コード例 #1
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: vstadnytskyi/lcp-video
def label(input):
    customized label function that mimics functionality of label functions in scipy and skimage (see below)

    the first axis(fast axis) is concidered as fast axis as in numpy definitions.

    skimage.measure.label https://scikit-image.org/docs/stable/api/skimage.measure.html#skimage.measure.label
    N_spot_max = 0
    length = input.shape[0]
    for i in range(1,length):
        prev_mask = fmask['mask'][i-1]
        prev_emask = femask['emask'][i-1]
        mask = fmask['mask'][i]
        #create new enumarated mask
        emask = label(mask,ones((3,3),bool))[0]
        N_spot_max += emask.max()
        #take care of overlapping contiguious spots by assigning them to a number from previous frame.
        idx = where(emask != 0)
        emask[idx] += N_spot_max
        temp_mask = grow_mask(prev_mask,1)*mask
        temp_label = label(temp_mask,ones((3,3),bool))[0]

        # Compute overlaps with the previous emask.

        #Grow emasks by M(default 1) and get indices of overlapping seciton. Multiplication of masks returns only pixels that are non-zero in both masks.
        prev_emask_g =grow_mask(prev_emask,1)
        emask_g = grow_mask(emask,1)
        indices = where(emask1_g*emask2_g > 0)

        #obtain unique values and indices
        values_u, idx_u = np.unique(emask_g[indices], return_index = True)

        #construct a set of unique indices
        indices_u = (indices[0][idx_u],indices[1][idx_u])

        #replace values in emask with values in prev_emask
        for i in range(values_u.shape[0]):
            r = indices_u[0][i]
            c = indices_u[1][i]
            idxs = where(emask2 == emask_g[r,c])
            emask[idxs] = prev_emask_g[r,c]

        #save emask to hdf5file
        femask['emask'][i] = emask
        femask['spots'][i] = emask.max()
コード例 #2
def get_dpeaks_s_coeff_d0_zero(dpeaks):
    get selector for a given particle

    ROI_EXTRA = 20

    import numpy as np
    from lcp_video.analysis import grow_mask
    from lcp_video import peaks_files

    import h5py

    select = (dpeaks['d0'] == 0)*(dpeaks['Mp'] > 0)
    indices = np.where(select)
    peak_ids = np.where(select)
    intensity = np.where(select)[0]*np.nan
    peaks_list = list(peak_ids[0])
    for i in range(len(peaks_list)):
        roi = dpeaks['roi'][peaks_list[i]]
        mask = grow_mask(roi > THREASHOLD,1)
        intensity[i] = (roi*mask).sum()

    frames = dpeaks['frame'][selector]
    M0 = dpeaks['M0'][selector]
    (unique,count) = np.unique(frames, return_counts=True)
    intensity = unique*0.0
    coeff = unique*0.0
    s_coeff = frames*0.0

    for frame in list(frames):
        index = list(unique).index(frame)
        tselector = selector*(dpeaks['frame']==frame)
        image, image_fit, X, Y, Z = peaks_files.image_from_selects(dpeaks,[tselector])
        img = image[int(np.min(Z)-ROI_EXTRA):int(np.max(Z)+ROI_EXTRA),int(np.min(X)-ROI_EXTRA):int(np.max(X)+ROI_EXTRA)]
        mask = grow_mask(img > THREASHOLD,1)
        intensity[index] = (img*mask).sum()
        coeff[index] = (count[index])*(1/51.2)

    for i in range(len(frames)):
        index = list(unique).index(list(frames)[i])
        sss = frames == frames[i]
        s_coeff[i] = coeff[index]*intensity[index]/M0[sss].sum()

    return s_coeff,indices
コード例 #3
def get_s_coeff_slow_moving(dpeaks,particle, verbose = False):
    get selector for a given particle
    ROI_EXTRA = 20

    import h5py

    import numpy as np
    from lcp_video.analysis import grow_mask
    from lcp_video import peaks_files
    select = dpeaks['Mp'][()] == particle
    particle_index = np.where(select)[0]
    frames = dpeaks['frame'][particle_index]

    M0 = dpeaks['M0'][particle_index]
    (unique,count) = np.unique(frames, return_counts=True)
    intensity = unique*0.0
    coeff = unique*0.0
    s_coeff = frames*0.0

    for frame in list(unique):
        index = list(unique).index(frame)
        index_frame = particle_index[np.where(frames==frame)[0]]
        if verbose:
            print(f'index_frame {index_frame}')

        image, image_fit, X, Y, Z = peaks_files.image_from_index(dpeaks,[index_frame])

        img = image[np.maximum(0,int(np.min(Z)-ROI_EXTRA)):int(np.max(Z)+ROI_EXTRA),np.maximum(0,int(np.min(X)-ROI_EXTRA)):int(np.max(X)+ROI_EXTRA)]
        mask = grow_mask(img > THREASHOLD,1)
        if verbose:
            from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
            print(f'number of hits {mask.sum()}')
        intensity[index] = (img*mask).sum()
        coeff[index] = (count[index])*(1/51.2)
    if verbose:
        print(f'intensity {intensity}')
        print(f'coeff {coeff}')
        print(f's_coeff {s_coeff}')
    for i in range(len(frames)):
        index = list(unique).index(list(frames)[i])
        sss = frames == frames[i]
        s_coeff[i] = coeff[index]*intensity[index]/M0[sss].sum()

    return s_coeff,particle_index
コード例 #4
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: vstadnytskyi/lcp-video
def maxima_from_image(image, hits, stats, offset = None, footprint = 3):
    finds maxima in the image.
    returns cmax, a boolean numpy array with all maxima.

    from numpy import left_shift, right_shift, ones
    from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter, median_filter, minimum_filter
    from lcp_video.analysis import grow_mask
    if offset is None:
        offset = offset_image(shape = image.shape)
    image = image*grow_mask(hits,1)
    image_4 = (left_shift(image,4)- offset)*grow_mask(hits,1)
    mxma = maximum_filter(image_4 , footprint = ones((footprint,footprint)))
    bckg_foot = ones((footprint,footprint))
    bckg_foot[1,1] = 0
    flat_foot = ones((footprint,footprint))
    hits_med = right_shift(median_filter((image), footprint = bckg_foot),4)
    hits_max = right_shift(maximum_filter((image), footprint = flat_foot),4)
    mxma_mask = (mxma==image_4)*hits
    res_bckg_med = right_shift(hits_med,4)*mxma_mask
    res_mxma = right_shift(mxma,4)*mxma_mask
    z = (image - hits_med)*hits/stats['var']
    return res_mxma, z
コード例 #5
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: vstadnytskyi/lcp-video
def grow_mask(mask,count=1):
    """Expands area where pixels have value=1 by 'count' pixels in each
    direction, including along the diagonal. If count is 1 or omitted a single
    pixel grows to nine pixels.

    if count < 1: return mask
    if count > 1: mask = grow_mask(mask,count-1)
    w,h = mask.shape
    mask2 = zeros((w,h),mask.dtype)
    mask2 |= mask
    mask2[0:w,0:h-1] |= mask[0:w,1:h] # move up by 1 pixel
    mask2[0:w,1:h] |= mask[0:w,0:h-1] # move down by 1 pixel
    mask2[0:w-1,0:h] |= mask[1:w,0:h] # move to the left by 1 pixel
    mask2[1:w,0:h] |= mask[0:w-1,0:h] # move to the right by 1 pixel

    mask2[0:w-1,0:h-1] |= mask[1:w,1:h] # move left and up by 1 pixel
    mask2[0:w-1,1:h] |= mask[1:w,0:h-1] # move left and down by 1 pixel
    mask2[1:w,0:h-1] |= mask[0:w-1,1:h] # move up and up by 1 pixel
    mask2[1:w,1:h] |= mask[0:w-1,0:h-1] # move up and down by 1 pixel

    return mask2
コード例 #6
def calculate_spots_from_mask(data_filename, mask_filename, stats_filename,
    creates a catalog(table) of unique particles according to the supplied mask. The
    from time import time, ctime
    import h5py
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    import numpy as np
    import cv2
    import os
    from lcp_video.analysis import grow_mask, get_array_piece

    temp_arr = np.zeros((21, ))
    d_file = h5py.File(data_filename, 'r')
    m_file = h5py.File(mask_filename, 'r')
    stats_data = load_from_file(stats_filename)
    M1 = (stats_data['S1'] - stats_data['Imax1'] -
          stats_data['Imin']) / (stats_data['N'] - 2)
    FFcorr = load_from_file(ffcorr_filename)['FF_corr']
    N_spots = np.sum(m_file['particle_hits'])

    head, tail = os.path.split(data_filename)
    destination_filename = os.path.join(
        tail.split('.')[0] + '.spots.gzip.hdf5')
    with h5py.File(destination_filename, 'a') as f_destination:
        f_destination.create_dataset('spots', (N_spots, 21),
        f_destination.create_dataset('spots_images', (N_spots, 31, 31),
        f_destination.create_dataset('stats file', data=stats_filename)
        f_destination.create_dataset('FFcorr file', data=ffcorr_filename)
        f_destination.create_dataset('time', data=ctime(time()))
        spot_i = 0
        for i in range(600):
                f'{ctime(time())}: processing image {i} and saving into file {f_destination}'
            spots_N = m_file['particle_hits'][i]
            enummask = m_file['particle_mask'][i]
            image = d_file['images'][i] - M1
            t = d_file['timestamp'][i]
            for j in range(spots_N):
                mask = grow_mask((enummask == (j + 1)), 2)
                img = image * mask / FFcorr
                temp_arr[0] = i
                temp_arr[1] = spot_i
                temp_arr[2] = t
                temp_arr[3] = np.max(img)
                temp_arr[4] = np.where(img == temp_arr[3])[1][0]
                temp_arr[5] = np.where(img == temp_arr[3])[0][0]
                temp_arr[6] = np.sum(mask)
                m = cv2.moments(img)
                temp_arr[7] = m['m00']
                temp_arr[8] = m['m10']
                temp_arr[9] = m['m01']
                temp_arr[10] = m['m11']
                temp_arr[11] = m['m20']
                temp_arr[12] = m['m02']
                temp_arr[13] = m['m21']
                temp_arr[14] = m['m12']
                temp_arr[15] = m['m30']
                temp_arr[16] = m['m03']
                x_mean = m['m10'] / m['m00']
                y_mean = m['m01'] / m['m00']
                x_var = (m['m20'] / m['m00']) - (m['m10'] / m['m00'])**2
                y_var = (m['m02'] / m['m00']) - (m['m01'] / m['m00'])**2
                temp_arr[17] = x_mean
                temp_arr[18] = y_mean
                temp_arr[19] = x_var
                temp_arr[20] = y_var
                spots_image = get_array_piece(img,
                f_destination['spots'][spot_i] = temp_arr
                f_destination['spots_images'][spot_i] = spots_image
                spot_i += 1