コード例 #1
 def startsHelper(self, s, i, kind, tags, tag=None):
     return True if s[i:] starts an markdown section.
     Sets sigStart, sigEnd, sigId and codeEnd ivars.
     trace = False and not g.unitTesting
     level, name, i = self.startsSection(s, i)
     if level == 0:
         if trace:
             i2, j2 = g.getLine(s, i-1)
             g.trace('==== False:', s[i2:j2].rstrip())
         return False
     self.lastSectionLevel = self.sectionLevel
     self.sectionLevel = level
     self.sigStart = g.find_line_start(s, i-1)
     self.sigEnd = i
     self.sigId = name
     if trace:
         i2, j2 = g.getLine(s, i-1)
         g.trace('====  True:', s[i2:j2].rstrip())
     i += 1
     while i < len(s):
         progress = i
         i2, j2 = g.getLine(s, i)
         level, name, j = self.startsSection(s, i2)
         if trace: g.trace('---- body:', level, name, s[i2:j2].rstrip())
         if level > 0:
             i = j
         assert i > progress
     self.codeEnd = i
     if trace: g.trace('found %s...\n%s' % (
         self.sigId, s[self.sigStart: self.codeEnd]))
     return True
コード例 #2
ファイル: markdown.py プロジェクト: chiamingyen/kmol2016
 def startsSection (self,s,i):
     Scan one or two lines looking for the start of a section.
     Sections are an underlined name or a line starting with '#'s.
     Return (level,name,i):
         level: 0 for plain lines, n > 0 for section lines.
         name: the section name or None.
         i: the new i.
     i2,j2 = g.getLine(s,i)
     line = s[i2:j2]
     if line.startswith('#'):
         # Found a section line.
         level = 0
         while level < len(line) and line[level] == '#':
             level += 1
         name = line[level:].rstrip() # Retain leading ws.
         kind = '#'
         # Look ahead if the next line is an underline.
         i2,j2 = g.getLine(s,j2)
         line2 = s[i2:j2]
         level = self.isUnderline(line2)
         name = line.rstrip() if level > 0 else None
         kind = {0: '#', 1: '=', 2: '-'}.get(level)
     # Update the kind dict.
     if name:
         d = self.underlineDict
         d [name] = kind
     return level,name,j2
コード例 #3
 def startsSection(self, s, i):
     Scan one or two lines looking for the start of a section.
     Sections are an underlined name or a line starting with '#'s.
     Return (level,name,i):
         level: 0 for plain lines, n > 0 for section lines.
         name: the section name or None.
         i: the new i.
     i2, j2 = g.getLine(s, i)
     line = s[i2:j2]
     if line.startswith('#'):
         # Found a section line.
         level = 0
         while level < len(line) and line[level] == '#':
             level += 1
         name = line[level:].rstrip()  # Retain leading ws.
         kind = '#'
         # Look ahead if the next line is an underline.
         i2, j2 = g.getLine(s, j2)
         line2 = s[i2:j2]
         level = self.isUnderline(line2)
         name = line.rstrip() if level > 0 else None
         kind = {0: '#', 1: '=', 2: '-'}.get(level)
     # Update the kind dict.
     if name:
         d = self.underlineDict
         d[name] = kind
     return level, name, j2
コード例 #4
    def startsSection(self, s, i):
        '''Scan a line and possible one or two other lines,
        looking for an underlined or overlined/underlined name.

        Return (kind,name,i):
            kind: in ('under','over','plain')
            name: the name of the underlined or overlined line.
            i: the following character if kind is not 'plain'
            ch: the underlining and possibly overlining character.
        trace = False and not g.unitTesting
        verbose = False
        # Under/overlines can not begin with whitespace.
        i1, j, nows, line = self.getLine(s, i)
        ch, kind = '', 'plain' # defaults.
        if nows and self.isUnderLine(line): # an overline.
            name_i = g.skip_line(s, i1)
            name_i, name_j = g.getLine(s, name_i)
            name = s[name_i: name_j].strip()
            next_i = g.skip_line(s, name_i)
            i, j, nows, line2 = self.getLine(s, next_i)
            n1, n2, n3 = len(line), len(name), len(line2)
            ch1, ch3 = line[0], line2 and line2[0]
            ok = (nows and self.isUnderLine(line2) and
                n1 >= n2 and n2 > 0 and n3 >= n2 and ch1 == ch3)
            if ok:
                i += n3
                ch, kind = ch1, 'over'
                if ch1 not in self.underlines2:
                    if trace: g.trace('*** underlines2', self.underlines2, name)
                if trace and verbose:
                    g.trace('\nline  %s\nname  %s\nline2 %s' % (
                        repr(line), repr(name), repr(line2))) #,'\n',g.callers(4))
            name = line.strip()
            i = g.skip_line(s, i1)
            i, j, nows2, line2 = self.getLine(s, i)
            n1, n2 = len(name), len(line2)
            # look ahead two lines.
            i3, j3 = g.getLine(s, j)
            name2 = s[i3: j3].strip()
            i4, j4, nows4, line4 = self.getLine(s, j3)
            n3, n4 = len(name2), len(line4)
            overline = (
                nows2 and self.isUnderLine(line2) and
                nows4 and self.isUnderLine(line4) and
                n3 > 0 and n2 >= n3 and n4 >= n3)
            ok = (not overline and nows2 and self.isUnderLine(line2) and
                n1 > 0 and n2 >= n1)
            if ok:
                i += n2
                ch, kind = line2[0], 'under'
                if ch not in self.underlines1:
                    if trace: g.trace('*** underlines1', self.underlines1, name)
                if trace and verbose: g.trace('\nname  %s\nline2 %s' % (
                    repr(name), repr(line2)))
        return kind, name, i, ch
コード例 #5
ファイル: leo_rst.py プロジェクト: TheKezzyBoy/leo-editor
    def startsSection(self, s, i):
        '''Scan a line and possible one or two other lines,
        looking for an underlined or overlined/underlined name.

        Return (kind,name,i):
            kind: in ('under','over','plain')
            name: the name of the underlined or overlined line.
            i: the following character if kind is not 'plain'
            ch: the underlining and possibly overlining character.
        trace = False and not g.unitTesting
        verbose = False
        # Under/overlines can not begin with whitespace.
        i1, j, nows, line = self.getLine(s, i)
        ch, kind = '', 'plain' # defaults.
        if nows and self.isUnderLine(line): # an overline.
            name_i = g.skip_line(s, i1)
            name_i, name_j = g.getLine(s, name_i)
            name = s[name_i: name_j].strip()
            next_i = g.skip_line(s, name_i)
            i, j, nows, line2 = self.getLine(s, next_i)
            n1, n2, n3 = len(line), len(name), len(line2)
            ch1, ch3 = line[0], line2 and line2[0]
            ok = (nows and self.isUnderLine(line2) and
                n1 >= n2 and n2 > 0 and n3 >= n2 and ch1 == ch3)
            if ok:
                i += n3
                ch, kind = ch1, 'over'
                if ch1 not in self.underlines2:
                    if trace: g.trace('*** underlines2', self.underlines2, name)
                if trace and verbose:
                    g.trace('\nline  %s\nname  %s\nline2 %s' % (
                        repr(line), repr(name), repr(line2))) #,'\n',g.callers(4))
            name = line.strip()
            i = g.skip_line(s, i1)
            i, j, nows2, line2 = self.getLine(s, i)
            n1, n2 = len(name), len(line2)
            # look ahead two lines.
            i3, j3 = g.getLine(s, j)
            name2 = s[i3: j3].strip()
            i4, j4, nows4, line4 = self.getLine(s, j3)
            n3, n4 = len(name2), len(line4)
            overline = (
                nows2 and self.isUnderLine(line2) and
                nows4 and self.isUnderLine(line4) and
                n3 > 0 and n2 >= n3 and n4 >= n3)
            ok = (not overline and nows2 and self.isUnderLine(line2) and
                n1 > 0 and n2 >= n1)
            if ok:
                i += n2
                ch, kind = line2[0], 'under'
                if ch not in self.underlines1:
                    if trace: g.trace('*** underlines1', self.underlines1, name)
                if trace and verbose: g.trace('\nname  %s\nline2 %s' % (
                    repr(name), repr(line2)))
        return kind, name, i, ch
コード例 #6
ファイル: leo_rst.py プロジェクト: gunnarahlberg/leo-editor
 def startsHelper(self, s, i, kind, tags, tag=None):
     '''return True if s[i:] starts an rST section.
     Sets sigStart, sigEnd, sigId and codeEnd ivars.'''
     trace = False and not g.unitTesting
     verbose = True
     kind, name, next, ch = self.startsSection(s, i)
     if kind == 'plain': return False
     self.underlineCh = ch
     self.lastSectionLevel = self.sectionLevel
     self.sectionLevel = self.computeSectionLevel(ch, kind)
     self.sigStart = g.find_line_start(s, i)
     self.sigEnd = next
     self.sigId = name
     i = next + 1
     if trace: g.trace('sigId', self.sigId, 'next', next)
     while i < len(s):
         progress = i
         i, j = g.getLine(s, i)
         kind, name, next, ch = self.startsSection(s, i)
         if trace and verbose: g.trace(kind, repr(s[i:j]))
         if kind in ('over', 'under'):
             i = j
         assert i > progress
     self.codeEnd = i
     if trace:
         if verbose:
             g.trace('found...\n%s' % s[self.sigStart:self.codeEnd])
             g.trace('level %s %s' % (self.sectionLevel, self.sigId))
     return True
コード例 #7
def unreformat(c, head, oldSel, oldYview, original, result, tail, undoType):
    '''unformat the body and update the selection.'''
    body = c.frame.body
    w = body.wrapper
    # This destroys recoloring.
    junk, ins = body.setSelectionAreas(head, result, tail)
    changed = original != head + result + tail
    if changed:
        body.onBodyChanged(undoType, oldSel=oldSel, oldYview=oldYview)
    # Advance to the next paragraph.
    s = w.getAllText()
    ins += 1 # Move past the selection.
    while ins < len(s):
        i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)
        line = s[i: j]
        if line.isspace():
            ins = j + 1
            ins = i
    # setSelectionAreas has destroyed the coloring.
    w.setSelectionRange(ins, ins, insert=ins)
    # More useful than for reformat-paragraph.
    # Make sure we never scroll horizontally.
コード例 #8
def rp_reformat(c, head, oldSel, oldYview, original, result, tail, undoType):
    '''Reformat the body and update the selection.'''
    body = c.frame.body
    w = body.wrapper
    # This destroys recoloring.
    junk, ins = body.setSelectionAreas(head, result, tail)
    changed = original != head + result + tail
    if changed:
        s = w.getAllText()
        # Fix an annoying glitch when there is no
        # newline following the reformatted paragraph.
        if not tail and ins < len(s): ins += 1
        # 2010/11/16: stay in the paragraph.
        body.onBodyChanged(undoType, oldSel=oldSel, oldYview=oldYview)
        # Advance to the next paragraph.
        s = w.getAllText()
        ins += 1 # Move past the selection.
        while ins < len(s):
            i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)
            line = s[i: j]
            # 2010/11/16: it's annoying, imo, to treat @ lines differently.
            if line.isspace():
                ins = j + 1
                ins = i
        # setSelectionAreas has destroyed the coloring.
    w.setSelectionRange(ins, ins, insert=ins)
    # 2011/10/26: Calling see does more harm than good.
        # w.see(ins)
    # Make sure we never scroll horizontally.
コード例 #9
ファイル: leo_rst.py プロジェクト: TheKezzyBoy/leo-editor
 def startsHelper(self, s, i, kind, tags, tag=None):
     '''return True if s[i:] starts an rST section.
     Sets sigStart, sigEnd, sigId and codeEnd ivars.'''
     trace = False and not g.unitTesting
     verbose = True
     kind, name, next, ch = self.startsSection(s, i)
     if kind == 'plain': return False
     self.underlineCh = ch
     self.lastSectionLevel = self.sectionLevel
     self.sectionLevel = self.computeSectionLevel(ch, kind)
     self.sigStart = g.find_line_start(s, i)
     self.sigEnd = next
     self.sigId = name
     i = next + 1
     if trace: g.trace('sigId', self.sigId, 'next', next)
     while i < len(s):
         progress = i
         i, j = g.getLine(s, i)
         kind, name, next, ch = self.startsSection(s, i)
         if trace and verbose: g.trace(kind, repr(s[i: j]))
         if kind in ('over', 'under'):
             i = j
         assert i > progress
     self.codeEnd = i
     if trace:
         if verbose:
             g.trace('found...\n%s' % s[self.sigStart: self.codeEnd])
             g.trace('level %s %s' % (self.sectionLevel, self.sigId))
     return True
コード例 #10
def unreformat(c, head, oldSel, oldYview, original, result, tail, undoType):
    '''unformat the body and update the selection.'''
    body = c.frame.body
    w = body.wrapper
    # This destroys recoloring.
    junk, ins = body.setSelectionAreas(head, result, tail)
    changed = original != head + result + tail
    if changed:
        body.onBodyChanged(undoType, oldSel=oldSel, oldYview=oldYview)
    # Advance to the next paragraph.
    s = w.getAllText()
    ins += 1  # Move past the selection.
    while ins < len(s):
        i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)
        line = s[i:j]
        if line.isspace():
            ins = j + 1
            ins = i
    # setSelectionAreas has destroyed the coloring.
    w.setSelectionRange(ins, ins, insert=ins)
    # More useful than for reformat-paragraph.
    # Make sure we never scroll horizontally.
コード例 #11
def rp_reformat(c, head, oldSel, oldYview, original, result, tail, undoType):
    '''Reformat the body and update the selection.'''
    body = c.frame.body
    w = body.wrapper
    # This destroys recoloring.
    junk, ins = body.setSelectionAreas(head, result, tail)
    changed = original != head + result + tail
    if changed:
        s = w.getAllText()
        # Fix an annoying glitch when there is no
        # newline following the reformatted paragraph.
        if not tail and ins < len(s): ins += 1
        # 2010/11/16: stay in the paragraph.
        body.onBodyChanged(undoType, oldSel=oldSel, oldYview=oldYview)
        # Advance to the next paragraph.
        s = w.getAllText()
        ins += 1  # Move past the selection.
        while ins < len(s):
            i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)
            line = s[i:j]
            # 2010/11/16: it's annoying, imo, to treat @ lines differently.
            if line.isspace():
                ins = j + 1
                ins = i
        # setSelectionAreas has destroyed the coloring.
    w.setSelectionRange(ins, ins, insert=ins)
    # 2011/10/26: Calling see does more harm than good.
    # w.see(ins)
    # Make sure we never scroll horizontally.
コード例 #12
def unreformat(c, head, oldSel, oldYview, original, result, tail, undoType):
    """unformat the body and update the selection."""
    p, u, w = c.p, c.undoer, c.frame.body.wrapper
    s = head + result + tail
    ins = max(len(head), len(head) + len(result) - 1)
    bunch = u.beforeChangeBody(p)
    w.setAllText(s)  # Destroys coloring.
    changed = original != s
    if changed:
        p.v.b = w.getAllText()
        u.afterChangeBody(p, undoType, bunch)
    # Advance to the next paragraph.
    ins += 1  # Move past the selection.
    while ins < len(s):
        i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)
        line = s[i:j]
        if line.isspace():
            ins = j + 1
            ins = i
    c.recolor()  # Required.
    w.setSelectionRange(ins, ins, insert=ins)
    # More useful than for reformat-paragraph.
    # Make sure we never scroll horizontally.
コード例 #13
def matchlines(b, miter):

    res = []
    for m in miter:
        st, en = g.getLine(b, m.start())
        li = b[st:en].strip()
        res.append((li, (m.start(), m.end())))
    return res
コード例 #14
ファイル: quicksearch.py プロジェクト: SegundoBob/leo-editor
def matchlines(b, miter):

    res = []
    for m in miter:
        st, en = g.getLine(b, m.start())
        li = b[st:en].strip()
        res.append((li, (m.start(), m.end() )))
    return res
コード例 #15
    def get_current_line(self,w):
        s = w.getAllText()
        ins = w.getInsertPoint()
        i,j = g.getLine(s,ins)
        head, tail = s[i:ins], s[ins:j]

        return head, tail
コード例 #16
ファイル: leo_rst.py プロジェクト: davy39/leo-editor
    def getLine (self,s,i):

        i,j = g.getLine(s,i)
        line = s[i:j]
        nows = i == g.skip_ws(s,i)
        line = line.strip()

        return i,j,nows,line
コード例 #17
    def get_current_line(self, w):

        s = w.getAllText()
        ins = w.getInsertPoint()
        i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)
        head, tail = s[i:ins], s[ins:j]

        return head, tail
コード例 #18
 def startsSection(self, s, i):
     Scan one or two lines looking for the start of a section.
     Sections are an underlined name or a line starting with '#'s.
     Return (level,name,i):
         level: 0 for plain lines, n > 0 for section lines.
         name: the section name or None.
         i: the new i.
     trace = False and not g.unitTesting
     i2, j2 = g.getLine(s, i)
     line = s[i2: j2]
     if trace: g.trace('LINE', repr(line))
     level, name = 0, None
     if line.startswith('#'):
         # Found a section line.
         kind = '#'
         level = 0
         while level < len(line) and line[level] == '#':
             level += 1
         name = line[level:].rstrip() # Retain leading ws.
         if 0:
             # This is almost impossible for perfect import to handle.
             # It's certainly not worth the trouble.
             # If the user want's to get rid of trailing hashes, that's their choice.
             while name and name.endswith('#'):
                 name = name[:-1]
         # Look ahead if the next line is an underline.
         # Bug fix: 2016/04/11: don't set j2 here.
         i3, j3 = g.getLine(s, j2+1)
         line2 = s[i3: j3]
         if trace: g.trace('TEST', repr(line2))
         level2 = self.isUnderline(line2)
         name = line.rstrip() if level2 > 0 else None
         if name:
             kind = {0: '#', 1: '=', 2: '-'}.get(level2)
             level = level2
             j2 = j3
     # Update the kind dict.
     if name:
         d = self.underlineDict
         d[name] = kind
     if trace: g.trace(level, name, line.rstrip())
     return level, name, j2
コード例 #19
ファイル: pascal.py プロジェクト: pmills/leo-editor
    def skipInterface(self, s, i):
        '''Skip from the opening delim to *past* the matching closing delim.

        If no matching is found i is set to len(s)'''
        trace = False
        start = i
        delim2 = 'end.'
        level = 0
        start = i
        startIndent = self.startSigIndent
        if trace: g.trace('***', 'startIndent', startIndent, g.callers())
        while i < len(s):
            progress = i
            if g.is_nl(s, i):
                backslashNewline = i > 0 and g.match(s, i - 1, '\\\n')
                i = g.skip_nl(s, i)
                if not backslashNewline and not g.is_nl(s, i):
                    j, indent = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(
                        s, i, self.tab_width)
                    line = g.get_line(s, j)
                    if trace: g.trace('indent', indent, line)
                    if indent < startIndent and line.strip():
                        # An non-empty underindented line.
                        # Issue an error unless it contains just the closing bracket.
                        if level == 1 and g.match(s, j, delim2):
                            if j not in self.errorLines:  # No error yet given.
            elif s[i] in (
                    ' ',
                i += 1  # speed up the scan.
            elif self.startsComment(s, i):
                i = self.skipComment(s, i)
            elif self.startsString(s, i):
                i = self.skipString(s, i)
            elif g.match(s, i, delim2):
                i += len(delim2)
                if trace: g.trace('returns\n', repr(s[start:i]))
                return i
                i += 1
            assert progress < i
        self.error('no interface')
        if 1:
            g.pr('** no interface **')
            i, j = g.getLine(s, start)
            g.trace(i, s[i:j])
            if trace: g.trace('** no interface')
        return start
コード例 #20
ファイル: pascal.py プロジェクト: hanseychen/leo-editor
    def skipInterface(self, s, i):
        """Skip from the opening delim to *past* the matching closing delim.

        If no matching is found i is set to len(s)"""
        trace = False
        start = i
        delim2 = "end."
        level = 0
        start = i
        startIndent = self.startSigIndent
        if trace:
            g.trace("***", "startIndent", startIndent, g.callers())
        while i < len(s):
            progress = i
            if g.is_nl(s, i):
                backslashNewline = i > 0 and g.match(s, i - 1, "\\\n")
                i = g.skip_nl(s, i)
                if not backslashNewline and not g.is_nl(s, i):
                    j, indent = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(s, i, self.tab_width)
                    line = g.get_line(s, j)
                    if trace:
                        g.trace("indent", indent, line)
                    if indent < startIndent and line.strip():
                        # An non-empty underindented line.
                        # Issue an error unless it contains just the closing bracket.
                        if level == 1 and g.match(s, j, delim2):
                            if j not in self.errorLines:  # No error yet given.
            elif s[i] in (" ", "\t"):
                i += 1  # speed up the scan.
            elif self.startsComment(s, i):
                i = self.skipComment(s, i)
            elif self.startsString(s, i):
                i = self.skipString(s, i)
            elif g.match(s, i, delim2):
                i += len(delim2)
                if trace:
                    g.trace("returns\n", repr(s[start:i]))
                return i
                i += 1
            assert progress < i
        self.error("no interface")
        if 1:
            g.pr("** no interface **")
            i, j = g.getLine(s, start)
            g.trace(i, s[i:j])
            if trace:
                g.trace("** no interface")
        return start
コード例 #21
ファイル: leoVim.py プロジェクト: realitee/leo-editor
 def vim_d2(self):
     vc = self
     if vc.stroke == 'd':
         w = vc.event.w
         s = w.getAllText()
         for z in range(vc.n):
             i = w.getInsertPoint()
             i, j = g.getLine(s, i)
             w.delete(i, j)
         return None
         return vc.begin_motion(vc.vim_d3)
コード例 #22
ファイル: leoVim.py プロジェクト: Armagedoom/leo-editor
 def vim_d2(self):
     vc = self
     if vc.stroke == 'd':
         w = vc.event.w
         s = w.getAllText()
         for z in range(vc.n):
             i = w.getInsertPoint()
             i,j = g.getLine(s,i)
         return None
         return vc.begin_motion(vc.vim_d3)
コード例 #23
    def matchlines(self,b, miter):

        res = []
        for m in miter:
            st, en = g.getLine(b, m.start())
            li = b[st:en]
            ipre = b.rfind("\n", 0, st-2)
            ipost = b.find("\n", en +1 )
            spre = b[ipre +1 : st-1] + "\n"
            spost = b[en : ipost]

            res.append((li, (m.start()-st, m.end()-st ), (spre, spost)))
        return res
コード例 #24
ファイル: markdown.py プロジェクト: gilshwartz/leo-editor
 def startsSection (self,s,i):
     Scan one or two lines looking for the start of a section.
     Sections are an underlined name or a line starting with '#'s.
     Return (level,name,i):
         level: 0 for plain lines, n > 0 for section lines.
         name: the section name or None.
         i: the new i.
     i2,j2 = g.getLine(s,i)
     line = s[i2:j2]
     if line.startswith('#'):
         # Found a section line.
         level = 0
         while level < len(line) and line[level] == '#':
             level += 1
         name = line[level:].strip()
         # Look ahead if the next line is an underline.
         i2,j2 = g.getLine(s,j2)
         line2 = s[i2:j2]
         level = self.isUnderline(line2)
         name = line.strip() if level > 0 else None
     return level,name,j2
コード例 #25
 def killLine(self, event):
     '''Kill the line containing the cursor.'''
     w = self.editWidget(event)
     if not w: return
     s = w.getAllText()
     ins = w.getInsertPoint()
     i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)
     if ins >= len(s) and g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):
         # Kill the trailing newline of the body text.
         i = max(0, len(s) - 1)
         j = len(s)
     elif j > i + 1 and g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):
         # Kill the line, but not the newline.
         j -= 1
         pass # Kill the newline in the present line.
     self.kill(event, i, j, undoType='kill-line')
コード例 #26
 def killLine(self, event):
     '''Kill the line containing the cursor.'''
     w = self.editWidget(event)
     if not w: return
     s = w.getAllText()
     ins = w.getInsertPoint()
     i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)
     if ins >= len(s) and g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):
         # Kill the trailing newline of the body text.
         i = max(0, len(s) - 1)
         j = len(s)
     elif j > i + 1 and g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):
         # Kill the line, but not the newline.
         j -= 1
         pass  # Kill the newline in the present line.
     self.kill(event, i, j, undoType='kill-line')
コード例 #27
 def success(self, lines, n, n2, p):
     '''Place the cursor on line n2 of p.b.'''
     trace = False and not g.unitTesting
     c = self.c
     w = c.frame.body.wrapper
     # Select p and make it visible.
     if c.p.isOutsideAnyAtFileTree():
         p = c.findNodeOutsideAnyAtFileTree(p)
     # Put the cursor on line n2 of the body text.
     s = w.getAllText()
     ins = g.convertRowColToPythonIndex(s, n2 - 1, 0)
     if trace:
         i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)
         g.trace('%2s %2s %15s %s' % (n, n2, p.h, repr(s[i: j])))
コード例 #28
ファイル: gotoCommands.py プロジェクト: node-ex/leo-editor
 def success(self, lines, n, n2, p):
     '''Place the cursor on line n2 of p.b.'''
     trace = False and not g.unitTesting
     c = self.c
     w = c.frame.body.wrapper
     # Select p and make it visible.
     if c.p.isOutsideAnyAtFileTree():
         p = c.findNodeOutsideAnyAtFileTree(p)
     # Put the cursor on line n2 of the body text.
     s = w.getAllText()
     ins = g.convertRowColToPythonIndex(s, n2 - 1, 0)
     if trace:
         i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)
         g.trace('%2s %2s %15s %s' % (n, n2, p.h, repr(s[i: j])))
コード例 #29
 def yankHelper(self, event, pop):
     Helper for yank and yank-pop:
     pop = False: insert the first entry of the kill ring.
     pop = True:  insert the next entry of the kill ring.
     c = self.c
     w = self.editWidget(event)
     if not w:
     current = c.p
     if not current:
     text = w.getAllText()
     i, j = w.getSelectionRange()
     clip_text = self.getClipboard()
     if not g.app.globalKillBuffer and not clip_text:
     undoType = 'yank-pop' if pop else 'yank'
     self.beginCommand(w, undoType=undoType)
         if not pop or self.lastYankP and self.lastYankP != current:
             self.reset = 0
         s = self.kbiterator.__next__()
         if s is None:
             s = clip_text or ''
         if i != j:
         if s != s.lstrip():  # s contains leading whitespace.
             i2, j2 = g.getLine(text, i)
             k = g.skip_ws(text, i2)
             if i2 < i <= k:
                 # Replace the line's leading whitespace by s's leading whitespace.
                 w.delete(i2, k)
                 i = i2
         w.insert(i, s)
         # Fix bug 1099035: Leo yank and kill behaviour not quite the same as emacs.
         # w.setSelectionRange(i,i+len(s),insert=i+len(s))
         w.setInsertPoint(i + len(s))
         self.lastYankP = current.copy()
         self.endCommand(changed=True, setLabel=True)
コード例 #30
 def killToEndOfLine(self, event):
     '''Kill from the cursor to end of the line.'''
     w = self.editWidget(event)
     if not w: return
     s = w.getAllText()
     ins = w.getInsertPoint()
     i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)
     if ins >= len(s) and g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):
         # Kill the trailing newline of the body text.
         i = max(0, len(s) - 1)
         j = len(s)
     elif ins + 1 < j and s[ins:j - 1].strip() and g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):
         # Kill the line, but not the newline.
         i, j = ins, j - 1
     elif g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):
         i = ins  # Kill the newline in the present line.
         i = j
     if i < j:
         self.kill(event, i, j, undoType='kill-line')
コード例 #31
 def killToEndOfLine(self, event):
     '''Kill from the cursor to end of the line.'''
     w = self.editWidget(event)
     if not w: return
     s = w.getAllText()
     ins = w.getInsertPoint()
     i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)
     if ins >= len(s) and g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):
         # Kill the trailing newline of the body text.
         i = max(0, len(s) - 1)
         j = len(s)
     elif ins + 1 < j and s[ins: j - 1].strip() and g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):
         # Kill the line, but not the newline.
         i, j = ins, j - 1
     elif g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):
         i = ins # Kill the newline in the present line.
         i = j
     if i < j:
         self.kill(event, i, j, undoType='kill-line')
コード例 #32
 def yank(self, event, pop=False):
     yank: insert the first entry of the kill ring.
     yank-pop: insert the next entry of the kill ring.
     c = self.c
     w = self.editWidget(event)
     if not w:
     current = c.p
     if not current:
     text = w.getAllText()
     i, j = w.getSelectionRange()
     clip_text = self.getClipboard()
     if not g.app.globalKillBuffer and not clip_text:
     undoType = 'yank-pop' if pop else 'yank'
     self.beginCommand(w, undoType=undoType)
         if not pop or self.lastYankP and self.lastYankP != current:
             self.reset = 0
         s = self.kbiterator.next()
         if s is None: s = clip_text or ''
         if i != j: w.deleteTextSelection()
         if s != s.lstrip(): # s contains leading whitespace.
             i2, j2 = g.getLine(text, i)
             k = g.skip_ws(text, i2)
             if i2 < i <= k:
                 # Replace the line's leading whitespace by s's leading whitespace.
                 w.delete(i2, k)
                 i = i2
         w.insert(i, s)
         # Fix bug 1099035: Leo yank and kill behaviour not quite the same as emacs.
         # w.setSelectionRange(i,i+len(s),insert=i+len(s))
         w.setInsertPoint(i + len(s))
         self.lastYankP = current.copy()
         self.endCommand(changed=True, setLabel=True)
コード例 #33
ファイル: javascript.py プロジェクト: pmills/leo-editor
    def skipBlock(self, s, i, delim1, delim2):
        '''Skip from the opening delim to *past* the matching closing delim.

        If no matching is found i is set to len(s)'''
        # pylint: disable=signature-differs
        trace = False and not g.unitTesting
        # k1, k2 = g.getLine(s,i)
        # g.trace(s[i:])
        i1, level = i, 0
        assert s[i] == delim1, (s[i], delim1, g.callers())
        while i < len(s):
            progress = i
            ch = s[i]
            if g.is_nl(s, i):
                i = g.skip_nl(s, i)
            elif self.startsComment(s, i):
                i = self.skipComment(s, i)
            elif ch in '"\'':
                i = self.skipString(s, i)
            elif ch == '/':
                i = self.skipRegex(s, i)
            elif ch == delim1:
                level += 1
                i += 1
            elif ch == delim2:
                level -= 1
                i += 1
                if level <= 0:
                    # g.trace('returns:\n\n%s\n\n' % s[i1: i])
                    return i
                i += 1
            assert progress < i
        self.error('no block: %s' % i)
        if trace:
            i2, j2 = g.getLine(s, i1)
            g.trace(i, level, s[i2:j2 + 1])
        return i
コード例 #34
ファイル: javascript.py プロジェクト: TheKezzyBoy/leo-editor
    def skipBlock(self, s, i, delim1, delim2):
        '''Skip from the opening delim to *past* the matching closing delim.

        If no matching is found i is set to len(s)'''
        # pylint: disable=signature-differs
        trace = False and not g.unitTesting
        # k1, k2 = g.getLine(s,i)
        # g.trace(s[i:])
        i1, level = i, 0
        assert s[i] == delim1, (s[i], delim1, g.callers())
        while i < len(s):
            progress = i
            ch = s[i]
            if g.is_nl(s, i):
                i = g.skip_nl(s, i)
            elif self.startsComment(s, i):
                i = self.skipComment(s, i)
            elif ch in '"\'':
                i = self.skipString(s, i)
            elif ch == '/':
                i = self.skipRegex(s, i)
            elif ch == delim1:
                level += 1
                i += 1
            elif ch == delim2:
                level -= 1
                i += 1
                if level <= 0:
                    # g.trace('returns:\n\n%s\n\n' % s[i1: i])
                    return i
                i += 1
            assert progress < i
        self.error('no block: %s' % i)
        if trace:
            i2, j2 = g.getLine(s, i1)
            g.trace(i, level, s[i2:j2+1])
        return i
コード例 #35
def rp_reformat(c, head, oldSel, oldYview, original, result, tail, undoType):
    """Reformat the body and update the selection."""
    p, u, w = c.p, c.undoer, c.frame.body.wrapper
    s = head + result + tail
    changed = original != s
    bunch = u.beforeChangeBody(p)
    if changed:
        w.setAllText(s)  # Destroys coloring.
    # #1748: Always advance to the next paragraph.
    i = len(head)
    j = max(i, len(head) + len(result) - 1)
    ins = j + 1
    while ins < len(s):
        i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)
        line = s[i:j]
        # It's annoying, imo, to treat @ lines differently.
        if line.isspace():
            ins = j + 1
            ins = i
    ins = min(ins, len(s))
    w.setSelectionRange(ins, ins, insert=ins)
    # Show more lines, if they exist.
    k = g.see_more_lines(s, ins, 4)
    p.v.insertSpot = ins
    w.see(k)  # New in 6.4. w.see works!
    if not changed:
    # Finish.
    p.v.b = s  # p.b would cause a redraw.
    u.afterChangeBody(p, undoType, bunch)
    w.setXScrollPosition(0)  # Never scroll horizontally.
コード例 #36
ファイル: leo_rst.py プロジェクト: gunnarahlberg/leo-editor
 def getLine(self, s, i):
     i, j = g.getLine(s, i)
     line = s[i:j]
     nows = i == g.skip_ws(s, i)
     line = line.strip()
     return i, j, nows, line