trackidx_holder = [] showeridx_holder = [] if len(dataset) >= 15000 or len(dataset) == 0: labels = pc.walker(dataset, 6, 20) # Runs clustering and returns labels list else: labels = pc.crawlernn(dataset, 6, 20) # Runs clustering and returns labels list datasetidx_holder = lh.label_to_idxholder( labels, 20 ) # Converts the labels list into a list of indexvalues for datasets [ [ list of index], [list of indexes].. [] ] Ea.Ana_Object_photons(dataset, datasetidx_holder, jcount, mcinfo, mcqdep, filename='photon_ana_obj') print ' AT THE END' ''' ######################## # mc_datalabel info # Call this once and get the mc info for the jsons for later ######################## #mc_dl = mh.mc_Obj_points(mh.mc_neutron_induced_OBJ(f)) ######################## # if the file is bad then continue and fill ######################## if not file_info[0]:
#print 'size of dataset : ' , str(len(dataset)) if len(dataset) == 0: continue ######################## # Build the reco testing here ######################## labels = [] #trackidx_holder = [] #showeridx_holder = [] labels = pc.walker( dataset, nn_dist, mincluster) # Runs clustering and returns labels list datasetidx_holder = lh.label_to_idxholder( labels, mincluster ) # Converts the labels list into a list of indexvalues for datasets [ [ list of index], [list of indexes].. [] ] Ea.Ana_Object_photons( dataset, datasetidx_holder, jcount, mcinfo, mcqdep, filename='{}/photon_ana_obj_nn_{}_mspt_{}'.format( method_name, str(nn_dist), str(mincluster))) print 'AT THE END for nndist={} and mincluster={}'.format( str(nn_dist), str(mincluster))
# STICH : dataset,datasetidx_holder,labels,gap_dist,k_radius,min_pdelta, angle_error,min_clust_length AE = angle_error / 100. d, labels = st.Track_Stitcher_epts(dataset, datasetidx_holder, labels, gap_dist, k_radius, min_pdelta, AE, min_clust_length) #d, labels = st.Track_Stitcher_epts(dataset,datasetidx_holder,labels,100,20,2.0,0.16,10 ) datasetidx_holder = lh.label_to_idxholder( labels, mincluster ) # Converts the labels list into a list of indexvalues for datasets [ [ list of index], [list of indexes].. [] ] Ea.Ana_Object( dataset, datasetidx_holder, jcount, mc_dl, filename= '{}/AnaCosmic_object_gap_{}_krad_{}_ae_{}_pdelta_{}_'. format(method_name, str(gap_dist), str(k_radius), str(angle_error), str(min_pdelta))) #Ea.Ana_Object_photons(dataset, datasetidx_holder, jcount,mcinfo,mcqdep, filename = '{}/photon_ana_obj_nn_{}_mspt_{}'.format(method_name,str(nn_dist),str(mincluster))) if make_jsons: dh.MakeJson_Objects( dataset, datasetidx_holder, labels, jdir, jcount, 'Alg_g{}_kr{}_ae{}_pd{}'.format( str(gap_dist), str(k_radius), str(angle_error), str(min_pdelta)), mc_dl) print 'AT THE END for gap={} and krad={} and ae={} and pdelta={}'.format( str(gap_dist), str(k_radius), str(angle_error),
#if not detector.In_Range_Fid(bloat_dataset[pt], fid_xlo=-10000, fid_xhi=10000, fid_ylo=-10000, fid_yhi=100000, fid_zlo=400, fid_zhi=10000): # This is a bad hack for now #if not detector.In_TPC_Fid(bloat_dataset[pt], fid_xlo=0, fid_xhi=0, fid_ylo=0, fid_yhi=0, fid_zlo=400, fid_zhi=0): out_holder.append(pt) if 1.0 * len(out_holder) / len(cl) > 0.1: continue showeridx_holder_fid_clean.append(cl) #if make_jsons: # dh.MakeJson_Objects(dataset,showeridx_holder_fid_clean,plabels,jdir,jcount,'Final_Showers', mc_dl) #dh.MakeJson_Objects(dataset,showeridx_holder_fid_clean,plabels,jdir,jcount,'Final_Showers', mc_dl) #continue ####################################################################################### ##################################################################### ##################################################################### ########### Make the ana output here ############################ ##################################################################### ##################################################################### Ea.Ana_CosmicPi0_mc_pair_vtx(f, Charge_thresh, dataset, jcount, showeridx_holder_fid_clean, trackidx_holder, mc_dl, filename='June_Cosmic_pair') #Ea.Ana_CosmicPi0_mc_pair_vtx(f,Charge_thresh,bloat_dataset, jcount, showeridx_holder_fid_clean, trackidx_holder,mc_dl, filename='May_Cosmic_pair')
# if the file is bad then continue and fill ######################## if not file_info: continue ######################## # Bring in the MC info ######################## mcinfo = mh.gamma_mc_info(f) mcqdep = mh.gamma_mc_dep(f) print mcinfo print mcqdep Ea.Ana_Object_photon_mergeall(jcount, f, mcinfo, mcqdep, filename='photon_ana_obj_mergeall') print ' AT THE END' ''' ######################## #Bring in Dataset ######################## dataset = dh.ConvertWC_InTPC_thresh('{}'.format(f),Charge_thresh) print 'size of dataset : ' , str(len(dataset)) ######################## # Build the reco testing here