def plot_matched_separation_hist(d12): '''d12 is array of distances in degress between matched objects''' #pixscale to convert d12 into N pixels pixscale = dict(decam=0.25, bokmos=0.45) #sns.set_style('ticks',{"axes.facecolor": ".97"}) #sns.set_palette('colorblind') #setup plot fig, ax = plt.subplots() #plot ax.hist(d12 * 3600, bins=50, color='b', align='mid') ax2 = ax.twiny() ax2.hist(d12 * 3600. / pixscale['bokmos'], bins=50, color='g', align='mid', visible=False) xlab = ax.set_xlabel("arcsec") xlab = ax2.set_xlabel("pixels [BASS]") ylab = ax.set_ylabel("Matched") #save #sns.despine() plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'), "separation_hist.png"), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab, ylab], bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close()
def plot_matched_decam_vs_bokmos_psf_fwhm(obj, type="psf"): """using matched sample, plot decam psf_fwhm vs. bokmos psf_fwhm obj['m_decam'] is DECaLS() object""" # indices index = np.all( (indices_for_type(b, inst="m_decam", type=type), indices_for_type(b, inst="m_bokmos", type=type)), axis=0 ) # both bokmos and decam of same type # setup plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) text_args = dict(verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="left", fontsize=10) # plot for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ["g", "r", "z"]): ax[cnt].scatter( obj["m_bokmos"].data[band + "_psf_fwhm"][index], obj["m_decam"].data[band + "_psf_fwhm"][index], edgecolor="b", c="none", lw=1.0, ) ax[cnt].text(0.05, 0.95, band, transform=ax[cnt].transAxes, **text_args) # finish for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ["g", "r", "z"]): ax[cnt].set_xlim(0, 3) ax[cnt].set_ylim(0, 3) xlab = ax[1].set_xlabel("PSF_FWHM (bokmos)", **laba) ylab = ax[0].set_ylabel("PSF_FWHM (decam)", **laba) ti = plt.suptitle("%s Objects, Matched" % type.upper()) plt.savefig( os.path.join(get_outdir("bmd"), "decam_vs_bokmos_psf_fwhm_%s.png" % type), bbox_extra_artists=[ti, xlab, ylab], bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close()
def plot_matched_decam_vs_bokmos_psf_fwhm(obj, type='psf'): '''using matched sample, plot decam psf_fwhm vs. bokmos psf_fwhm obj['m_decam'] is DECaLS() object''' #indices index= np.all((indices_for_type(b,inst='m_decam',type=type),\ indices_for_type(b,inst='m_bokmos',type=type)), axis=0) #both bokmos and decam of same type #setup plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) text_args = dict(verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='left', fontsize=10) #plot for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ['g', 'r', 'z']): ax[cnt].scatter(obj['m_bokmos'].data[band+'_psf_fwhm'][index], obj['m_decam'].data[band+'_psf_fwhm'][index],\ edgecolor='b',c='none',lw=1.) ax[cnt].text(0.05, 0.95, band, transform=ax[cnt].transAxes, **text_args) #finish for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ['g', 'r', 'z']): ax[cnt].set_xlim(0, 3) ax[cnt].set_ylim(0, 3) xlab = ax[1].set_xlabel('PSF_FWHM (bokmos)', **laba) ylab = ax[0].set_ylabel('PSF_FWHM (decam)', **laba) ti = plt.suptitle('%s Objects, Matched' % type.upper()) plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'), 'decam_vs_bokmos_psf_fwhm_%s.png' % type), bbox_extra_artists=[ti, xlab, ylab], bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close()
def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, ticknames, addname=''): '''cm -- NxN array containing the Confusion Matrix values ticknames -- list of strings of length == N, column and row names for cm plot''' plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest',, vmin=0, vmax=1) cbar = plt.colorbar() plt.xticks(range(len(ticknames)), ticknames) plt.yticks(range(len(ticknames)), ticknames) ylab = plt.ylabel('True (DECaLS)') xlab = plt.xlabel('Predicted (BASS/MzLS)') for row in range(len(ticknames)): for col in range(len(ticknames)): if np.isnan(cm[row, col]): plt.text(col, row, 'n/a', va='center', ha='center') elif cm[row, col] > 0.5: plt.text(col, row, '%.2f' % cm[row, col], va='center', ha='center', color='yellow') else: plt.text(col, row, '%.2f' % cm[row, col], va='center', ha='center', color='black') plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'), 'confusion_matrix%s.png' % addname), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab, ylab], bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close()
def plot_magRatio_vs_mag(b, type="psf", addname=""): # join indices b/c matched i_type = np.all( (indices_for_type(b, inst="m_decam", type=type), indices_for_type(b, inst="m_bokmos", type=type)), axis=0 ) # both bokmos and decam of same type # plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ["g", "r", "z"]): magRatio = ( np.log10(b["m_bokmos"].data[band + "flux"][i_type]) / np.log10(b["m_decam"].data[band + "flux"][i_type]) - 1.0 ) mag = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(b["m_decam"].data[band + "flux"][i_type]) ax[cnt].scatter(mag, magRatio, c="b", edgecolor="b", s=5) # ,c='none',lw=2.) # labels for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ["g", "r", "z"]): xlab = ax[cnt].set_xlabel("%s AB" % band, **laba) ax[cnt].set_ylim(-0.5, 0.5) ax[cnt].set_xlim(18, 26) ylab = ax[0].set_ylabel(r"$m_{bm}/m_d - 1$", **laba) ti = ax[1].set_title("%s" % type, **laba) # put stats in suptitle plt.savefig( os.path.join(get_outdir("bmd"), "magRatio_vs_mag_%s%s.png" % (type, addname)), bbox_extra_artists=[ti, xlab, ylab], bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close()
def plot_radec(obj, addname=''): '''obj[m_types] -- DECaLS() objects with matched OR unmatched indices''' #set seaborn panel styles #sns.set_style('ticks',{"axes.facecolor": ".97"}) #sns.set_palette('colorblind') #setup plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 6), sharey=True, sharex=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) #plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5) #plot ax[0].scatter(obj['m_decam'].data['ra'], obj['m_decam'].data['dec'], \ edgecolor='b',c='none',lw=1.) ax[1].scatter(obj['u_decam'].data['ra'], obj['u_decam'].data['dec'], \ edgecolor='b',c='none',lw=1.,label='DECaLS') ax[1].scatter(obj['u_bokmos'].data['ra'], obj['u_bokmos'].data['dec'], \ edgecolor='g',c='none',lw=1.,label='BASS/MzLS') for cnt, ti in zip(range(2), ['Matched', 'Unmatched']): ti = ax[cnt].set_title(ti, **laba) xlab = ax[cnt].set_xlabel('RA', **laba) ylab = ax[0].set_ylabel('DEC', **laba) ax[0].legend(loc='upper left', **leg_args) #save #sns.despine() plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'), 'radec%s.png' % addname), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab, ylab, ti], bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close()
def plot_magRatio_vs_mag(b, type='psf', addname=''): #join indices b/c matched i_type= np.all((indices_for_type(b, inst='m_decam',type=type),\ indices_for_type(b, inst='m_bokmos',type=type)), axis=0) #both bokmos and decam of same type #plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ['g', 'r', 'z']): magRatio = np.log10( b['m_bokmos'].data[band + 'flux'][i_type]) / np.log10( b['m_decam'].data[band + 'flux'][i_type]) - 1. mag = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(b['m_decam'].data[band + 'flux'][i_type]) ax[cnt].scatter(mag, magRatio, c='b', edgecolor='b', s=5) #,c='none',lw=2.) #labels for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ['g', 'r', 'z']): xlab = ax[cnt].set_xlabel('%s AB' % band, **laba) ax[cnt].set_ylim(-0.5, 0.5) ax[cnt].set_xlim(18, 26) ylab = ax[0].set_ylabel(r'$m_{bm}/m_d - 1$', **laba) ti = ax[1].set_title("%s" % type, **laba) #put stats in suptitle plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'), 'magRatio_vs_mag_%s%s.png' % (type, addname)), bbox_extra_artists=[ti, xlab, ylab], bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close()
def plot_radec(obj, addname=""): """obj[m_types] -- DECaLS() objects with matched OR unmatched indices""" # set seaborn panel styles # sns.set_style('ticks',{"axes.facecolor": ".97"}) # sns.set_palette('colorblind') # setup plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 6), sharey=True, sharex=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) # plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5) # plot ax[0].scatter(obj["m_decam"].data["ra"], obj["m_decam"].data["dec"], edgecolor="b", c="none", lw=1.0) ax[1].scatter( obj["u_decam"].data["ra"], obj["u_decam"].data["dec"], edgecolor="b", c="none", lw=1.0, label="DECaLS" ) ax[1].scatter( obj["u_bokmos"].data["ra"], obj["u_bokmos"].data["dec"], edgecolor="g", c="none", lw=1.0, label="BASS/MzLS" ) for cnt, ti in zip(range(2), ["Matched", "Unmatched"]): ti = ax[cnt].set_title(ti, **laba) xlab = ax[cnt].set_xlabel("RA", **laba) ylab = ax[0].set_ylabel("DEC", **laba) ax[0].legend(loc="upper left", **leg_args) # save # sns.despine() plt.savefig( os.path.join(get_outdir("bmd"), "radec%s.png" % addname), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab, ylab, ti], bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close()
def plot_dflux_chisq(b, type='psf', low=-8., hi=8., addname=''): #join indices b/c matched i_type= np.all((indices_for_type(b, inst='m_decam',type=type),\ indices_for_type(b, inst='m_bokmos',type=type)), axis=0) #both bokmos and decam of same type #get flux diff for each band hist = dict(g=0, r=0, z=0) binc = dict(g=0, r=0, z=0) stats = dict(g=0, r=0, z=0) #chi sample, mag = {}, {} for band in ['g', 'r', 'z']: sample[band]= (b['m_decam'].data[band+'flux'][i_type]-b['m_bokmos'].data[band+'flux'][i_type])/np.sqrt(\ np.power(b['m_decam'].data[band+'flux_ivar'][i_type],-1)+np.power(b['m_bokmos'].data[band+'flux_ivar'][i_type],-1)) mag[band] = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10( b['m_decam'].data[band + 'flux'][i_type]) #loop over mag bins, one 3 panel for each mag bin for b_low, b_hi in zip([18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23], [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]): #plot each filter for band in ['g', 'r', 'z']: imag = np.all((b_low <= mag[band], mag[band] < b_hi), axis=0) #print("len(imag)=",len(imag),"len(sample)=",len(sample),"len(sample[imag])=",len(sample[imag])) hist[band], bins, junk = plt.hist(sample[band][imag], range=(low, hi), bins=50, normed=True) db = (bins[1:] - bins[:-1]) / 2 binc[band] = bins[:-1] + db plt.close() #b/c plt.hist above #for drawing unit gaussian N(0,1) G = sp_stats.norm(0, 1) xvals = np.linspace(low, hi) #plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ['g', 'r', 'z']): ax[cnt].step(binc[band], hist[band], where='mid', c='b', lw=2) ax[cnt].plot(xvals, G.pdf(xvals)) #labels for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ['g', 'r', 'z']): if band == 'r': xlab = ax[cnt].set_xlabel( r'%s $(F_{d}-F_{bm})/\sqrt{\sigma^2_{d}+\sigma^2_{bm}}$' % band, **laba) else: xlab = ax[cnt].set_xlabel('%s' % band, **laba) #xlab=ax[cnt].set_xlabel('%s' % band, **laba) ax[cnt].set_ylim(0, 0.6) ax[cnt].set_xlim(low, hi) ylab = ax[0].set_ylabel('PDF', **laba) ti = ax[1].set_title( "%s (%.1f <= %s < %.1f)" % (type, b_low, band, b_hi), **laba) #put stats in suptitle plt.savefig(os.path.join( get_outdir('bmd'), 'dflux_chisq_%s_%.1f-%s-%.1f%s.png' % (type, b_low, band, b_hi, addname)), bbox_extra_artists=[ti, xlab, ylab], bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close()
def plot_SN_vs_mag(obj, found_by="matched", type="all", addname=""): """obj['m_decam'] is DECaLS() object found_by -- 'matched' or 'unmatched' type -- all,psf,lrg""" # indices for type == all,psf, or lrg assert found_by == "matched" or found_by == "unmatched" prefix = found_by[0] + "_" # m_ or u_ index = {} for key in ["decam", "bokmos"]: index[key] = indices_for_type(obj, inst=prefix + key, type=type) # bin up SN values min, max = 18.0, 25.0 bin_SN = dict(decam={}, bokmos={}) for key in bin_SN.keys(): for band in ["g", "r", "z"]: bin_SN[key][band] = {} i = index[key] bin_edges = np.linspace(min, max, num=30) bin_SN[key][band]["binc"], count, bin_SN[key][band]["q25"], bin_SN[key][band]["q50"], bin_SN[key][band][ "q75" ] = bin_up( obj[prefix + key].data[band + "mag"][i], obj[prefix + key].data[band + "flux"][i] * np.sqrt(obj[prefix + key].data[band + "flux_ivar"][i]), bin_edges=bin_edges, ) # setup plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) # plot SN for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ["g", "r", "z"]): # horiz line at SN = 5 ax[cnt].plot([1, 40], [5, 5], "k--", lw=2) # data for inst, color, lab in zip(["decam", "bokmos"], ["b", "g"], ["DECaLS", "BASS/MzLS"]): ax[cnt].plot(bin_SN[inst][band]["binc"], bin_SN[inst][band]["q50"], c=color, ls="-", lw=2, label=lab) ax[cnt].fill_between( bin_SN[inst][band]["binc"], bin_SN[inst][band]["q25"], bin_SN[inst][band]["q75"], color=color, alpha=0.25, ) # labels ax[2].legend(loc=1, **leg_args) for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ["g", "r", "z"]): ax[cnt].set_yscale("log") xlab = ax[cnt].set_xlabel("%s" % band, **laba) ax[cnt].set_ylim(1, 100) ax[cnt].set_xlim(20.0, 26.0) ylab = ax[0].set_ylabel("S/N", **laba) text_args = dict(verticalalignment="bottom", horizontalalignment="right", fontsize=10) ax[2].text(26, 5, "S/N = 5 ", **text_args) plt.savefig( os.path.join(get_outdir("bmd"), "sn_%s_%s%s.png" % (found_by, type, addname)), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab, ylab], bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close()
def plot_dflux_chisq(b, type="psf", low=-8.0, hi=8.0, addname=""): # join indices b/c matched i_type = np.all( (indices_for_type(b, inst="m_decam", type=type), indices_for_type(b, inst="m_bokmos", type=type)), axis=0 ) # both bokmos and decam of same type # get flux diff for each band hist = dict(g=0, r=0, z=0) binc = dict(g=0, r=0, z=0) stats = dict(g=0, r=0, z=0) # chi sample, mag = {}, {} for band in ["g", "r", "z"]: sample[band] = (b["m_decam"].data[band + "flux"][i_type] - b["m_bokmos"].data[band + "flux"][i_type]) / np.sqrt( np.power(b["m_decam"].data[band + "flux_ivar"][i_type], -1) + np.power(b["m_bokmos"].data[band + "flux_ivar"][i_type], -1) ) mag[band] = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(b["m_decam"].data[band + "flux"][i_type]) # loop over mag bins, one 3 panel for each mag bin for b_low, b_hi in zip([18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23], [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]): # plot each filter for band in ["g", "r", "z"]: imag = np.all((b_low <= mag[band], mag[band] < b_hi), axis=0) # print("len(imag)=",len(imag),"len(sample)=",len(sample),"len(sample[imag])=",len(sample[imag])) hist[band], bins, junk = plt.hist(sample[band][imag], range=(low, hi), bins=50, normed=True) db = (bins[1:] - bins[:-1]) / 2 binc[band] = bins[:-1] + db plt.close() # b/c plt.hist above # for drawing unit gaussian N(0,1) G = sp_stats.norm(0, 1) xvals = np.linspace(low, hi) # plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ["g", "r", "z"]): ax[cnt].step(binc[band], hist[band], where="mid", c="b", lw=2) ax[cnt].plot(xvals, G.pdf(xvals)) # labels for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ["g", "r", "z"]): if band == "r": xlab = ax[cnt].set_xlabel(r"%s $(F_{d}-F_{bm})/\sqrt{\sigma^2_{d}+\sigma^2_{bm}}$" % band, **laba) else: xlab = ax[cnt].set_xlabel("%s" % band, **laba) # xlab=ax[cnt].set_xlabel('%s' % band, **laba) ax[cnt].set_ylim(0, 0.6) ax[cnt].set_xlim(low, hi) ylab = ax[0].set_ylabel("PDF", **laba) ti = ax[1].set_title("%s (%.1f <= %s < %.1f)" % (type, b_low, band, b_hi), **laba) # put stats in suptitle plt.savefig( os.path.join(get_outdir("bmd"), "dflux_chisq_%s_%.1f-%s-%.1f%s.png" % (type, b_low, band, b_hi, addname)), bbox_extra_artists=[ti, xlab, ylab], bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close()
def plot_N_per_deg2(obj, type="all", req_mags=[24.0, 23.4, 22.5], addname=""): """image requirements grz<=24,23.4,22.5 compute number density in each bin for each band mag [18,requirement]""" # indices for type for matched and unmatched samples index = {} for inst in ["m_decam", "u_decam", "m_bokmos", "u_bokmos"]: index[inst] = indices_for_type(obj, inst=inst, type=type) bin_nd = dict(decam={}, bokmos={}) for inst in ["decam", "bokmos"]: bin_nd[inst] = {} for band, req in zip(["g", "r", "z"], req_mags): bin_nd[inst][band] = {} bin_edges = np.linspace(18.0, req, num=15) i_m, i_u = index["m_" + inst], index["u_" + inst] # need m+u # join m_decam,u_decam OR m_bokmos,u_bokmos and only with correct all,psf,lrg index sample = (obj["m_" + inst].data[band + "mag"][i_m], obj["u_" + inst].data[band + "mag"][i_u]), axis=0 ) bin_nd[inst][band]["binc"], bin_nd[inst][band]["cnt"], q25, q50, q75 = bin_up( sample, sample, bin_edges=bin_edges ) # plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ["g", "r", "z"]): for inst, color, lab in zip(["decam", "bokmos"], ["b", "g"], ["DECaLS", "BASS/MzLS"]): ax[cnt].step( bin_nd[inst][band]["binc"], bin_nd[inst][band]["cnt"] / obj["deg2_" + inst], where="mid", c=color, lw=2, label=lab, ) # labels for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ["g", "r", "z"]): xlab = ax[cnt].set_xlabel("%s" % band) # , **laba) # ax[cnt].set_ylim(0,0.6) # ax[cnt].set_xlim(maglow,maghi) ax[0].legend(loc="upper left", **leg_args) ylab = ax[0].set_ylabel("counts/deg2") # , **laba) ti = plt.suptitle("%ss" % type.upper(), **laba) # Make space for and rotate the x-axis tick labels fig.autofmt_xdate() # put stats in suptitle plt.savefig( os.path.join(get_outdir("bmd"), "n_per_deg2_%s%s.png" % (type, addname)), bbox_extra_artists=[ti, xlab, ylab], bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close()
def plot_matched_dmag_vs_psf_fwhm(obj, type='psf'): '''using matched sample, plot diff in mags vs. DECAM psf_fwhm in bins obj['m_decam'] is DECaLS() object''' #indices index= np.all((indices_for_type(b,inst='m_decam',type=type),\ indices_for_type(b,inst='m_bokmos',type=type)), axis=0) #both bokmos and decam of same type #bin up by DECAM psf_fwhm bin_edges = np.linspace(0, 3, num=6) vals = {} for band in ['g', 'r', 'z']: vals[band] = {} vals[band]['binc'],count,vals[band]['q25'],vals[band]['q50'],vals[band]['q75']=\ bin_up(obj['m_decam'].data[band+'_psf_fwhm'][index], \ obj['m_bokmos'].data[band+'mag'][index]- obj['m_decam'].data[band+'mag'][index], \ bin_edges=bin_edges) #setup plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) text_args = dict(verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='left', fontsize=10) #plot for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ['g', 'r', 'z']): ax[cnt].plot(vals[band]['binc'], vals[band]['q50'], c='b', ls='-', lw=2) ax[cnt].fill_between(vals[band]['binc'], vals[band]['q25'], vals[band]['q75'], color='b', alpha=0.25) ax[cnt].text(0.05, 0.95, band, transform=ax[cnt].transAxes, **text_args) #finish xlab = ax[1].set_xlabel('decam PSF_FWHM', **laba) ylab = ax[0].set_ylabel(r'Median $\Delta \, m$ (decam - bokmos)', **laba) ti = plt.suptitle('%s Objects, Matched' % type.upper()) plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'), 'dmag_vs_psf_fwhm_%s.png' % type), bbox_extra_artists=[ti, xlab, ylab], bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close()
def plot_N_per_deg2(obj, type='all', req_mags=[24., 23.4, 22.5], addname=''): '''image requirements grz<=24,23.4,22.5 compute number density in each bin for each band mag [18,requirement]''' #indices for type for matched and unmatched samples index = {} for inst in ['m_decam', 'u_decam', 'm_bokmos', 'u_bokmos']: index[inst] = indices_for_type(obj, inst=inst, type=type) bin_nd = dict(decam={}, bokmos={}) for inst in ['decam', 'bokmos']: bin_nd[inst] = {} for band, req in zip(['g', 'r', 'z'], req_mags): bin_nd[inst][band] = {} bin_edges = np.linspace(18., req, num=15) i_m, i_u = index['m_' + inst], index['u_' + inst] #need m+u #join m_decam,u_decam OR m_bokmos,u_bokmos and only with correct all,psf,lrg index sample = (obj['m_' + inst].data[band + 'mag'][i_m], obj['u_' + inst].data[band + 'mag'][i_u]), axis=0) bin_nd[inst][band]['binc'],bin_nd[inst][band]['cnt'],q25,q50,q75=\ bin_up(sample,sample,bin_edges=bin_edges) #plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ['g', 'r', 'z']): for inst, color, lab in zip(['decam', 'bokmos'], ['b', 'g'], ['DECaLS', 'BASS/MzLS']): ax[cnt].step(bin_nd[inst][band]['binc'], bin_nd[inst][band]['cnt'] / obj['deg2_' + inst], where='mid', c=color, lw=2, label=lab) #labels for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ['g', 'r', 'z']): xlab = ax[cnt].set_xlabel('%s' % band) #, **laba) #ax[cnt].set_ylim(0,0.6) #ax[cnt].set_xlim(maglow,maghi) ax[0].legend(loc='upper left', **leg_args) ylab = ax[0].set_ylabel('counts/deg2') #, **laba) ti = plt.suptitle("%ss" % type.upper(), **laba) # Make space for and rotate the x-axis tick labels fig.autofmt_xdate() #put stats in suptitle plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'), 'n_per_deg2_%s%s.png' % (type, addname)), bbox_extra_artists=[ti, xlab, ylab], bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close()
def plot_HistTypes(obj, m_types=['m_decam', 'm_bokmos'], addname=''): '''decam,bokmos -- DECaLS() objects with matched OR unmatched indices''' #matched or unmatched objects if m_types[0].startswith('m_') and m_types[1].startswith('m_'): matched = True elif m_types[0].startswith('u_') and m_types[1].startswith('u_'): matched = False else: raise ValueError #sns.set_style("whitegrid") #sns.set_palette('colorblind') #c1=sns.color_palette()[2] #c2=sns.color_palette()[0] #'b' c1 = 'b' c2 = 'r' ### types = ['PSF', 'SIMP', 'EXP', 'DEV', 'COMP'] ind = np.arange(len(types)) # the x locations for the groups width = 0.35 # the width of the bars ### ht_decam, ht_bokmos = np.zeros(5, dtype=int), np.zeros(5, dtype=int) for cnt, typ in enumerate(types): ht_decam[cnt] = np.where( obj[m_types[0]].data['type'] == typ)[0].shape[0] / float( obj['deg2_decam']) ht_bokmos[cnt] = np.where( obj[m_types[1]].data['type'] == typ)[0].shape[0] / float( obj['deg2_bokmos']) ### fig, ax = plt.subplots() rects1 =, ht_decam, width, color=c1) rects2 = + width, ht_bokmos, width, color=c2) ylab = ax.set_ylabel("counts/deg2") if matched: ti = ax.set_title('Matched') else: ti = ax.set_title('Unmatched') ax.set_xticks(ind + width) ax.set_xticklabels(types) ax.legend((rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('DECaLS', 'BASS/MzLS'), **leg_args) #save if matched: name = 'hist_types_Matched%s.png' % addname else: name = 'hist_types_Unmatched%s.png' % addname plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'), name), bbox_extra_artists=[ylab, ti], bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close()
def plot_psf_hists(decam, bokmos, zoom=False): '''decam,bokmos are DECaLS() objects matched to decam ra,dec''' #divide into samples of 0.25 mag bins, store q50 of each width = 0.25 #in mag low_vals = np.arange(20., 26., width) med = {} for b in ['g', 'r', 'z']: med[b] = np.zeros(low_vals.size) - 100 for i, low in enumerate(low_vals): for band in ['g', 'r', 'z']: ind = np.all((low <= decam[band + 'mag'], decam[band + 'mag'] < low + width), axis=0) if np.where(ind)[0].size > 0: med[band][i] = np.percentile(bokmos[band + 'mag'][ind] - decam[band + 'mag'][ind], q=50) else: med[band][i] = np.nan #make plot #set seaborn panel styles #sns.set_style('ticks',{"axes.facecolor": ".97"}) #sns.set_palette('colorblind') #setup plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3)) #,sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5) #plot for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ['r', 'g', 'z']): ax[cnt].scatter(low_vals, med[band],\ edgecolor='b',c='none',lw=2.) #,label=m_type.split('_')[-1]) xlab = ax[cnt].set_xlabel('bins of %s (decam)' % band, **laba) ylab = ax[cnt].set_ylabel('q50[%s bokmos - decam]' % band, **laba) if zoom: ax[cnt].set_ylim(-0.25, 0.25) # sup=plt.suptitle('decam with matching bokmos',**laba) #save #sns.despine() if zoom: name = "median_color_diff_zoom.png" else: name = "median_color_diff.png" plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'), name), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab, ylab], bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close()
def plot_HistTypes(obj, m_types=["m_decam", "m_bokmos"], addname=""): """decam,bokmos -- DECaLS() objects with matched OR unmatched indices""" # matched or unmatched objects if m_types[0].startswith("m_") and m_types[1].startswith("m_"): matched = True elif m_types[0].startswith("u_") and m_types[1].startswith("u_"): matched = False else: raise ValueError # sns.set_style("whitegrid") # sns.set_palette('colorblind') # c1=sns.color_palette()[2] # c2=sns.color_palette()[0] #'b' c1 = "b" c2 = "r" ### types = ["PSF", "SIMP", "EXP", "DEV", "COMP"] ind = np.arange(len(types)) # the x locations for the groups width = 0.35 # the width of the bars ### ht_decam, ht_bokmos = np.zeros(5, dtype=int), np.zeros(5, dtype=int) for cnt, typ in enumerate(types): ht_decam[cnt] = np.where(obj[m_types[0]].data["type"] == typ)[0].shape[0] / float(obj["deg2_decam"]) ht_bokmos[cnt] = np.where(obj[m_types[1]].data["type"] == typ)[0].shape[0] / float(obj["deg2_bokmos"]) ### fig, ax = plt.subplots() rects1 =, ht_decam, width, color=c1) rects2 = + width, ht_bokmos, width, color=c2) ylab = ax.set_ylabel("counts/deg2") if matched: ti = ax.set_title("Matched") else: ti = ax.set_title("Unmatched") ax.set_xticks(ind + width) ax.set_xticklabels(types) ax.legend((rects1[0], rects2[0]), ("DECaLS", "BASS/MzLS"), **leg_args) # save if matched: name = "hist_types_Matched%s.png" % addname else: name = "hist_types_Unmatched%s.png" % addname plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir("bmd"), name), bbox_extra_artists=[ylab, ti], bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150) plt.close()
def plot_nobs(b): """make histograms of nobs so can compare depths of g,r,z between the two catalogues""" hi = 0 for cam in ["m_decam", "m_bokmos"]: for band in "grz": hi = np.max((hi, b[cam].data[band + "_nobs"].max())) bins = hi for cam in ["m_decam", "m_bokmos"]: for band in "grz": junk = plt.hist(b[cam].data[band + "_nobs"], bins=bins, normed=True, cumulative=True, align="mid") xlab = plt.xlabel("nobs %s" % band, **laba) ylab = plt.ylabel("CDF", **laba) plt.savefig( os.path.join(get_outdir("bmd"), "hist_nobs_%s_%s.png" % (band, cam[2:])), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab, ylab], bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close()
def plot_nobs(b): '''make histograms of nobs so can compare depths of g,r,z between the two catalogues''' hi = 0 for cam in ['m_decam', 'm_bokmos']: for band in 'grz': hi = np.max((hi, b[cam].data[band + '_nobs'].max())) bins = hi for cam in ['m_decam', 'm_bokmos']: for band in 'grz': junk = plt.hist(b[cam].data[band + '_nobs'], bins=bins, normed=True, cumulative=True, align='mid') xlab = plt.xlabel('nobs %s' % band, **laba) ylab = plt.ylabel('CDF', **laba) plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'), 'hist_nobs_%s_%s.png' % (band, cam[2:])), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab, ylab], bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close()
def plot_psf_hists(decam, bokmos, zoom=False): """decam,bokmos are DECaLS() objects matched to decam ra,dec""" # divide into samples of 0.25 mag bins, store q50 of each width = 0.25 # in mag low_vals = np.arange(20.0, 26.0, width) med = {} for b in ["g", "r", "z"]: med[b] = np.zeros(low_vals.size) - 100 for i, low in enumerate(low_vals): for band in ["g", "r", "z"]: ind = np.all((low <= decam[band + "mag"], decam[band + "mag"] < low + width), axis=0) if np.where(ind)[0].size > 0: med[band][i] = np.percentile(bokmos[band + "mag"][ind] - decam[band + "mag"][ind], q=50) else: med[band][i] = np.nan # make plot # set seaborn panel styles # sns.set_style('ticks',{"axes.facecolor": ".97"}) # sns.set_palette('colorblind') # setup plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3)) # ,sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5) # plot for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ["r", "g", "z"]): ax[cnt].scatter(low_vals, med[band], edgecolor="b", c="none", lw=2.0) # ,label=m_type.split('_')[-1]) xlab = ax[cnt].set_xlabel("bins of %s (decam)" % band, **laba) ylab = ax[cnt].set_ylabel("q50[%s bokmos - decam]" % band, **laba) if zoom: ax[cnt].set_ylim(-0.25, 0.25) # sup=plt.suptitle('decam with matching bokmos',**laba) # save # sns.despine() if zoom: name = "median_color_diff_zoom.png" else: name = "median_color_diff.png" plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir("bmd"), name), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab, ylab], bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150) plt.close()
def plot_matched_dmag_vs_psf_fwhm(obj, type="psf"): """using matched sample, plot diff in mags vs. DECAM psf_fwhm in bins obj['m_decam'] is DECaLS() object""" # indices index = np.all( (indices_for_type(b, inst="m_decam", type=type), indices_for_type(b, inst="m_bokmos", type=type)), axis=0 ) # both bokmos and decam of same type # bin up by DECAM psf_fwhm bin_edges = np.linspace(0, 3, num=6) vals = {} for band in ["g", "r", "z"]: vals[band] = {} vals[band]["binc"], count, vals[band]["q25"], vals[band]["q50"], vals[band]["q75"] = bin_up( obj["m_decam"].data[band + "_psf_fwhm"][index], obj["m_bokmos"].data[band + "mag"][index] - obj["m_decam"].data[band + "mag"][index], bin_edges=bin_edges, ) # setup plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) text_args = dict(verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="left", fontsize=10) # plot for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ["g", "r", "z"]): ax[cnt].plot(vals[band]["binc"], vals[band]["q50"], c="b", ls="-", lw=2) ax[cnt].fill_between(vals[band]["binc"], vals[band]["q25"], vals[band]["q75"], color="b", alpha=0.25) ax[cnt].text(0.05, 0.95, band, transform=ax[cnt].transAxes, **text_args) # finish xlab = ax[1].set_xlabel("decam PSF_FWHM", **laba) ylab = ax[0].set_ylabel(r"Median $\Delta \, m$ (decam - bokmos)", **laba) ti = plt.suptitle("%s Objects, Matched" % type.upper()) plt.savefig( os.path.join(get_outdir("bmd"), "dmag_vs_psf_fwhm_%s.png" % type), bbox_extra_artists=[ti, xlab, ylab], bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close()
def plot_matched_separation_hist(d12): """d12 is array of distances in degress between matched objects""" # pixscale to convert d12 into N pixels pixscale = dict(decam=0.25, bokmos=0.45) # sns.set_style('ticks',{"axes.facecolor": ".97"}) # sns.set_palette('colorblind') # setup plot fig, ax = plt.subplots() # plot ax.hist(d12 * 3600, bins=50, color="b", align="mid") ax2 = ax.twiny() ax2.hist(d12 * 3600.0 / pixscale["bokmos"], bins=50, color="g", align="mid", visible=False) xlab = ax.set_xlabel("arcsec") xlab = ax2.set_xlabel("pixels [BASS]") ylab = ax.set_ylabel("Matched") # save # sns.despine() plt.savefig( os.path.join(get_outdir("bmd"), "separation_hist.png"), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab, ylab], bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close()
def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, ticknames, addname=""): """cm -- NxN array containing the Confusion Matrix values ticknames -- list of strings of length == N, column and row names for cm plot""" plt.imshow(cm, interpolation="nearest",, vmin=0, vmax=1) cbar = plt.colorbar() plt.xticks(range(len(ticknames)), ticknames) plt.yticks(range(len(ticknames)), ticknames) ylab = plt.ylabel("True (DECaLS)") xlab = plt.xlabel("Predicted (BASS/MzLS)") for row in range(len(ticknames)): for col in range(len(ticknames)): if np.isnan(cm[row, col]): plt.text(col, row, "n/a", va="center", ha="center") elif cm[row, col] > 0.5: plt.text(col, row, "%.2f" % cm[row, col], va="center", ha="center", color="yellow") else: plt.text(col, row, "%.2f" % cm[row, col], va="center", ha="center", color="black") plt.savefig( os.path.join(get_outdir("bmd"), "confusion_matrix%s.png" % addname), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab, ylab], bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150, ) plt.close()
def plot_SN_vs_mag(obj, found_by='matched', type='all', addname=''): '''obj['m_decam'] is DECaLS() object found_by -- 'matched' or 'unmatched' type -- all,psf,lrg''' #indices for type == all,psf, or lrg assert (found_by == 'matched' or found_by == 'unmatched') prefix = found_by[0] + '_' # m_ or u_ index = {} for key in ['decam', 'bokmos']: index[key] = indices_for_type(obj, inst=prefix + key, type=type) #bin up SN values min, max = 18., 25. bin_SN = dict(decam={}, bokmos={}) for key in bin_SN.keys(): for band in ['g', 'r', 'z']: bin_SN[key][band] = {} i = index[key] bin_edges = np.linspace(min, max, num=30) bin_SN[key][band]['binc'],count,bin_SN[key][band]['q25'],bin_SN[key][band]['q50'],bin_SN[key][band]['q75']=\ bin_up(obj[prefix+key].data[band+'mag'][i], \ obj[prefix+key].data[band+'flux'][i]*np.sqrt(obj[prefix+key].data[band+'flux_ivar'][i]),\ bin_edges=bin_edges) #setup plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) #plot SN for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ['g', 'r', 'z']): #horiz line at SN = 5 ax[cnt].plot([1, 40], [5, 5], 'k--', lw=2) #data for inst, color, lab in zip(['decam', 'bokmos'], ['b', 'g'], ['DECaLS', 'BASS/MzLS']): ax[cnt].plot(bin_SN[inst][band]['binc'], bin_SN[inst][band]['q50'], c=color, ls='-', lw=2, label=lab) ax[cnt].fill_between(bin_SN[inst][band]['binc'], bin_SN[inst][band]['q25'], bin_SN[inst][band]['q75'], color=color, alpha=0.25) #labels ax[2].legend(loc=1, **leg_args) for cnt, band in zip(range(3), ['g', 'r', 'z']): ax[cnt].set_yscale('log') xlab = ax[cnt].set_xlabel('%s' % band, **laba) ax[cnt].set_ylim(1, 100) ax[cnt].set_xlim(20., 26.) ylab = ax[0].set_ylabel('S/N', **laba) text_args = dict(verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', fontsize=10) ax[2].text(26, 5, 'S/N = 5 ', **text_args) plt.savefig(os.path.join(get_outdir('bmd'), 'sn_%s_%s%s.png' % (found_by, type, addname)), bbox_extra_artists=[xlab, ylab], bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close()
import as fits import astropy.cosmology as co c1 = co.Planck15 import numpy as np import glob import os import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.spatial import KDTree import scipy.stats as st from legacyanalysis.pathnames import get_indir,get_outdir,make_dir f = open(os.path.join(get_outdir('dr23'),"out-ELG-decals.txt"),'w') f.write("field 242 \n") cFile1 = os.path.join(get_indir('dr23'),"catalog-EDR-242.2-243.7-8-12.1-DR3.fits") f.write("total primary any mask \n") hdu = dat = hdu[1].data prim = (dat['brick_primary']) noJunk = (dat['brick_primary']) & (dat['decam_anymask'].T[1]==0) & (dat['decam_anymask'].T[2]==0) & (dat['decam_anymask'].T[4]==0) psf = (noJunk) & (dat['type'] == "PSF") areaC1 = ( numpy.max(dat['ra']) - numpy.min(dat['ra']) ) * ( numpy.max(dat['dec']) - numpy.min(dat['dec']) )*numpy.cos( numpy.pi * numpy.mean(dat['dec']) / 180. ) f.write("DR3 : "+str(len(dat))+" "+str( len(prim.nonzero()[0]))+" "+str( len(noJunk.nonzero()[0]))+" "+str( len(psf.nonzero()[0]))+" "+str( areaC1)+"\n") f.write("DR3 : "+str(numpy.round(len(dat)/areaC1))+" "+str( numpy.round(len(prim.nonzero()[0])/areaC1))+" "+str( numpy.round(len(noJunk.nonzero()[0]) /areaC1) )+" "+str( numpy.round(len(psf.nonzero()[0]) /areaC1) )+"\n") cFile1 =os.path.join(get_indir('dr23'), "catalog-EDR-242.2-243.7-8-12.1-DR2.fits")
indir= get_indir('cosmos') #CREATES THE CATALOG LIST catList = ["catalog-R3-R4.fits", "catalog-R2-R4.fits", "catalog-R2-R3.fits", "catalog-R1-R4.fits", "catalog-R1-R3.fits", "catalog-R1-R2.fits"] for cnt,cat in enumerate(catList): catList[cnt]= os.path.join(indir,cat) # EACH CATALOG NEEDS TO HAVE THE TYPICAL DECALS CATALOG ENTRIES WITH "_1" AND "_2" APPENDED FOR DR2 and DR3 # DEFINES THE GAUSSIAN FUNCTION gfun = lambda x, m0, s0 : st.norm.pdf(x,loc=m0,scale=s0) #OPENS A FILE TO WRITE OUTPUTS f=open(os.path.join(get_outdir('cosmos'),"depth-comparisonp.txt"),"w") f.write("20<g<21.5 \n") # CREATES A FIGURE plt.figure(2,(5,5)) plt.axes([0.17,0.15,0.75,0.75]) # PLOT THE EXPECTED NORMAL DISTRIBUTION plt.plot(np.arange(-10,6,0.1), st.norm.pdf(np.arange(-10,6,0.1),loc=0,scale=1), 'k--', lw=2, label='N(0,1)') # LOOPS OVER MATCHED CATALOGS for ii, el in enumerate(catList): dr2=hdu[1].data # DEFINES MAGNITUDES TO SELECT A MAGNITUDE BIN g_mag_dr2 = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(dr2['decam_flux_2'].T[1] / dr2['decam_mw_transmission_2'].T[1]) r_mag_dr2 = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(dr2['decam_flux_2'].T[2] / dr2['decam_mw_transmission_2'].T[2]) z_mag_dr2 = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(dr2['decam_flux_2'].T[4] / dr2['decam_mw_transmission_2'].T[4])
from legacyanalysis.pathnames import get_indir, get_outdir, make_dir indir = get_indir('cosmos') #CREATES THE CATALOG LIST catList = [ "catalog-R3-R4.fits", "catalog-R2-R4.fits", "catalog-R2-R3.fits", "catalog-R1-R4.fits", "catalog-R1-R3.fits", "catalog-R1-R2.fits" ] for cnt, cat in enumerate(catList): catList[cnt] = os.path.join(indir, cat) # EACH CATALOG NEEDS TO HAVE THE TYPICAL DECALS CATALOG ENTRIES WITH "_1" AND "_2" APPENDED FOR DR2 and DR3 # DEFINES THE GAUSSIAN FUNCTION gfun = lambda x, m0, s0: st.norm.pdf(x, loc=m0, scale=s0) #OPENS A FILE TO WRITE OUTPUTS f = open(os.path.join(get_outdir('cosmos'), "depth-comparisonp.txt"), "w") f.write("20<g<21.5 \n") # CREATES A FIGURE plt.figure(2, (5, 5)) plt.axes([0.17, 0.15, 0.75, 0.75]) # PLOT THE EXPECTED NORMAL DISTRIBUTION plt.plot(np.arange(-10, 6, 0.1), st.norm.pdf(np.arange(-10, 6, 0.1), loc=0, scale=1), 'k--', lw=2, label='N(0,1)') # LOOPS OVER MATCHED CATALOGS for ii, el in enumerate(catList): hdu = dr2 = hdu[1].data