コード例 #1
ファイル: test_snippets.py プロジェクト: jorio/algooo
	def c(self, snipname, snippath):
		options = DefaultOptions()
		options.stats_comment = False
		with open(snippath, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
			snippet = f.read()
		jspath = os.path.join(SNIPPETSDIR, snipname + ".js")
		if os.path.exists(jspath):
			with open(jspath, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
				options.extra_js_code = f.read()
			options.extra_js_code = "P.main();"
		# TODO this is a hellish monstrosity
		# ---- apply all directives ---------------
		directives_match = DIRECTIVE_REGEXP.search(snippet)
		if directives_match:
			for directive in directives_match.group(1).split(','):
				tokens = directive.split(maxsplit=1)
				self.assertEqual(2, len(tokens), tokens)
				k, v = tokens
				vtype = type(getattr(options, k))
				if vtype == bool:
					v = v == 'True'
					v = vtype(v)
				setattr(options, k, v)
		# ---- find expected session if any ---------------
		session_match = SESSION_REGEXP.search(snippet)
		# ---- parse & check ----------------------
			module = build_tree(options, path=None, buf=snippet)
		except CompilationFailed as cf:
			logged_errors = cf.errors
			logged_errors = []
		snippet_errors = list(ERROR_REGEXP.finditer(snippet))
		# ---- match errors -----------------------
		# make sure the analysis raised as many errors as expected
		sc, lc = len(snippet_errors), len(logged_errors)
		self.assertEqual(sc, lc, "expected {} errors but {} were reported: {}"
				.format(sc, lc, logged_errors))
		assert not logged_errors or not session_match,\
				"expected a session but errors were raised"
		# check each error
		for i, error, match in zip(count(), logged_errors, snippet_errors):
			classname = match.group(1)
			if classname.startswith('kw:'):
				class_ = syntax.ExpectedKeyword
				class_ = getattr(syntax, classname, None) or getattr(semantic, classname)
				self.assertIsNotNone(class_, "unknown error class: '{}'".format(classname))
			self.assertIs(error.__class__, class_,
					"wrong error found at error marker #{}".format(i))
			self.assertEqual(error.pos.char, match.end(2),
					"error #{} wasn't reported at expected position (raised: {})"
					.format(i, error))
			if class_ is syntax.ExpectedKeyword:
				raw_kws = classname[1+classname.find(':'):].split(',')
				expected_keywords = set(getattr(kw, r) for r in raw_kws)
				self.assertSetEqual(expected_keywords, set(error.expected_keywords))
		# ---- stop there if there were any errors -------------
		if snippet_errors:
		# ---- compile to JS directly ----------------
		js1 = translate_tree(options, module, 'js')
		# ---- compile to JS through regenerated LDA -----------
		lda1 = translate_tree(options, module, 'lda')
		regen_module = build_tree(options, lda1)
		js2 = translate_tree(options, regen_module, 'js')
		# ---- both JS versions of the same program must end up identical
		# Instead of jumping through these hoops (LDA->LDA->JS), we could've
		# compared the original program with the regenerated LDA code, but then
		# we'd have to keep track of comments, whitespace, etc. In other words,
		# a ton of work for very little benefit.
		self.assertEqual(js1, js2)
		# ---- run JS -------------------------
		if not module.algorithms:
		if session_match:
			fragments = session_match.group('session').strip().split('|')
			snippet_output = ' '.join(f.strip() for f in fragments[0::2])
			snippet_input = '\n'.join(f.strip() for f in fragments[1::2])
			snippet_output = ''
			snippet_input = ''
		gotten_output = jsshell.run(js1, snippet_input)
		self.assertEqual(snippet_output, gotten_output.strip())
コード例 #2
ファイル: ldac.py プロジェクト: jorio/algooo
ap.add_argument('--ignore-case', '-c', action='store_true',
		help="""Ignorer la casse dans les identificateurs et les mot-clés""")

ap.add_argument('--execute', '-x', action='store_true',
		help="""Exécuter le programme immédiatement s'il ne contient
		aucune erreur""")

args = ap.parse_args()

args.extra_js_code = ""
args.stats_comment = True

	module = build_tree(args, None, args.path)
except CompilationFailed as cf:
	for error in cf.errors:
		print(error.pretty(cf.buf), file=sys.stderr)
if args.no_output:
code = translate_tree(args, module, args.format)
if args.execute:
	assert args.format == 'js', "on ne peut exécuter que du JavaScript !"
	import jsshell
	jsshell.run_interactive(code + "\nP.main();")
elif args.output_file:
	with open(args.output_file, 'wt', encoding='utf8') as f: