def test_remove_brackets(): x = ' [] [] asdf [] ', 'asdf')
def ldscore(args, log): ''' Wrapper function for estimating l1, l1^2, l2 and l4 (+ optionally standard errors) from reference panel genotypes. Annot format is chr snp bp cm <annotations> ''' if args.bfile: snp_file, snp_obj = args.bfile+'.bim', ps.PlinkBIMFile ind_file, ind_obj = args.bfile+'.fam', ps.PlinkFAMFile array_file, array_obj = args.bfile+'.bed', ld.PlinkBEDFile # read bim/snp array_snps = snp_obj(snp_file) m = len(array_snps.IDList) log.log('Read list of {m} SNPs from {f}'.format(m=m, f=snp_file)) if args.annot is not None: # read --annot try: annot = ps.AnnotFile(args.annot) n_annot, ma = len(annot.df.columns) - 4, len(annot.df) log.log("Read {A} annotations for {M} SNPs from {f}".format(f=args.annot, A=n_annot, M=ma)) annot_matrix = np.array(annot.df.iloc[:,4:]) annot_colnames = annot.df.columns[4:] keep_snps = None if np.any(annot.df.SNP.values != array_snps.df.SNP.values): raise ValueError('The .annot file must contain the same SNPs in the same'+\ ' order as the .bim file.') except Exception: log.log('Error parsing .annot file') raise elif args.extract is not None: # --extract keep_snps = __filter__(args.extract, 'SNPs', 'include', array_snps) annot_matrix, annot_colnames, n_annot = None, None, 1 elif args.cts_bin is not None and args.cts_breaks is not None: # --cts-bin cts_fnames = sumstats._splitp(args.cts_bin) # read filenames args.cts_breaks = args.cts_breaks.replace('N','-') # replace N with negative sign try: # split on x breaks = [[float(x) for x in y.split(',')] for y in args.cts_breaks.split('x')] except ValueError as e: raise ValueError('--cts-breaks must be a comma-separated list of numbers: ' +str(e.args)) if len(breaks) != len(cts_fnames): raise ValueError('Need to specify one set of breaks for each file in --cts-bin.') if args.cts_names: cts_colnames = [str(x) for x in args.cts_names.split(',')] if len(cts_colnames) != len(cts_fnames): msg = 'Must specify either no --cts-names or one value for each file in --cts-bin.' raise ValueError(msg) else: cts_colnames = ['ANNOT'+str(i) for i in xrange(len(cts_fnames))] log.log('Reading numbers with which to bin SNPs from {F}'.format(F=args.cts_bin)) cts_levs = [] full_labs = [] for i,fh in enumerate(cts_fnames): vec = ps.read_cts(cts_fnames[i], array_snps.df.SNP.values) max_cts = np.max(vec) min_cts = np.min(vec) cut_breaks = list(breaks[i]) name_breaks = list(cut_breaks) if np.all(cut_breaks >= max_cts) or np.all(cut_breaks <= min_cts): raise ValueError('All breaks lie outside the range of the cts variable.') if np.all(cut_breaks <= max_cts): name_breaks.append(max_cts) cut_breaks.append(max_cts+1) if np.all(cut_breaks >= min_cts): name_breaks.append(min_cts) cut_breaks.append(min_cts-1) name_breaks.sort() cut_breaks.sort() n_breaks = len(cut_breaks) # so that col names are consistent across chromosomes with different max vals name_breaks[0] = 'min' name_breaks[-1] = 'max' name_breaks = [str(x) for x in name_breaks] labs = [name_breaks[i]+'_'+name_breaks[i+1] for i in xrange(n_breaks-1)] cut_vec = pd.Series(pd.cut(vec, bins=cut_breaks, labels=labs)) cts_levs.append(cut_vec) full_labs.append(labs) annot_matrix = pd.concat(cts_levs, axis=1) annot_matrix.columns = cts_colnames # crosstab -- for now we keep empty columns annot_matrix = pd.crosstab(annot_matrix.index, [annot_matrix[i] for i in annot_matrix.columns], dropna=False, colnames=annot_matrix.columns) # add missing columns if len(cts_colnames) > 1: for x in product(*full_labs): if x not in annot_matrix.columns: annot_matrix[x] = 0 else: for x in full_labs[0]: if x not in annot_matrix.columns: annot_matrix[x] = 0 annot_matrix = annot_matrix[sorted(annot_matrix.columns, key=annot_sort_key)] if len(cts_colnames) > 1: # flatten multi-index annot_colnames = ['_'.join([cts_colnames[i]+'_'+b for i,b in enumerate(c)]) for c in annot_matrix.columns] else: annot_colnames = [cts_colnames[0]+'_'+b for b in annot_matrix.columns] annot_matrix = np.matrix(annot_matrix) keep_snps = None n_annot = len(annot_colnames) if np.any(np.sum(annot_matrix, axis=1) == 0): # This exception should never be raised. For debugging only. raise ValueError('Some SNPs have no annotation in --cts-bin. This is a bug!') else: annot_matrix, annot_colnames, keep_snps = None, None, None, n_annot = 1 # read fam array_indivs = ind_obj(ind_file) n = len(array_indivs.IDList) log.log('Read list of {n} individuals from {f}'.format(n=n, f=ind_file)) # read keep_indivs if args.keep: keep_indivs = __filter__(args.keep, 'individuals', 'include', array_indivs) else: keep_indivs = None # read genotype array log.log('Reading genotypes from {fname}'.format(fname=array_file)) geno_array = array_obj(array_file, n, array_snps, keep_snps=keep_snps, keep_indivs=keep_indivs, mafMin=args.maf) # filter annot_matrix down to only SNPs passing MAF cutoffs if annot_matrix is not None: annot_keep = geno_array.kept_snps annot_matrix = annot_matrix[annot_keep,:] # determine block widths x = np.array((args.ld_wind_snps, args.ld_wind_kb, args.ld_wind_cm), dtype=bool) if np.sum(x) != 1: raise ValueError('Must specify exactly one --ld-wind option') if args.ld_wind_snps: max_dist = args.ld_wind_snps coords = np.array(xrange(geno_array.m)) elif args.ld_wind_kb: max_dist = args.ld_wind_kb*1000 coords = np.array(array_snps.df['BP'])[geno_array.kept_snps] elif args.ld_wind_cm: max_dist = args.ld_wind_cm coords = np.array(array_snps.df['CM'])[geno_array.kept_snps] block_left = ld.getBlockLefts(coords, max_dist) if block_left[len(block_left)-1] == 0 and not args.yes_really: error_msg = 'Do you really want to compute whole-chomosome LD Score? If so, set the ' error_msg += '--yes-really flag (warning: it will use a lot of time / memory)' raise ValueError(error_msg) scale_suffix = '' if args.pq_exp is not None: log.log('Computing LD with pq ^ {S}.'.format(S=args.pq_exp)) msg = 'Note that LD Scores with pq raised to a nonzero power are' msg += 'not directly comparable to normal LD Scores.' log.log(msg) scale_suffix = '_S{S}'.format(S=args.pq_exp) pq = np.matrix(geno_array.maf*(1-geno_array.maf)).reshape((geno_array.m, 1)) pq = np.power(pq, args.pq_exp) if annot_matrix is not None: annot_matrix = np.multiply(annot_matrix, pq) else: annot_matrix = pq log.log("Estimating LD Score.") lN = geno_array.ldScoreVarBlocks(block_left, args.chunk_size, annot=annot_matrix) col_prefix = "L2"; file_suffix = "l2" if n_annot == 1: ldscore_colnames = [col_prefix+scale_suffix] else: ldscore_colnames = [y+col_prefix+scale_suffix for y in annot_colnames] # print .ldscore. Output columns: CHR, BP, RS, [LD Scores] out_fname = args.out + '.' + file_suffix + '.ldscore' new_colnames = geno_array.colnames + ldscore_colnames df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(np.c_[geno_array.df, lN]) df.columns = new_colnames if args.print_snps: if args.print_snps.endswith('gz'): print_snps = pd.read_csv(args.print_snps, header=None, compression='gzip') elif args.print_snps.endswith('bz2'): print_snps = pd.read_csv(args.print_snps, header=None, compression='bz2') else: print_snps = pd.read_csv(args.print_snps, header=None) if len(print_snps.columns) > 1: raise ValueError('--print-snps must refer to a file with a one column of SNP IDs.') log.log('Reading list of {N} SNPs for which to print LD Scores from {F}'.format(\ F=args.print_snps, N=len(print_snps))) print_snps.columns=['SNP'] df = df.ix[df.SNP.isin(print_snps.SNP),:] if len(df) == 0: raise ValueError('After merging with --print-snps, no SNPs remain.') else: msg = 'After merging with --print-snps, LD Scores for {N} SNPs will be printed.' log.log(msg.format(N=len(df))) l2_suffix = '.gz' log.log("Writing LD Scores for {N} SNPs to {f}.gz".format(f=out_fname, N=len(df))) df.drop(['CM','MAF'], axis=1).to_csv(out_fname, sep="\t", header=True, index=False, float_format='%.3f') call(['gzip', '-f', out_fname]) if annot_matrix is not None: M = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.asarray(np.sum(annot_matrix, axis=0)))) ii = geno_array.maf > 0.05 M_5_50 = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.asarray(np.sum(annot_matrix[ii,:], axis=0)))) else: M = [geno_array.m] M_5_50 = [np.sum(geno_array.maf > 0.05)] # print .M fout_M = open(args.out + '.'+ file_suffix +'.M','wb') print >>fout_M, '\t'.join(map(str,M)) fout_M.close() # print .M_5_50 fout_M_5_50 = open(args.out + '.'+ file_suffix +'.M_5_50','wb') print >>fout_M_5_50, '\t'.join(map(str,M_5_50)) fout_M_5_50.close() # print annot matrix if (args.cts_bin is not None) and not args.no_print_annot: out_fname_annot = args.out + '.annot' new_colnames = geno_array.colnames + ldscore_colnames annot_df = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[geno_array.df, annot_matrix]) annot_df.columns = new_colnames del annot_df['MAF'] log.log("Writing annot matrix produced by --cts-bin to {F}".format(F=out_fname+'.gz')) annot_df.to_csv(out_fname_annot, sep="\t", header=True, index=False) call(['gzip', '-f', out_fname_annot]) # print LD Score summary pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 200) log.log('\nSummary of LD Scores in {F}'.format(F=out_fname+l2_suffix)) t = df.ix[:,4:].describe() log.log( t.ix[1:,:] ) np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') # print NaN instead of weird errors # print correlation matrix including all LD Scores and sample MAF log.log('') log.log('MAF/LD Score Correlation Matrix') log.log( df.ix[:,4:].corr() ) # print condition number if n_annot > 1: # condition number of a column vector w/ nonzero var is trivially one log.log('\nLD Score Matrix Condition Number') cond_num = np.linalg.cond(df.ix[:,5:]) log.log( reg.remove_brackets(str(np.matrix(cond_num))) ) if cond_num > 10000: log.log('WARNING: ill-conditioned LD Score Matrix!') # summarize annot matrix if there is one if annot_matrix is not None: # covariance matrix x = pd.DataFrame(annot_matrix, columns=annot_colnames) log.log('\nAnnotation Correlation Matrix') log.log( x.corr() ) # column sums log.log('\nAnnotation Matrix Column Sums') log.log(_remove_dtype(x.sum(axis=0))) # row sums log.log('\nSummary of Annotation Matrix Row Sums') row_sums = x.sum(axis=1).describe() log.log(_remove_dtype(row_sums)) np.seterr(divide='raise', invalid='raise')
def ldscore(args, log): ''' Wrapper function for estimating l1, l1^2, l2 and l4 (+ optionally standard errors) from reference panel genotypes. Annot format is chr snp bp cm <annotations> ''' if args.bfile: snp_file, snp_obj = args.bfile + '.bim', ps.PlinkBIMFile ind_file, ind_obj = args.bfile + '.fam', ps.PlinkFAMFile array_file, array_obj = args.bfile + '.bed', ld.PlinkBEDFile # read bim/snp array_snps = snp_obj(snp_file) m = len(array_snps.IDList) log.log('Read list of {m} SNPs from {f}'.format(m=m, f=snp_file)) if args.annot is not None: # read --annot try: if args.thin_annot: # annot file has only annotations annot = ps.ThinAnnotFile(args.annot) n_annot, ma = len(annot.df.columns), len(annot.df) log.log("Read {A} annotations for {M} SNPs from {f}".format( f=args.annot, A=n_annot, M=ma)) annot_matrix = annot.df.values annot_colnames = annot.df.columns keep_snps = None else: annot = ps.AnnotFile(args.annot) n_annot, ma = len(annot.df.columns) - 4, len(annot.df) log.log("Read {A} annotations for {M} SNPs from {f}".format( f=args.annot, A=n_annot, M=ma)) annot_matrix = np.array(annot.df.iloc[:, 4:]) annot_colnames = annot.df.columns[4:] keep_snps = None if np.any(annot.df.SNP.values != array_snps.df.SNP.values): raise ValueError('The .annot file must contain the same SNPs in the same'+\ ' order as the .bim file.') except Exception: log.log('Error parsing .annot file') raise elif args.extract is not None: # --extract keep_snps = __filter__(args.extract, 'SNPs', 'include', array_snps) annot_matrix, annot_colnames, n_annot = None, None, 1 elif args.cts_bin is not None and args.cts_breaks is not None: # --cts-bin cts_fnames = sumstats._splitp(args.cts_bin) # read filenames args.cts_breaks = args.cts_breaks.replace( 'N', '-') # replace N with negative sign try: # split on x breaks = [[float(x) for x in y.split(',')] for y in args.cts_breaks.split('x')] except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( '--cts-breaks must be a comma-separated list of numbers: ' + str(e.args)) if len(breaks) != len(cts_fnames): raise ValueError( 'Need to specify one set of breaks for each file in --cts-bin.' ) if args.cts_names: cts_colnames = [str(x) for x in args.cts_names.split(',')] if len(cts_colnames) != len(cts_fnames): msg = 'Must specify either no --cts-names or one value for each file in --cts-bin.' raise ValueError(msg) else: cts_colnames = ['ANNOT' + str(i) for i in xrange(len(cts_fnames))] log.log('Reading numbers with which to bin SNPs from {F}'.format( F=args.cts_bin)) cts_levs = [] full_labs = [] for i, fh in enumerate(cts_fnames): vec = ps.read_cts(cts_fnames[i], array_snps.df.SNP.values) max_cts = np.max(vec) min_cts = np.min(vec) cut_breaks = list(breaks[i]) name_breaks = list(cut_breaks) if np.all(cut_breaks >= max_cts) or np.all(cut_breaks <= min_cts): raise ValueError( 'All breaks lie outside the range of the cts variable.') if np.all(cut_breaks <= max_cts): name_breaks.append(max_cts) cut_breaks.append(max_cts + 1) if np.all(cut_breaks >= min_cts): name_breaks.append(min_cts) cut_breaks.append(min_cts - 1) name_breaks.sort() cut_breaks.sort() n_breaks = len(cut_breaks) # so that col names are consistent across chromosomes with different max vals name_breaks[0] = 'min' name_breaks[-1] = 'max' name_breaks = [str(x) for x in name_breaks] labs = [ name_breaks[i] + '_' + name_breaks[i + 1] for i in xrange(n_breaks - 1) ] cut_vec = pd.Series(pd.cut(vec, bins=cut_breaks, labels=labs)) cts_levs.append(cut_vec) full_labs.append(labs) annot_matrix = pd.concat(cts_levs, axis=1) annot_matrix.columns = cts_colnames # crosstab -- for now we keep empty columns annot_matrix = pd.crosstab( annot_matrix.index, [annot_matrix[i] for i in annot_matrix.columns], dropna=False, colnames=annot_matrix.columns) # add missing columns if len(cts_colnames) > 1: for x in product(*full_labs): if x not in annot_matrix.columns: annot_matrix[x] = 0 else: for x in full_labs[0]: if x not in annot_matrix.columns: annot_matrix[x] = 0 annot_matrix = annot_matrix[sorted(annot_matrix.columns, key=annot_sort_key)] if len(cts_colnames) > 1: # flatten multi-index annot_colnames = [ '_'.join([cts_colnames[i] + '_' + b for i, b in enumerate(c)]) for c in annot_matrix.columns ] else: annot_colnames = [ cts_colnames[0] + '_' + b for b in annot_matrix.columns ] annot_matrix = np.matrix(annot_matrix) keep_snps = None n_annot = len(annot_colnames) if np.any(np.sum(annot_matrix, axis=1) == 0): # This exception should never be raised. For debugging only. raise ValueError( 'Some SNPs have no annotation in --cts-bin. This is a bug!') else: annot_matrix, annot_colnames, keep_snps = None, None, None, n_annot = 1 # read fam array_indivs = ind_obj(ind_file) n = len(array_indivs.IDList) log.log('Read list of {n} individuals from {f}'.format(n=n, f=ind_file)) # read keep_indivs if args.keep: keep_indivs = __filter__(args.keep, 'individuals', 'include', array_indivs) else: keep_indivs = None # read genotype array log.log('Reading genotypes from {fname}'.format(fname=array_file)) geno_array = array_obj(array_file, n, array_snps, keep_snps=keep_snps, keep_indivs=keep_indivs, mafMin=args.maf) # filter annot_matrix down to only SNPs passing MAF cutoffs if annot_matrix is not None: annot_keep = geno_array.kept_snps annot_matrix = annot_matrix[annot_keep, :] # determine block widths x = np.array((args.ld_wind_snps, args.ld_wind_kb, args.ld_wind_cm), dtype=bool) if np.sum(x) != 1: raise ValueError('Must specify exactly one --ld-wind option') if args.ld_wind_snps: max_dist = args.ld_wind_snps coords = np.array(xrange(geno_array.m)) elif args.ld_wind_kb: max_dist = args.ld_wind_kb * 1000 coords = np.array(array_snps.df['BP'])[geno_array.kept_snps] elif args.ld_wind_cm: max_dist = args.ld_wind_cm coords = np.array(array_snps.df['CM'])[geno_array.kept_snps] block_left = ld.getBlockLefts(coords, max_dist) if block_left[len(block_left) - 1] == 0 and not args.yes_really: error_msg = 'Do you really want to compute whole-chomosome LD Score? If so, set the ' error_msg += '--yes-really flag (warning: it will use a lot of time / memory)' raise ValueError(error_msg) scale_suffix = '' if args.pq_exp is not None: log.log('Computing LD with pq ^ {S}.'.format(S=args.pq_exp)) msg = 'Note that LD Scores with pq raised to a nonzero power are' msg += 'not directly comparable to normal LD Scores.' log.log(msg) scale_suffix = '_S{S}'.format(S=args.pq_exp) pq = np.matrix(geno_array.maf * (1 - geno_array.maf)).reshape( (geno_array.m, 1)) pq = np.power(pq, args.pq_exp) if annot_matrix is not None: annot_matrix = np.multiply(annot_matrix, pq) else: annot_matrix = pq log.log("Estimating LD Score.") lN = geno_array.ldScoreVarBlocks(block_left, args.chunk_size, annot=annot_matrix) col_prefix = "L2" file_suffix = "l2" if n_annot == 1: ldscore_colnames = [col_prefix + scale_suffix] else: ldscore_colnames = [ y + col_prefix + scale_suffix for y in annot_colnames ] # print .ldscore. Output columns: CHR, BP, RS, [LD Scores] out_fname = args.out + '.' + file_suffix + '.ldscore' new_colnames = geno_array.colnames + ldscore_colnames df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(np.c_[geno_array.df, lN]) df.columns = new_colnames if args.print_snps: if args.print_snps.endswith('gz'): print_snps = pd.read_csv(args.print_snps, header=None, compression='gzip') elif args.print_snps.endswith('bz2'): print_snps = pd.read_csv(args.print_snps, header=None, compression='bz2') else: print_snps = pd.read_csv(args.print_snps, header=None) if len(print_snps.columns) > 1: raise ValueError( '--print-snps must refer to a file with a one column of SNP IDs.' ) log.log('Reading list of {N} SNPs for which to print LD Scores from {F}'.format(\ F=args.print_snps, N=len(print_snps))) print_snps.columns = ['SNP'] df = df.ix[df.SNP.isin(print_snps.SNP), :] if len(df) == 0: raise ValueError( 'After merging with --print-snps, no SNPs remain.') else: msg = 'After merging with --print-snps, LD Scores for {N} SNPs will be printed.' log.log(msg.format(N=len(df))) l2_suffix = '.gz' log.log("Writing LD Scores for {N} SNPs to {f}.gz".format(f=out_fname, N=len(df))) df.drop(['CM', 'MAF'], axis=1).to_csv(out_fname, sep="\t", header=True, index=False, float_format='%.3f') call(['gzip', '-f', out_fname]) if annot_matrix is not None: M = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.asarray(np.sum(annot_matrix, axis=0)))) ii = geno_array.maf > 0.05 M_5_50 = np.atleast_1d( np.squeeze(np.asarray(np.sum(annot_matrix[ii, :], axis=0)))) else: M = [geno_array.m] M_5_50 = [np.sum(geno_array.maf > 0.05)] # print .M fout_M = open(args.out + '.' + file_suffix + '.M', 'wb') print >> fout_M, '\t'.join(map(str, M)) fout_M.close() # print .M_5_50 fout_M_5_50 = open(args.out + '.' + file_suffix + '.M_5_50', 'wb') print >> fout_M_5_50, '\t'.join(map(str, M_5_50)) fout_M_5_50.close() # print annot matrix if (args.cts_bin is not None) and not args.no_print_annot: out_fname_annot = args.out + '.annot' new_colnames = geno_array.colnames + ldscore_colnames annot_df = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[geno_array.df, annot_matrix]) annot_df.columns = new_colnames del annot_df['MAF'] log.log("Writing annot matrix produced by --cts-bin to {F}".format( F=out_fname + '.gz')) annot_df.to_csv(out_fname_annot, sep="\t", header=True, index=False) call(['gzip', '-f', out_fname_annot]) # print LD Score summary pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 200) log.log('\nSummary of LD Scores in {F}'.format(F=out_fname + l2_suffix)) t = df.ix[:, 4:].describe() log.log(t.ix[1:, :]) np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') # print NaN instead of weird errors # print correlation matrix including all LD Scores and sample MAF log.log('') log.log('MAF/LD Score Correlation Matrix') log.log(df.ix[:, 4:].corr()) # print condition number if n_annot > 1: # condition number of a column vector w/ nonzero var is trivially one log.log('\nLD Score Matrix Condition Number') cond_num = np.linalg.cond(df.ix[:, 5:]) log.log(reg.remove_brackets(str(np.matrix(cond_num)))) if cond_num > 10000: log.log('WARNING: ill-conditioned LD Score Matrix!') # summarize annot matrix if there is one if annot_matrix is not None: # covariance matrix x = pd.DataFrame(annot_matrix, columns=annot_colnames) log.log('\nAnnotation Correlation Matrix') log.log(x.corr()) # column sums log.log('\nAnnotation Matrix Column Sums') log.log(_remove_dtype(x.sum(axis=0))) # row sums log.log('\nSummary of Annotation Matrix Row Sums') row_sums = x.sum(axis=1).describe() log.log(_remove_dtype(row_sums)) np.seterr(divide='raise', invalid='raise')