コード例 #1
def test_rebin_coord_transform():
    x_grid, y_grid, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mpix2coord, Mcoord2pix = util.make_grid_with_coordtransform(numPix=3, deltapix=0.03, subgrid_res=1)
    x_grid, y_grid, ra_at_xy_0_re, dec_at_xy_0_re, x_at_radec_0_re, y_at_radec_0_re, Mpix2coord_re, Mcoord2pix_re = util.make_grid_with_coordtransform(numPix=1, deltapix=0.09, subgrid_res=1)

    ra_at_xy_0_resized, dec_at_xy_0_resized, x_at_radec_0_resized, y_at_radec_0_resized, Mpix2coord_resized, Mcoord2pix_resized = image_util.rebin_coord_transform(3, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mpix2coord, Mcoord2pix)
    assert ra_at_xy_0_resized == ra_at_xy_0_re
    assert dec_at_xy_0_resized == dec_at_xy_0_re
    assert x_at_radec_0_resized == x_at_radec_0_re
    assert y_at_radec_0_resized == y_at_radec_0_re
    npt.assert_almost_equal(Mcoord2pix_resized[0][0], Mcoord2pix_re[0][0], decimal=8)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(Mpix2coord_re[0][0], Mpix2coord_resized[0][0], decimal=8)

    x_grid, y_grid, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mpix2coord, Mcoord2pix = util.make_grid_with_coordtransform(numPix=100, deltapix=0.05, subgrid_res=1)
    x_grid, y_grid, ra_at_xy_0_re, dec_at_xy_0_re, x_at_radec_0_re, y_at_radec_0_re, Mpix2coord_re, Mcoord2pix_re = util.make_grid_with_coordtransform(numPix=50, deltapix=0.1, subgrid_res=1)

    ra_at_xy_0_resized, dec_at_xy_0_resized, x_at_radec_0_resized, y_at_radec_0_resized, Mpix2coord_resized, Mcoord2pix_resized = image_util.rebin_coord_transform(2, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mpix2coord, Mcoord2pix)
    assert ra_at_xy_0_resized == ra_at_xy_0_re
    assert dec_at_xy_0_resized == dec_at_xy_0_re
    assert x_at_radec_0_resized == x_at_radec_0_re
    assert y_at_radec_0_resized == y_at_radec_0_re
    npt.assert_almost_equal(Mcoord2pix_resized[0][0], Mcoord2pix_re[0][0], decimal=8)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(Mpix2coord_re[0][0], Mpix2coord_resized[0][0], decimal=8)

    x_grid, y_grid, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mpix2coord, Mcoord2pix = util.make_grid_with_coordtransform(numPix=99, deltapix=0.1, subgrid_res=1)
    x_grid, y_grid, ra_at_xy_0_re, dec_at_xy_0_re, x_at_radec_0_re, y_at_radec_0_re, Mpix2coord_re, Mcoord2pix_re = util.make_grid_with_coordtransform(numPix=33, deltapix=0.3, subgrid_res=1)

    assert x_at_radec_0 == 49
    ra_at_xy_0_resized, dec_at_xy_0_resized, x_at_radec_0_resized, y_at_radec_0_resized, Mpix2coord_resized, Mcoord2pix_resized = image_util.rebin_coord_transform(3, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mpix2coord, Mcoord2pix)

    assert x_at_radec_0_resized == 16
    npt.assert_almost_equal(ra_at_xy_0_resized, ra_at_xy_0_re, decimal=8)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(dec_at_xy_0_resized, dec_at_xy_0_re, decimal=8)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(x_at_radec_0_resized, x_at_radec_0_re, decimal=8)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(y_at_radec_0_resized, y_at_radec_0_re, decimal=8)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(Mcoord2pix_resized[0][0], Mcoord2pix_re[0][0], decimal=8)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(Mpix2coord_re[0][0], Mpix2coord_resized[0][0], decimal=8)

    x_in, y_in = 10., 10.
    ra, dec = util.map_coord2pix(x_in, y_in, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0, Mpix2coord)
    x_out, y_out = util.map_coord2pix(ra, dec, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mcoord2pix)
    assert x_in == x_out
    assert y_in == y_out

    x_in, y_in = 10., 10.
    ra, dec = util.map_coord2pix(x_in, y_in, ra_at_xy_0_resized, dec_at_xy_0_resized, Mpix2coord_resized)
    x_out, y_out = util.map_coord2pix(ra, dec, x_at_radec_0_resized, y_at_radec_0_resized, Mcoord2pix_resized)
    assert x_in == x_out
    assert y_in == y_out
コード例 #2
    def map_pix2coord(self, x_pos, y_pos):

        :param x_pos: pixel position
        :param y_pos: pixel position
        :return: (ra, dec) coordinates of pixel position (x_pos, y_pos)
        return util.map_coord2pix(x_pos, y_pos, self._ra_at_xy_0,
                                  self._dec_at_xy_0, self._Mpix2a)
コード例 #3
    def map_pix2coord(self, x, y):
        maps the (x,y) pixel coordinates of the image into the system coordinates

        :param x: pixel coordinate (can be 1d numpy array), defined in the center of the pixel
        :param y: pixel coordinate (can be 1d numpy array), defined in the center of the pixel
        :return: relative (RA, DEC) coordinates of the system
        return util.map_coord2pix(x, y, self._ra_at_xy_0, self._dec_at_xy_0, self._Mpix2a)
コード例 #4
    def map_coord2pix(self, ra, dec):

        :param ra: ra coordinates, relative
        :param dec: dec coordinates, relative
        :return: (x, y) pixel position of coordinate (ra, dec)

        return util.map_coord2pix(ra, dec, self._x_at_radec_0,
                                  self._y_at_radec_0, self._Ma2pix)
コード例 #5
    def map_coord2pix(self, ra, dec):
        maps the (ra,dec) coordinates of the system into the pixel coordinate of the image

        :param ra: relative RA coordinate as defined by the coordinate frame
        :param dec: relative DEC coordinate as defined by the coordinate frame
        :return: (x, y) pixel coordinates

        return util.map_coord2pix(ra, dec, self._x_at_radec_0, self._y_at_radec_0, self._Ma2pix)
コード例 #6
def test_grid_with_coords():
    numPix = 11
    deltaPix = 1.
    x_grid, y_grid, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mpix2coord, Mcoord2pix = Util.make_grid_with_coordtransform(
        numPix, deltaPix, subgrid_res=1, left_lower=False)
    ra = 0
    dec = 0
    x, y = Util.map_coord2pix(ra, dec, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mcoord2pix)
    assert x == 5
    assert y == 5

    numPix = 11
    deltaPix = .1
    x_grid, y_grid, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mpix2coord, Mcoord2pix = Util.make_grid_with_coordtransform(
        numPix, deltaPix, subgrid_res=1, left_lower=False)
    ra = 0
    dec = 0
    x, y = Util.map_coord2pix(ra, dec, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mcoord2pix)
    assert x == 5
    assert y == 5

    numPix = 11
    deltaPix = 1.
    x_grid, y_grid, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mpix2coord, Mcoord2pix = Util.make_grid_with_coordtransform(
        numPix, deltaPix, subgrid_res=1, left_lower=False)
    x_, y_ = 0, 0
    ra, dec = Util.map_coord2pix(x_, y_, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0, Mpix2coord)
    assert ra == -5
    assert dec == -5

    numPix = 11
    deltaPix = .1
    x_grid, y_grid, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mpix2coord, Mcoord2pix = Util.make_grid_with_coordtransform(
        numPix, deltaPix, subgrid_res=1, left_lower=False)
    x_, y_ = 0, 0
    ra, dec = Util.map_coord2pix(x_, y_, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0, Mpix2coord)
    assert ra == -.5
    assert dec == -.5
    x__, y__ = Util.map_coord2pix(ra, dec, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0,
    assert x__ == x_
    assert y__ == y_
コード例 #7
def test_map_coord2pix():
    ra = 0
    dec = 0
    x_0 = 1
    y_0 = -1
    M = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    x, y = util.map_coord2pix(ra, dec, x_0, y_0, M)
    assert x == 1
    assert y == -1

    ra = [0, 1, 2]
    dec = [0, 2, 1]
    x, y = util.map_coord2pix(ra, dec, x_0, y_0, M)
    assert x[0] == 1
    assert y[0] == -1
    assert x[1] == 2

    M = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
    x, y = util.map_coord2pix(ra, dec, x_0, y_0, M)
    assert x[1] == 3
    assert y[1] == 0
コード例 #8
 def __init__(self, transform_pix2angle, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0):
     initialize the coordinate-to-pixel transform and their inverse
     :param transform_pix2angle: 2x2 matrix, mapping of pixel to coordinate
     :param ra_at_xy_0: ra coordinate at pixel (0,0)
     :param dec_at_xy_0: dec coordinate at pixel (0,0)
     self._Mpix2a = transform_pix2angle
     self._Ma2pix = linalg.inv(self._Mpix2a)
     self._ra_at_xy_0 = ra_at_xy_0
     self._dec_at_xy_0 = dec_at_xy_0
     self._x_at_radec_0, self._y_at_radec_0 = util.map_coord2pix(-self._ra_at_xy_0, -self._dec_at_xy_0, 0, 0, self._Ma2pix)
コード例 #9
 def shift_coordinate_grid(self, x_shift, y_shift, pixel_unit=False):
     shifts the coordinate system
     :param x_shif: shift in x (or RA)
     :param y_shift: shift in y (or DEC)
     :param pixel_unit: bool, if True, units of pixels in input, otherwise RA/DEC
     :return: updated data class with change in coordinate system
     if pixel_unit is True:
         ra_shift, dec_shift = self.map_pix2coord(x_shift, y_shift)
         ra_shift, dec_shift = x_shift, y_shift
     self._ra_at_xy_0 += ra_shift
     self._dec_at_xy_0 += dec_shift
     self._x_at_radec_0, self._y_at_radec_0 = util.map_coord2pix(
         -self._ra_at_xy_0, -self._dec_at_xy_0, 0, 0, self._Ma2pix)
コード例 #10
def rebin_coord_transform(factor, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mpix2coord, Mcoord2pix):
    adopt coordinate system and transformation between angular and pixel coordinates of a re-binned image
    :param bin_size:
    :param ra_0:
    :param dec_0:
    :param x_0:
    :param y_0:
    :param Matrix:
    :param Matrix_inv:
    factor = int(factor)
    Mcoord2pix_resized = Mcoord2pix / factor
    Mpix2coord_resized = Mpix2coord * factor
    x_at_radec_0_resized = (x_at_radec_0 + 0.5) / factor - 0.5
    y_at_radec_0_resized = (y_at_radec_0 + 0.5) / factor - 0.5
    ra_at_xy_0_resized, dec_at_xy_0_resized = util.map_coord2pix(-x_at_radec_0_resized, -y_at_radec_0_resized, 0, 0, Mpix2coord_resized)
    return ra_at_xy_0_resized, dec_at_xy_0_resized, x_at_radec_0_resized, y_at_radec_0_resized, Mpix2coord_resized, Mcoord2pix_resized