コード例 #1
ファイル: qald.py プロジェクト: alecshaw/icecorpus
 def get_bracket_parser(self):
     phrase = Delayed()
     label = Regexp(r"[^ \t\n\r\(\)]+")
     word = label > Node
     #terminal = Word() | ( Word() & Drop(Space()) & word )
     terminal = label | (label & Drop(Space()) & word)
     with DroppedSpace():
         phrase += Drop('(') & (terminal | label & phrase[1:]
                                | phrase[1:]) & Drop(')') > Node
     return phrase
コード例 #2
    def test_safety(self):
        matcher3 = Delayed()
        matcher4 = Delayed()
        matcher1 = Any()[::'b', ...] & Eos()
        with Separator(Drop(Any('a')[:])):
            matcher2 = Any()[::'b', ...] & Eos()

            # pylint: disable-msg=W0613
            def target(matcher3=matcher3, matcher4=matcher4):
                matcher3 += Any()[::'b', ...] & Eos()
                with Separator(Drop(Any('b')[:])):
                    matcher4 += Any()[::'b', ...] & Eos()

            t = Thread(target=target)
            matcher5 = Any()[::'b', ...] & Eos()
        matcher6 = Any()[::'b', ...] & Eos()
        text = 'cababab'
        assert text == matcher1.parse_string(text)[0], matcher1.parse_string(
        assert 'cbbb' == matcher2.parse_string(text)[0], matcher2.parse_string(
        assert text == matcher3.parse_string(text)[0], matcher3.parse_string(
        assert 'caaa' == matcher4.parse_string(text)[0], matcher4.parse_string(
        assert 'cbbb' == matcher5.parse_string(text)[0], matcher5.parse_string(
        assert text == matcher6.parse_string(text)[0], matcher6.parse_string(
コード例 #3
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: vdt/teapot
class ExtensionParser(object):
    A class that parses extensions.
    class ExtensionCall(Node):
        An extension call.

        _name = None
        _args = None
        _kwargs = None

        def name(self):
            return self._name[0] if self._name else None

        def args(self):
            return tuple(self._args) if self._args else tuple()

        def kwargs(self):
            return dict(self._kwargs) if self._kwargs else {}

    COMMA = Drop(',')
    NONE = Literal('None') >> (lambda x: None)
    BOOL = (Literal('True') | Literal('False')) >> (lambda x: x == 'True')
    IDENTIFIER = Word(Letter() | '_', Letter() | '_' | Digit())
    FLOAT = Real() >> float
    INTEGER = Integer() >> int
    STRING = String() | String("'")

    with Separator(~Regexp(r'\s*')):
        VALUE = Delayed()
        LIST = Drop('[') & VALUE[:, COMMA] & Drop(']') > list
        TUPLE = Drop('(') & VALUE[:, COMMA] & Drop(')') > tuple
        VALUE += LIST | TUPLE | ITEM
        ARGUMENT = VALUE >> '_args'
        KWARGUMENT = (IDENTIFIER & Drop('=') & VALUE > tuple) >> '_kwargs'
        NAME = IDENTIFIER > '_name'
        EXTENSION = ((NAME & Drop('(') & ARGUMENTS & Drop(')'))
                     | NAME) & Eos() > ExtensionCall

    def parser(self):
        return self.EXTENSION.get_parse_string()
コード例 #4
ファイル: rewriters.py プロジェクト: anonymouzz/lyx2ebook
    def test_node(self):
        class Term(Node): pass

        number      = Any('1')                             > 'number'
        term        = number                               > Term
        factor      = term | Drop(Optional(term))
        p = factor.get_parse_string()
        ast = p('1')[0]
        assert type(ast) == Term, type(ast)
        assert ast[0] == '1', ast[0]
        assert str26(ast) == """Term
 `- number '1'""", ast
コード例 #5
ファイル: parse_line.py プロジェクト: iapyeh/objsh
def create_parser(delimiter):
    space = Space()
    comma = Drop(',') | Drop(',') + space

    if delimiter == ',':
        # by comma
        seperator = Separator(~Regexp(r'\s*'))

        delimiter = comma
        assert delimiter == ' ', 'delimiter "%s" not supported' % delimiter
        seperator = DroppedSpace()
        delimiter = space

    none = Literal('None') >> (lambda x: None)
    bool = (Literal('True') | Literal('False')) >> (lambda x: x == 'True')
    ident = Word(Letter() | '_', Letter() | '_' | Digit())
    float_ = Float() >> float
    int_ = Integer() >> int
    str_ = String() | String("'")

    dict_key = str_ | int_ | float_ | Word()
    dict_spaces = ~Whitespace()[:]
    dict_value = dict_key

    item = str_ | int_ | float_ | none | bool | ident | Word()

    with seperator:
        value = Delayed()
        list_ = Drop('[') & value[:, comma] & Drop(']') > list
        tuple_ = Drop('(') & value[:, comma] & Drop(')') > tuple

        dict_el = dict_key & Drop(':') & value > tuple
        dict_ = Drop('{') & dict_el[1:, Drop(',')] & Drop('}') > dict

        value += list_ | tuple_ | dict_ | item | space

        arg = value >> 'arg'
        karg = (ident & Drop('=') & value > tuple) >> 'karg'
        expr = (karg | arg)[:, delimiter] & Drop(Eos()) > Node

    return expr.get_parse()
コード例 #6
    def make_binary_parser():
        Create a parser for binary data.

        # avoid import loops
        from lepl import Word, Letter, Digit, UnsignedInteger, \
            Regexp, DfaRegexp, Drop, Separator, Delayed, Optional, Any, First, \
            args, Trace, TraceVariables
        from lepl.bin.bits import BitString
        from lepl.support.node import Node

        classes = {}

        def named_class(name, *args):
            Given a name and some args, create a sub-class of Binary and 
            create an instance with the given content.
            if name not in classes:
                classes[name] = type(name, (Node, ), {})
            return classes[name](*args)

        with TraceVariables(False):

            mult = lambda l, n: BitString.from_sequence([l] * int(n, 0))

            # an attribute or class name
            name = Word(Letter(), Letter() | Digit() | '_')

            # lengths can be integers (bits) or floats (bytes.bits)
            # but if we have a float, we do not want to parse as an int
            # (or we will get a conversion error due to too small length)
            length = First(
                UnsignedInteger() + '.' + Optional(UnsignedInteger()),

            # a literal decimal
            decimal = UnsignedInteger()

            # a binary number (without pre/postfix)
            binary = Any('01')[1:]

            # an octal number (without pre/postfix)
            octal = Any('01234567')[1:]

            # a hex number (without pre/postfix)
            hex_ = Regexp('[a-fA-F0-9]')[1:]

            # the letters used for binary, octal and hex values
            #(eg the 'x' in 0xffee)
            # pylint: disable-msg=C0103
            b, o, x, d = Any('bB'), Any('oO'), Any('xX'), Any('dD')

            # a decimal with optional pre/postfix
            dec = '0' + d + decimal | decimal + d + '0' | decimal

            # little-endian literals have normal prefix syntax (eg 0xffee)
            little = decimal | '0' + (b + binary | o + octal | x + hex_)

            # big-endian literals have postfix (eg ffeex0)
            big = (binary + b | octal + o | hex_ + x) + '0'

            # optional spaces - will be ignored
            # (use DFA here because it's multi-line, so \n will match ok)
            spaces = Drop(DfaRegexp('[ \t\n\r]*'))

            with Separator(spaces):

                # the grammar is recursive - expressions can contain expressions -
                # so we use a delayed matcher here as a placeholder, so that we can
                # use them before they are defined.
                expr = Delayed()

                # an implicit length value can be big or little-endian
                ivalue = big | little > args(BitString.from_int)

                # a value with a length can also be decimal
                lvalue = (big | little | dec) & Drop('/') & length  \
                                                      > args(BitString.from_int)

                value = lvalue | ivalue

                repeat = value & Drop('*') & little > args(mult)

                # a named value is also a tuple
                named = name & Drop('=') & (expr | value | repeat) > tuple

                # an entry in the expression could be any of these
                entry = named | value | repeat | expr

                # and an expression itself consists of a comma-separated list of
                # one or more entries, surrounded by paremtheses
                entries = Drop('(') & entry[1:, Drop(',')] & Drop(')')

                # the Binary node may be explicit or implicit and takes the list of
                # entries as an argument list
                node = Optional(Drop('Node')) & entries > Node

                # alternatively, we can give a name and create a named sub-class
                other = name & entries > args(named_class)

                # and finally, we "tie the knot" by giving a definition for the
                # delayed matcher we introduced earlier, which is either a binary
                # node or a subclass
                expr += spaces & (node | other) & spaces

        #expr = Trace(expr)
        # this changes order, making 0800x0 parse as binary
        # use sequence to force regexp over multiple lines
        return expr.get_parse_sequence()
コード例 #7
# Assume the caller already that folding when parsing headers.

# NOTE: qdtext also allows non-ascii, which we choose to parse
# as ISO-8859-1; rejecting it entirely would also be permitted.
# Some broken browsers attempt encoding-sniffing, which is broken
# because the spec only allows iso, and because encoding-sniffing
# can mangle valid values.
# Everything else in this grammar (including RFC 5987 ext values)
# is in an ascii-safe encoding.
# Because of this, this is the only character class to use AnyBut,
# and all the others are defined with Any.
qdtext = AnyBut('"' + ctl_chars)

char = Any(''.join(chr(i) for i in xrange(128)))  # ascii range: 0-127

quoted_pair = Drop('\\') + char
quoted_string = Drop('"') & (quoted_pair | qdtext)[:, ...] & Drop('"')

value = token | quoted_string

# Other charsets are forbidden, the spec reserves them
# for future evolutions.
charset = (CaseInsensitiveLiteral('UTF-8')
           | CaseInsensitiveLiteral('ISO-8859-1'))

# XXX See RFC 5646 for the correct definition
language = token

attr_char = Any(attr_chars)
hexdig = Any(hexdigits)
pct_encoded = '%' + hexdig + hexdig
コード例 #8
 def target(matcher3=matcher3, matcher4=matcher4):
     matcher3 += Any()[::'b', ...] & Eos()
     with Separator(Drop(Any('b')[:])):
         matcher4 += Any()[::'b', ...] & Eos()