コード例 #1
ファイル: tonelli-shanks.py プロジェクト: Fyggh/ctf
def modular_root(x, p):
    Find the square root of a quadratic residue x modulo a prime p using the
    Tonelli-Shanks algorithm.

    Input: quadratic residue x, prime p
    Output: r in Z/pZ such that r^2 = x, None if no such root exists

    # Check that x is a quadratic residue mod p
    if not legendre(x, p):
        return None

    # Find q and s such that p - 1 = q * 2^s with q odd
    q = p - 1
    s = 0
    while q % 2 == 0:
        q = q // 2
        s += 1

    # Find a quadratic non-residue z
    z = 2 
    while legendre(z, p):
        z += 1
    # Set initial parameters
    m = s
    c = pow(z, q, p)
    t = pow(x, q, p)
    r = pow(x, (q + 1)//2, p)

    # Find successive pairs of r and t that satisfy r^2 == n * t (mod p)
    # and t is a 2^(m-1) root of 1. Once t == 1 (mod p), we have found 
    # r to be the square root of x.
    while True:
        if t == 0:
            return 0
        elif t == 1:
            return r
            for i in range(1, m + 1):
                if i == m:
                    return None
                if pow(t, 2**i, p) == 1:
            b = pow(c, 2**(m - i - 1), p)
            m = i
            c = pow(b, 2, p)
            t = (t * c) % p
            r = (r * b) % p
コード例 #2
def lagrange1st(N):
    # Calculation of 1st derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
    # at GLL collocation points
    # out = legendre1st(N)	
    # out is a matrix with columns -> GLL nodes
    #                        rows -> order
    from gll import gll
    from lagrange import lagrange
    from legendre import legendre
    import numpy as np
    out = np.zeros([N+1, N+1])
    [xi, w] = gll(N)
    # initialize dij matrix (see Funaro 1993 or Diploma thesis Bernhard Schuberth)

    d = np.zeros([N+1, N+1])
    for i in range (-1, N): 
        for j in range (-1, N): 
            if i != j:
                d[i+1,j+1] = legendre(N,xi[i+1])/legendre(N,xi[j+1])*1/(xi[i+1]-xi[j+1])
            if i == -1:
                if j == -1:
                    d[i+1,j+1] = float(-1)/float(4)*N*(N+1)
            if i == N-1:
                if j == N-1:
                    d[i+1,j+1] = float(1)/float(4)*N*(N+1)
    # Calculate matrix with 1st derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
    for n in range (-1, N):
        for i in range (-1, N):
            for j in range(-1, N):
                sum = sum + d[i+1,j+1]*lagrange(N,n,xi[j+1])
            out[n+1,i+1] = sum  
コード例 #3
def multicoes(rs, qtopos, nmax=60):
    coes = [0. for n in range(nmax + 1)]
    for n in range(nmax + 1):
        for q, pos in qtopos.items():
            rmag, rimag, costheta = decomp(rs, pos)
            val = q * (rimag**n) * legendre(n, costheta)[0]
            coes[n] += val
    return coes
コード例 #4
def lagrange1st(N):
    # Calculation of 1st derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
    # at GLL collocation points
    # out = legendre1st(N)
    # out is a matrix with columns -> GLL nodes
    #                        rows -> order

    from gll import gll
    from lagrange import lagrange
    from legendre import legendre
    import numpy as np

    out = np.zeros([N + 1, N + 1])

    [xi, w] = gll(N)

    # initialize dij matrix (see Funaro 1993 or Diploma thesis Bernhard Schuberth)

    d = np.zeros([N + 1, N + 1])

    for i in range(-1, N):
        for j in range(-1, N):
            if i != j:
                d[i + 1, j + 1] = legendre(N, xi[i + 1]) / legendre(
                    N, xi[j + 1]) * 1 / (xi[i + 1] - xi[j + 1])

            if i == -1:
                if j == -1:
                    d[i + 1, j + 1] = float(-1) / float(4) * N * (N + 1)

            if i == N - 1:
                if j == N - 1:
                    d[i + 1, j + 1] = float(1) / float(4) * N * (N + 1)

    # Calculate matrix with 1st derivatives of Lagrange polynomials

    for n in range(-1, N):
        for i in range(-1, N):
            sum = 0
            for j in range(-1, N):
                sum = sum + d[i + 1, j + 1] * lagrange(N, n, xi[j + 1])

            out[n + 1, i + 1] = sum

    return (out)
コード例 #5
def legendreMatrix(n):
    primes = primeList(2, n)
    array = []
    for i in primes:
        row = []
        for j in primes:
            if i != j:
                row.append(legendre(i, j))
    return numpy.array(array)
コード例 #6
def legnewton(n, xold, kmax=200, tol=1.e-8):
    for k in range(1, kmax):
        val, dval = legendre(n, xold)
        xnew = xold - val / dval

        xdiff = xnew - xold
        if abs(xdiff / xnew) < tol:

        xold = xnew
        xnew = None
    return xnew
コード例 #7
def Jacob(a, m):
    a = a % m
    exponent = 0
    factor_list = factoring(m)
    # print(factor_list)
    legendre_list = []
    flag = 1
    for factor in factor_list:
        legendre_list.append(legendre(a, factor))
    for legendre_flag in legendre_list:
        flag *= legendre_flag
    # print(legendre_list)
    return flag
コード例 #8
def factor_base(n, t):
    # res = [-1]
    # if n % 2 == 0:
        # res += [2]
    # pi = skip(1, primes()) # skip 2
    res = [-1]
    pi = primes()
    p = next(pi)
    while p <= t:
        # if legendre(n, p) == 1:
        if legendre(n, p) != -1:
            res += [p]
        p = next(pi)
    return res
コード例 #9
def lagrange1st(N):
    # Calculation of 1st derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
    # at GLL collocation points
    # out = legendre1st(N)
    # out is a matrix with columns -> GLL nodes
    #                        rows -> order
    out = np.zeros([N+1, N+1])

    [xi, w] = gll(N)

    # initialize dij matrix (see Funaro 1993 or Diploma thesis Bernhard
    # Schuberth)
    d = np.zeros([N + 1, N + 1])

    for i in range(-1, N):
        for j in range(-1, N):
            if i != j:
                d[i + 1, j + 1] = legendre(N, xi[i + 1]) / \
                    legendre(N, xi[j + 1]) * 1.0 / (xi[i + 1] - xi[j + 1])
            if i == -1:
                if j == -1:
                    d[i + 1, j + 1] = -1.0 / 4.0 * N * (N + 1)
            if i == N-1:
                if j == N-1:
                    d[i + 1, j + 1] = 1.0 / 4.0 * N * (N + 1)

    # Calculate matrix with 1st derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
    for n in range(-1, N):
        for i in range(-1, N):
            sum = 0
            for j in range(-1, N):
                sum = sum + d[i + 1, j + 1] * lagrange(N, n, xi[j + 1])

            out[n + 1, i + 1] = sum
コード例 #10
def legendre_determinant_test():

    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    07 February 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    from legendre import legendre
    from r8mat_print import r8mat_print

    print ''
    print '  LEGENDRE_DETERMINANT computes the LEGENDRE determinant.'

    m = 5
    n = m

    a = legendre(n)

    r8mat_print(m, n, a, '  LEGENDRE matrix:')

    value = legendre_determinant(n)

    print '  Value =  %g' % (value)

    print ''
    print '  Normal end of execution.'

コード例 #11
def legendre_determinant_test ( ):

#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    07 February 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  from legendre import legendre
  from r8mat_print import r8mat_print

  print ''
  print '  LEGENDRE_DETERMINANT computes the LEGENDRE determinant.'

  m = 5
  n = m
  a = legendre ( n )

  r8mat_print ( m, n, a, '  LEGENDRE matrix:' )

  value = legendre_determinant ( n )

  print '  Value =  %g' % ( value )

  print ''
  print '  Normal end of execution.'

コード例 #12
def integrate(a, b, n, f):
    l = legendre(n)

    A = np.zeros((n, n))
    B = np.zeros((n, 1))
    for k in range(n):
        row = []
        for i in range(n):
            A[k, i] = l[i]**k
        B[k] = quadrature(k)
    """D = np.linalg.inv(A)
    D = np.matrix(D)
    C = D * B
    C = C.transpose()
    Ai = np.array(C.ravel())
    Ai = nparray_to_list(Ai)[0]"""
    D = matrix.inv(A)
    Ai = matrix.multi(D, B)

    return (b - a) / 2 * sum(Ai[i] * f((b - a) / 2 * l[i] + (a + b) / 2)
                             for i in range(n))
コード例 #13
def legendre_test():

    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    07 February 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    from r8mat_print import r8mat_print

    print ''
    print 'LEGENDRE_TEST'
    print '  LEGENDRE computes the LEGENDRE matrix.'

    m = 5
    n = m

    a = legendre(n)

    r8mat_print(m, n, a, '  LEGENDRE matrix:')

    print ''
    print 'LEGENDRE_TEST'
    print '  Normal end of execution.'

コード例 #14
def legendre_test ( ):

#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    07 February 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  from r8mat_print import r8mat_print

  print ''
  print '  LEGENDRE computes the LEGENDRE matrix.'

  m = 5
  n = m

  a = legendre ( n )
  r8mat_print ( m, n, a, '  LEGENDRE matrix:' )

  print ''
  print '  Normal end of execution.'

コード例 #15
def gauleg_params(n):
    xs = legroots(n)
    cs = 2 / ((1 - xs**2) * legendre(n, xs)[1]**2)
    return xs, cs
コード例 #16
 def testBasic(self):
     self.assertEqual(legendre(2, 15), 1)
コード例 #17
 def testBasic(self):
コード例 #18
 def setUp(self):
     self.libc = cdll.LoadLibrary("../BUILD/libfem1d.so")
     self.lp = legendre()
コード例 #19
ファイル: mejoración.py プロジェクト: ooyarce/MCOC2020-P0
z = S('z')
μ = S('μ')
J2 = S('J2') 
J3 = S('J3')
J4 = S('J4') 
J5 = S('J5')
J6 = S('J6') 
J7 = S('J7')
J8 = S('J8') 
R = S('R')

r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2+ z**2)
sinθ = z/r
Φ = atan2(y,x)
u = -μ/r *(1 + 
            (J2*legendre(0,2,sinθ)/(r/R)**2 +
            J3*legendre(0,3,sinθ)/(r/R)**3  +
            J4*legendre(0,4,sinθ)/(r/R)**4  +
            J5*legendre(0,5,sinθ)/(r/R)**5)  +
                     #m,n               m,n         m                 m,n          m            n
            (legendre(1,2,sinθ)*(coeficientes(1,2)[0]*cos(1*Φ)+coeficientes(1,2)[1]*sin(1*Φ)) /(r/R)**2 + # n = 2, m = 1
            legendre(2,2,sinθ)*(coeficientes(2,2)[0]*cos(2*Φ)+coeficientes(2,2)[1]*sin(2*Φ)) /(r/R)**2 + # n = 2, m = 2 
            legendre(1,3,sinθ)*(coeficientes(1,3)[0]*cos(1*Φ)+coeficientes(1,3)[1]*sin(1*Φ)) /(r/R)**3 +# n = 3, m = 1
            legendre(2,3,sinθ)*(coeficientes(2,3)[0]*cos(2*Φ)+coeficientes(2,3)[1]*sin(2*Φ)) /(r/R)**3 +# n = 3, m = 2  
            legendre(3,3,sinθ)*(coeficientes(3,3)[0]*cos(3*Φ)+coeficientes(3,3)[1]*sin(3*Φ)) /(r/R)**3 +# n = 3, m = 3 

            legendre(1,4,sinθ)*(coeficientes(1,4)[0]*cos(1*Φ)+coeficientes(1,4)[1]*sin(1*Φ)) /(r/R)**4 +# n = 4, m = 1
            legendre(2,4,sinθ)*(coeficientes(2,4)[0]*cos(2*Φ)+coeficientes(2,4)[1]*sin(2*Φ)) /(r/R)**4 +# n = 4, m = 2  
            legendre(3,4,sinθ)*(coeficientes(3,4)[0]*cos(3*Φ)+coeficientes(3,4)[1]*sin(3*Φ)) /(r/R)**4 +# n = 4, m = 3
            legendre(4,4,sinθ)*(coeficientes(4,4)[0]*cos(4*Φ)+coeficientes(4,4)[1]*sin(4*Φ)) /(r/R)**4 +# n = 4, m = 4
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_legendre.py プロジェクト: vitrone/FEM1D
 def setUp(self):
     self.libc = cdll.LoadLibrary("../BUILD/libfem1d.so")
     self.lp = legendre()