コード例 #1
def test_smaller_root_size():
    """ tests AlphaTree::ProcessAccess with rootSize = 256"""
    # init AlphaTree
    a = AlphaTree(256)

    reuseDist = 0
    memAddr = 0b11111111

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    sol = np.zeros((6, 2), dtype=np.float)

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount[reuseDist], sol)

    memAddr = 0b00000000

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    sol[5, 0] += 1

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount[reuseDist], sol)

    memAddr = 0b11110000

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    # 5 non-reuse, 2-4 reuse, 1 non-reuse
    sol[5, 0] += 1
    sol[1, 0] += 1
    sol[2:5, 1] += 1

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount[reuseDist], sol)
コード例 #2
def test_different_num_bins():
    """ tests an alphaTree with a different number of reuse distance
    # init AlphaTree
    a = AlphaTree(bins=7)

    reuseDist = 0
    memAddr = 0b111111111

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    sol = np.zeros((7, 7, 2), dtype=np.float)

    # count should be all 0's
    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount, sol)

    reuseDist = 20

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    # all reused for rd >= 6
    sol[6, :, 1] += 1

    # count should be all 0's
    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount, sol)

    reuseDist = 4

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    # all reused for rd >= 6
    sol[4, :, 1] += 1

    # count should be all 0's
    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount, sol)
コード例 #3
def test_load_alphas():
    """ tests AlphaTree::LoadAlphas to ensure values are stored correctly"""
    # init AlphaTree
    a = AlphaTree()

    test_alphas = np.zeros((3, 7, 2), dtype=np.float)
    test_alphas[:, :, 1] = np.arange(7) / 7.0
    test_alphas[:, :, 0] = 1 - (np.arange(7) / 7.0)


    assert np.array_equal(test_alphas, a.reuseCount)
コード例 #4
def test_tree_level():
    """ tests AlphaTree::GetTreeLevel function"""
    # init AlphaTree()
    a = AlphaTree()

    block = 512

    # check level is top level
    assert 6 == a.GetTreeLevel(block)

    block = 8

    assert 0 == a.GetTreeLevel(block)

    block = 32

    assert 2 == a.GetTreeLevel(block)
コード例 #5
def test_normalize_reuse_count():
    """ tests AlphaTree.NormalizeReuseCount to verify correct noralization"""
    # init alphaTree
    a = AlphaTree()

    values = np.ones((3, 7, 2), dtype=np.float)

    a.reuseCount = values


    sol = np.zeros((3, 7, 2), dtype=np.float)
    sol[:, :, :] = .5

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount, sol)

    values = np.zeros((3, 7, 2), dtype=np.float)

    a.reuseCount = values


    sol = np.zeros((3, 7, 2), dtype=np.float)
    sol[:, :, 1] = 1.0

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount, sol)
コード例 #6
def test_different_reuse_distances():
    """ tests the calculation of alpha values using different reuse 
    # init default AlphaTree
    a = AlphaTree()

    reuseDist = 0
    memAddr = 0b111111111

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    sol = np.zeros((3, 7, 2), dtype=np.float)

    # count should be all 0's
    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount, sol)

    reuseDist = 1

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    sol[reuseDist, :, 1] += 1

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount, sol)

    reuseDist = 2

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    sol[reuseDist, :, 1] += 1

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount, sol)

    reuseDist = 0
    memAddr = 0b011111111

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    # non-reuse for first node, no previous history for rest
    sol[reuseDist, 6, 0] += 1

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount, sol)
コード例 #7
def test_larger_root_size():
    """ tests AlphaTree::ProcessAccess with rootSize = 1024"""
    # init AlphaTree
    a = AlphaTree(1024)

    reuseDist = 0
    memAddr = 0b1111111111

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    sol = np.zeros((8, 2), dtype=np.float)

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount[reuseDist], sol)

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    # all reused
    sol[:, 1] += 1

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount[reuseDist], sol)

    memAddr = 0b0000000000

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    # one non-reuse at top
    sol[7, 0] += 1

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount[reuseDist], sol)

    memAddr = 0b1111100000

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    # 7 non-reuse, 3-6 reuse, 2 non-reuse, else nothing
    sol[7, 0] += 1
    sol[3:7, 1] += 1
    sol[2, 0] += 1

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount[reuseDist], sol)
コード例 #8
def GenerateApplicationProfile(traceFile,
    """ GenerateApplicationProfile: this function operates as the main routine
        used to create an application profile from an input address & instruction
            - traceFile: string indicating the name of the file that contains the
            trace to be analyzed (plain-text)
            - outputFile: string indicating the desired file name for the
            application profile to be stored in (automatically append ".h5" to
            - reuseBins: number of bins to group reuse distances into. For
            reuseBins = K, the bins each correspond to a single reuse distance
            except for index (K-1), which is for reuse distances >= K-1. Seperate
            alpha values are calculated for each bin. Default value is 3
            - blockSize: desired size of largest cache block to model. Default
            is 512 bytes"""
    # validate inputs
    if reuseBins < 1:
        raise ValueError("(in GenerateApplicationProfile) reuseBins >= 1")

    if blockSize % 2 or blockSize < 8:
        raise ValueError(
            "(in GenerateApplicationProfile) blockSize must be power of 2 >= 8"

    # set regular expression
    regEx = re.compile("(\D),0x([0-9a-f]+)")

    # set mask to pull blockAddress
    blockMask = 2**32 - blockSize

    # markov matrix for cycle activity
    activityMarkov = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.float)
    previousCycle = 0  # indicates previous cycle's activity

    # least-recently used ordered list of all 512-byte blocks accessed
    lruStack = []

    # probabilty mass function of all reuse distances
    reusePMF = [0]

    # maintains ordered vector of application's working set
    workingSet = []
    wsSize = 0

    # list of load (read) proportions for each reuse distance
    loadProp = [0]
    lsMap = {'r': 0, 'w': 1}

    # list of AlphaTree objects to collect alpha values
    alphaForest = []

    with open(traceFile) as file:
        for line in file:

            # process inactive cycle
            if not re.search(regEx, line):
                activityMarkov[previousCycle, 0] += 1
                previousCycle = 0

            # process active cycle
            activityMarkov[previousCycle, 1] += 1
            previousCycle = 1

            # seperate memory access into type and location
            memAddress = int(re.search(regEx, line).group(2), 16)
            accessType = re.search(regEx, line).group(1)

            # get block address memAddress
            memBlock = memAddress & blockMask

            # convert access type to numeric representation
            accessType = lsMap[accessType]

            # look up reuse distance of this access
            reuseDist = 0
            while reuseDist < wsSize:
                if lruStack[reuseDist] == memBlock:
                reuseDist += 1

            if reuseDist == wsSize:  # if address not previously used
                # process reuse distance
                reusePMF[0] += 1

                # update lruStack
                lruStack.insert(0, memBlock)

                # increase size of loadProp to match reusePMF
                if not accessType:  # if load
                    loadProp[0] += 1

                # allocate AlphaTree and process access
                alphaForest.append(AlphaTree(blockSize, reuseBins))
                alphaForest[wsSize - 1].ProcessAccess(memAddress, 0)

                # add block to the working set
                wsSize += 1


            # process reuse distance
            reusePMF[reuseDist + 1] += 1

            # update lruStack
            lruStack.insert(0, memBlock)

            # process accesst type
            if not accessType:  # if load
                loadProp[reuseDist + 1] += 1

            # update appropriate AlphaTree
            blockIndex = workingSet.index(memBlock)
            alphaForest[blockIndex].ProcessAccess(memAddress, reuseDist)

    # normalize load proprotions
    for i in xrange(len(loadProp)):
        if reusePMF[i]:  # if non-zero
            loadProp[i] /= float(reusePMF[i])

    # normalize reuse PMF
    reusePMF /= np.linalg.norm(reusePMF, 1)

    # remove double counted inactive cycles
    activityMarkov[0][0] -= activityMarkov[0][1]

    # normalize activity markov model
    activityMarkov[0][:] /= np.linalg.norm(activityMarkov[0][:], 1)
    activityMarkov[1][:] /= np.linalg.norm(activityMarkov[1][:], 1)

    # matrix to store calculated alpha values
    alphas = np.zeros((wsSize, reuseBins, alphaForest[0].height, 2),

    # normalize and store alpha values
    for i in xrange(wsSize):
        # normalize count to get alpha values

        # store in matrx
        alphas[i] = alphaForest[i].reuseCount
    """ structures stored in the profile:
        - blockSize: input argument value
        - workingSet: ordered list of the working set of the application
        - reusePMF: probability mass function where the i-th index represents 
        the probability of reuse-distance = (i - 1) occuring. Index 0 indicates
        the probability of a not-previously-accessed block being accessed 
        (reuse-distance = Inf). This also represents a compulsory cache miss
        - loadProp: array where the i-th element corresponds to the probability
        of a load (read) from memory occuring for reused-distance = (i-1).
        Again, index 0 corresponds to prob(load) for a not-previously-accessed
        block access. This is used to generate ld/str info for each access
        based on the access' reuse distance
        - activityMarkov: markov model for the probability of an inactive/active
        memory cycle given whether the previous memory cycle was inactive/active.
        0 corresponds to inactive, and 1 corresponds to active. Thus, the value
        of activityMarkov[0][0] is the probability of an inactive cycle occuring
        given the previous cycle was inactive
        - alphas: matrix where the i-th row corresponds the the alpha values
        for the ith block in workingSet. These are used to iteratively project 
        accesses to memory blocks into one half of the memory block based on 
        which half (aka subset) of the block was accessed previously. This 
        helps to model the spatial locality of the memory reference stream"""

    # append 'h5' file extension
    outputFile = outputFile + ".h5"

    # save application profile to file
    outputFile = h5.File(outputFile, 'w')
    outputFile.create_dataset('blockSize', data=blockSize, dtype=np.int)
                              data=np.asarray(workingSet, dtype=np.int))
                              data=np.asarray(reusePMF, dtype=np.float))
                              data=np.asarray(loadProp, dtype=np.float))
    outputFile.create_dataset('activityMarkov', data=activityMarkov)
    outputFile.create_dataset('alphas', data=alphas)
コード例 #9
def test_get_family():
    """ tests node family functions for AlphaTree"""
    # init AlphaTree
    a = AlphaTree()

    # start with root
    nodeID = 0

    # check left child ID
    assert 1 == a.GetChild(nodeID, 0)

    # check right child ID
    assert 2 == a.GetChild(nodeID, 1)

    nodeID = 1

    # check parent is root
    assert 0 == a.GetParent(nodeID)

    # check sibling is 2
    assert 2 == a.GetSibling(nodeID)

    # check left child
    assert 3 == a.GetChild(nodeID, 0)

    # check right child
    assert 4 == a.GetChild(nodeID, 1)

    nodeID = 3

    # check left child
    assert 7 == a.GetChild(nodeID, 0)

    # check right child
    assert 8 == a.GetChild(nodeID, 1)

    # check parent
    assert 1 == a.GetParent(nodeID)

    # check sibling is 4
    assert 4 == a.GetSibling(nodeID)
コード例 #10
def test_process_access():
    """ tests AlphaTree::ProcessAccess function with sequence of memory accesses"""
    # init default AlphaTree
    a = AlphaTree()

    reuseDist = 0
    memAddr = 0b111111111

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    # count should be all 0's
    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount[reuseDist],
                          np.zeros((7, 2), dtype=np.float))

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    sol = np.zeros((7, 2), dtype=np.float)
    sol[:, 1] = 1.0

    # should have every level reused
    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount[reuseDist], sol)

    memAddr = 0b111110000

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    # top 5 reused, then 1 non-reuse & 1 nothing
    sol[2:7, 1] += 1
    sol[1, 0] += 1

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount[reuseDist], sol)

    memAddr = 0b000000000

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    # should change except for first layer non-reuse
    sol[6, 0] += 1

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount[reuseDist], sol)

    memAddr = 0b000000100

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    # 6-1 reuse and 0 non-reuse
    sol[1:7, 1] += 1
    sol[0, 0] += 1

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount[reuseDist], sol)

    memAddr = 0b111000000

    a.ProcessAccess(memAddr, reuseDist)

    # 6th non-reuse, 5-4 reuse, 3rd non-reuse, 2-0 nothing
    sol[6, 0] += 1
    sol[4:6, 1] += 1
    sol[3, 0] += 1

    assert np.array_equal(a.reuseCount[reuseDist], sol)
コード例 #11
def test_generate_access():
    """ test AlphaTree::GenerateAccess to ensure accesses are tracked
        correctly and ouput is generated correctly based on the path
        take when traversing the tree from root to leaf"""
    # init AlphaTree
    a = AlphaTree()

    reuseDist = 0

    # load alpha values
    test_alphas = np.zeros((3, 7, 2), dtype=np.float)
    test_alphas[:, :, 1] = np.arange(7) / 7.0
    test_alphas[:, :, 0] = 1 - (np.arange(7) / 7.0)


    # test first access
    test = a.GenerateAccess(reuseDist)

    # traverse tree to find theoretical output
    node = 0
    block = 512
    results = 0
    while a.GetRightChild(node) < len(a.tree):
        if a.tree[a.GetLeftChild(node)]:
            node = a.GetLeftChild(node)
            node = a.GetRightChild(node)
            results = results | (block >> 1)
        block = block >> 1

    # compare results
    assert test == results

    # test second access
    test = a.GenerateAccess(reuseDist)

    # traverse tree to find theoretical output
    node = 0
    block = 512
    results = 0
    while a.GetRightChild(node) < len(a.tree):
        if a.tree[a.GetLeftChild(node)]:
            node = a.GetLeftChild(node)
            node = a.GetRightChild(node)
            results = results | (block >> 1)
        block = block >> 1

    # compare results
    assert test == results

    # load different distribution
    test_alphas = np.ones((3, 7, 2), dtype=np.float)
    test_alphas /= 2.0


    # test 3rd access
    test = a.GenerateAccess(reuseDist)

    # traverse tree to find theoretical output
    node = 0
    block = 512
    results = 0
    while a.GetRightChild(node) < len(a.tree):
        if a.tree[a.GetLeftChild(node)]:
            node = a.GetLeftChild(node)
            node = a.GetRightChild(node)
            results = results | (block >> 1)
        block = block >> 1

    # compare results
    assert test == results