コード例 #1
def start_app():
    Starts the main event loop and launches the main window.
    # Ignore the signals since we handle them in the subprocesses
    # signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

    # Parse arguments and store them
    opts = leap_argparse.get_options()

    options = {
        'start_hidden': opts.start_hidden,
        'debug': opts.debug,
        'log_file': opts.log_file,

    flags.STANDALONE = opts.standalone
    flags.OFFLINE = opts.offline
    flags.MAIL_LOGFILE = opts.mail_log_file
    flags.APP_VERSION_CHECK = opts.app_version_check
    flags.API_VERSION_CHECK = opts.api_version_check
    flags.OPENVPN_VERBOSITY = opts.openvpn_verb
    flags.SKIP_WIZARD_CHECKS = opts.skip_wizard_checks

    flags.CA_CERT_FILE = opts.ca_cert_file

    replace_stdout = True
    if opts.repair or opts.import_maildir:
        # We don't want too much clutter on the comand mode
        # this could be more generic with a Command class.
        replace_stdout = False

    logger = create_logger(opts.debug, opts.log_file, replace_stdout)

    # ok, we got logging in place, we can satisfy mail plumbing requests
    # and show logs there. it normally will exit there if we got that path.

    except Exception as e:
        # We don't even have logger configured in here
        print "Could not ensure server: %r" % (e,)

    PLAY_NICE = os.environ.get("LEAP_NICE")
    if PLAY_NICE and PLAY_NICE.isdigit():
        nice = os.nice(int(PLAY_NICE))
        logger.info("Setting NICE: %s" % nice)

    # TODO move to a different module: commands?
    if not we_are_the_one_and_only():
        # Bitmask is already running
        logger.warning("Tried to launch more than one instance "
                       "of Bitmask. Raising the existing "
                       "one instead.")


    logger.info('Bitmask version %s', VERSION)
    logger.info('leap.mail version %s', MAIL_VERSION)

    logger.info('Starting app')


    flags_dict = flags_to_dict()

    backend = lambda: run_backend(opts.danger, flags_dict)
    backend_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=backend, name='Backend')
    backend_process.daemon = True

    run_frontend(options, flags_dict)
コード例 #2
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: ivanalejandro0/bitmask_client
def start_app():
    Starts the main event loop and launches the main window.
    # Ignore the signals since we handle them in the subprocesses
    # signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

    # Parse arguments and store them
    opts = leap_argparse.get_options()

    options = {
        'start_hidden': opts.start_hidden,
        'debug': opts.debug,
        'log_file': opts.log_file,

    flags.STANDALONE = opts.standalone
    # XXX Disabled right now since it's not tested after login refactor
    # flags.OFFLINE = opts.offline
    flags.OFFLINE = False
    flags.MAIL_LOGFILE = opts.mail_log_file
    flags.APP_VERSION_CHECK = opts.app_version_check
    flags.API_VERSION_CHECK = opts.api_version_check
    flags.OPENVPN_VERBOSITY = opts.openvpn_verb
    flags.SKIP_WIZARD_CHECKS = opts.skip_wizard_checks

    flags.CA_CERT_FILE = opts.ca_cert_file

    replace_stdout = True
    if opts.repair or opts.import_maildir:
        # We don't want too much clutter on the comand mode
        # this could be more generic with a Command class.
        replace_stdout = False

    logger = create_logger(opts.debug, opts.log_file, replace_stdout)

    # ok, we got logging in place, we can satisfy mail plumbing requests
    # and show logs there. it normally will exit there if we got that path.

    except Exception as e:
        # We don't even have logger configured in here
        print "Could not ensure server: %r" % (e, )

    PLAY_NICE = os.environ.get("LEAP_NICE")
    if PLAY_NICE and PLAY_NICE.isdigit():
        nice = os.nice(int(PLAY_NICE))
        logger.info("Setting NICE: %s" % nice)

    # TODO move to a different module: commands?
    if not we_are_the_one_and_only():
        # Bitmask is already running
        logger.warning("Tried to launch more than one instance "
                       "of Bitmask. Raising the existing "
                       "one instead.")


    logger.info('Bitmask version %s', VERSION)
    logger.info('leap.mail version %s', MAIL_VERSION)

    logger.info('Starting app')

    backend_running = BackendProxy().check_online()
    logger.debug("Backend online: {0}".format(backend_running))

    flags_dict = flags_to_dict()

    backend_pid = None
    if not backend_running:
        frontend_pid = os.getpid()
        backend = lambda: run_backend(opts.danger, flags_dict, frontend_pid)
        backend_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=backend,
        # we don't set the 'daemon mode' since we need to start child processes
        # in the backend
        # backend_process.daemon = True
        backend_pid = backend_process.pid

    run_frontend(options, flags_dict, backend_pid=backend_pid)
コード例 #3
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: PaixuAabuizia/bitmask_client
def start_app():
    Starts the main event loop and launches the main window.
    # Ignore the signals since we handle them in the subprocesses
    # signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

    # Parse arguments and store them
    opts = leap_argparse.get_options()

    options = {
        'start_hidden': opts.start_hidden,
        'debug': opts.debug,

    flags.STANDALONE = opts.standalone
    flags.OFFLINE = opts.offline
    flags.MAIL_LOGFILE = opts.mail_log_file
    flags.APP_VERSION_CHECK = opts.app_version_check
    flags.API_VERSION_CHECK = opts.api_version_check
    flags.OPENVPN_VERBOSITY = opts.openvpn_verb
    flags.SKIP_WIZARD_CHECKS = opts.skip_wizard_checks

    flags.CA_CERT_FILE = opts.ca_cert_file

    flags.DEBUG = opts.debug

    common_flags.STANDALONE = flags.STANDALONE

    logger = get_logger(perform_rollover=True)

    # NOTE: since we are not using this right now, the code that replaces the
    # stdout needs to be reviewed when we enable this again
    # replace_stdout = True

    # XXX mail repair commands disabled for now
    # if opts.repair or opts.import_maildir:
    #    We don't want too much clutter on the comand mode
    #    this could be more generic with a Command class.
    #    replace_stdout = False

    # ok, we got logging in place, we can satisfy mail plumbing requests
    # and show logs there. it normally will exit there if we got that path.
    # XXX mail repair commands disabled for now
    # do_mail_plumbing(opts)

    PLAY_NICE = os.environ.get("LEAP_NICE")
    if PLAY_NICE and PLAY_NICE.isdigit():
        nice = os.nice(int(PLAY_NICE))
        logger.info("Setting NICE: %s" % nice)

    # TODO move to a different module: commands?
    if not we_are_the_one_and_only():
        # Bitmask is already running
        logger.warning("Tried to launch more than one instance "
                       "of Bitmask. Raising the existing "
                       "one instead.")


    logger.info('Bitmask version %s' % VERSION)
    logger.info('leap.mail version %s' % MAIL_VERSION)
    logger.info('Starting app')

    backend_running = BackendProxy().check_online()
    logger.debug("Backend online: {0}".format(backend_running))

    flags_dict = flags_to_dict()

    backend_pid = None
    if not backend_running:
        frontend_pid = os.getpid()
        backend = lambda: run_backend(opts.danger, flags_dict, frontend_pid)
        backend_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=backend,
        # we don't set the 'daemon mode' since we need to start child processes
        # in the backend
        # backend_process.daemon = True
        backend_pid = backend_process.pid

    run_frontend(options, flags_dict, backend_pid=backend_pid)
コード例 #4
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: gvsurenderreddy/bitmask_client
def start_app():
    Starts the main event loop and launches the main window.
    # Ignore the signals since we handle them in the subprocesses
    # signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

    # Parse arguments and store them
    opts = leap_argparse.get_options()

    options = {
        'start_hidden': opts.start_hidden,
        'debug': opts.debug,

    flags.STANDALONE = opts.standalone
    flags.OFFLINE = opts.offline
    flags.MAIL_LOGFILE = opts.mail_log_file
    flags.APP_VERSION_CHECK = opts.app_version_check
    flags.API_VERSION_CHECK = opts.api_version_check
    flags.OPENVPN_VERBOSITY = opts.openvpn_verb
    flags.SKIP_WIZARD_CHECKS = opts.skip_wizard_checks

    flags.CA_CERT_FILE = opts.ca_cert_file

    flags.DEBUG = opts.debug

    common_flags.STANDALONE = flags.STANDALONE

    logger = get_logger(perform_rollover=True)

    # NOTE: since we are not using this right now, the code that replaces the
    # stdout needs to be reviewed when we enable this again
    # replace_stdout = True

    # XXX mail repair commands disabled for now
    # if opts.repair or opts.import_maildir:
    #    We don't want too much clutter on the comand mode
    #    this could be more generic with a Command class.
    #    replace_stdout = False

    # ok, we got logging in place, we can satisfy mail plumbing requests
    # and show logs there. it normally will exit there if we got that path.
    # XXX mail repair commands disabled for now
    # do_mail_plumbing(opts)

    PLAY_NICE = os.environ.get("LEAP_NICE")
    if PLAY_NICE and PLAY_NICE.isdigit():
        nice = os.nice(int(PLAY_NICE))
        logger.info("Setting NICE: %s" % nice)

    # TODO move to a different module: commands?
    if not we_are_the_one_and_only():
        # Bitmask is already running
        logger.warning("Tried to launch more than one instance "
                       "of Bitmask. Raising the existing "
                       "one instead.")


    logger.info('Bitmask version %s' % VERSION)
    logger.info('leap.mail version %s' % MAIL_VERSION)
    logger.info('Starting app')

    backend_running = BackendProxy().check_online()
    logger.debug("Backend online: {0}".format(backend_running))

    flags_dict = flags_to_dict()

    backend_pid = None
    if not backend_running:
        frontend_pid = os.getpid()
        backend = lambda: run_backend(opts.danger, flags_dict, frontend_pid)
        backend_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=backend,
        # we don't set the 'daemon mode' since we need to start child processes
        # in the backend
        # backend_process.daemon = True
        backend_pid = backend_process.pid

    run_frontend(options, flags_dict, backend_pid=backend_pid)