g.a(_("Main navigation"), href='#main-navigation'))
         if context.has_menu and context.has_submenu:
             links.append(g.a(_("Local navigation"), href='#local-navigation'))
     if len(context.node().variants()) > 1:
         links.append(g.a(_("Language selection"), href='#language-selection-anchor'))
     if context.req().show_panels():
         for panel in context.panels():
             links.append(g.a(panel.accessible_title(), href='#panel-%s-anchor ' % panel.id()))
     return _("Jump in page") + ": " + lcg.concat(links, separator=' | ')
コード例 #9
 def _choice_control(self, context, exercise, exercise_id, task, choice):
     g = context.generator()
     result = self._choice_text(context, exercise, exercise_id, task, choice)
     if context.allow_interactivity():
         i = task.choices().index(choice)
         task_name = self._task_id(exercise, exercise_id, task)
         choice_id = task_name + '-ch%d' % (i + 1)
         checked = self._checked(context, exercise, exercise_id, task, i)
         # Disable only the unchecked fields in the read-only mode.  This makes the selection
         # unchangable in practice and has also the advantage that the checked fields can be
         # navigated, which is even better than using the `readonly' attribute (which doesn't
         # work in browsers anyway).
         disabled = self._readonly(context) and not checked
         ctrl = g.radio(task_name, id=choice_id, value=i,
                        cls='answer-control', checked=checked, disabled=disabled)
         result = concat(ctrl, ' ', g.label(result, choice_id))
     return result
コード例 #10
ファイル: exercises_html.py プロジェクト: dusek/lcg
 def _choice_control(self, context, exercise, exercise_id, task, choice):
     g = context.generator()
     result = self._choice_text(context, exercise, exercise_id, task, choice)
     if context.allow_interactivity():
         i = task.choices().index(choice)
         task_name = self._task_id(exercise, exercise_id, task)
         choice_id = task_name + '-ch%d' % (i + 1)
         checked = self._checked(context, exercise, exercise_id, task, i)
         # Disable only the unchecked fields in the read-only mode.  This makes the selection
         # unchangable in practice and has also the advantage that the checked fields can be
         # navigated, which is even better than using the `readonly' attribute (which doesn't work
         # in browsers anyway).
         disabled = self._readonly(context) and not checked
         ctrl = g.radio(task_name, id=choice_id, value=i,
                        cls='answer-control', checked=checked, disabled=disabled)
         result = concat(ctrl, ' ', g.label(result, choice_id))
     return result
コード例 #11
ファイル: export.py プロジェクト: dusek/wiking
 def _menu(self, context):
     g = self._generator
     items = [item for item in context.node().root().children() if not item.hidden()]
     if items:
         top = context.top_node()
         n = len(items)
         style = "width: %d%%" % (100 / n)
         last_style = "width: %d%%" % (100 - (100 / n * (n - 1)))
         first, last = items[0], items[-1]
         menu = [g.li(g.a(item.title(), href=self._uri_node(context, item),
                          title=item.descr(), accesskey=(item is first and '1' or None),
                          cls='navigation-link' + (item is top and ' current' or ''),
                          ) + (item is top and self._hidden(' *') or ''),
                      style=(item is last and last_style or style))
                 for item in items]
         title = g.a(_("Main navigation") + ':', name='main-navigation', accesskey="3")
         return lcg.concat(g.h(title, 3), g.div(g.ul(*menu), id='main-menu'))
         return None
コード例 #12
ファイル: handler.py プロジェクト: dusek/wiking
 def mknode(item):
     # Caution - make the same uri transformation as above to get same
     # results in all cases (such as for '/').
     item_uri = "/" + item.id().strip("/")
     if item_uri == uri:
         # Note, the document title should not override the menu item title.
         # Only the main page heading is affected, but the ContentNode's
         # title matches the MenuItem's title.
         title = document.title() or item.title()
         if title and document.subtitle():
             title = lcg.concat(title, " :: ", document.subtitle())
         heading = lcg.TextContent(title)
         content = document.content()
         if isinstance(content, (list, tuple)):
             content = lcg.Container([c for c in content if c is not None])
         variants = document.variants()
         if variants is None:
             variants = item.variants()
         globals_ = document.globals()
         variants = item.variants()
         heading = None
         content = None
         globals_ = None
     if variants is None:
         variants = all_variants
     node = lcg.ContentNode(
         variants=[lcg.Variant(v) for v in variants],
         hidden=item.hidden() or lang not in variants,
         children=[mknode(i) for i in item.submenu()],
     nodes[item_uri] = node
     return node
コード例 #13
    def _export_results(self, context, exercise, exercise_id):
        if not self._show_results(context):
            return None
        g = context.generator()
        points = self.eval(context.req())
        # TODO: Display invalid value of entered added points within tutor's evaluation
        # (to let the tutor fix it).
        added = self.added_points(context.req())
        max = self.max_points()

        def field(label, name, value, size=6, readonly=True, **kwargs):
            field_id = exercise_id + '-' + name
            return (g.label(label, field_id) + ' ' +
                    g.input(type='text', name=id, value=value, id=field_id, size=size,
                            readonly=readonly, cls=(readonly and 'display' or None), **kwargs))
        if points < max and isinstance(self, FillInTestExporter):
            if added is None:
                total_points = points
                total_points = points + added
            # Javascript code to update the displayed total points dynamically.
            onchange = ("if (this.value=='') { points = 0; err='' } "
                        "else if (isNaN(this.value)) { points = 0; err=' %(err_invalid)s' } "
                        "else { points = parseInt(this.value); err='' }; "
                        "if (points+%(points)d > %(max)d) { points=0; err=' %(err_exceed)s' } "
                        "this.form.elements['%(exercise_id)s-total-points'].value = "
                        "(points + %(points)d) + '/%(max)d'+err" %
                        dict(points=points, max=max, exercise_id=exercise_id,
                             err_invalid=_("Invalid value in added points!"),
                             err_exceed=_("Max. points exceeded!")))
            readonly = context.req().param('--allow-tutor-evaluation') is not True
            fields = [field(_("Automatic evaluation:"), 'points', points),
                      field(_("Additional points by tutor:"), 'added-points', added or 0,
                            readonly=readonly, onchange=(not readonly and onchange or None)),
                      field(_("Total points:"), 'total-points', '%d/%d' % (total_points, max),
            fields = [field(_("Total points:"), 'total-points', '%d/%d' % (points, max))]
        return g.div(concat(fields, separator=g.br()), cls='results')
コード例 #14
ファイル: exercises_html.py プロジェクト: dusek/lcg
 def _export_results(self, context, exercise, exercise_id):
     if not self._show_results(context):
         return None
     g = context.generator()
     points = self.eval(context.req())
     # TODO: Display invalid value of entered added points within tutor's evaluation
     # (to let the tutor fix it).
     added = self.added_points(context.req())
     max = self.max_points()
     def field(label, name, value, size=6, readonly=True, **kwargs):
         field_id = exercise_id + '-' + name
         return (g.label(label, field_id) + ' ' +
                 g.input(type='text', name=id, value=value, id=field_id, size=size,
                         readonly=readonly, cls=(readonly and 'display' or None), **kwargs))
     if points < max and isinstance(self, FillInTestExporter):
         if added is None:
             total_points = points
             total_points = points + added
         # Javascript code to update the displayed total points dynamically.
         onchange = ("if (this.value=='') { points = 0; err='' } "
                     "else if (isNaN(this.value)) { points = 0; err=' %(err_invalid)s' } "
                     "else { points = parseInt(this.value); err='' }; "
                     "if (points+%(points)d > %(max)d) { points=0; err=' %(err_exceed)s' } "
                     "this.form.elements['%(exercise_id)s-total-points'].value = "
                     "(points + %(points)d) + '/%(max)d'+err" %
                     dict(points=points, max=max, exercise_id=exercise_id,
                          err_invalid=_("Invalid value in added points!"),
                          err_exceed=_("Max. points exceeded!")))
         readonly = context.req().param('--allow-tutor-evaluation') is not True
         fields = [field(_("Automatic evaluation:"), 'points', points),
                   field(_("Additional points by tutor:"), 'added-points', added or 0,
                         readonly=readonly, onchange=(not readonly and onchange or None)),
                   field(_("Total points:"), 'total-points', '%d/%d' % (total_points, max),
         fields = [field(_("Total points:"), 'total-points', '%d/%d' % (points, max))]
     return g.div(concat(fields, separator=g.br()), cls='results')
コード例 #15
ファイル: exercises_html.py プロジェクト: dusek/lcg
 def _make_field(self, context, exercise, exercise_id, task, text):
     g = context.generator()
     self._field_number += 1
     field_id = self._task_id(exercise, exercise_id, task) + '-f%d' % self._field_number
     size = len(text)
     if size >= 2 and text == (size * '?'):
         # If the box contains just question marks, it means an unknown answer of one
         # word (two question marks) or one sencence (three or more question marks).
         size = 10 if size == 2 else 50
     if not context.allow_interactivity():
         field = g.span('_' * size, title=text,
                        cls=self._field_cls(context, field_id, text))
         field = concat(
             g.input(type='text', name=field_id, id=field_id, size=size,
                     value=self._field_value(context, field_id),
                     # Set the width through CSS. Otherwise the fields are too wide in FF.
                     style='box-model: content-box; width: %dem;' % size,
                     cls=self._field_cls(context, field_id, text)),
             [self._media_control(context, m, inline=True) for m in task.media()],
             self._field_result(context, field_id, text)
     return (context.localize(field), field_id)
コード例 #16
ファイル: handler.py プロジェクト: cerha/wiking
 def mknode(item):
     # Caution - make the same uri transformation as above to get same
     # results in all cases (such as for '/').
     item_uri = '/' + item.id().strip('/')
     if item_uri == uri:
         # Note, the document title should not override the menu item title.
         # Only the main page heading is affected, but the ContentNode's
         # title matches the MenuItem's title.
         title = document.title() or item.title()
         if title and document.subtitle():
             title = lcg.concat(title, ' :: ', document.subtitle())
         heading = lcg.TextContent(title)
         content = document.content()
         if isinstance(content, (list, tuple)):
             content = lcg.Container([c for c in content if c is not None])
         variants = document.variants()
         if variants is None:
             variants = item.variants()
         globals_ = document.globals()
         variants = item.variants()
         heading = None
         content = None
         globals_ = None
     if variants is None:
         variants = all_variants
     node = lcg.ContentNode(item_uri, title=item.title(), heading=heading,
                            descr=item.descr(), content=content,
                            variants=[lcg.Variant(v) for v in variants],
                            active=item.active(), foldable=item.foldable(),
                            hidden=item.hidden() or lang not in variants,
                            children=[mknode(i) for i in item.submenu()],
     nodes[item_uri] = node
     return node
コード例 #17
 def _make_field(self, context, exercise, exercise_id, task, text):
     g = context.generator()
     self._field_number += 1
     field_id = self._task_id(exercise, exercise_id, task) + '-f%d' % self._field_number
     size = len(text)
     if size >= 2 and text == (size * '?'):
         # If the box contains just question marks, it means an unknown answer of one
         # word (two question marks) or one sencence (three or more question marks).
         size = 10 if size == 2 else 50
     if not context.allow_interactivity():
         field = g.span('_' * size, title=text,
                        cls=self._field_cls(context, field_id, text))
         field = concat(
             g.input(type='text', name=field_id, id=field_id, size=size,
                     value=self._field_value(context, field_id),
                     # Set the width through CSS. Otherwise the fields are too wide in FF.
                     style='box-model: content-box; width: %dem;' % size,
                     cls=self._field_cls(context, field_id, text)),
             [self._media_control(context, m) for m in task.media()],
             self._field_result(context, field_id, text)
     return (context.localize(field), field_id)
コード例 #18
ファイル: exercises_html.py プロジェクト: dusek/lcg
 def _export_answers(self, context, exercise, exercise_id):
     g = context.generator()
     task_answers = [self._export_task_answer(context, exercise, exercise_id, task)
                     for task in exercise.tasks()]
     return g.div(_("Answers: %s", lcg.concat(*task_answers, separator=', ')),
コード例 #19
 def _breadcrumbs(self, context):
     links = [lcg.link(n).export(context) for n in context.node().path()[1:]]
     # Translators: A label followed by location information in webpage navigation
     return _("You are here:") + ' ' + lcg.concat(links, separator=' / ')
コード例 #20
ファイル: export.py プロジェクト: brailcom/wiking
 def _breadcrumbs(self, context):
     links = [lcg.link(n).export(context) for n in context.node().path()[1:]]
     # Translators: A label followed by location information in webpage navigation
     return _("You are here:") + ' ' + lcg.concat(links, separator=' / ')
コード例 #21
ファイル: export.py プロジェクト: brailcom/wiking
 def _links(self, context):
     g = self._generator
     links = [g.a(_("Main content"), href='#main-heading', accesskey="2")]
     for panel in context.panels():
         links.append(g.a(panel.accessible_title(), href='#panel-%s-anchor ' % panel.id()))
     return _("Jump in page") + ": " + lcg.concat(links, separator=' | ')
コード例 #22
 def _export_answers(self, context, exercise, exercise_id):
     g = context.generator()
     task_answers = [self._export_task_answer(context, exercise, exercise_id, task)
                     for task in exercise.tasks()]
     return g.div(_("Answers: %s", lcg.concat(*task_answers, separator=', ')),
コード例 #23
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: brailcom/pytis
 def hidden(self, context):
     g = context.generator()
     return lcg.concat([
         g.hidden(name=self.name(), value=value.export())
         for value in self._value().value()