コード例 #1
ファイル: mice.py プロジェクト: EronWright/nupic-mouse
    def __init__(self, config, maze):
        Mouse.__init__(self, config, maze)

        # this mouse uses the CLA
        self._model_path = config['serialization']['path']
        self._model_params = MODEL_PARAMS
        self._imagination = Imagination(self._model)
コード例 #2
ファイル: mice.py プロジェクト: EronWright/nupic-mouse
 def __init__(self, config, maze):
     Mouse.__init__(self, config, maze)
     # this mouse uses the CLA
     self._model_path = config['serialization']['path']
     self._model_params = MODEL_PARAMS
     self._imagination = Imagination(self._model)
コード例 #3
ファイル: mice.py プロジェクト: EronWright/nupic-mouse
class SmartMouse(Mouse):
    def __init__(self, config, maze):
        Mouse.__init__(self, config, maze)

        # this mouse uses the CLA
        self._model_path = config['serialization']['path']
        self._model_params = MODEL_PARAMS
        self._imagination = Imagination(self._model)

    def reset(self, initial_location, training_mode):
        Mouse.reset(self, initial_location, training_mode)
        self._previous_location = None

        # put the initial location into the model,
        # to establish an initial context for prediction
        model_input_data = self._convert_to_model_input(initial_location)

    def move(self):

        self.before_move(self, self.location)

        possible_moves = self._maze.possible_moves(self.location)

        # avoid turning around whenever possible (i.e. be curious!)
        if not self._previous_location is None:
            assert self._previous_location in possible_moves
            if len(possible_moves) >= 2:
                # the mouse is turning around, use some "fresh thinking".

        self._previous_location = self.location

        if self._training_mode:
            # exploration: randomly walk the maze to learn where the cheese is.
            self.location = random.sample(possible_moves, 1)[0]
            # exploitation: choose the best possible move
            best_location = self._choose_best_move(possible_moves)
            self.location = best_location

        # update the model with the action we've taken
        model_input_data = self._convert_to_model_input(self.location)

        self.after_move(self, self._previous_location, self.location)

    def _init_model(self):

        if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(self._model_path)):
            self._model = ModelFactory.loadFromCheckpoint(
            self._model = ModelFactory.create(self._model_params)

        predicted_field = self._model_params['predictedField']
        if predicted_field:
            self._model.enableInference({'predictedField': predicted_field})

    def _convert_to_model_input(self, location):
        model_input_data = {
            'location': '%s-%s' % (location[0], location[1]),
            'cheese': self._maze.cheese[location]
        return model_input_data

    def _choose_best_move(self, possible_moves):

        # use the imagination module to make predictions based on the
        # a range of possible moves
        self._logger.debug('from location %s, possible moves are %s' %
                           (self.location, possible_moves))

        def predict_closure(input):
            def predict(model_fork):
                result = model_fork.run(input)
                return result

            return predict

        if len(possible_moves) == 1:
            # no imagination is necessary in this case because there is only one choice
            self._logger.debug('trivial decision, move forward')
            return possible_moves[0]

        # apply the function for each action
        funcs = [
            for location in possible_moves
        results = self._imagination.imagine(funcs)

        # get the OPF result for each possible move
        predictions = \
            [(location,r.inferences['multiStepPredictions']) for location,r in zip(possible_moves,results)]

        # evaluate the benefit associated with each possible move (i.e. the cost function)
        benefits = \
            [(location,self._maze.cheese[location] + self._benefit_function(prediction)) for location,prediction in predictions]

        # finally, select the best prediction
        sorted_predictions = sorted(benefits, key=operator.itemgetter(1))

        for l, p in sorted_predictions:
            self._logger.debug('evalation of move %s yields benefit %d' %
                               (l, p))

        return sorted_predictions[0][0]

    def _benefit_function(self, multi_step_predictions):
        min_p = self._config['min_probability']
        # estimate how much cheese is predicted down the given path
        # this algorithm simply looks for the maximum potential cheese (with a probability threshold)
        # TODO replace with a better algorithm
        return max([
            max([v for v, p in probs.items() if p >= min_p]) / step
            for step, probs in multi_step_predictions.items()
コード例 #4
ファイル: mice.py プロジェクト: EronWright/nupic-mouse
class SmartMouse(Mouse):
    def __init__(self, config, maze):
        Mouse.__init__(self, config, maze)
        # this mouse uses the CLA
        self._model_path = config['serialization']['path']
        self._model_params = MODEL_PARAMS
        self._imagination = Imagination(self._model)
    def reset(self, initial_location, training_mode):
        Mouse.reset(self, initial_location, training_mode)
        self._previous_location = None
        # put the initial location into the model,  
        # to establish an initial context for prediction
        model_input_data = self._convert_to_model_input(initial_location)
    def move(self):
        self.before_move(self, self.location)
        possible_moves = self._maze.possible_moves(self.location)
        # avoid turning around whenever possible (i.e. be curious!)
        if not self._previous_location is None:
            assert self._previous_location in possible_moves
            if len(possible_moves) >= 2:
                # the mouse is turning around, use some "fresh thinking".
        self._previous_location = self.location
        if self._training_mode:
            # exploration: randomly walk the maze to learn where the cheese is.
            self.location = random.sample(possible_moves, 1)[0]
            # exploitation: choose the best possible move
            best_location = self._choose_best_move(possible_moves)
            self.location = best_location
        # update the model with the action we've taken
        model_input_data = self._convert_to_model_input(self.location)
        self.after_move(self, self._previous_location, self.location)
    def _init_model(self):
        if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(self._model_path)):
            self._model = ModelFactory.loadFromCheckpoint(
            self._model = ModelFactory.create(self._model_params)

        predicted_field = self._model_params['predictedField']
        if predicted_field:
            self._model.enableInference({'predictedField': predicted_field})
    def _convert_to_model_input(self, location):
      model_input_data = {
          'location': '%s-%s' % (location[0], location[1]),
          'cheese': self._maze.cheese[location]
      return model_input_data
    def _choose_best_move(self, possible_moves):
        # use the imagination module to make predictions based on the 
        # a range of possible moves
        self._logger.debug('from location %s, possible moves are %s' % (self.location, possible_moves))
        def predict_closure(input):    
            def predict(model_fork):
                result = model_fork.run(input)
                return result
            return predict
        if len(possible_moves) == 1:
            # no imagination is necessary in this case because there is only one choice
            self._logger.debug('trivial decision, move forward')
            return possible_moves[0]
        # apply the function for each action
        funcs = [predict_closure(self._convert_to_model_input(location)) for location in possible_moves]
        results = self._imagination.imagine(funcs)
        # get the OPF result for each possible move
        predictions = \
            [(location,r.inferences['multiStepPredictions']) for location,r in zip(possible_moves,results)]
        # evaluate the benefit associated with each possible move (i.e. the cost function)
        benefits = \
            [(location,self._maze.cheese[location] + self._benefit_function(prediction)) for location,prediction in predictions]
        # finally, select the best prediction
        sorted_predictions = sorted(benefits, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
        for l,p in sorted_predictions:
            self._logger.debug('evalation of move %s yields benefit %d' % (l,p))
        return sorted_predictions[0][0]
    def _benefit_function(self, multi_step_predictions):
        min_p = self._config['min_probability']
        # estimate how much cheese is predicted down the given path
        # this algorithm simply looks for the maximum potential cheese (with a probability threshold)
        # TODO replace with a better algorithm
        return max([max([v for v,p in probs.items() if p>=min_p])/step for step, probs in multi_step_predictions.items()])