コード例 #1
def run():
    from leap.rk.imex import KennedyCarpenterIMEXARK4MethodBuilder
    from dagrt.codegen import PythonCodeGenerator

    # Construct the method generator.
    mgen = KennedyCarpenterIMEXARK4MethodBuilder("y", atol=_atol)

    # Generate the code for the method.
    code = mgen.generate()

    from leap.implicit import replace_AssignImplicit
    code = replace_AssignImplicit(code, {"solve": solver_hook})
    IMEXIntegrator = PythonCodeGenerator("IMEXIntegrator").get_class(code)

    # Set up the problem and run the method.
    from functools import partial
    problem = KapsProblem(epsilon=0.001)
    integrator = IMEXIntegrator(
            "<func>expl_y": problem.nonstiff,
            "<func>impl_y": problem.stiff,
            "<func>solver": partial(solver, problem.stiff, problem.jacobian),
            "<func>j": problem.jacobian

                      context={"y": problem.initial()})

    t = None
    y = None

    for event in integrator.run(t_end=problem.t_end):
        if isinstance(event, integrator.StateComputed):
            t = event.t
            y = event.state_component

    print("Error: " + str(np.linalg.norm(y - problem.exact(t))))
コード例 #2
    from leap.rk.imex import KennedyCarpenterIMEXARK4MethodBuilder
    from mirgecom.steppers import advance_state

    @pytest.mark.parametrize(("method", "method_order"), [
        (ODE23MethodBuilder("y", use_high_order=False), 2),
        (ODE23MethodBuilder("y", use_high_order=True), 3),
        (ODE45MethodBuilder("y", use_high_order=False), 4),
        (ODE45MethodBuilder("y", use_high_order=True), 5),
        (ForwardEulerMethodBuilder("y"), 1),
        (MidpointMethodBuilder("y"), 2),
        (HeunsMethodBuilder("y"), 2),
        (RK3MethodBuilder("y"), 3),
        (RK4MethodBuilder("y"), 4),
        (RK5MethodBuilder("y"), 5),
        (LSRK4MethodBuilder("y"), 4),
            "y", use_implicit=False, explicit_rhs_name="y"), 4),
        (SSPRK22MethodBuilder("y"), 2),
        (SSPRK33MethodBuilder("y"), 3),
    def test_leapgen_integration_order(method, method_order):
        """Test that time integrators have correct order."""
        def exact_soln(t):
            return np.exp(-t)

        def rhs(t, y):
            return -np.exp(-t)

        from pytools.convergence import EOCRecorder
        integrator_eoc = EOCRecorder()

        dt = 1.0
コード例 #3

def solver_hook(solve_expr, solve_var, solver_id, guess):
    from dagrt.expression import match, substitute

    pieces = match("unk - <func>rhs(t=t, y=sub_y + coeff*unk)",
                   pre_match={"unk": solve_var})
    pieces["guess"] = guess
    return substitute("<func>solver(t, sub_y, coeff, guess)", pieces)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("problem, method, expected_order", [
        KennedyCarpenterIMEXARK4MethodBuilder("y", use_high_order=False), 3
     KennedyCarpenterIMEXARK4MethodBuilder("y"), 4],
def test_convergence(python_method_impl, problem, method, expected_order):

    code = method.generate()

    from leap.implicit import replace_AssignImplicit
    code = replace_AssignImplicit(code, {"solve": solver_hook})

    from pytools.convergence import EOCRecorder
    eocrec = EOCRecorder()
コード例 #4
def main():
    component_id = 'y'
    stepper = KennedyCarpenterIMEXARK4MethodBuilder(component_id)
    # stepper = KennedyCarpenterIMEXARK3MethodBuilder(component_id)

    from dagrt.function_registry import (base_function_registry,
                                         register_function, UserType)

    # This stays unchanged from the existing explicit RK4 RHS.
    freg = register_function(base_function_registry,
                             "<func>expl_" + component_id, ("y", "t"),
                             result_names=("result", ),
                             result_kinds=(UserType("y"), ))
    freg = freg.register_codegen(
        "<func>expl_" + component_id, "cxx",

                // Purely homogeneous chemistry simulation.
                for (int i = 0;i < NS+1;i++){

                 ${result}[i] = 0.0;



    # Here, we need to call a new chemistry RHS that loops through
    # all the points *under the hood.*
    freg = register_function(freg,
                             "<func>impl_" + component_id, ("y", "t"),
                             result_names=("result", ),
                             result_kinds=(UserType("y"), ))
    freg = freg.register_codegen(
        "<func>impl_" + component_id, "cxx",

                // PyJac inputs.
                double jac[(NS+1)*(NS+1)];
                double jac_trans[(NS+1)*(NS+1)];
                double phi[(NS+1)];
                double phi_guess[(NS+1)];
                double phi_old[(NS+1)];
                double dphi[(NS+1)];
                double dphi_old[(NS+1)];
                double corr[(NS+1)];
                double corr_weights[(NS+1)];
                double corr_weighted[(NS+1)];
                double reltol = 1e-6;
                double abstol = 1e-12;
                /* For Lapack */
                int ipiv[NS+1], info;
                int nrhs = 1;
                int nsp_l = NS+1;
                // Dummy time for pyJac.
                double tout = 0;

                // Work array for PyJac.
                double* rwk_dphi = (double*)malloc(245 * sizeof(double));
                memset(rwk_dphi, 0, 245 * sizeof(double));
                double massFractions[NS];
                double mw[NS];

                // FIXME: Assumes the last (inert) species is nitrogen.
                mw[NS-1] = 2*14.00674;
                for (int i = 0; i < NS-1; ++i ){
                  mw[i] = mw[NS-1]*mw_factor[i];

                double rho = 0.2072648773462248;
                double vol = 1.0 / rho;
                double tol = 1e-10;
                double mass_sum = 0.0;
                for (int i = 2; i <= NS; ++i ){
                  massFractions[i-2] = ${y}[i]*mw[i-2];
                  mass_sum += massFractions[i-2];
                //massFractions[8] = 1 - mass_sum;
                massFractions[8] = 0.0;

                // PyJac converted input state.
                //phi[0] = ${y}[0];
                //phi[1] = ${y}[1];
                // Update temperature and pressure using Cantera
                Cantera::IdealGasMix * GasMixture;
                //GasMixture = new Cantera::IdealGasMix("Mechanisms/sanDiego.xml");
                GasMixture = new Cantera::IdealGasMix("Mechanisms/SanDiegoN9.xml");
                // Reduced mechanism internal energy.
                //double int_energy = 788261.179011143;
                // Full mechanism internal energy.
                //double int_energy = 786837.6552762145;
                // N9 mechanism internal energy.
                double int_energy = 1288730.465811496;
                GasMixture->setState_UV(int_energy, vol, tol);
                phi[0] = GasMixture->temperature();
                phi[1] = GasMixture->pressure();
                delete GasMixture;
                for (int j=2;j <= NS; j++) {
                  phi[j] = massFractions[j-2]/mw[j-2];
                // PyJac call for source term
                species_rates (&tout, &vol, phi, dphi, rwk_dphi);

                for (int j=0;j <= NS; j++) {
                  ${result}[j] = dphi[j];


    # The tricky part - this is going to require a
    # nonlinear solve of some kind.
    freg = register_function(freg,
                             "<func>solver", ("y", "coeff"),
                             result_names=("result", ),
                             result_kinds=(UserType("y"), ))
    freg = freg.register_codegen(
        "<func>solver", "cxx",

                // PyJac inputs.
                double jac[(NS+1)*(NS+1)];
                double jac_trans[(NS+1)*(NS+1)];
                double jac_sub[(NS-1)*(NS-1)];
                double phi[(NS+1)];
                double phi_guess[(NS+1)];
                double phi_old[(NS+1)];
                double dphi[(NS+1)];
                double dphi_sub[(NS-1)];
                double dphi_old[(NS+1)];
                double corr[(NS+1)];
                double corr_weights[(NS+1)];
                double corr_weighted[(NS+1)];
                double reltol = 1e-6;
                double abstol = 1e-12;
                /* For Lapack */
                int ipiv[NS-1], info;
                int nrhs = 1;
                int nsp_l = NS-1;
                int nsp_l_full = NS+1;
                // Dummy time for pyJac.
                double tout = 0;

                // Work array for PyJac.
                double* rwk_dphi = (double*)malloc(245 * sizeof(double));
                memset(rwk_dphi, 0, 245 * sizeof(double));
                double* rwk_jac = (double*)malloc(245 * sizeof(double));
                memset(rwk_jac, 0, 245 * sizeof(double));

                /* 1D point-sized identity matrix */
                double ident[(NS-1)*(NS-1)];
                for (int i=0; i < (NS-1)*(NS-1); i++) {
                    if (i % (NS) == 0) {
                        ident[i] = 1;
                    } else {
                        ident[i] = 0;

                // THIS IS WHERE ALL OF THE
                // NEWTON/PYJAC STUFF GOES.
                // Get chemical state at this point.

                double massFractions[NS];
                double mw[NS];

                // FIXME: Assumes the last (inert) species is nitrogen.
                mw[NS-1] = 2*14.00674;
                for (int i = 0; i < NS-1; ++i ){
                  mw[i] = mw[NS-1]*mw_factor[i];

                double rho = 0.2072648773462248;
                double mass_sum = 0.0;
                for (int i = 2; i <= NS; ++i ){
                  massFractions[i-2] = ${y}[i]*mw[i-2];
                  mass_sum += massFractions[i-2];
                //massFractions[8] = 1 - mass_sum;
                massFractions[8] = 0.0;

                double vol = 1.0 / 0.2072648773462248;
                double tol = 1e-10;

                // PyJac converted input state.
                //phi[0] = ${y}[0];
                //phi[1] = ${y}[1];
                // Update temperature and pressure using Cantera
                Cantera::IdealGasMix * GasMixture;
                //GasMixture = new Cantera::IdealGasMix("Mechanisms/sanDiego.xml");
                GasMixture = new Cantera::IdealGasMix("Mechanisms/SanDiegoN9.xml");
                // Reduced mechanism internal energy.
                //double int_energy = 788261.179011143;
                // Full mechanism internal energy.
                //double int_energy = 786837.6552762145;
                // N9 mechanism internal energy.
                double int_energy = 1288730.465811496;
                GasMixture->setState_UV(int_energy, vol, tol);
                phi[0] = GasMixture->temperature();
                phi[1] = GasMixture->pressure();
                //delete GasMixture;
                for (int j=2;j <= NS; j++) {
                  phi[j] = massFractions[j-2]/mw[j-2];
                for (int j=0;j <= NS; j++) {
                  phi_old[j] = phi[j];
                for (int j=0;j <= NS; j++) {
                  phi_guess[j] = phi[j];
                // Newton loop within this point (for now).
                double corr_norm = 1.0;
                // PyJac call for source term
                species_rates (&tout, &vol, phi, dphi_old, rwk_dphi);
                //while (abs(corr_norm) >= reltol) {
                while (abs(corr_norm) >= 1e-8) {
                  species_rates (&tout, &vol, phi_guess, dphi, rwk_dphi);
                  // Get Jacobian at this point.
                  jacobian (&tout, &vol, phi_guess, jac, rwk_jac);
                  for (int j=0;j <= NS; j++) {
                    // IMEX ARK
                    dphi[j] = phi_guess[j] - phi_old[j] - ${coeff} * dphi[j];

                  // Take subset of RHS vector.
                  for (int j=2;j <= NS; j++) {
                    dphi_sub[j-2] = dphi[j];

                  // Transpose the Jacobian.
                  // PYJAC outputs Fortran-ordering
                  for (int i = 0; i < (NS+1); ++i )
                    for (int j = 0; j < (NS+1); ++j )
                      // Index in the original matrix.
                      int index1 = i*(NS+1)+j;

                      // Index in the transpose matrix.
                      int index2 = j*(NS+1)+i;

                      jac_trans[index2] = jac[index1];

                  for (int i=0; i<(NS+1)*(NS+1); i++) {
                    jac[i] = jac_trans[i];

                  // Take subset of Jacobian for algebraic changes.
                  for (int i = 0; i < (NS-1); ++i )
                    for (int j = 0; j < (NS-1); ++j )
                      jac_sub[i*(NS-1)+j] = jac[(i+2)*(NS+1)+2+j];

                  // Make the algebraic changes,
                  // using PyJac routines as needed.
                  // Get internal energies.
                  double int_energies[NS];
                  eval_u(phi_guess, int_energies);
                  // Get CVs.
                  double cvs[NS];
                  eval_cv(phi_guess, cvs);
                  // Get total CV.
                  double mass_sum = 0.0;
                  for (int i = 2; i <= NS; ++i ){
                    massFractions[i-2] = phi_guess[i]*mw[i-2];
                    mass_sum += massFractions[i-2];
                  //massFractions[8] = 1 - mass_sum;
                  massFractions[8] = 0.0;
                  double cv_total = 0.0;
                  for (int i = 0; i <= NS-1; ++i ){
                    cv_total += cvs[i]*(massFractions[i]/mw[i]);

                  // Modify the Jacobian for the algebraic constraint.
                  for (int i = 0; i < (NS-1); ++i )
                    for (int j = 0; j < (NS-1); ++j )
                      //jac_sub[i*(NS-1)+j] -= jac[(i+2)*(NS+1)]*int_energies[j]/cv_total;
                      jac_sub[i*(NS-1)+j] -= jac[j+2]*int_energies[i]/cv_total;
                  /* Subtract from identity to get jac for Newton */
                  for (int j=0;j < (NS-1)*(NS-1); j++) {
                    jac_sub[j] = ident[j] - ${coeff} * jac_sub[j]; // IMEX ARK
                    jac_sub[j] = -jac_sub[j];
                  // Do the inversion with the assistance of Lapack.
                  dgesv_(&nsp_l, &nrhs, jac_sub, &nsp_l, ipiv, dphi_sub, &nsp_l, &info);
                  // Add the correction to the buffer.
                  mass_sum = 0.0;
                  for (int i = 2; i <= NS; ++i ){
                    massFractions[i-2] = (phi_guess[i] + dphi_sub[i-2])*mw[i-2];
                    mass_sum += massFractions[i-2];
                  //massFractions[8] = 1 - mass_sum;
                  massFractions[8] = 0.0;
                  GasMixture->setState_UV(int_energy, vol, tol);
                  corr[0] = GasMixture->temperature() - phi_guess[0];
                  corr[1] = GasMixture->pressure() - phi_guess[1];
                  for (int j=2;j <= NS; j++) {
                    corr[j] = dphi_sub[j-2];
                  for (int j=0;j <= NS; j++) {
                    corr_weights[j] = 1.0 / (reltol * abs(phi_guess[j]) + abstol);
                    corr_weighted[j] = corr[j]*corr_weights[j];

                  //corr_norm = dnrm2_(&nsp_l, corr, &nrhs);
                  corr_norm = dnrm2_(&nsp_l_full, corr_weighted, &nrhs);
                  //std::cout << "Correction norm: " << corr_norm << std::endl;
                  for (int j=0;j <= NS; j++) {
                    phi_guess[j] = phi_guess[j] + corr[j];
                // Now outside the Newton loop (presumably having converged),
                // we update the RHS using the actual state.
                species_rates (&tout, &vol, phi_guess, dphi, rwk_dphi);
                for (int j=0;j <= NS; j++) {
                  ${result}[j] = dphi[j];
                // Also compare the relative internal energies and chec the mass sum.
                //std::cout << std::setprecision(16) << (GasMixture->intEnergy_mass() - int_energy)/int_energy << std::endl;
                //std::cout << std::setprecision(16) << mass_sum - 1 << std::endl;
                delete GasMixture;


    code = stepper.generate()

    # Implicit solve thingy
    from leap.implicit import replace_AssignImplicit
    code = replace_AssignImplicit(code, {"solve": solver_hook})

    codegen = cxx.CodeGenerator(
            component_id: cxx.ArrayType(
                (10, ),
        header_preamble="\n#include \"mechanism.hpp\"\n#include " +
        "\"species_rates.hpp\"\n#include " +
        "\"jacobian.hpp\"\n#include \"memcpy_2d.hpp" +
        "\"\n#include \"lapack_kernels.H\"\n#include " +
        "\"cantera/IdealGasMix.h\"\n#include " +
        "\"cantera/thermo.h\"\n#include " +
        "\"cantera/kinetics.h\"\n#include " + "\"cantera/transport.h\"")

    import sys

    # Write out Leap/Dagrt code:
    with open(sys.argv[1], "a") as outf:
        code_str = codegen(code)
        print(code_str, file=outf)