コード例 #1
ファイル: postprocess.py プロジェクト: temf/DALI3
def compute_moments(interp_dict, jpdf, which='all'):
    """Compute expected value and variance."""
    if which == 'all':
        idx = np.array(interp_dict['idx_act'] + interp_dict['idx_adm'])
        hs = interp_dict['hs_act'] + interp_dict['hs_adm']
        hs2 = interp_dict['hs2_act'] + interp_dict['hs2_adm']
        idx = np.array(interp_dict['idx_act'])
        hs = interp_dict['hs_act']
        hs2 = interp_dict['hs2_act']
    max_idx_per_dim = np.max(idx, axis=0)
    M = len(hs)  # approx. terms
    N = len(max_idx_per_dim)  # dimensions
    # weights per dimension
    weights_per_dim = {}
    for n in range(N):
        # get knots per dimension based on maximum index
        kk, ww = seq_lj_1d(order=max_idx_per_dim[n], dist=jpdf[n])
        weights_per_dim[n] = ww
    # multi-dimensional weights
    weights_md = [[weights_per_dim[n][idx[m, n]] for m in range(M)]
                  for n in range(N)]
    weights_md = np.prod(weights_md, axis=0)
    # moments
    expected = np.dot(weights_md, hs)
    variance = np.dot(weights_md, hs2) - expected * expected
    return expected, variance
コード例 #2
def interpolate_multiple(indices, coeffs, jpdf, non_grid_knots):
    """Leja interpolation on adaptively constructed sparse grid."""

    # get shape of non_grid_points array --> K knots, N parameters
    non_grid_knots = np.array(non_grid_knots)
    try:  # case: 2d array, K x N
        K, N = np.shape(non_grid_knots)
    except:  # case: 1d array, 1 x N
        K = 1
        N = len(non_grid_knots)
        non_grid_knots = non_grid_knots.reshape(K, N)

    # get shape of indices array --> M approx. terms, NN parameters
    indices = np.array(indices)
    try:  # case: 2d array, M x NN
        M, NN = np.shape(indices)
    except:  # case: 1d array, 1 x NN
        M = 1
        NN = len(indices)
        indices = indices.reshape(M, NN)

    # check if dimensions agree
    if N != NN:
        return "Error! Knot and multi-index dimensions do not agree!"

    # get maximum index per dimension (P_1, P_2,..., P_N)
    max_idx_per_dim = np.max(indices, axis=0)

    # get knots, polynomials and polynomial evaluations per dimension
    knots_per_dim = {}  # should hold N 1D arrays, [1 x (P_n+1)]
    polys_per_dim = {}  # should hold N 1D lists, [1 x (P_n+1)]
    evals_per_dim = {}  # should hold N 2D arrays, [K x (P_n+1)]
    for n in range(N):
        # get knots per dimension based on maximum index
        kk, ww = seq_lj_1d(order=max_idx_per_dim[n], dist=jpdf[n])
        knots_per_dim[n] = kk
        # get polynomials per dimension based on knots
        P = len(kk)  # no. of knots = no. of polynomials = P_n+1
        polys_per_dim[n] = [Hierarchical1d(kk[:p + 1]) for p in range(P)]
        # univariate polynomial evaluations
        evals_per_dim[n] = np.ones([K, P])
        for p in range(1, P):  # column 0 --> pol. order 0 --> = 1.0
            evals_per_dim[n][:, p] = polys_per_dim[n][p].evaluate(
                non_grid_knots[:, n])
    # loop over M approximation terms (i.e., indices)
    evals_multidim = np.zeros(K)
    for m in range(M):
        # start with 1st dimension
        ievals_m = evals_per_dim[0][:, indices[m, 0]]
        # multiply with the rest of the dimensions
        for n in range(1, N):
            ievals_m = np.multiply(ievals_m, evals_per_dim[n][:, indices[m,
        # add m-th term
        evals_multidim = evals_multidim + ievals_m * coeffs[m]
    return evals_multidim
コード例 #3
ファイル: mero_export_dict_data.py プロジェクト: temf/DALI3
    # export dictionary data
    idx = mero_dict['idx_act'] + mero_dict['idx_adm']
    hs = mero_dict['hs_act'] + mero_dict['hs_adm']
    fevals = mero_dict['fevals_act'] + mero_dict['fevals_adm']

    # find knots/weights
    max_idx_per_dim = np.max(idx, axis=0)
    M = len(hs)  # approx. terms
    N = len(max_idx_per_dim)  # dimensions
    # weights per dimension
    weights_per_dim = {}
    knots_per_dim = {}
    for n in range(N):
        # get knots per dimension based on maximum index
        kk, ww = seq_lj_1d(order=max_idx_per_dim[n], dist=jpdf[n])
        weights_per_dim[n] = ww
        knots_per_dim[n] = kk
    # multi-dimensional knots
    knots_md = [[knots_per_dim[n][idx[m][n]] for m in range(M)]
                for n in range(N)]
    # multi-dimensional weights
    weights_md = [[weights_per_dim[n][idx[m][n]] for m in range(M)]
                  for n in range(N)]
    weights_md = np.prod(weights_md, axis=0)

    np.savetxt('mero_leja_ED/leja_ed_in_' + str(mfc) + '.txt',
    np.savetxt('mero_leja_ED/leja_ed_out_' + str(mfc) + '.txt', fevals)
    np.savetxt('mero_leja_ED/leja_quad_weights_' + str(mfc) + '.txt',
コード例 #4
def dali_pce(func,

    if not interp_dict:  # if dictionary is empty --> cold-start
        idx_act = []  # M_activated x N
        idx_adm = []  # M_admissible x N
        fevals_act = []  # M_activated x 1
        fevals_adm = []  # M_admissible x 1
        coeff_act = []  # M_activated x 1
        coeff_adm = []  #  M_admissible x 1

        # start with 0 multi-index
        knot0 = []
        for n in range(N):
            # get knots per dimension based on maximum index
            kk, ww = seq_lj_1d(order=0, dist=jpdf_cp[n])
        feval = func(knot0)

        # update activated sets
        idx_act.append([0] * N)

        # local error indicators
        local_error_indicators = np.abs(coeff_act)

        # get the OT distribution type of each random variable
        dist_types = []
        for i in range(N):
            dist_type = jpdf_ot.getMarginal(i).getName()

        # create orthogonal univariate bases
        poly_collection = ot.PolynomialFamilyCollection(N)
        for i in range(N):
            if dist_types[i] == 'Uniform':
                poly_collection[i] = ot.OrthogonalUniVariatePolynomialFamily(
            elif dist_types[i] == 'Normal':
                poly_collection[i] = ot.OrthogonalUniVariatePolynomialFamily(
            elif dist_types[i] == 'Beta':
                poly_collection[i] = ot.OrthogonalUniVariatePolynomialFamily(
            elif dist_types[i] == 'Gamma':
                poly_collection[i] = ot.OrthogonalUniVariatePolynomialFamily(
                pdf = jpdf_ot.getDistributionCollection()[i]
                algo = ot.AdaptiveStieltjesAlgorithm(pdf)
                poly_collection[i] = ot.StandardDistributionPolynomialFactory(

        # create multivariate basis
        mv_basis = ot.OrthogonalProductPolynomialFactory(
            poly_collection, ot.EnumerateFunction(N))
        # get enumerate function (multi-index handling)
        enum_func = mv_basis.getEnumerateFunction()

        idx_act = interp_dict['idx_act']
        idx_adm = interp_dict['idx_adm']
        coeff_act = interp_dict['coeff_act']
        coeff_adm = interp_dict['coeff_adm']
        fevals_act = interp_dict['fevals_act']
        fevals_adm = interp_dict['fevals_adm']
        mv_basis = interp_dict['mv_basis']
        enum_func = interp_dict['enum_func']
        # local error indicators
        local_error_indicators = np.abs(coeff_adm)

    # compute global error indicator
    global_error_indicator = local_error_indicators.sum()  # max or sum

    # fcalls / M approx. terms up to now
    fcalls = len(idx_act) + len(idx_adm)  # fcalls = M --> approx. terms

    # maximum index per dimension
    max_idx_per_dim = np.max(idx_act + idx_adm, axis=0)

    # univariate knots and polynomials per dimension
    knots_per_dim = {}
    for n in range(N):
        kk, ww = seq_lj_1d(order=max_idx_per_dim[n], dist=jpdf_cp[n])
        knots_per_dim[n] = kk

    # start iterations
    while global_error_indicator > tol and fcalls < max_fcalls:
        if verbose:

        # the index added last to the activated set is the one to be refined
        last_act_idx = idx_act[-1][:]
        # compute the knot corresponding to the lastly added index
        last_knot = [
            knots_per_dim[n][i] for n, i in zip(range(N), last_act_idx)
        # get admissible neighbors of the lastly added index
        adm_neighbors = admissible_neighbors(last_act_idx, idx_act)

        for an in adm_neighbors:
            # update admissible index set
            # find which parameter/direction n (n=1,2,...,N) gets refined
            n_ref = np.argmin(
                [idx1 == idx2 for idx1, idx2 in zip(an, last_act_idx)])
            # sequence of 1d Leja nodes/weights for the given refinement
            knots_n, weights_n = seq_lj_1d(an[n_ref], jpdf_cp[int(n_ref)])

            # update max_idx_per_dim, knots_per_dim, if necessary
            if an[n_ref] > max_idx_per_dim[n_ref]:
                max_idx_per_dim[n_ref] = an[n_ref]
                knots_per_dim[n_ref] = knots_n

            # find new_knot and compute function on new_knot
            new_knot = last_knot[:]
            new_knot[n_ref] = knots_n[-1]
            feval = func(new_knot)
            fcalls += 1  # update function calls

        # create PCE basis
        idx_system = idx_act + idx_adm
        idx_system_single = transform_multi_index_set(idx_system, enum_func)
        system_basis = mv_basis.getSubBasis(idx_system_single)
        # get corresponding evaluations
        fevals_system = fevals_act + fevals_adm
        # multi-dimensional knots
        M = len(idx_system)  # equations terms
        knots_md = [[knots_per_dim[n][idx_system[m][n]] for m in range(M)]
                    for n in range(N)]
        knots_md = np.array(knots_md).T
        # design matrix
        D = get_design_matrix(system_basis, knots_md)
        # solve system of equaations
        Q, R = scl.qr(D, mode='economic')
        c = Q.T.dot(fevals_system)
        coeff_system = scl.solve_triangular(R, c)

        # find the multi-index with the largest contribution, add it to idx_act
        # and delete it from idx_adm
        coeff_act = coeff_system[:len(idx_act)].tolist()
        coeff_adm = coeff_system[-len(idx_adm):].tolist()
        help_idx = np.argmax(np.abs(coeff_adm))
        idx_add = idx_adm.pop(help_idx)
        pce_coeff_add = coeff_adm.pop(help_idx)
        fevals_add = fevals_adm.pop(help_idx)
        # re-compute coefficients of admissible multi-indices

        # local error indicators
        local_error_indicators = np.abs(coeff_adm)
        # compute global error indicator
        global_error_indicator = local_error_indicators.sum()  # max or sum

    # store expansion data in dictionary
    interp_dict = {}
    interp_dict['idx_act'] = idx_act
    interp_dict['idx_adm'] = idx_adm
    interp_dict['coeff_act'] = coeff_act
    interp_dict['coeff_adm'] = coeff_adm
    interp_dict['fevals_act'] = fevals_act
    interp_dict['fevals_adm'] = fevals_adm
    interp_dict['enum_func'] = enum_func
    interp_dict['mv_basis'] = mv_basis
    return interp_dict
コード例 #5
def dali(func, N, jpdf, tol=1e-12, max_fcalls=1000, verbose=True,
    """Dimension-Adaptive Leja Interpolation (DALI) algorithm.
    FUNC: function to be approximated.
    N: number of parameters.
    JPDF: joint probability density function.
    TOL, MAX_FCALLS: exit criteria, self-explanatory.

    'ACT': activated, i.e. already part of the approximation.
    'ADM': admissible, i.e. candidates for the approximation's expansion."""

    if not interp_dict: # if dictionary is empty --> cold-start
        idx_act = []    # M_activated x N
        idx_adm = []    # M_admissible x N
        hs_act  = []    # M_activated x 1
        hs_adm  = []    # M_admissible x 1
        hs2_act = []    # M_activated x 1
        hs2_adm = []    # M_admissible x 1
        fevals_act = [] # M_activated x 1
        fevals_adm = [] # M_admissible x 1

        # start with 0 multi-index
        knot0 = []
        for n in range(N):
        # get knots per dimension based on maximum index
            kk, ww = seq_lj_1d(order=0, dist=jpdf[n])
        feval = func(knot0)

        # update activated sets

        # local error indicators
        local_error_indicators = np.abs(hs_act)

    else: # get data from dictionary
        idx_act = interp_dict['idx_act']
        idx_adm = interp_dict['idx_adm']
        hs_act  = interp_dict['hs_act']
        hs_adm  = interp_dict['hs_adm']
        hs2_act = interp_dict['hs2_act']
        hs2_adm = interp_dict['hs2_adm']
        fevals_act = interp_dict['fevals_act']
        fevals_adm = interp_dict['fevals_adm']

        # local error indicators
        local_error_indicators = np.abs(hs_adm)

    # compute global error indicator
    global_error_indicator = local_error_indicators.sum() # max or sum

    # fcalls / M approx. terms up to now
    fcalls = len(idx_act) + len(idx_adm) # fcalls = M --> approx. terms

    # maximum index per dimension
    max_idx_per_dim = np.max(idx_act + idx_adm, axis=0)

    # univariate knots and polynomials per dimension
    knots_per_dim = {}
    polys_per_dim = {}
    for n in range(N):
        kk, ww = seq_lj_1d(order=max_idx_per_dim[n], dist=jpdf[n])
        knots_per_dim[n] = kk
        P = len(kk) # no. of knots = no. of polynomials = P_n+1
        polys_per_dim[n] = [Hierarchical1d(kk[:p+1]) for p in range(P)]

    # start iterations
    while global_error_indicator > tol and fcalls < max_fcalls:
        if verbose:

        # the index added last to the activated set is the one to be refined
        last_act_idx = idx_act[-1][:]
        # compute the knot corresponding to the lastly added index
        last_knot = [knots_per_dim[n][i]
                     for n, i in zip(range(N), last_act_idx)]
        # get admissible neighbors of the lastly added index
        adm_neighbors = admissible_neighbors(last_act_idx, idx_act)

        for an in adm_neighbors:
            # update admissible index set
            # find which parameter/direction n (n=1,2,...,N) gets refined
            n_ref = np.argmin([idx1 == idx2
                                 for idx1, idx2 in zip(an, last_act_idx)])
            # sequence of 1d Leja nodes/weights for the given refinement
            knots_n, weights_n = seq_lj_1d(an[n_ref], jpdf[int(n_ref)])

            # update max_idx_per_dim, knots_per_dim, if necessary
            if an[n_ref] > max_idx_per_dim[n_ref]:
                max_idx_per_dim[n_ref] = an[n_ref]
                knots_per_dim[n_ref] = knots_n

            # find new_knot and compute hierarchical surpluses
            new_knot = last_knot[:]
            new_knot[n_ref] = knots_n[-1]
            feval = func(new_knot)
            feval2 = feval*feval
            ieval = interpolate_single(idx_act, hs_act, polys_per_dim, new_knot)
            ieval2 = interpolate_single(idx_act, hs2_act, polys_per_dim, new_knot)
            HS = feval - ieval
            HS2 = feval2 - ieval2
            fcalls += 1 # update function calls

        # update error indicators
        local_error_indicators = np.abs(hs_adm)
        global_error_indicator = local_error_indicators.sum() # max or sum?

        # find index from idx_adm with maximum local error indicator
        help_idx = np.argmax(local_error_indicators)
        # remove index, hs and hs2 from admissible sets
        idx_add = idx_adm.pop(help_idx)
        hs_add = hs_adm.pop(help_idx)
        hs2_add = hs2_adm.pop(help_idx)
        feval_add = fevals_adm.pop(help_idx)
        # update activated sets

    #store data to dictionary
    interp_dict = {}
    interp_dict['idx_act'] = idx_act
    interp_dict['idx_adm'] = idx_adm
    interp_dict['hs_act']  = hs_act
    interp_dict['hs2_act'] = hs2_act
    interp_dict['hs_adm']  = hs_adm
    interp_dict['hs2_adm'] = hs2_adm
    interp_dict['fevals_act'] = fevals_act
    interp_dict['fevals_adm'] = fevals_adm
    return interp_dict