def create_hdf5_container(path_i1, path_o, lf_name):

    px = 48
    py = 48

    nviews = 9

    sx = 16
    sy = 16

    file = h5py.File(path_o + '/' + lf_name + '.hdf5', 'w')

    # read diffuse color
    LF = file_io.read_lightfield(path_i1)
    LF = LF.astype(np.float32)  # / 255.0

    cv_gt =
    lf_tools.save_image(path_o + '/' + lf_name, cv_gt)

    # maybe we need those, probably not.
    param_dict = file_io.read_parameters(path_i1)

    dset_blocks = []
    # block count: write out one individual light field
    cx = np.int32((LF.shape[3] - px) / sx) + 1
    cy = np.int32((LF.shape[2] - py) / sy) + 1

    for i, j in itertools.product(np.arange(0, nviews), np.arange(0, nviews)):
            file.create_dataset('views%d%d' % (i, j), (cy, cx, 3, px, py),
                                chunks=(1, 1, 3, px, py),
                                maxshape=(None, None, 3, px, py)))
    # lists indexed in 2D
    dset_blocks = [
        dset_blocks[x:x + nviews] for x in range(0, len(dset_blocks), nviews)

    sys.stdout.write(lf_name + ': ')

    for bx in np.arange(0, cx):

        for by in np.arange(0, cy):

            x = bx * sx
            y = by * sx

            # extract data
            for i, j in itertools.product(np.arange(0, nviews),
                                          np.arange(0, nviews)):
                dset_blocks[i][j][bx, by, :, :, :] = np.transpose(
                    np.array(LF[i, j, x:x + px, y:y + py, :]),
                    (-1, 0, 1)).reshape(3, px, py)

    sys.stdout.write(' Done.\n')
# loop over all datasets, write out each dataset in patches
# to feed to autoencoder in random order
index = 0
for lf_name in data_folders:

    data_file = os.path.join(data_source, lf_name)

    # input LF
    mat_content = h5py.File(data_file, 'r')
    LF = mat_content['LF'].value
    LF = np.transpose(LF, (4, 3, 2, 1, 0))

    cv_gt =
    lf_tools.save_image(training_data_dir + 'input' + lf_name, cv_gt)

    # write out one individual light field
    # block count
    cx = np.int32((LF.shape[3] - px) / sx) + 1
    cy = np.int32((LF.shape[2] - py) / sy) + 1

    for by in np.arange(0, cy):

        for bx in np.arange(0, cx):

            x = bx * sx
            y = by * sx
コード例 #3
    nan_LF_sh = np.sum(np.isnan(LF_sh) == True)
    nan_LF_specular = np.sum(np.isnan(LF_specular) == True)
    nan_disp = np.sum(np.isnan(disp_gt) == True)

    inf_LF = np.sum(np.isinf(LF) == True)
    inf_LF_albedo = np.sum(np.isinf(LF_albedo) == True)
    inf_LF_sh = np.sum(np.isinf(LF_sh) == True)
    inf_LF_specular = np.sum(np.isinf(LF_specular) == True)
    inf_disp = np.sum(np.isinf(disp_gt) == True)

    naninf_sum = nan_disp + nan_LF + nan_LF_albedo + nan_LF_sh + nan_LF_specular + inf_disp + inf_LF + inf_LF_albedo + inf_LF_sh + inf_LF_specular
    if naninf_sum > 0:
        print('inf_nan' + lf_name)
        lf_name = lf_name + '_inf_nan'

    lf_tools.save_image(data_source + '\\' + 'input_' + lf_name,
    lf_tools.save_image(data_source + '\\' + 'albedo_' + lf_name,
        data_source + '\\' + 'sh_' + lf_name + '_' + np.str(np.amax(LF_sh)),
        data_source + '\\' + 'specular_' + lf_name + '_' +

    # write out one individual light field
    # block count
    cx = np.int32((LF.shape[3] - px) / sx) + 1
    cy = np.int32((LF.shape[2] - py) / sy) + 1

    for by in np.arange(0, cy):