def grdview(volume, world2grid=None): with py_util.py2_temporary_directory() as d: gpath = d + '/g.grd' # Dummy world2grid: file_util.write_grd(gpath, volume, world2grid=world2grid) cmd = '%s/grdview %s' % (path_util.gaps_path(), gpath) sp.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
def _gapsview(d, msh=None, pts=None, grd=None, world2grid=None, grid_threshold=0.0, camera='default'): """Interactively views a mesh, pointcloud, and/or grid at the same time.""" assert msh is not None or pts is not None or grd is not None mpath = '' ppath = '' gpath = '' init_camera = _setup_cam(camera) if msh is not None: mpath = d + '/m.ply' file_util.write_mesh(mpath, msh) mpath = ' ' + mpath'Mpath: %s' % mpath) ppath = _make_pts_input_str(d, pts) if grd is not None: gpath = d + '/g.grd' file_util.write_grd(gpath, grd, world2grid=world2grid) gpath = ' ' + gpath + ' -grid_threshold %0.6f' % grid_threshold cmd = '%s/gapsview%s%s%s%s' % (path_util.gaps_path(), mpath, ppath, gpath, init_camera) sp.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
def ptsview(pts, mesh=None, camera='fixed'): """Interactively visualizes a pointcloud alongside an optional mesh.""" with py_util.py2_temporary_directory() as d: ptspath = _make_pts_input_str(d, pts, allow_none=False) init_camera = _setup_cam(camera) mshpath = '' if mesh: mshpath = d + '/m.ply' file_util.write_mesh(mshpath, mesh) mshpath = ' ' + mshpath cmd = '%s/ptsview %s%s%s' % (path_util.gaps_path(), ptspath, mshpath, init_camera) sp.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
def mshview(mesh, camera='fixed'): """Interactively views a mesh.""" with py_util.py2_temporary_directory() as d: init_camera = _setup_cam(camera) if not isinstance(mesh, list): mesh = [mesh] assert len(mesh) <= 4 mshpath = '' for m, c in zip(mesh, ['m', 'n', 'o', 'p']): lpath = f'{d}/{c}.ply' mshpath += f' {lpath}' file_util.write_mesh(lpath, m) cmd = '%s/mshview %s%s' % (path_util.gaps_path(), mshpath, init_camera) sp.check_output(cmd, shell=True)