コード例 #1
ファイル: galkin.py プロジェクト: franyancr/lenstronomy
    def __init__(self, mass_profile_list, light_profile_list, aperture_type='slit', anisotropy_model='isotropic',
                 psf_type='GAUSSIAN', fwhm=0.7, moffat_beta=2.6, kwargs_cosmo={'D_d': 1000, 'D_s': 2000, 'D_ds': 500},
                 sampling_number=1000, interpol_grid_num=500, log_integration=False, max_integrate=10, min_integrate=0.001):

        :param mass_profile_list: list of lens (mass) model profiles
        :param light_profile_list: list of light model profiles of the lensing galaxy
        :param aperture_type: type of slit/shell aperture where the light is coming from. See details in Aperture() class.
        :param anisotropy_model: type of stellar anisotropy model. See details in MamonLokasAnisotropy() class.
        :param psf_type: string, point spread functino type, current support for 'GAUSSIAN' and 'MOFFAT'
        :param fwhm: full width at half maximum seeing condition
        :param moffat_beta: float, beta parameter of Moffat profile
        :param kwargs_cosmo: keyword arguments that define the cosmology in terms of the angular diameter distances involved
        self.massProfile = MassProfile(mass_profile_list, kwargs_cosmo, interpol_grid_num=interpol_grid_num,
                                         max_interpolate=max_integrate, min_interpolate=min_integrate)
        self.lightProfile = LightProfile(light_profile_list, interpol_grid_num=interpol_grid_num,
                                         max_interpolate=max_integrate, min_interpolate=min_integrate)
        self.aperture = Aperture(aperture_type)
        self.anisotropy = MamonLokasAnisotropy(anisotropy_model)

        self.cosmo = Cosmo(**kwargs_cosmo)
        self._num_sampling = sampling_number
        self._interp_grid_num = interpol_grid_num
        self._log_int = log_integration
        self._max_integrate = max_integrate  # maximal integration (and interpolation) in units of arcsecs
        self._min_integrate = min_integrate  # min integration (and interpolation) in units of arcsecs
        self._psf = PSF(psf_type=psf_type, fwhm=fwhm, moffat_beta=moffat_beta)
コード例 #2
ファイル: galkin_old.py プロジェクト: franyancr/lenstronomy
 def __init__(self,
                  'D_d': 1000,
                  'D_s': 2000,
                  'D_ds': 500
     initializes the observation condition and masks
     :param aperture_type: string
     :param psf_fwhm: float
     self._mass_profile = mass_profile
     self._kwargs_cosmo = kwargs_cosmo
     self.lightProfile = LightProfileOld(light_profile)
     self.aperture = Aperture(aperture)
     self.anisotropy = Anisotropy(anisotropy_type)
     self.jeans_solver = JeansSolver(kwargs_cosmo, mass_profile,
                                     light_profile, anisotropy_type)
     self._psf = PSF(psf_type=psf_type, fwhm=fwhm, moffat_beta=moffat_beta)
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, D_d=1000, D_s=2000, D_ds=500, psf_type='GAUSSIAN', fwhm=0.7, moffat_beta=2.6):

        :param D_d: angular diameter to the deflector [MPC]
        :param D_s: angular diameter to the source [MPC]
        :param D_ds: angular diameter from the deflector to the source [MPC]
        :param psf_type: string, point spread functino type, current support for 'GAUSSIAN' and 'MOFFAT'
        :param fwhm: full width at half maximum seeing condition
        :param moffat_beta: float, beta parameter of Moffat profile
        self._cosmo = Cosmo(D_d=D_d, D_s=D_s, D_ds=D_ds)
        self._psf = PSF(psf_type=psf_type, fwhm=fwhm, moffat_beta=moffat_beta)
コード例 #4
    def test_displace_psf(self):
        psf = PSF(psf_type='GAUSSIAN', fwhm=1)
        x, y = psf.displace_psf(0, 0)
        assert x != 0
        assert y != 0

        psf = PSF(psf_type='MOFFAT', fwhm=1, moffat_beta=2.6)
        x, y = psf.displace_psf(0, 0)
        assert x != 0
        assert y != 0
コード例 #5
 def test_raise(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         psf = PSF(psf_type='BRRR', fwhm=1, moffat_beta=2.6)
コード例 #6
class AnalyticKinematics(object):
    class to compute eqn 20 in Suyu+2010 with a Monte-Carlo from rendering from the
    light profile distribution and displacing them with a Gaussian seeing convolution

    This class assumes spherical symmetry in light and mass distribution and
        - a Hernquist light profile (parameterised by the half-light radius)
        - a power-law mass profile (parameterized by the Einstein radius and logarithmic slop)

    The analytic equations for the kinematics in this approximation are presented e.g. in Suyu et al. 2010 and
    the spectral rendering approach to compute the seeing convolved slit measurement is presented in Birrer et al. 2016.
    The stellar anisotropy is parameterised based on Osipkov 1979; Merritt 1985.

    all units are meant to be in angular arc seconds. The physical units are fold in through the angular diameter

    def __init__(self, D_d=1000, D_s=2000, D_ds=500, psf_type='GAUSSIAN', fwhm=0.7, moffat_beta=2.6):

        :param D_d: angular diameter to the deflector [MPC]
        :param D_s: angular diameter to the source [MPC]
        :param D_ds: angular diameter from the deflector to the source [MPC]
        :param psf_type: string, point spread functino type, current support for 'GAUSSIAN' and 'MOFFAT'
        :param fwhm: full width at half maximum seeing condition
        :param moffat_beta: float, beta parameter of Moffat profile
        self._cosmo = Cosmo(D_d=D_d, D_s=D_s, D_ds=D_ds)
        self._psf = PSF(psf_type=psf_type, fwhm=fwhm, moffat_beta=moffat_beta)

    def vel_disp(self, gamma, theta_E, r_eff, r_ani, R_slit, dR_slit, rendering_number=1000):
        computes the averaged LOS velocity dispersion in the slit (convolved)

        :param gamma: power-law slope of the mass profile (isothermal = 2)
        :param theta_E: Einstein radius of the lens (in arcseconds)
        :param r_eff: half light radius of the Hernquist profile (or as an approximation of any other profile to be described as a Hernquist profile
        :param r_ani: anisotropy radius
        :param R_slit: length of the slit/box
        :param dR_slit: width of the slit/box
        :param rendering_number: number of spectral renderings drawn from the light distribution that go through the
            slit of the observations

        :return: LOS integrated velocity dispersion in units [km/s]
        sigma_s2_sum = 0
        rho0_r0_gamma = self._rho0_r0_gamma(theta_E, gamma)
        for i in range(0, rendering_number):
            sigma_s2_draw = self.vel_disp_one(gamma, rho0_r0_gamma, r_eff, r_ani, R_slit, dR_slit)
            sigma_s2_sum += sigma_s2_draw
        sigma_s2_average = sigma_s2_sum / rendering_number
        return np.sqrt(sigma_s2_average)

    def _rho0_r0_gamma(self, theta_E, gamma):
        # equation (14) in Suyu+ 2010
        return -1 * math.gamma(gamma/2) / (np.sqrt(np.pi)*math.gamma((gamma-3)/2.)) * theta_E ** gamma / \
               self._cosmo.arcsec2phys_lens(theta_E) * self._cosmo.epsilon_crit * const.M_sun / const.Mpc ** 3

    def vel_disp_one(self, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma, r_eff, r_ani, R_slit, dR_slit):
        computes one realisation of the velocity dispersion realized in the slit

        :param gamma: power-law slope of the mass profile (isothermal = 2)
        :param rho0_r0_gamma: combination of Einstein radius and power-law slope as equation (14) in Suyu+ 2010
        :param r_eff: half light radius of the Hernquist profile (or as an approximation of any other profile to be described as a Hernquist profile
        :param r_ani: anisotropy radius
        :param R_slit: length of the slit/box
        :param dR_slit: width of the slit/box
        :param FWHM: full width at half maximum of the seeing conditions, described as a Gaussian
        :return: projected velocity dispersion of a single drawn position in the potential [km/s]
        a = 0.551 * r_eff
        while True:
            r = self.P_r(a)  # draw r
            R, x, y = self.R_r(r)  # draw projected R
            x_, y_ = self._psf.displace_psf(x, y)
            bool = self.check_in_slit(x_, y_, R_slit, dR_slit)
            if bool is True:
        sigma_s2 = self.sigma_s2(r, R, r_ani, a, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma)
        return sigma_s2

    def P_r(self, a):

        :param a: 0.551*r_eff
        :return: realisation of radius of Hernquist luminosity weighting in 3d
        P = np.random.uniform()  # draws uniform between [0,1)
        r = a*np.sqrt(P)*(np.sqrt(P)+1)/(1-P)  # solves analytically to r from P(r)
        return r

    def R_r(self, r):
        draws a random projection from radius r in 2d and 1d
        :param r: 3d radius
        :return: R, x, y
        phi = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi)
        theta = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi)
        x = r * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
        y = r * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
        R = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        return R, x, y

    def check_in_slit(self, x, y, R_slit, dR_slit):

        check whether a ray in position (x,y) is captured in the slit with Radius R_slit and width dR_slit

        :param x:
        :param y:
        :param R_slit:
        :param dR_slit:
        if abs(x) < R_slit/2. and abs(y) < dR_slit/2.:
            return True
            return False

    def sigma_s2(self, r, R, r_ani, a, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma):
        projected velocity dispersion
        :param r:
        :param R:
        :param r_ani:
        :param a:
        :param gamma:
        :param phi_E:
        beta = self._beta_ani(r, r_ani)
        return (1 - beta * R**2/r**2) * self.sigma_r2(r, a, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma, r_ani)

    def sigma_r2(self, r, a, gamma, rho0_r0_gamma, r_ani):
        equation (19) in Suyu+ 2010
        # first term
        prefac1 = 4*np.pi * const.G * a**(-gamma) * rho0_r0_gamma / (3-gamma)
        prefac2 = r * (r + a)**3/(r**2 + r_ani**2)
        hyp1 = vel_util.hyp_2F1(a=2+gamma, b=gamma, c=3+gamma, z=1./(1+r/a))
        hyp2 = vel_util.hyp_2F1(a=3, b=gamma, c=1+gamma, z=-a/r)
        fac = r_ani**2/a**2 * hyp1 / ((2+gamma) * (r/a + 1)**(2+gamma)) + hyp2 / (gamma*(r/a)**gamma)
        return prefac1 * prefac2 * fac * (self._cosmo.arcsec2phys_lens(1.) * const.Mpc / 1000) ** 2

    def _beta_ani(self, r, r_ani):
        anisotropy parameter beta
        :param r:
        :param r_ani:
        return r**2/(r_ani**2 + r**2)
コード例 #7
ファイル: galkin.py プロジェクト: franyancr/lenstronomy
class Galkin(object):
    Major class to compute velocity dispersion measurements given light and mass models

    The class supports any mass and light distribution (and superposition thereof) that has a 3d correspondance in their
    2d lens model distribution. For models that do not have this correspondance, you may want to apply a
    Multi-Gaussian Expansion (MGE) on their models and use the MGE to be de-projected to 3d.

    The computation follows Mamon&Lokas 2005 and performs the spectral rendering of the seeing convolved apperture with
    the method introduced by Birrer et al. 2016.

    The class supports various types of anisotropy models (see Anisotropy class) and aperture types (see Aperture class).
    Solving the Jeans Equation requires a numerical integral over the 3d light and mass profile (see Mamon&Lokas 2005).
    This class (as well as the dedicated LightModel and MassModel classes) perform those integral numerically with an
    interpolated grid.

    The seeing convolved integral over the aperture is computed by rendering spectra (light weighted LOS kinematics)
    from the light distribution.

    The cosmology assumed to compute the physical mass and distances are set via the kwargs_cosmo keyword arguments.
        D_d: Angular diameter distance to the deflector (in Mpc)
        D_s: Angular diameter distance to the source (in Mpc)
        D_ds: Angular diameter distance from the deflector to the source (in Mpc)

    The numerical options can be chosen through the kwargs_numerics keywords
        sampling_number: number of spectral rendering to compute the light weighted integrated LOS dispersion within
        the aperture. This keyword should be chosen high enough to result in converged results within the tolerance.

        interpol_grid_num: number of interpolation points in the light and mass profile (radially). This number should
        be chosen high enough to accurately describe the true light profile underneath.
        log_integration: bool, if True, performs the interpolation and numerical integration in log-scale.

        max_integrate: maximum 3d radius to where the numerical integration of the Jeans Equation solver is made.
        This value should be large enough to contain most of the light and to lead to a converged result.
        min_integrate: minimal integration value. This value should be very close to zero but some mass and light
        profiles are diverging and a numerically stabel value should be chosen.

    These numerical options should be chosen to allow for a converged result (within your tolerance) but not too
    conservative to impact too much the computational cost. Reasonable values might depend on the specific problem.

    def __init__(self, mass_profile_list, light_profile_list, aperture_type='slit', anisotropy_model='isotropic',
                 psf_type='GAUSSIAN', fwhm=0.7, moffat_beta=2.6, kwargs_cosmo={'D_d': 1000, 'D_s': 2000, 'D_ds': 500},
                 sampling_number=1000, interpol_grid_num=500, log_integration=False, max_integrate=10, min_integrate=0.001):

        :param mass_profile_list: list of lens (mass) model profiles
        :param light_profile_list: list of light model profiles of the lensing galaxy
        :param aperture_type: type of slit/shell aperture where the light is coming from. See details in Aperture() class.
        :param anisotropy_model: type of stellar anisotropy model. See details in MamonLokasAnisotropy() class.
        :param psf_type: string, point spread functino type, current support for 'GAUSSIAN' and 'MOFFAT'
        :param fwhm: full width at half maximum seeing condition
        :param moffat_beta: float, beta parameter of Moffat profile
        :param kwargs_cosmo: keyword arguments that define the cosmology in terms of the angular diameter distances involved
        self.massProfile = MassProfile(mass_profile_list, kwargs_cosmo, interpol_grid_num=interpol_grid_num,
                                         max_interpolate=max_integrate, min_interpolate=min_integrate)
        self.lightProfile = LightProfile(light_profile_list, interpol_grid_num=interpol_grid_num,
                                         max_interpolate=max_integrate, min_interpolate=min_integrate)
        self.aperture = Aperture(aperture_type)
        self.anisotropy = MamonLokasAnisotropy(anisotropy_model)

        self.cosmo = Cosmo(**kwargs_cosmo)
        self._num_sampling = sampling_number
        self._interp_grid_num = interpol_grid_num
        self._log_int = log_integration
        self._max_integrate = max_integrate  # maximal integration (and interpolation) in units of arcsecs
        self._min_integrate = min_integrate  # min integration (and interpolation) in units of arcsecs
        self._psf = PSF(psf_type=psf_type, fwhm=fwhm, moffat_beta=moffat_beta)

    def vel_disp(self, kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy, kwargs_apertur):
        computes the averaged LOS velocity dispersion in the slit (convolved)

        :param kwargs_mass: mass model parameters (following lenstronomy lens model conventions)
        :param kwargs_light: deflector light parameters (following lenstronomy light model conventions)
        :param kwargs_anisotropy: anisotropy parameters, may vary according to anisotropy type chosen.
            We refer to the Anisotropy() class for details on the parameters.
        :param kwargs_apertur: Aperture parameters, may vary depending on aperture type chosen.
            We refer to the Aperture() class for details on the parameters.
        :return: integrated LOS velocity dispersion in units [km/s]
        sigma2_R_sum = 0
        for i in range(0, self._num_sampling):
            sigma2_R = self.draw_one_sigma2(kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy, kwargs_apertur)
            sigma2_R_sum += sigma2_R
        sigma_s2_average = sigma2_R_sum / self._num_sampling
        # apply unit conversion from arc seconds and deflections to physical velocity disperison in (km/s)
        sigma_s2_average *= 2 * const.G  # correcting for integral prefactor
        return np.sqrt(sigma_s2_average/(const.arcsec**2 * self.cosmo.D_d**2 * const.Mpc))/1000.  # in units of km/s

    def draw_one_sigma2(self, kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy, kwargs_aperture):

        :param kwargs_mass: mass model parameters (following lenstronomy lens model conventions)
        :param kwargs_light: deflector light parameters (following lenstronomy light model conventions)
        :param kwargs_anisotropy: anisotropy parameters, may vary according to anisotropy type chosen.
            We refer to the Anisotropy() class for details on the parameters.
        :param kwargs_apertur: Aperture parameters, may vary depending on aperture type chosen.
            We refer to the Aperture() class for details on the parameters.
        :return: integrated LOS velocity dispersion in angular units for a single draw of the light distribution that
         falls in the aperture after displacing with the seeing
        while True:
            R = self.lightProfile.draw_light_2d(kwargs_light)  # draw r
            x, y = util.draw_xy(R)  # draw projected R
            x_, y_ = self._psf.displace_psf(x, y)
            bool = self.aperture.aperture_select(x_, y_, kwargs_aperture)
            if bool is True:
        sigma2_R = self.sigma2_R(R, kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy)
        return sigma2_R

    def sigma2_R(self, R, kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy):
        returns unweighted los velocity dispersion for a specified projected radius

        :param R: 2d projected radius (in angular units)
        :param kwargs_mass: mass model parameters (following lenstronomy lens model conventions)
        :param kwargs_light: deflector light parameters (following lenstronomy light model conventions)
        :param kwargs_anisotropy: anisotropy parameters, may vary according to anisotropy type chosen.
            We refer to the Anisotropy() class for details on the parameters.
        I_R_sigma2 = self.I_R_simga2(R, kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy)
        I_R = self.lightProfile.light_2d(R, kwargs_light)
        return I_R_sigma2 / I_R

    def I_R_simga2(self, R, kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy):
        equation A15 in Mamon&Lokas 2005 as a logarithmic numerical integral (if option is chosen)
        modulo pre-factor 2*G

        :param R: 2d projected radius (in angular units)
        :param kwargs_mass: mass model parameters (following lenstronomy lens model conventions)
        :param kwargs_light: deflector light parameters (following lenstronomy light model conventions)
        :param kwargs_anisotropy: anisotropy parameters, may vary according to anisotropy type chosen.
            We refer to the Anisotropy() class for details on the parameters.
        :return: integral of A15 in Mamon&Lokas 2005
        R = max(R, self._min_integrate)
        if self._log_int is True:
            min_log = np.log10(R+0.001)
            max_log = np.log10(self._max_integrate)
            r_array = np.logspace(min_log, max_log, self._interp_grid_num)
            dlog_r = (np.log10(r_array[2]) - np.log10(r_array[1])) * np.log(10)
            IR_sigma2_dr = self._integrand_A15(r_array, R, kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy) * dlog_r * r_array
            r_array = np.linspace(R+0.001, self._max_integrate, self._interp_grid_num)
            dr = r_array[2] - r_array[1]
            IR_sigma2_dr = self._integrand_A15(r_array, R, kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy) * dr
        IR_sigma2 = np.sum(IR_sigma2_dr) * const.arcsec * self.cosmo.D_d  # integral from angle to physical scales
        return IR_sigma2

    def _integrand_A15(self, r, R, kwargs_mass, kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy):
        integrand of A15 (in log space) in Mamon&Lokas 2005

        :param r: 3d radius
        :param R: 2d projected radius
        :param kwargs_mass: mass model parameters (following lenstronomy lens model conventions)
        :param kwargs_light: deflector light parameters (following lenstronomy light model conventions)
        :param kwargs_anisotropy: anisotropy parameters, may vary according to anisotropy type chosen.
            We refer to the Anisotropy() class for details on the parameters.
        k_r = self.anisotropy.K(r, R, kwargs_anisotropy)
        l_r = self.lightProfile.light_3d_interp(r, kwargs_light)
        m_r = self.massProfile.mass_3d_interp(r, kwargs_mass)
        out = k_r * l_r * m_r / r
        return out
コード例 #8
 def __init__(self, kwargs_aperture, kwargs_psf):
     Aperture.__init__(self, **kwargs_aperture)
     PSF.__init__(self, **kwargs_psf)
コード例 #9
ファイル: galkin_old.py プロジェクト: franyancr/lenstronomy
class GalKinAnalytic(object):
    master class for all computations
    def __init__(self,
                     'D_d': 1000,
                     'D_s': 2000,
                     'D_ds': 500
        initializes the observation condition and masks
        :param aperture_type: string
        :param psf_fwhm: float
        self._mass_profile = mass_profile
        self._kwargs_cosmo = kwargs_cosmo
        self.lightProfile = LightProfileOld(light_profile)
        self.aperture = Aperture(aperture)
        self.anisotropy = Anisotropy(anisotropy_type)
        self.jeans_solver = JeansSolver(kwargs_cosmo, mass_profile,
                                        light_profile, anisotropy_type)
        self._psf = PSF(psf_type=psf_type, fwhm=fwhm, moffat_beta=moffat_beta)

    def vel_disp(self,
        computes the averaged LOS velocity dispersion in the slit (convolved)
        :param gamma:
        :param phi_E:
        :param r_eff:
        :param r_ani:
        :param R_slit:
        :param FWHM:
        sigma_s2_sum = 0
        for i in range(0, num):
            sigma_s2_draw = self._vel_disp_one(kwargs_profile, kwargs_aperture,
                                               kwargs_light, kwargs_anisotropy)
            sigma_s2_sum += sigma_s2_draw
        sigma_s2_average = sigma_s2_sum / num
        return np.sqrt(sigma_s2_average)

    def _vel_disp_one(self, kwargs_profile, kwargs_aperture, kwargs_light,
        computes one realisation of the velocity dispersion realized in the slit
        :param gamma:
        :param rho0_r0_gamma:
        :param r_eff:
        :param r_ani:
        :param R_slit:
        :param dR_slit:
        :param FWHM:

        while True:
            r = self.lightProfile.draw_light(kwargs_light)  # draw r
            R, x, y = util.R_r(r)  # draw projected R
            x_, y_ = self._psf.displace_psf(x, y)  # displace via PSF
            bool = self.aperture.aperture_select(x_, y_, kwargs_aperture)
            if bool is True:
        sigma_s2 = self.sigma_s2(r, R, kwargs_profile, kwargs_anisotropy,
        return sigma_s2

    def sigma_s2(self, r, R, kwargs_profile, kwargs_anisotropy, kwargs_light):
        projected velocity dispersion
        :param r:
        :param R:
        :param r_ani:
        :param a:
        :param gamma:
        :param phi_E:
        beta = self.anisotropy.beta_r(r, kwargs_anisotropy)
        return (1 - beta * R**2 / r**2) * self.sigma_r2(
            r, kwargs_profile, kwargs_anisotropy, kwargs_light)

    def sigma_r2(self, r, kwargs_profile, kwargs_anisotropy, kwargs_light):
        computes radial velocity dispersion at radius r (solving the Jeans equation
        :param r:
        return self.jeans_solver.sigma_r2(r, kwargs_profile, kwargs_anisotropy,