コード例 #1
ファイル: routes.py プロジェクト: harrytucker/lego-scoreboard
def scoreboard(offset):
    teams = Team.query.filter_by(active=True, is_practice=False).all()
    teams = sorted(teams, key=cmp_to_key(util.compare_teams))
    stage = app.load_stage()
    params = {
        'title': 'Scoreboard',
        'stage': stage,
        'offset': offset,
        'end': len(teams)

    if app.config['LEGO_APP_TYPE'] in ('bristol', 'uk'):
        template = 'scoreboard_{!s}.html'.format(app.config['LEGO_APP_TYPE'])
        raise Exception('Unsupported value for LEGO_APP_TYPE: {!s}' \

    stages = ('round_1', 'round_2', 'quarter_final', 'semi_final', 'final')
    for i, s in enumerate(stages):
        if stage >= i:
            params[s] = True

    if stage == 0:
        if app.config['LEGO_APP_TYPE'] == 'bristol':
            quotient = len(teams) // 3
            remainder = len(teams) % 3

            # remainder == 0
            if not remainder:
                params['first'] = teams[:quotient]
                params['second'] = teams[quotient:(quotient * 2)]
                params['third'] = teams[(quotient * 2):]

            elif remainder == 1:
                params['first'] = teams[:(quotient + 1)]
                params['second'] = teams[quotient + 1:(quotient * 2) + 1]
                params['third'] = teams[(quotient * 2) + 1:]

            # remainder == 2
                params['first'] = teams[:(quotient)]
                params['second'] = teams[quotient:(quotient * 2) + 1]
                params['third'] = teams[(quotient * 2) + 1:]

            return render_template(template, **params)
            params['teams'] = teams[offset:offset + 10]
            return render_template(template, **params)

    # force offset to 0 if we refreshed in the middle of a cycle
    if params['offset'] != 0:
        return redirect(url_for('scoreboard'))

    if app.config['LEGO_APP_TYPE'] == 'bristol':
        params['first'] = teams
        params['teams'] = teams
        params['no_pagination'] = True

    return render_template(template, **params)
コード例 #2
    def set_score(self, score):
        stage = app.load_stage()
        app.logger.debug('Stage: %s', stage)
        app.logger.debug('Team: %s', str(self.__dict__))
        # score is a tuple holding the total score and a breakdown of all previous scores
        score_total, score_breakdown = score

        # first round
        if stage == 0:
            if self.attempt_1 is None:
                self.attempt_1 = score_total
                self.attempt_1_breakdown = score_breakdown
            elif self.attempt_2 is None:
                self.attempt_2 = score_total
                self.attempt_2_breakdown = score_breakdown
            elif self.attempt_3 is None:
                self.attempt_3 = score_total
                self.attempt_3_breakdown = score_breakdown
                raise Exception('All attempts have been made for this stage.')

        # second round
        elif stage == 1:
            if self.round_2 is None:
                self.round_2 = score_total
                self.round_2_breakdown = score_breakdown
                raise Exception('All attempts have been made for this stage.')

        # quarter finals
        elif stage == 2:
            if self.quarter is None:
                self.quarter = score_total
                self.quarter_breakdown = score_breakdown
                raise Exception('All attempts have been made for this stage.')

        # semi finals
        elif stage == 3:
            if self.semi is None:
                self.semi = score_total
                self.semi_breakdown = score_breakdown
                raise Exception('All attempts have been made for this stage.')

        # finals
        elif stage == 4:
            if self.final is None:
                self.final = score_total
                self.final_breakdown = score_breakdown
                raise Exception('All attempts have been made for this stage.')

            raise Exception('Invalid value for stage.')
コード例 #3
    def __gt__(self, other):
        stage = app.load_stage()

        if stage == 4:
            if (self.final or -1) > (other.final or -1):
                return True

            if (self.final or -1) < (other.final or -1):
                return False

        if stage >= 3:
            if (self.semi or -1) > (other.semi or -1):
                return True

            if (self.semi or -1) < (other.semi or -1):
                return False

        if stage >= 2:
            if (self.quarter or -1) > (other.quarter or -1):
                return True

            if (self.quarter or -1) < (other.quarter or -1):
                return False

        if stage >= 1:
            if (self.round_2 or -1) > (other.round_2 or -1):
                return True

            if (self.round_2 or -1) < (other.round_2 or -1):
                return False

        if stage >= 0:
            s_attempt = [a if a is not None else -1 for a in self.attempts]
            o_attempt = [a if a is not None else -1 for a in other.attempts]


            for s, o in zip(s_attempt, o_attempt):
                if s > o:
                    return True

                if s < o:
                    return False

        # we want to order by score highest to lowest
        # but if we fall back to this, we order by lowest number to highest
        if self.number < other.number:
            return True

        return False
コード例 #4
    def highest_score(self):
        stage = app.load_stage()
        if stage == 0:
            return max(self.attempt_1 or 0, self.attempt_2 or 0, self.attempt_3 or 0)

        if stage == 1:
            return self.round_2 or 0

        if stage == 2:
            return self.quarter or 0

        if stage == 3:
            return self.semi or 0

        if stage == 4:
            return self.final or 0
コード例 #5
ファイル: routes.py プロジェクト: harrytucker/lego-scoreboard
def top_ten():
    teams = Team.query.filter_by(is_practice=False).all()
    teams = sorted(teams, key=cmp_to_key(util.compare_teams))
    teams = teams[0:10]
    stage = app.load_stage()
    params = {
        'title': 'Scoreboard',
        'stage': stage,
        'teams': teams,

    template = 'top_ten.html'
    stages = ('round_1', 'round_2', 'quarter_final', 'semi_final', 'final')
    for i, s in enumerate(stages):
        if stage >= i:
            params[s] = True

    return render_template(template, **params)
コード例 #6
ファイル: routes.py プロジェクト: harrytucker/lego-scoreboard
def admin_stage():
    For moving the stage forward.
    if not current_user.is_admin:
        return abort(403)

    stages = ('First Round', 'Second Round (UK Final only)', 'Quarter Final',
              'Semi Final', 'Final')

    stage = app.load_stage()
    current_stage = stages[stage]

    form = StageForm()

    if form.validate_on_submit():
        new_stage = int(form.stage.data)
        cur_file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        if new_stage <= stage:
            flash('Unable to go back a stage.')

        elif app.config['LEGO_APP_TYPE'] == 'bristol' and new_stage == 1:
            flash('Round 2 only available during UK Final.')

            with open(os.path.join(cur_file_path, 'tmp', '.stage'), 'w') as fh:

            flash('Stage updated to: {!s}'.format(stages[int(new_stage)]))
            return redirect(url_for('admin_stage'))

    return render_template('admin/stage.html',
                           title='Manage Stage',