def censys(domain, conf): config = ConfigParser() censys_ip = [] print(que + 'Enumerating historical data from: %s using' % domain) if PYVERSION.startswith('3'): ID = input(tab + info + 'Please enter your censys ID: ') if config.get( 'CENSYS', 'API_ID') == '' else config.get('CENSYS', 'API_ID') SECRET = input(tab + info + 'Now, please enter your censys SECRET: ') if config.get( 'CENSYS', 'SECRET') == '' else config.get( 'CENSYS', 'SECRET') else: ID = raw_input(tab + info + 'Please enter your censys ID: ') if config.get( 'CENSYS', 'API_ID') == '' else config.get( 'CENSYS', 'API_ID') SECRET = raw_input( tab + info + 'Now, please enter your censys SECRET: ') if config.get( 'CENSYS', 'SECRET') == '' else config.get('CENSYS', 'SECRET') if config.get('CENSYS', 'API_ID') == '' or config.get('CENSYS', 'SECRET') == '': question = input( tab + info + 'Do you want to save your credentials? y/n: ' ) if PYVERSION.startswith('3') else raw_input( que + 'Do you want to save your credentials? y/n: ') if question in ["yes", "y", "Y", "ye"]: config.set('CENSYS', 'API_ID', ID) config.set('CENSYS', 'SECRET', SECRET) with open('data/APIs/api.conf', 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) try: ip = ['ip'] c = thirdparty.censys.ipv4.CensysIPv4(api_id=ID, api_secret=SECRET) query = list('{0}'.format((domain)), ip, max_records=10)) ip_data = [query[i]['ip'] for i in range(len(query))] print(tab + info + "Total Associated IPs Found:") if ip_data: ip = [(print(tab * 2 + good + ip), censys_ip.append(ip)) if (ISPCheck(ip) == None) else print(tab * 2 + bad + ip + ISPCheck(ip)) for ip in ip_data] return censys_ip except Exception as e: print(tab * 2 + bad + str(e))
def shodan(domain, conf): config = ConfigParser() res = [] getAPI = config.get('SHODAN', 'API_KEY') print(que + 'Enumerating data from: %s using' % domain) if PYVERSION.startswith('3'): api_key = input( tab + info + 'Please enter your shodan API: ') if getAPI == '' else getAPI else: api_key = raw_input( tab + info + 'Please enter your shodan API: ') if getAPI == '' else getAPI if getAPI == '': question = input( tab + info + 'Do you want to save your credentials? y/n: ' ) if PYVERSION.startswith('3') else raw_input( que + 'Do you want to save your credentials? y/n: ') if question in ["yes", "y", "Y", "ye"]: config.set('SHODAN', 'API_KEY', api_key) with open(conf, 'w+') as configfile: config.write(configfile) configfile.close() try: shodan = Shodan(api_key) counts = shodan.count(query=domain, facets=['ip']) print(tab + info + "Total Associated IPs Found:") ip = [(print(tab * 2 + good + ip['value']), res.append(ip['value'])) if (ISPCheck(ip['value']) == None) else print(tab * 2 + bad + ip['value'] + ISPCheck(ip['value'])) for ip in counts['facets']['ip']] return res except ShodanException.APITimeout as e: print(bad + "API timeout:" + str(e)) except ShodanException.APIError as e: print(tab + bad + "Error with your shodan credentials: %s" % e) ans = input(tab + info + "Do you want to delete your credentials? y/n: " ) if PYVERSION.startswith('3') else raw_input( tab + info + "Do you want to delete your credentials? y/n: ") if ans in ["yes", "y", "Y", "ye"]: config.set('SHODAN', 'API_KEY', '') with open(conf, 'w+') as configfile: config.write(configfile) print(tab + good + "Your credentials have been deleted") print(tab + run + "Please re-run the script again") sys.exit()
def securitytrails(domain, conf): st_ip = [] config = ConfigParser() print(que + 'Enumerating historical data from: %s using' % domain) if PYVERSION.startswith('3'): API_KEY = input(tab + info + 'Please enter your securitytrails API KEY: ') if config.get('SECURITYTRAILS', 'API_KEY') == '' else config.get('SECURITYTRAILS', 'API_KEY') else: API_KEY = raw_input(tab + info + 'Please enter your securitytrails API KEY: ') if config.get('SECURITYTRAILS', 'API_KEY') == '' else config.get('SECURITYTRAILS', 'API_KEY') if config.get('SECURITYTRAILS', 'API_KEY') == '' or config.get('SECURITYTRAILS', 'API_KEY') == '': question = input(tab + info + 'Do you want to save your securitytrails credentials? y/n: ') if PYVERSION.startswith('3') else raw_input(que + 'Do you want to save your securitytrails credentials? y/n: ') if question in ["yes", "y", "Y", "ye"]: config.set('SECURITYTRAILS', 'API_KEY', API_KEY) with open('data/APIs/api.conf', 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) st = SecurityTrails(API_KEY) try: except SecurityTrailsError: print(tab*2 + bad + 'Ping failed. Check your connection or Try later.') sys.exit(1) try: print(tab + info + "Total Historical DNS Found:") history_dns = [record["values"] for record in st.domain_history_dns(domain)["records"] if record["values"]] history_dns = [[(print(tab*2 + good + ip["ip"]), st_ip.append(ip["ip"])) if (ISPCheck(ip["ip"]) == None) else print(tab*2 + bad + ip["ip"] + ISPCheck(ip["ip"])) for ip in ip] for ip in history_dns] except Exception as e: print(tab*2 + bad + str(e)) return st_ip
def nameserver(domain): checking = bruter(domain) good_dns = [] print(que + 'Bruteforcing domain extensions and getting DNS records') for item in checking: try: nameservers = thirdparty.dns.resolver.query(item, 'NS') MX = thirdparty.dns.resolver.query(item, 'MX') for data in nameservers: data = str(data).rstrip('.') for record in MX: record = str(record).split(' ')[1].rstrip('.') DataisCloud = ISPCheck(data) RecordisCloud = ISPCheck(record) if DataisCloud == None: if data not in good_dns: good_dns.append(data) print(tab + good + 'NS Record: ' + str(data) + ' from: ' + item) else: print(tab + bad + 'NS Record: ' + str(data) + ' from: ' + item + DataisCloud) if RecordisCloud == None: if record not in good_dns: good_dns.append(record) print(tab + good + 'MX Record: ' + str(record) + ' from: ' + item) else: print(tab + bad + 'MX Record: ' + str(record) + ' from: ' + item + RecordisCloud) except thirdparty.dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN as e: print(tab + bad + '%s' % e) except thirdparty.dns.resolver.Timeout as e: pass except thirdparty.dns.exception.DNSException as e: pass return good_dns
def main(domain, threads, savefile, ports, silent, verbose, enable_bruteforce, engines): bruteforce_list = set() search_list = set() if is_windows: subdomains_queue = list() else: subdomains_queue = multiprocessing.Manager().list() # Check Bruteforce Status if enable_bruteforce or enable_bruteforce is None: enable_bruteforce = True # Validate domain domain_check = re.compile( "^(http|https)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$") if not domain_check.match(domain): if not silent: print(bad + " Error: Please enter a valid domain" + W) return [] if not domain.startswith('http://') or not domain.startswith('https://'): domain = 'http://' + domain parsed_domain = urlparse.urlparse(domain) if not silent: print(que + "Enumerating subdomains now for %s" % parsed_domain.netloc + W) if verbose and not silent: print( tab + info + "verbosity is enabled, will show the subdomains results in realtime" + W) supported_engines = { 'baidu': BaiduEnum, 'yahoo': YahooEnum, 'google': GoogleEnum, 'bing': BingEnum, 'ask': AskEnum, 'netcraft': NetcraftEnum, 'dnsdumpster': DNSdumpster, 'virustotal': Virustotal, 'threatcrowd': ThreatCrowd, 'ssl': CrtSearch, 'passivedns': PassiveDNS } chosenEnums = [] if engines is None: chosenEnums = [ BaiduEnum, YahooEnum, GoogleEnum, BingEnum, AskEnum, NetcraftEnum, DNSdumpster, Virustotal, ThreatCrowd, CrtSearch, PassiveDNS ] else: engines = engines.split(',') for engine in engines: if engine.lower() in supported_engines: chosenEnums.append(supported_engines[engine.lower()]) # Start the engines enumeration enums = [ enum(domain, [], q=subdomains_queue, silent=silent, verbose=verbose) for enum in chosenEnums ] for enum in enums: enum.start() for enum in enums: enum.join() subdomains = set(subdomains_queue) for subdomain in subdomains: search_list.add(subdomain) if enable_bruteforce: if not silent: print(tab + info + "Starting bruteforce module now using subbrute.." + W) record_type = False path_to_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) subs = os.path.join(path_to_file, 'subbrute', 'names.txt') resolvers = os.path.join(path_to_file, 'subbrute', 'resolvers.txt') process_count = threads output = False json_output = False bruteforce_list = subbrute.print_target(parsed_domain.netloc, record_type, subs, resolvers, process_count, output, json_output, search_list, verbose) subdomains = search_list.union(bruteforce_list) if subdomains: subdomains = sorted(subdomains, key=subdomain_sorting_key) if savefile: write_file(savefile, subdomains) if not silent: print(tab + info + "Total Unique Subdomains Found: %s%s" % (Y, len(subdomains)) + W) if ports: if not silent: print(tab + info + "Start port scan now for the following ports: %s%s" % (Y, ports) + W) ports = ports.split(',') pscan = portscan(subdomains, ports) elif not silent: for subdomain in subdomains: try: isCloud = ISPCheck(subdomain) ipsub = socket.gethostbyname(str(subdomain)) resultPrint = (tab * 2 + good + subdomain + f" ({G + ipsub + W})") if isCloud == None: print(resultPrint) else: print(resultPrint + isCloud) #subdomains.remove(subdomain) except: print(tab * 2 + bad + subdomain + f" ({R}error getting ip{W})") #subdomains.remove(subdomain) print(que + 'Enumerating misconfigured subdomains') subdomains = [ misconfigured for misconfigured in subdomains if ISPCheck(misconfigured) == None ] print(tab + info + 'Total Misconfigured Subdomains Found: %s' % len(subdomains)) if len(subdomains) == 0: print(tab * 2 + bad + 'misconfigured subdomains not found') else: for subdomain in subdomains: print(tab * 2 + good + subdomain) return subdomains
def netcat(domain, host, ignoreRedir, userAgent, randomAgent, header, count): headers = dict(x.replace(' ', '').split(':') for x in header.split(',')) if header != None else {} headers.update({ 'User-agent': random.choice( open("data/txt/random_agents.txt").readlines()).rstrip("\n"), }) if randomAgent == True else '' headers.update({'User-agent': userAgent}) if userAgent != None else '' A = DNSLookup(domain, host) ip = socket.gethostbyname(str(host)) if count == 0 else str(A) if not A: print(que + 'Using DIG to get the real IP') print(' ' + bad + 'IP not found using DNS Lookup') url = 'http://' + domain try: isCloud = ISPCheck(ip) if isCloud != None: print(tab + info + ip + isCloud + '. Closing connection.') else: page = requests.get(url, timeout=config['http_timeout_seconds']) http = 'http://' if 'http://' in page.url else 'https://' hncat = page.url.replace(http, '').split('/')[0] headers.update(host=hncat) home = page.url.replace(http, '').split(hncat)[1] print(que + 'Connecting %s using as Host Header: %s' % (ip, domain)) data = requests.get('http://' + ip + home, headers=headers, timeout=config['http_timeout_seconds'], allow_redirects=False) count = +1 if data.status_code in [301, 302]: print(tab + info + "Connection Rirect to: %s" % data.headers['Location']) question = ignoreRedir if ignoreRedir != True else input( tab + info + 'Do yo want to redirect? y/n: ') if PYVERSION.startswith( '3') else raw_input(tab + info + 'Do yo want to redirect? y/n: ') redir = True if question in [ 'y', 'yes', 'ye' ] else ignoreRedir if ignoreRedir != True else False try: data = requests.get('http://' + ip + home, headers=headers, timeout=config['http_timeout_seconds'], allow_redirects=redir) except: if question in ['y', 'yes', 'ye']: print(tab + bad + 'Error while connecting to: %s' % data.headers['Location']) if data.status_code == 200: count = +1 sim = similarity(data.text, page.text) if sim > config['response_similarity_threshold']: print(tab + good + 'The connect has %d%% similarity to: %s' % (round(100 * sim, 2), url)) print(tab + good + '%s is the real IP' % ip) try: quest(question='\n' + info + 'IP found. Do yo want to stop tests? y/n: ', doY='sys.exit()', doN="pass") except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit() else: print(tab + bad + 'The connect has %d%% similarity to: %s' % (round(100 * sim, 2), url)) print(tab + bad + "%s is not the IP" % ip) else: print(tab + bad + 'Unexpected status code occurred: %s' % data.status_code) except requests.exceptions.SSLError: print(tab + bad + 'Error handshaking with SSL') except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: print(tab + bad + "Connection ReadTimeout to: %s" % ip) except requests.ConnectTimeout: print(tab + bad + "Connection Timeout to: %s" % ip) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print(tab + bad + "Connection Error to: %s" % ip) except requests.exceptions.InvalidHeader as e: print(tab + bad + "Error using header: %s" % str(e)) except Exception as e: print(tab + bad + "An unexpected error occurred: %s" % str(e))
def censys(domain, conf): config = ConfigParser() censys_ip = [] print(que + 'Enumerating historical data from: %s using' % domain) req = requests.get('http://' + domain, allow_redirects=True) soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'html.parser') title = soup.title.string if soup.title else None if PYVERSION.startswith('3'): ID = input(tab + info + 'Please enter your censys ID: ') if config.get( 'CENSYS', 'API_ID') == '' else config.get('CENSYS', 'API_ID') SECRET = input(tab + info + 'Now, please enter your censys SECRET: ') if config.get( 'CENSYS', 'SECRET') == '' else config.get( 'CENSYS', 'SECRET') else: ID = raw_input(tab + info + 'Please enter your censys ID: ') if config.get( 'CENSYS', 'API_ID') == '' else config.get( 'CENSYS', 'API_ID') SECRET = raw_input( tab + info + 'Now, please enter your censys SECRET: ') if config.get( 'CENSYS', 'SECRET') == '' else config.get('CENSYS', 'SECRET') if config.get('CENSYS', 'API_ID') == '' or config.get('CENSYS', 'SECRET') == '': question = input( tab + info + 'Do you want to save your credentials? y/n: ' ) if PYVERSION.startswith('3') else raw_input( que + 'Do you want to save your credentials? y/n: ') if question in ["yes", "y", "Y", "ye"]: config.set('CENSYS', 'API_ID', ID) config.set('CENSYS', 'SECRET', SECRET) with open('data/APIs/api.conf', 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) try: ip = ['ip'] c = CensysHosts(ID, SECRET) certificates = "services.tls.certificates.leaf_data.subject.common_name: *.%s" % domain, sort="RELEVANCE") print(tab + info + "Total IPs found using certificates with common names:") ip = [ (print(tab * 2 + good + ip['ip']), censys_ip.append(ip['ip'])) if (ISPCheck(ip['ip']) == None) else print(tab * 2 + bad + ip['ip'] + ISPCheck(ip['ip'])) for ip in certificates() ] if title != None: titles ="services.http.response.html_title: '%s'" % title, sort="RELEVANCE") print(tab + info + "Total IPs found using HTML title:") title_ip = [ (print(tab * 2 + good + ip['ip']), censys_ip.append(ip['ip'])) if (ISPCheck(ip['ip']) == None) else print(tab * 2 + bad + ip['ip'] + ISPCheck(ip['ip'])) for ip in titles() ] return censys_ip except Exception as e: print(tab * 2 + bad + str(e))