コード例 #1
class ChallengeBody(ResourceBody):
    """Challenge Resource Body.

    .. todo::
       Confusingly, this has a similar name to `.challenges.Challenge`,
       as well as `.achallenges.AnnotatedChallenge` or
       `.achallenges.Indexed`... Once `messages2` and `network2` is
       integrated with the rest of the client, this class functionality
       will be merged with `.challenges.Challenge`. Meanwhile,
       separation allows the ``master`` to be still interoperable with
       Node.js server (protocol v00). For the time being use names such
       as ``challb`` to distinguish instances of this class from
       ``achall`` or ``ichall``.

    :ivar letsencrypt.acme.messages2.Status status:
    :ivar datetime.datetime validated:


    __slots__ = ('chall', )
    uri = jose.Field('uri')
    status = jose.Field('status', decoder=Status.from_json)
    validated = fields.RFC3339Field('validated', omitempty=True)

    def to_partial_json(self):
        jobj = super(ChallengeBody, self).to_partial_json()
        return jobj

    def fields_from_json(cls, jobj):
        jobj_fields = super(ChallengeBody, cls).fields_from_json(jobj)
        jobj_fields['chall'] = challenges.Challenge.from_json(jobj)
        return jobj_fields
コード例 #2
class ChallengeBody(ResourceBody):
    """Challenge Resource Body.

    .. todo::
       Confusingly, this has a similar name to `.challenges.Challenge`,
       as well as `.achallenges.AnnotatedChallenge`. Please use names
       such as ``challb`` to distinguish instances of this class from

    :ivar letsencrypt.acme.challenges.Challenge: Wrapped challenge.
        Conveniently, all challenge fields are proxied, i.e. you can
        call ``challb.x`` to get ``challb.chall.x`` contents.
    :ivar letsencrypt.acme.messages2.Status status:
    :ivar datetime.datetime validated:

    __slots__ = ('chall',)
    uri = jose.Field('uri')
    status = jose.Field('status', decoder=Status.from_json)
    validated = fields.RFC3339Field('validated', omitempty=True)

    def to_partial_json(self):
        jobj = super(ChallengeBody, self).to_partial_json()
        return jobj

    def fields_from_json(cls, jobj):
        jobj_fields = super(ChallengeBody, cls).fields_from_json(jobj)
        jobj_fields['chall'] = challenges.Challenge.from_json(jobj)
        return jobj_fields

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return getattr(self.chall, name)
コード例 #3
class Authorization(ResourceBody):
    """Authorization Resource Body.

    :ivar letsencrypt.acme.messages2.Identifier identifier:
    :ivar list challenges: `list` of `Challenge`
    :ivar tuple combinations: Challenge combinations (`tuple` of `tuple`
        of `int`, as opposed to `list` of `list` from the spec).
    :ivar letsencrypt.acme.jose.jwk.JWK key: Public key.
    :ivar tuple contact:
    :ivar letsencrypt.acme.messages2.Status status:
    :ivar datetime.datetime expires:


    identifier = jose.Field('identifier', decoder=Identifier.from_json)
    challenges = jose.Field('challenges', omitempty=True)
    combinations = jose.Field('combinations', omitempty=True)

    # TODO: acme-spec #92, #98
    key = Registration._fields['key']
    contact = Registration._fields['contact']

    status = jose.Field('status', omitempty=True, decoder=Status.from_json)
    # TODO: 'expires' is allowed for Authorization Resources in
    # general, but for Key Authorization '[t]he "expires" field MUST
    # be absent'... then acme-spec gives example with 'expires'
    # present... That's confusing!
    expires = fields.RFC3339Field('expires', omitempty=True)

    def challenges(value):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,no-self-argument
        return tuple(ChallengeBody.from_json(chall) for chall in value)

    def resolved_combinations(self):
        """Combinations with challenges instead of indices."""
        return tuple(
            tuple(self.challenges[idx] for idx in combo)
            for combo in self.combinations)