def usePWL(self, dictionary): """ Restart spellchecker with personal private list """ import enchant pwlDict = settings.get('spellchecker:pwlDict') pwlLang = settings.get('spellchecker:pwlLang') if pwlLang: try: (name, extension) = pwlDict.rsplit('.', 1) pwlDict = name + '_' + dictionary.tag + "." + extension except: pwlDict = name + '_' + dictionary.tag self.dict = enchant.DictWithPWL(dictionary.tag, pwlDict) self.highlighter = Highlighter(self.document()) self.highlighter.setDict(self.dict)
class TextWidget(QTextEdit): fontFormatSignal = pyqtSignal(QTextCharFormat) spell = False symbols = [u"…", u"–", u"—"] # ellipsis, n-dash, m-dash def __init__(self, parent = None): QTextEdit.__init__(self) self.setupEditor() state = settings.get('editor:spell') if state == "": # no settings state = True self.toggleSpell(state) onOff = settings.get('editor:whiteSpace') if onOff == "": # no settings onOff = True self.togglewhiteSpace(onOff) self.currentCharFormatChanged.connect( self.CharFormatChanged) def setupEditor(self): ''' Init editor settings ''' self.setMouseTracking(True) self.setReadOnly(False) self.setEditorFont() def initSpellchecker(self): # TODO: disable spellchecker icon in case of not working enchant try: import enchant spellDictDir = settings.get('spellchecker:directory') if spellDictDir: if enchant.__ver_major__ >= 1 and enchant.__ver_minor__ >= 6: enchant.set_param("enchant.myspell.dictionary.path", spellDictDir) else: print("Your pyenchant version is to old. Please " \ "upgrade to version 1.6.0 or higher, if you want " \ "to use spellchecker.") return None spellLang = settings.get('spellchecker:lang') if spellLang in enchant.list_languages(): # enchant.dict_exists(spellLang) do now work for me on linux... self.dict = enchant.Dict(spellLang) else: # try dictionary based on the current locale try: self.dict = enchant.Dict() settings.set('spellchecker:lang', self.dict.tag) except: # we don not have working dictionary... return None if self.dict: self.usePWL(self.dict) except: print("can not start spellchecker!!!") import traceback traceback.print_exc() return None def stopSpellchecker(self): if hasattr (self, 'highlighter'): self.highlighter.setDocument(None) self.dict = None self.spell = False def toggleSpell(self, state): if state: self.initSpellchecker() else: self.stopSpellchecker() settings.set('editor:spell', state) def togglewhiteSpace(self, state=True): """ Show or hide whitespace and line ending markers """ option = QTextOption() if state: option.setFlags(QTextOption.ShowTabsAndSpaces | QTextOption.ShowLineAndParagraphSeparators) else: option.setFlags(option.flags() & ~option.ShowTabsAndSpaces & ~option.ShowLineAndParagraphSeparators) self.document().setDefaultTextOption(option) settings.set('editor:whiteSpace', state) def mousePressEvent(self, event): """ Select misspelled word after right click otherwise left clik + right click is needed. Originally from John Schember spellchecker """ if event.button() == Qt.RightButton: # Rewrite the mouse event to a left button event so the cursor is # moved to the location of the pointer. event = QMouseEvent(QEvent.MouseButtonPress, event.pos(), Qt.LeftButton, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.NoModifier) QTextEdit.mousePressEvent(self, event) def setEditorFont(self): self.setFont(QFont(settings.get('editor:font'))) def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: handled = False if event.key() == Qt.Key_Q: self.stopSpellchecker() handled = True elif event.key() == Qt.Key_E: self.initSpellchecker() handled = True elif event.key() == Qt.Key_F1: self.toCaps() handled = True elif event.key() == Qt.Key_F2: self.removeEOL() handled = True elif event.key() == Qt.Key_O and event.modifiers() & \ Qt.AltModifier: self.openFile() handled = True else: return QTextEdit.keyPressEvent(self, event) if handled: event.accept() return else: QTextEdit.keyPressEvent(self, event) def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """ Creates two context menus: 1. no modifier -> spellchecker & clear emnu 2. ctrl modifier -> Text change & Insert symbol """ contextMenu = self.createStandardContextMenu() spellMenu = True if (QApplication.keyboardModifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier): spellMenu = False self.clearAction = QAction("Clear"), contextMenu) contextMenu.addSeparator() contextMenu.addAction(self.clearAction) if not len(self.toPlainText()): self.clearAction.setEnabled(False) self.clearAction.triggered.connect(self.clear) if not spellMenu: textOpsMenu = QMenu("Text change...")) removeEOLAction = QAction("Join lines"), textOpsMenu, ) textOpsMenu.addAction(removeEOLAction) removeEOLAction.triggered.connect(self.removeEOL) textOpsMenu.addSeparator() toUppercaseAction = QAction("to UPPERCASE"), textOpsMenu) textOpsMenu.addAction(toUppercaseAction) toUppercaseAction.triggered.connect(self.toUppercase) toLowercaseAction = QAction("to lowercase"), textOpsMenu) textOpsMenu.addAction(toLowercaseAction) toLowercaseAction.triggered.connect(self.toLowercase) toTitleAction = QAction("to Title"), textOpsMenu) textOpsMenu.addAction(toTitleAction) toTitleAction.triggered.connect(self.toTitlecase) toCapsAction = QAction("to Capitalize"), textOpsMenu) textOpsMenu.addAction(toCapsAction) toCapsAction.triggered.connect(self.toCaps) contextMenu.insertSeparator(contextMenu.actions()[0]) contextMenu.insertMenu(contextMenu.actions()[0], textOpsMenu) insertSymbolMenu = QMenu("Insert symbol...")) settings_symbols = settings.get('editor:symbols') if settings_symbols: self.symbols = settings_symbols.split('\n') for symbol in self.symbols: action = SpellAction(symbol, insertSymbolMenu) action.correct.connect( self.insertSymbol) insertSymbolMenu.addAction(action) contextMenu.insertMenu(contextMenu.actions()[0], insertSymbolMenu) if not self.textCursor().hasSelection() and spellMenu: # Select the word under the cursor for spellchecker cursor = self.textCursor() self.setTextCursor(cursor) text = self.textCursor().selectedText() #TODO: put to configuration list of ignored starting/ending chars # remove u"„" from selection if text.startswith(u"„") or text.startswith(u"“"): text = text[1:] selectionEnd = cursor.selectionEnd() cursor.setPosition(cursor.position() - len(text)) cursor.setPosition(selectionEnd, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) self.setTextCursor(cursor) # remove u"”" from selection if text.endswith(u"”") or text.startswith(u"“"): selectionEnd = cursor.selectionEnd() cursor.setPosition(cursor.position() - len(text)) cursor.setPosition(selectionEnd - 1, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) text = text[:-1] self.setTextCursor(cursor) # Check if the selected word is misspelled and offer spelling # suggestions if it is. if self.textCursor().hasSelection(): if not self.dict.check(text): spell_menu = QMenu("Spelling Suggestions")) addWordAcction = QAction('Add word...'), spell_menu) addWordAcction.triggered.connect(self.addWord) spell_menu.addAction(addWordAcction) for word in self.dict.suggest(text): action = SpellAction(word, spell_menu) action.correct.connect(self.changeText) spell_menu.addAction(action) contextMenu.insertSeparator(contextMenu.actions()[1]) contextMenu.insertMenu(contextMenu.actions()[0], spell_menu) # Only add the spelling suggests to the menu if there are # suggestions. if len(spell_menu.actions()) != 1: spell_menu.insertSeparator(spell_menu.actions()[1]) contextMenu.exec_(event.globalPos()) event.accept() def usePWL(self, dictionary): """ Restart spellchecker with personal private list """ import enchant pwlDict = settings.get('spellchecker:pwlDict') pwlLang = settings.get('spellchecker:pwlLang') if pwlLang: try: (name, extension) = pwlDict.rsplit('.', 1) pwlDict = name + '_' + dictionary.tag + "." + extension except: pwlDict = name + '_' + dictionary.tag self.dict = enchant.DictWithPWL(dictionary.tag, pwlDict) self.highlighter = Highlighter(self.document()) self.highlighter.setDict(self.dict) def addWord(self): """ Add word to personal private list """ self.dict.add_to_pwl(self.getSelectedText()) self.highlighter.rehighlight() def toUppercase(self): self.changeText(self.getSelectedText(), 1) def toLowercase(self): self.changeText(self.getSelectedText(), 2) def toTitlecase(self): self.changeText(self.getSelectedText(), 3) def toCaps(self): self.changeText(self.getSelectedText(), 4) def removeEOL(self): self.changeText(self.getSelectedText(), 5) def getSelectedText(self): return self.textCursor().selectedText() def changeText(self, newText, conversion = 0): ''' Replaces the selected text with newText. conversion = 0 => no conversion conversion = 1 => UPPERCASE conversion = 2 => lowercase conversion = 3 => Title (First Letter In Word) conversion = 4 => Capitalize First letter of sentence conversion = 5 => Remove end of lines ''' ## TODO(zdposter): conversion = 6 => Remove multiple space ;-) cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.removeSelectedText() pos1 = cursor.position() if conversion == 1: newText = newText.upper() if conversion == 2: newText = newText.lower() if conversion == 3: newText = newText.title() if conversion == 4: # newText = newText.capitalize() # This will capitalize Letters after ".", "?","!" rtn = re.split('([.!?] *)', newText) newText = ''.join([each.capitalize() for each in rtn]) #TODO(zdposter): '."' '.\n' ignore after '"' ')' if conversion == 5: newText = newText.replace("\u2029", ' ') # unicode "\n" newText = re.sub(' +', ' ', newText) # replace multiple spaces cursor.insertText(newText) # Restore text selection pos2 = cursor.position() cursor.setPosition(pos1) cursor.setPosition(pos2, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) self.setTextCursor(cursor) cursor.endEditBlock() def CharFormatChanged(self, CharFormat): self.fontFormatSignal.emit(CharFormat) def toggleBold(self, isChecked): self.setFontWeight(isChecked and QFont.Normal if self.fontWeight() > QFont.Normal else QFont.Bold) def toggleItalic(self, isChecked): self.setFontItalic(isChecked and not self.fontItalic()) def toggleUnderline(self, isChecked): self.setFontUnderline(isChecked and not self.fontUnderline()) def toggleStrikethrough(self, isChecked): charFmt = self.currentCharFormat() charFmt.setFontStrikeOut(isChecked and not charFmt.fontStrikeOut()) self.mergeCurrentCharFormat(charFmt) def toggleSubscript(self, isChecked): charFmt = self.currentCharFormat() charFmt.setVerticalAlignment(isChecked and QTextCharFormat.AlignSubScript) self.mergeCurrentCharFormat(charFmt) def toggleSuperscript(self, isChecked): charFmt = self.currentCharFormat() charFmt.setVerticalAlignment(isChecked and QTextCharFormat.AlignSuperScript) self.mergeCurrentCharFormat(charFmt) def saveAs(self): if settings.get("file_dialog_dir"): self.curDir = '~/' else: self.curDir = settings.get("file_dialog_dir") filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,"Save document"), self.curDir,"ODT document (*.odt);;Text file (*.txt);;" "HTML file (*.html);;PDF file(*.pdf)") ) if not filename: return self.curDir = os.path.dirname(filename) settings.set("file_dialog_dir", self.curDir) dw = QTextDocumentWriter() dw.setFormat('ODF') # Default format # Check for alternative output format if filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] == "txt": dw.setFormat('plaintext') if filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in ("html", "htm"): dw.setFormat('HTML') if filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in ("PDF", "pdf"): self.filePrintPdf(filename) return dw.setFileName(filename) dw.write(self.document()) def openFile(self): if settings.get("file_dialog_dir"): self.curDir = '~/' else: self.curDir = settings.get("file_dialog_dir") fn = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,"Open File..."), self.curDir,"HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*)")) QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) if fn: self.lastFolder = os.path.dirname(fn) if os.path.exists(fn): if os.path.isfile(fn): f = QFile(fn) if not | QIODevice.Text): QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self.parent(),"Error - Lector"),"Can't open '%s.'" % fn)) else: stream = QTextStream(f) text = stream.readAll() self.setText(text) else: QMessageBox.information(self.parent(),"Error - Lector"),"'%s' is not a file." % fn)) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() def filePrintPdf(self, fn): printer = QPrinter(QPrinter.HighResolution) printer.setPageSize(QPrinter.A4) printer.setOutputFileName(fn) printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) self.document().print_(printer) def insertSymbol(self, symbol): """ insert symbol """ self.insertPlainText(symbol)
class TextWidget(QtGui.QTextEdit): fontFormatSignal = pyqtSignal(QtGui.QTextCharFormat) spell = False symbols = [u"…", u"–", u"—"] # ellipsis, n-dash, m-dash def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QTextEdit.__init__(self) self.setupEditor() state = settings.get('editor:spell') if state == "": # no settings state = True self.toggleSpell(state) onOff = settings.get('editor:whiteSpace') if onOff == "": # no settings onOff = True self.togglewhiteSpace(onOff) self.currentCharFormatChanged.connect(self.CharFormatChanged) def setupEditor(self): ''' Init editor settings ''' self.setMouseTracking(True) self.setReadOnly(False) self.setEditorFont() def initSpellchecker(self): # TODO: disable spellchecker icon in case of not working enchant try: import enchant spellDictDir = settings.get('spellchecker:directory') if spellDictDir: if enchant.__ver_major__ >= 1 and enchant.__ver_minor__ >= 6: enchant.set_param("enchant.myspell.dictionary.path", spellDictDir) else: print "Your pyenchant version is to old. Please " \ "upgrade to version 1.6.0 or higher, if you want " \ "to use spellchecker." return None spellLang = settings.get('spellchecker:lang') if enchant.dict_exists(spellLang): self.dict = enchant.Dict(spellLang) else: # try dictionary based on the current locale try: self.dict = enchant.Dict() settings.set('spellchecker:lang', self.dict.tag) except: # we don not have working dictionary... return None if self.dict: self.usePWL(self.dict) except: print "can not start spellchecker!!!" import traceback traceback.print_exc() return None def stopSpellchecker(self): if hasattr(self, 'highlighter'): self.highlighter.setDocument(None) self.dict = None self.spell = False def toggleSpell(self, state): if state: self.initSpellchecker() else: self.stopSpellchecker() settings.set('editor:spell', state) def togglewhiteSpace(self, state=True): """ Show or hide whitespace and line ending markers """ option = QTextOption() if state: option.setFlags(QTextOption.ShowTabsAndSpaces | QTextOption.ShowLineAndParagraphSeparators) else: option.setFlags(option.flags() & ~option.ShowTabsAndSpaces & ~option.ShowLineAndParagraphSeparators) self.document().setDefaultTextOption(option) settings.set('editor:whiteSpace', state) def mousePressEvent(self, event): """ Select misspelled word after right click otherwise left clik + right click is needed. Originally from John Schember spellchecker """ if event.button() == Qt.RightButton: # Rewrite the mouse event to a left button event so the cursor is # moved to the location of the pointer. event = QMouseEvent(QEvent.MouseButtonPress, event.pos(), Qt.LeftButton, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.NoModifier) QtGui.QTextEdit.mousePressEvent(self, event) def setEditorFont(self): self.setFont(QtGui.QFont(settings.get('editor:font'))) def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: handled = False if event.key() == Qt.Key_Q: self.stopSpellchecker() handled = True elif event.key() == Qt.Key_E: self.initSpellchecker() handled = True elif event.key() == Qt.Key_F1: self.toCaps() handled = True elif event.key() == Qt.Key_F2: self.removeEOL() handled = True elif event.key() == Qt.Key_O and event.modifiers() & \ Qt.AltModifier: self.openFile() handled = True else: return QtGui.QTextEdit.keyPressEvent(self, event) if handled: event.accept() return else: QtGui.QTextEdit.keyPressEvent(self, event) def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """ Creates two context menus: 1. no modifier -> spellchecker & clear emnu 2. ctrl modifier -> Text change & Insert symbol """ contextMenu = self.createStandardContextMenu() spellMenu = True if (QApplication.keyboardModifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier): spellMenu = False self.clearAction = QtGui.QAction("Clear"), contextMenu) contextMenu.addSeparator() contextMenu.addAction(self.clearAction) if not len(self.toPlainText()): self.clearAction.setEnabled(False) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.clearAction, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.clear) if not spellMenu: textOpsMenu = QMenu("Text change...")) removeEOLAction = QtGui.QAction("Join lines"), textOpsMenu, ) textOpsMenu.addAction(removeEOLAction) QtCore.QObject.connect(removeEOLAction, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.removeEOL) textOpsMenu.addSeparator() toUppercaseAction = QtGui.QAction("to UPPERCASE"), textOpsMenu) textOpsMenu.addAction(toUppercaseAction) QtCore.QObject.connect(toUppercaseAction, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.toUppercase) toLowercaseAction = QtGui.QAction("to lowercase"), textOpsMenu) textOpsMenu.addAction(toLowercaseAction) QtCore.QObject.connect(toLowercaseAction, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.toLowercase) toTitleAction = QtGui.QAction("to Title"), textOpsMenu) textOpsMenu.addAction(toTitleAction) QtCore.QObject.connect(toTitleAction, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.toTitlecase) toCapsAction = QtGui.QAction("to Capitalize"), textOpsMenu) textOpsMenu.addAction(toCapsAction) QtCore.QObject.connect(toCapsAction, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.toCaps) contextMenu.insertSeparator(contextMenu.actions()[0]) contextMenu.insertMenu(contextMenu.actions()[0], textOpsMenu) insertSymbolMenu = QMenu("Insert symbol...")) settings_symbols = settings.get('editor:symbols') if settings_symbols: self.symbols = settings_symbols.split('\n') for symbol in self.symbols: action = SpellAction(symbol, insertSymbolMenu) action.correct.connect(self.insertSymbol) insertSymbolMenu.addAction(action) contextMenu.insertMenu(contextMenu.actions()[0], insertSymbolMenu) if not self.textCursor().hasSelection() and spellMenu: # Select the word under the cursor for spellchecker cursor = self.textCursor() self.setTextCursor(cursor) text = unicode(self.textCursor().selectedText()) #TODO: put to configuration list of ignored starting/ending chars # remove u"„" from selection if text.startswith(u"„") or text.startswith(u"“"): text = text[1:] selectionEnd = cursor.selectionEnd() cursor.setPosition(cursor.position() - len(text)) cursor.setPosition(selectionEnd, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) self.setTextCursor(cursor) # remove u"”" from selection if text.endswith(u"”") or text.startswith(u"“"): selectionEnd = cursor.selectionEnd() cursor.setPosition(cursor.position() - len(text)) cursor.setPosition(selectionEnd - 1, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) text = text[:-1] self.setTextCursor(cursor) # Check if the selected word is misspelled and offer spelling # suggestions if it is. if self.textCursor().hasSelection(): if not self.dict.check(text): spell_menu = QMenu("Spelling Suggestions")) addWordAcction = QAction('Add word...'), spell_menu) QtCore.QObject.connect(addWordAcction, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.addWord) #addWordAcction.triggered.connect(self.addWord) spell_menu.addAction(addWordAcction) for word in self.dict.suggest(text): action = SpellAction(word, spell_menu) action.correct.connect(self.changeText) spell_menu.addAction(action) contextMenu.insertSeparator(contextMenu.actions()[1]) contextMenu.insertMenu(contextMenu.actions()[0], spell_menu) # Only add the spelling suggests to the menu if there are # suggestions. if len(spell_menu.actions()) != 1: spell_menu.insertSeparator(spell_menu.actions()[1]) contextMenu.exec_(event.globalPos()) event.accept() def usePWL(self, dictionary): """ Restart spellchecker with personal private list """ import enchant pwlDict = settings.get('spellchecker:pwlDict') pwlLang = settings.get('spellchecker:pwlLang') if pwlLang: try: (name, extension) = pwlDict.rsplit('.', 1) pwlDict = name + '_' + dictionary.tag + "." + extension except: pwlDict = name + '_' + dictionary.tag self.dict = enchant.DictWithPWL(dictionary.tag, pwlDict) self.highlighter = Highlighter(self.document()) self.highlighter.setDict(self.dict) def addWord(self): """ Add word to personal private list """ self.dict.add_to_pwl(self.getSelectedText()) self.highlighter.rehighlight() def toUppercase(self): self.changeText(self.getSelectedText(), 1) def toLowercase(self): self.changeText(self.getSelectedText(), 2) def toTitlecase(self): self.changeText(self.getSelectedText(), 3) def toCaps(self): self.changeText(self.getSelectedText(), 4) def removeEOL(self): self.changeText(self.getSelectedText(), 5) def getSelectedText(self): return unicode(self.textCursor().selectedText()) def changeText(self, newText, conversion=0): ''' Replaces the selected text with newText. conversion = 0 => no conversion conversion = 1 => UPPERCASE conversion = 2 => lowercase conversion = 3 => Title (First Letter In Word) conversion = 4 => Capitalize First letter of sentence conversion = 5 => Remove end of lines ''' ## TODO(zdposter): conversion = 6 => Remove multiple space ;-) cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.removeSelectedText() pos1 = cursor.position() if conversion == 1: newText = newText.upper() if conversion == 2: newText = newText.lower() if conversion == 3: newText = newText.title() if conversion == 4: # newText = newText.capitalize() # This will capitalize Letters after ".", "?","!" rtn = re.split('([.!?] *)', newText) newText = ''.join([each.capitalize() for each in rtn]) #TODO(zdposter): '."' '.\n' ignore after '"' ')' if conversion == 5: newText = newText.replace(u"\u2029", ' ') # unicode "\n" newText = re.sub(' +', ' ', newText) # replace multiple spaces cursor.insertText(newText) # Restore text selection pos2 = cursor.position() cursor.setPosition(pos1) cursor.setPosition(pos2, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) self.setTextCursor(cursor) cursor.endEditBlock() def CharFormatChanged(self, CharFormat): self.fontFormatSignal.emit(CharFormat) def toggleBold(self, isChecked): self.setFontWeight(isChecked and QFont.Normal if self.fontWeight() > QFont.Normal else QFont.Bold) def toggleItalic(self, isChecked): self.setFontItalic(isChecked and not self.fontItalic()) def toggleUnderline(self, isChecked): self.setFontUnderline(isChecked and not self.fontUnderline()) def toggleStrikethrough(self, isChecked): charFmt = self.currentCharFormat() charFmt.setFontStrikeOut(isChecked and not charFmt.fontStrikeOut()) self.mergeCurrentCharFormat(charFmt) def toggleSubscript(self, isChecked): charFmt = self.currentCharFormat() charFmt.setVerticalAlignment(isChecked and QTextCharFormat.AlignSubScript) self.mergeCurrentCharFormat(charFmt) def toggleSuperscript(self, isChecked): charFmt = self.currentCharFormat() charFmt.setVerticalAlignment(isChecked and QTextCharFormat.AlignSuperScript) self.mergeCurrentCharFormat(charFmt) def saveAs(self): if settings.get("file_dialog_dir"): self.curDir = '~/' else: self.curDir = settings.get("file_dialog_dir") filename = unicode( QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self,"Save document"), self.curDir,"ODT document (*.odt);;Text file (*.txt);;" "HTML file (*.html);;PDF file(*.pdf)"))) if not filename: return self.curDir = os.path.dirname(filename) settings.set("file_dialog_dir", self.curDir) dw = QtGui.QTextDocumentWriter() dw.setFormat('ODF') # Default format # Check for alternative output format if filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] == "txt": dw.setFormat('plaintext') if filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in ("html", "htm"): dw.setFormat('HTML') if filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in ("PDF", "pdf"): self.filePrintPdf(filename) return dw.setFileName(filename) dw.write(self.document()) def openFile(self): if settings.get("file_dialog_dir"): self.curDir = '~/' else: self.curDir = settings.get("file_dialog_dir") fn = unicode( QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self,"Open File..."), self.curDir,"HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*)"))) QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor) if fn: self.lastFolder = os.path.dirname(fn) if os.path.exists(fn): if os.path.isfile(fn): f = QtCore.QFile(fn) if not | QtCore.QIODevice.Text): QtGui.QMessageBox.information( self.parent(),"Error - Lector"),"Can't open '%s.'" % fn)) else: stream = QtCore.QTextStream(f) text = unicode(stream.readAll()) self.setText(text) else: QtGui.QMessageBox.information( self.parent(),"Error - Lector"),"'%s' is not a file." % fn)) QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() def filePrintPdf(self, fn): printer = QPrinter(QPrinter.HighResolution) printer.setPageSize(QPrinter.A4) printer.setOutputFileName(fn) printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) self.document().print_(printer) def insertSymbol(self, symbol): """ insert symbol """ self.insertPlainText(symbol)